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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73500672 No.73500672 [Reply] [Original]

>vtuber inviters her mom/sister on stream
>the mom/sister is infinitely funnier, sexier and cuter than her; and probably just as good at videogames
Why do vtuber corpos only hire the runts, losers, black sheeps and fuck ups?

>> No.73500906

why did you upload a webm of your mom?

>> No.73500967

They are the ones who want to pretend to be anime characters.

>> No.73500975

High quality women do not strive for the attention of thousands or millions of men, they strive for one.

>> No.73501036

Noel if she real

>> No.73501116
File: 3.35 MB, 2024x2783, ぺ、ぺこ~/// GK8uKCwbsAA5bT-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a reason why their sisters or moms are usually married

>> No.73501341
File: 35 KB, 720x471, 1710299066360814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crossposting from /v/
>still kept the word 'inviters' in the OP

>> No.73502211

Only socially retarded autists would actually want to be a vtuber. Usually their family are normalfags, so they'd obviously be funnier and more charismatic.

>> No.73502286

Nerissa is the most comprehensive example of this
It's hilarious

>> No.73503646

Christ you're creepy

>> No.73503690

Seek God and he shall purify your soul, whore.

>> No.73503748

Pretty sure lusting over women is a sin

>> No.73503844


>> No.73503856

Leviticus 20:10 threatened that 'the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife … the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death'
You have a chance to repent your adulterous ways, whore, for God forgives! But should you choose to continue your lecherous ways, you shall find your soul shall not reach Heaven!

>> No.73503894


>> No.73504242

>Why do vtuber corpos only hire the runts, losers, black sheeps and fuck ups?
Those are the people who audition

>> No.73504436

If Aradia was the streamer and Nerissa was the one making occasional appearances, chat would fawn over Nerissa the same way.

>> No.73504542
File: 436 KB, 815x741, 1688601746480653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have over twice the life experience and weren't on the internet 75% of their lives which means they have more fun stories to share, seriously the most interesting streamers out there as a rule do more offline than online

>> No.73504938

Im a man and

Exodus 20:17
You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.
Pretty sure it’s a whole ass commandment

>> No.73505049

Normal members of society do not become VTubers

>> No.73505160

shadowmamas accent is precious

>> No.73505660

>check any 3 view outside Holo
>they are infinitely funnier, sexier and cuter
fixed that for you

>> No.73505725

You know as much as you might insult the vtubers themselves, you're insulting yourself just as much for being here you know? This is a coping mechanism to the max, instead of just chilling and enjoying entertainment. Its like someone going to a convention with bags of merch in both hand and calling everyone else a nerd.

>> No.73506158

Her family is the actual draw of her channel

>> No.73506971

You realize quoting verses only works when they are at least remotely related to the discussion, right?

>> No.73508811

But it is related

>> No.73511757

I pointed out that lusting over someone’s else partner is a sin and was told it’s not then I brought up a verse that explicitly states it is. He brought up adultery when emotional adulterers are also seen as sinners

>> No.73515335


>> No.73519301

you think? from all the moms or sisters I've seen they are only cuter or more based than the vtubers but the only that has been better at everything even entertainment has been Pekomama

>> No.73519317

Post your mom

>> No.73521398

>lusting over women
>lusting over someone’s else partner
nice save

>> No.73521620

so you just kill her partner and problem solved

>> No.73523823


>> No.73524072

so they can turn them into IDOLS!

>> No.73525496

Projection lol

>> No.73525544
File: 593 KB, 506x900, MOCOCO'S PON DE RING MAKER MACHINE.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just wanted to post the funny webm
