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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 129 KB, 720x1054, IMG_20240411_083213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
73428481 No.73428481 [Reply] [Original]

Her debut stream really was a breath of fresh air when compared to the generic slideshow even hololive knows

>> No.73428589

Post the link and i might give you a try

>> No.73428603

Ollie, please don't go getting used by some random piece of shit again. Your performances and stuff are fantastic, just make good content.

>> No.73428625

buy an add
>"but but hololive"
another nijisister

>> No.73428676


>> No.73428738

Ollie will never learn her lesson will she?
At least she isn't shilling flesh streamers that are using her for subs anymore.

>> No.73428798

Fun and creative stream but the voice is just bad. Sorry.

>> No.73428826

Let me guess, they are friends irl?

>> No.73428834
File: 222 KB, 1920x1080, 1705024124024615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SURPRISE! Kayfabe works. How many times do vtubers have to relearn this lesson?

>> No.73428917


>> No.73428945

reminded me of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdYaTa_lOf4

>> No.73428995

Oh? I paid attention because she had the same artist as the dragon sisters but I never actually checked her out.
I'll give her a shot.

>> No.73429047

and you reminded me of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4r91mc8pbo&ab_channel=runforthecube

>> No.73429178

Hey, no need to be aggressive. Bad voice acting can be fixed. Imo, smooth your strain a little bit, stop the vibrato when raising voice and overall just give your voice a bit more characteristic. Your design and streaming style have a lot of characteristic in it, so use your voice to support it.

>> No.73429189

Great,She's going to become a target for homocollabs now. Thanks Ollie

>> No.73429256

To be fair, a lot of streamers drop the debut voice after a month or two.
Dear lord, if you want to rip your ears out, go watch some clips from Selen's debut. Her voice was SO high pitched and screechy it felt like an ice pick to the ear.

>> No.73429419

>Handcamming on debut stream
Inb4 she beats Riifuu's debut to onlyfans speedrun record.

>> No.73429629

Hey brony-kun, did you look at who made the tweet?

>> No.73429852
File: 2.38 MB, 1920x1080, 1706844804398288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nyo so anyway

>> No.73430007

>For literal children
Anon wtf.

>> No.73430060

Ollie is widely considered honorary Niji and disliked by true Holofans

>> No.73430097

A mad scientist chuuba?

>> No.73430109

Source: your ass

>> No.73430150

If Ollie knew what good looked like then she wouldn’t have tanked her own career.

>> No.73430174

You bring up a great point. Novae is actually doing something on-theme and in-character... but what, exactly, do FWMC do?
How are they embodying the character of demon guard dogs? Is saying "bau bau" all it takes?

>> No.73430207

>true Holofans
True Holofans despise every single group that isn't an exclusively japanese speaking one.

>> No.73430231

She literally cried because she wasn’t as well liked as other IDs just few months ago, anon. Dig through the archive

>> No.73430281

>sister being retarded

>> No.73430314

imagine thinking sister ACTUALLY WATCH stream,specially holo stream roru,rumao even

>> No.73430334

Holobros and Nijisisters get flabbergasted by the mere mention of vtubers outside those corpos.

>> No.73430371

>Holobros and Nijisisters get flabbergasted by the mere mention of vtubers outside those corpos.
>bring "even hololive"
lol,lmao even

>> No.73430431


>> No.73430503

>bring "even hololive"

>> No.73430512

What do "true holofans" think of JPs who do English streams?

>> No.73430593

>widely considered honorary Niji and disliked by true Holofans
Have you ever actually spoken to a “true Holofan” not on /vt/, because nobody outside /here/ has any idea what you’re implying by saying shes an honorary Niji.

>> No.73430641

"True hololive fans" on this board is code for "mentally deranged foreigners"

>> No.73430716


>> No.73430896

Those two are frauds they abandoned their guard duty to move to Japan

>> No.73430973

people pretending ollie has any sort of relevance are funny

>> No.73431133
File: 1.12 MB, 792x1224, 1699767339620712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched the V4M debuts and thought they were pretty neat, the only thing they lacked imo is that they felt a bit too disconnected from another.
I'd prefer if they would have a bit more of an overarching group theme like council or holox had. But they were creative and did good on the kayfabe so the debuts were still very good

>> No.73431298

>overarching group theme
fuck this, it leads to that the designs are going to have to fit together which makes it boring as fuck

>> No.73431374

group themes are retarded, models should be tailored to the individuals instead of being molded into a generic homogeneous mass

>> No.73431845
File: 79 KB, 1000x1000, Desty Nova.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh, there's already a 'Dr Nova' in pop culture... and he's mad scientist too...

People googling her will be fucked with wrong results

>> No.73431912

Really cool. Great design, too.
Is v4mirai yabfree?

>> No.73432041

buy an ad you retarded whore
>liked by ollie
thats a huge red flag

>> No.73432078

who said anything about models?

>> No.73432303

Their characters are more about the catchphrases and the dynamic between the two of them and the audience, really.

>> No.73432326
File: 219 KB, 742x364, 1710480755876405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe if you watch streams you could find out.

>> No.73432329

I liked it, but did she actually mention and thank her artist and rigger? I didn't catch it, if she did.

>> No.73432360

Ollie is washed up. Her only real talent is getting used.

>> No.73432366

t. don't even know HoloX

>> No.73432374

Dirty tainted whores, fire them

>> No.73432384

Her mama got thanked when Dr Nova fucking died and the credits rolled same with the rigger

>> No.73432406

i can only speak for myself, but i consider it foolish. What are they actually trying to achieve?
Nips speak english about as well as the chuubas trying to do an EN only stream. So its a humiliation fetish. If its to attract EN fans its even worse. That is just degrading.

