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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73584363 No.73584363 [Reply] [Original]

/vt/, I've been parasocial for Uruka for a long time, since she first entered Phase Connect, and throughout the years, I've been slowly fallen in love with her. It's gotten to the point where I can't imagine falling in love with a real person unless they're Uruka in personality and beauty. And I know that's wrong for me and I want to get better. How do I overcome my parasocialism with Fujikura Uruka and get better? Are there guides, tips, something that will help me?

>> No.73584547
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>> No.73585052

Uruka is one of the good ones tho
Not yab worthy, but also pretty boring

>> No.73585352

Isn't she the tranny?

>> No.73586248

I think you've been mind broken by trannies, anon.

>> No.73586421

but if I give you advice, WILL U listen?

>> No.73586752

Is this the direction you are trying to take?

>> No.73588705

Bio-fem but she likes femboys i.e trannies, she once made her fanbase wear skirts and send her pics

>> No.73588950

honestly pretty based

>> No.73591140

>unless they're Uruka in personality
awkward music dork?
and beauty
4/10 chinese/american girl?

>> No.73591369

I don't mind phase connect but every time I see or hear her voice it makes me unreasonably angry and want to hate rape her or something

>> No.73591394


>> No.73593012

Is this pasta?

>> No.73594913

listen to more violin streams.
She's the only girl in phase I found organically and I absolutely adore her music streams.

>> No.73595108

>troons out of nowhere

>> No.73595234

bro... she is chinese

>> No.73595408

>talks like a dorky guy
>sings like an angel

>> No.73595505
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stupid sexy bear

>> No.73596993
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>Isn't she the tranny?
Still would

>> No.73597120

holy skinny thighs
is she even wearing pants?

>> No.73597334

Every time I see this I wanna feed her a sandwich.

And then my dick

>> No.73597488

trannies aren't femboys anon.

>> No.73598127

>last stream got really defensive when someone in chat claimed she's 90 lbs
I'm worried

>> No.73600491

Don't be, she's your average chinese stickbug woman
Also lactose intolerant, she'll be fine

>> No.73600653

>4/10 chinese/american girl

That's not discouraging me much

>> No.73603242

>lactose intolerant
but I love cheese

>> No.73603354

You deserve a wife like Uruka. Strive high champ.

>> No.73603475

How big are her cock and balls? God the things I'd do with the urashaft.

>> No.73603558

uruka will never live her dream of joining hololive and having us all scream for her violin song at holofes, but she did produce the sexiest accidental vtuber flesh reveal screenshot of all time
well done, bear

>> No.73604784
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NTA but I like Uruka too

>> No.73605859

Learn a moderately niche musical instrument and marry someone who knows an equally niche musical instrument. Then you'll both be happy watching Wes Anderson movies and getting slightly tipsy on a Saturday night.
You can forget to thank me later.

>> No.73607975

>hates hands and feet
>specially her own
I love this dork

>> No.73608516
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30,000 cubs.

>> No.73611295

why does she speak like that?

>> No.73612694

Like what?

>> No.73612826 [DELETED] 

her BF streamed himself going to Offkai a while back so this really isn't the best choice for a chuuba to be parasocial with

>> No.73612885

I was going to call you a fag earlier but went to the gym. Anyway Uruka is gross.

>> No.73612957
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That's Rie.

>> No.73613016

Unironically she doesn't belong in hololive because actual talented people don't get into hololive. Doodles a thing and then makes a weird noise and then goes on a hiatus is more the speed of holoen. Sad but that's the company culture.

>> No.73613225

yeah, with me

>> No.73613819

Because she's legit almost 6 ft tall, if she was 90 lbs she would be dangerously underweight.

>> No.73613949

Anon if you're going to call anyone in Phase a tranny, at least pick the one not known for being a JBW slut.

>> No.73614092

>JBW slut
Jail Bait White slut?

>> No.73614367


>> No.73614823
File: 908 KB, 797x764, ProudDegen[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fp3uyaa.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just Be White, the /r9k/ ricecel/currycel idea that being a white man is all you need to score sex with their women. I said it before but
>be Hime
>worship the ground white cocks walk on
>probably like getting choked and told you're their little chink slut
>mother is in the background of you acting degenerate on-stream multiple times
>supposedly move to HK for no real reason out of nowhere
My rrat is now that Hime was told to go live with relatives in a place with almost no white men so she's no longer able to go on a one-woman crusade to prove that JBW is true and be an embarassment.

>> No.73615420

Hong Kong has a ton of white dudes, brits in particular, what are you talking about?
If there's one place in China a girl could get her fix of white dick it's there

>> No.73615956

She used to live in Australia, it's like going from a lake to a puddle.

>> No.73616146

oh so she's another Bae then?
yeah you're right, Australia is a buffet for those second gen asian girls

>> No.73616273

>supposedly move to HK for no real reason out of nowhere
Hime's mother is Chinese anon and I think she even mentioned going to high school in HK before spending some time in Korea.

>> No.73617070

>supposedly move to HK for no real reason out of nowhere
that's where her family lives catalogfriend
