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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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7353034 No.7353034 [Reply] [Original]

Cancelling streams
Never taking responsibility etc.
now all her fans are mad

>> No.7353109

extremely low quality thread

>> No.7353119

umm please be more respectful to ame she has to make time for the people in her life

>> No.7353205

>kiara gets schizo threads
>mori gets schizo threads
>gura gets schizo threads
>ame gets schizo threads
Is Ina the only one safe from antis? How does she do it?

>> No.7353551

Ina has antis

Cocofags are still seething that Ina never drew Coco. Not after Coco got her casual outfit and not after Coco announced her graduation. Obviously, her "priestess" duties which are what really pay the bills don't allow her to do anything anti China, so it's understandable.

But yeah she has antis

>> No.7353595

ame is a terrible person

>> No.7353918

>me when ame cancels

"cool, I'm an adult so I don't get upset if my baby show isn't on, time to watch TV like a normal human"

>> No.7354059

Take this rrat: Takofags are actually the falseflaggers creating these bait threads just to make Ina look the best in EN.

>> No.7354071

since when Ina has the obligation to draw Coco? if people get offended by this they clearly have some kind of mental illness, like wtf

>> No.7354073

Who do you think are the ones making the schizo threads?

>> No.7354110
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>> No.7354151

>have some kind of mental illness
we ARE talking about Cocofags after all

>> No.7354180

She's literally flawless in any way other than having a resting heartbeat of 100

>> No.7354216

>Cocofags are still seething that Ina never drew Coco
no they aren't
dramafags who don't watch streams are seething

>> No.7356412

Schizo #1 its been a while since I've seen you come out of hlgg!
All me btw

>> No.7359326

Nice 200 lbs oshi you have there

>> No.7359409

who in the world gets mad over a cancelled stream

>> No.7359948

they're practically cultists at this point, anon.

>> No.7359994


>> No.7360176

The zhang insider will get what's coming to her

>> No.7361144

t. kfp

>> No.7364619

Look at how faggots reacted to Aqua not doing a naked dogeza on stream and fellating the Cocock while apologizing and calling herself a Chinese whore. There are some very psychotic people out there.

>> No.7365935
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>>now all her fans are mad
>Look at the picture
>all her fans
>are mad
At least photoshop it or something. Jesus Christ, Ame anti is in decline right now.

>> No.7366040

Fucking joseph kek

>> No.7366808


>> No.7366987

She needs to get dicked down anon, let her have some fun time with her boyfriend and keep jerking off to her lewds.

>> No.7367416

the ideal fan everyone should look up to as an exampleeven though its kinda cringe

>> No.7368886

>since when Ina has the obligation to draw Coco?
When she promised to draw all hololive members in her debut stream, you stupid fuck.
Even if she hadn't, it'd still be pathetic behavior considering she readily draws any hololive members for any possible reason but "conveniently" and "coincidentally" skipped Coco for the biggest hololive happening in history.
No, saying B-BUT SHE HAS NO OBLIGATION does not make her less of a chink-kneeling cunt.

>> No.7369476

I'm a coco fag but I don't see anyone trying to start shit unless it's outside of here

Where do these anti's hang out and or do work?

>> No.7369572
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I don't post about it often because I'm not autistic. People haven't forgotten though.

>> No.7369714

Is that really it?

I admit I was a bit miffed when she posted a tweet that did acknowledge coco but was quite discreet but eh shit happens.

Otherwise I'd be more angry at bakua and oni slut, but as matsuri proven not everyone at hololive has to love each other even if its business first

Besides she's korean, those guys have even worse anti's, any shit starting with her I wouldn't want wars of anti's

>> No.7369766

Didn't her PC literally died? I find it silly if people are really getting upset because she didn't stream due to something out of her control.

>> No.7370104

She's extremely likeable.

>> No.7370149

Half and half. Actual Coco fans don't care if Ina drew her in private or not due to her roommate's professional life, but dramafags here are seething at the top of their lungs to make her the EN version of Aqua.

>> No.7370180

Why don't you ever hold Ame to the standards of a an adult and do her full time job on time? Parasocial cuckdom is a disease anon.

>> No.7370526

responsibility is for losers

>> No.7370537

Because her PC dead you fucking schizo

>> No.7370547

cute, comfy and wholesome does the job.

>> No.7370951

She streams more than everyone else, except Pekora, anon.

>> No.7377356 [DELETED] 

Hjelp oss å hjelpe unge gutter og menn som kjenner seg igjen i det å være incel. Hvis du vil vite mer om prosjektet kan du sende en epost til samtale@reform.no.