>> No.73432442

Better than phase is what i can tell.

>> No.73432456

I'm not sure I'd call that a character

>> No.73432599

Out the blue this comment reminded me of Pippa's debut voice and persona. She'd probably bully herself.

>> No.73432633

Seriously nigga? I was just a handcam and a unity game. I agree the unity game was an original idea but it's not worth a thread just to praise it.

>> No.73432886

I will take thread like this over baits and dramas.

>> No.73432924

It's a very bold move for a debut stream.
I think it paid off. I like her and she has a cute model and personality. I'm willing to follow her for a while to see if I stay.

>> No.73433038

Bait aside, she seems pretty cute, unfortunately V4mirai has kinda flown under my radar. Been enjoying the new Yume+ girls, new VRev gen is good, watching all the other chuubas I was already watching, too much shit going on in the small corpo sphere to really get invested.

>> No.73433083
File: 1.51 MB, 1280x720, V4MiraeBiscottiHorseCute.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got raided into that purple girl in the bikini building gunpla once and I stayed for her dj and templeOS streams. I like them right now.
Shame about the horse girl, though. Dunno anything about her other than this gif is super cute.

>> No.73433201

Is the horse gone gone?

>> No.73433227
File: 95 KB, 736x474, 82c432e5c784f4bfd00a6fb19ae22d24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying there's no overarching group theme between a ghost, a mad scientist, a witch and a nightmare demon
Come on anon

>> No.73433284
File: 81 KB, 311x130, firefox_BC2pZq6iec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea. I asked Mono what happened to her and she just said "She's glue now."
Also what the hell is this ESL on their website when I went to check

>> No.73433348

Yeah they mentioned afterward that their debut streams were intentionally different than the standard likes and dislikes/ heres my model things. They did all that during their debut 2.0s.

>> No.73433372

I think it's a cool twist. I'll give them a shot if they're all weird like that. I'm sick of all the powerpoints. It's effective for a text dump, but it really doesn't give you a feel for what they want to do with their content.

>> No.73433382

I thought it was redditors who hate vtubers and only watch one english speaking hololive girl.

>> No.73433384

She's 100% gone except for this short play thing she did on her other account.

>> No.73433427

oh damn, so gone gone gone.
Well, I hope she's happy with whatever normie shit she's doing now.

>> No.73433426
File: 3.90 MB, 720x776, pippathenandnow[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6t6441.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha XD

>> No.73433455

She is now the glue who holds V4M together.

She graduated.

>> No.73433510

Anon, I had the same reaction you did. Thank you for posting the picture Crazy that they would even need a hint to the theme in the first place

>> No.73433553

>that shade of purple hair
she's like a hentai protagonist version of selen

>> No.73433607

Anon when you find out who her mama is you're gonna freak.

>> No.73433633

anon, check her mama.

>> No.73433676
File: 247 KB, 603x637, firefox_gUu3eM64dX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's the lost third sister.
Soon to be the last survivor.

>> No.73433689

no fuck you and your Gura killer shitter

>> No.73433803


>> No.73433836
File: 700 KB, 1020x477, ApplicationFrameHost_feshBz0xwZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you I want shimaidon.

>> No.73433855

>Also what the hell is this ESL on their website when I went to check
That is a perfectly cromulent sentence.
>no spell check on cromulent
Simpsonsbros... we did it.

>> No.73434006

I mean there's more kamamesi Vtubers out there

>> No.73434020

what? fuck I've been missing out.

>> No.73434333

A breath of fresh air would be no debut artifice, just a 2 minute introduction followed by streaming a damn videogame

>> No.73434564
File: 1.35 MB, 833x3600, peak of moe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How are they embodying the character of demon guard dogs?
That's not their character, that's just the decoration. What they really are doing is being a 2020's EN vtuber adaptation of an early 00's visual novel moe character.

>> No.73435532

And that somehow makes her a "honorary niji" because...?

>> No.73435581

QRD on the other 3 v4 chuubas?

>> No.73435764

and the text dump doesnt _really_ tell you anything about them. forcing the chuuba to do something creative for 30-45 minutes will tell you infinitely more about their personality rather than a dump of what media they consume or what foods they like

>> No.73435895

The ghost on the left likes wrestling, asmr and voice acts for 2 ghosts she can control with her model (this one has a 3dio and did quite high effort ASMR RP that was a bit scuffed but nothing she will not fix with experience) also she is ex tsunderia (company died before she debuted but /tsunx/ counts her as ex tsun)
the blue one is a comfy soft spoken brit that primarily likes to sing but is dipping her toes into asmr (she doesnt have a 3dio yet)
I know nothing about the witch girl except that she has giant tits, has the same mama as moona, is australian and she is a bit of a menhera that is amplified by her being the runt

>> No.73438040

What happened to Ollie that made her depressed in the first place?

>> No.73439679

Ollie might was well not be part of hololive by how much she interacts with outsiders all the time, diminishes the impact of her giving a shoutout to anyone. I still remember that zombie indie she talked about early on, only one example of her shilling being useless considering that one is still a 2view

>> No.73439771

This, she's given love to every 2view under the sun already, she's there for them to have hope "Someone from Hololive followed me!"

>> No.73441809

Why do Hololive fans seem so ungrateful to have Ollie?

>> No.73441969

She's alright, I just wish she had a lazier voice. Something Aubrey Plaza-like.

>> No.73442028

Lmao. I love the old and new Pippa but ngl I miss her old self from time to time. It's like watching your younger sister get corrupted by the internet.

>> No.73442095

>Also what the hell is this ESL on their website when I went to check
I swear all the ESLs on this board are gonna gaslight me into being an ESL EOP.