Vi i Reform er ute etter å snakke med deg som opplever å være en incel.

Vi jobber nå med et prosjekt hvor vi skal kartlegge situasjonen for norske gutter og menn som er incel, og som sliter med ensomhet og lite intim/ fysisk kontakt med andre.

Dette er et tema som dessverre har fått lite fokus her hjemme i Norge, noe vi mener noen ganger kan føre til at unge, ensomme menn ikke får hjelp. Poenget med prosjektet er å få mer innsikt i hvordan norske incels har det, hva slags støtte man opplever å få på internettfora for ensomme menn, og hva som kan gjøres for å forbedre situasjonen for menn i denne gruppen.

Vi ønsker å intervjue menn mellom 18 og 45 år som kan kjenne seg igjen i denne beskrivelsen.

Intervjuene kan gjøres på telefon, fysisk, på skype/teams/zoom etter eget ønske, og vil vare ca. 1 time.

Alle resultater vil anonymiseres, og det vil ikke være mulig å bli gjenkjent. Deltakelse er konfidensielt.

Hvis du vil vite mer om prosjektet eller melde deg til intervju, kan du sende en epost til samtale@reform.no

>> No.7377814

That's just the TRVE GFE experience.

>> No.7377945

Jag var lite skeptisk till att vaccinera mig. Jag läste många saker online och tittade på timtal med Youtubevideos. Tillslut blev jag ändå övertygad. Fördelarna med 5G verkade för stora för att avstå vaccin. Så jag bokade in min tid och tog första dosen. Redan första dagen så tyckte jag att det kändes som en liten skillnad men detta försvann ganska snabb. Jag tänkte att man kanske inte märker något förens dos 2.

Sen igår så fick jag äntligen min andra dos, men tyvärr så känns allt fortfarande som vanligt.

Gör jag något fel? Det känns som att jag kanske har blivit lurad av staten, att det här med 5G bara var en bluff. Snälla hjälp!

>> No.7378136

To be fair here, she's known her 3090 has been in the shits for MONTHS now. She should've been trying to get a backup this entire time for cases like this and she didn't. Like this is the same person who was too lazy to RMA her first fucked up GPU that she got.

>> No.7378569

Ina lives in Canada so if she tried to overtly show support for Coco then her Big Daddy Xi would've docked her social credit score and cut her off from being able to whale for her beloved chink gachas.

>> No.7378685

This is a boldfaced lie.

>> No.7378714

Wow, I hate Ina now

>> No.7378726

She's too boring for schizos to watch so no one notices if she doesn't stream

>> No.7378837
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>mfw I actually understand most of this

>> No.7383657

Takodachi are like gachi Templar. Calm yet fiercely devoted. Everyone else just gives Ina a pass because she did her drawing and stream reps. Even if she's not especially interesting, nobody actually thinks she didn't earn her place in hololive.

>> No.7383757
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>> No.7384180

By barely existing

>> No.7384604

Just like Fubuki does

>> No.7387376

since she's in hololive and had a bday. everyone knows they're going to get a drawing by Ina on their bday. its expected.

>> No.7387556

right? the way /hlg/ attacks him and tries to doxx him is pathetic. the guy doesnt even do anything, just point out ame's hypocrisy and even does it in a nice way so as to not offend her but for some reason, he deserves getting doxxed for expecting ame to keep up her promises.

>> No.7387591


>> No.7390833

nobody tried to dox him, he came here and made a retard out of himself all on his own.

>> No.7391225

I'm glad Ina didn't disgrace Coco with her disgusting Korean MMO artstyle

>> No.7391658

Didn't her PC give up the ghost literally yesterday? Honestly, with all the Twitter-based rrats I'd expect people to know this. Then again rrats only thrive when context is omitted so...

>> No.7391838

cucks have no right to complain

>> No.7391929
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And that's a problem because ...?

>> No.7394289

You are severely mentally disabled

>> No.7395734

No because he sperged out and people memed him, he even apologized so he was in the wrong.

>> No.7400313
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>cool, I'm an adult so I don't get upset if my baby show isn't on

>> No.7401216

I'll never forgive her for dropping Automata.

>> No.7405242

None cares

>> No.7405327

Ina gets the "betrayed coco for the zhangs" rrat schizo

>> No.7405561

>Cocofags are still seething that Ina never drew Coco
Based as fuck

Fuck those fanservice retards
