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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 561 KB, 903x698, Screenshot 2024-04-09 145547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
73319765 No.73319765 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you love Gura?

>> No.73319967

She doesn’t deserve our love

>> No.73319979

She's cute /thread

>> No.73320070

Go shill your 2view somewhere else

>> No.73320127

i dont

>> No.73320345

I enjoy her streams, but I don't have any strong feelings one way or another about Gura herself.

>> No.73320475


>> No.73320592


>> No.73320654
File: 700 KB, 1200x822, 116847019_p2_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre telling me you wouldnt want to fuck this??

>> No.73320665

It's really easy to keep up with her streaming schedule.

>> No.73320850

idk I'll tell you after I watch that video so I don't have to form my own opinion

>> No.73320884

cute and funny

>> No.73320911

I don't.

>> No.73320969

give me three reasons

>> No.73320984

I only like her because Ame likes her.

>> No.73321040

i'd fuck her, but that has nothing to do with love.

>> No.73321206

Her karaoke is the only karaoke from a vtuber I really like and listen to sometimes.

>> No.73321519

I won't watch your two-view

>> No.73321595

Didn't like her when her fans shilled her on /a/ years ago don't like her now.

>> No.73321673

I'll never forgive elon for banning dudul, who is this dude?
Based and not demisexual pilled.

>> No.73321757

>tied for smallest in Hololive
>beautiful eyes
>nasally and adorable voice, cute way she enunciates words
>her adorable and funny noises, screams, and verbal tics, very cute mannerisms
>she's actually very small and the stories around it are adorable
>funny and witty with perfect comedic timing and delivery, good sense of humor and very good at ad-libbing
>huge knowledge on memes and references, knows when jokes get stale
>amazing pitch control, vibrato, and the timbre of an angel when singing, she has a special way of conveying emotion
>big passion for singing / music and other performing arts
>sassy, bratty, cheeky, can be a massive tease
>very sweet and emotional girl who cries easily and openly shows care towards others except her fans
>can be very girly and giddy which makes her even cuter
>dorky and weird and when she's chatting she actually goes on about fascinating topics
>loving towards her friends in hololive and formerly her fanbase
>the way she used to show genuine appreciation towards her fans and the stuff they do for her (the fan letters, cheering her on, giving her love, etc.)
>the way she gets flustered easily, second guesses what she says and stumbles over her own words
>she's very cute with all her personal and relatable childhood stories (stuff she did with mom, how she sleeps on her belly surrounded by pillows, old computer games she liked as a kid, her interest in bugs, etc.)
>the way she goes on about the mundane things in her life like what she bought at the store or what she had for dinner
>her health problems like her anemia, and her messiness make her even more endearing and give the urge to protect her
>the way she's that she's shy and self conscious / insecure / nervous about various things in her life and about herself (like her screams, stomach noises, snorts, etc.) and the way that she gets embarrassed makes her even more endearing and cute
>the way she used to appreciate her members for supporting her, helping her get over her stage fright, etc.
>her antisocialness, lack of IRL social interactions, and loneliness and the way she appreciates us for giving her someone to chat to and be there for her
>her love of her family and the way she always talks so sweetly about her mother
>the fact that she might be autistic
>has cute and interesting hobbies like cooking, baking, and gardening
>likes video games and she's a pretty good rhythm gamer
>loves cute girls
>she's not self-centered, narcissistic, or egotistic at all, distances herself from social media and is free from drama, she's the polar opposite of an attention whore and likes living quietly / away from the public eye
>she has a fascination with history, nature, and other educational topics, watches videos/documentaries on topics a lot of girls wouldn't find interesting
>very country girl with her farm/home stories and the way that she's handy, crafty, sews, gardens, etc.
>tomboyish with her speaking patterns, interests, love of the old west, gross things she brings up, etc., while also having extremely girly moments
Basically she's literally the perfect girl in my eyes. I don't understand how it's possible to not fall in love with her if you watched her enough in the past. She's top notch in entertainment, cuteness, loveability, talent, etc, and her singing is so angelic that I can't even listen to some performances without crying.
She's also blessed with an avatar that suits her so well, though I'd still watch her even she was a voice only streamer.

>> No.73321907
File: 55 KB, 480x480, FwfZOeYX0AEOUfn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loving towards her friends in hololive and formerly her fanbase

she still loves us

>> No.73322009
File: 199 KB, 1536x2048, 1690570598238303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73322158

just because she doesn't stream for us or talk to us anymore doesn't mean she doesn't love us

>> No.73322207


>> No.73322249
File: 193 KB, 1536x2048, 1690571610279193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73322610

stop doubting our love

>> No.73322665

yeah, not reading all that.
happy for you though
or sorry that happened

>> No.73323088

>just because my wife doesn't come home and never talks to me anymore doesn't mean she doesn't love me.

>> No.73323320

She's just simply the most entertaining vtuber.

>> No.73323380


>> No.73323678

What if Gura actually killed herself and cover is keeping it quiet because they have no idea how to break the news.

>> No.73323787

I never have time to watch streams or clips these days so I'm very grateful to have an oshi that doesn't provide any

>> No.73323889

you are aware she is the most important vtuber in the world and thus seeing gura threads on /vt/ is a normal thing right?

>> No.73324120

The most important VTuber in the world is Kizuna Ai, whose popularity kickstarted the entire industry. Where are the threads about her?

>> No.73324203

she quit vtubing

also gura more subs

>> No.73324394
File: 222 KB, 1080x1333, BrittanyVenti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They hated her for telling the truth

>> No.73324506 [DELETED] 

Ami Yamato started V Tubbing and she's stil doing it

>> No.73324554

>>73323889 #
Ami Yamato started V Tubbing and she's stil doing it
https://youtu.be/z1uFnjuN8OI?si=gwQX4fz7nCOlvmt2 [Open]

>> No.73324603

>10 years ago
lol vtubing as a concept was not even innovative. Gura realized that hence she still stayed faithful to Miku more than anything

>> No.73324628
File: 83 KB, 900x900, gura apustaja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't that invested in chuubas but watching her streams made it click. Also very cute and genuinely funny.

>> No.73324707

You know Kiara is pretty entertaining and also pretty cute. She also still streams so why not watch her?

>> No.73324903
File: 428 KB, 691x691, gura gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, so are dozen other chuubas who stream often but they're not Gura.

>> No.73325085

It should be a bannable offense to make more than 2 gura threads at a time

>> No.73325113


>> No.73325151

this is the only gura thread other than /ggg/

>> No.73325164

her voice doesn't make me feel good like Gura's does

>> No.73325556
File: 470 KB, 1280x720, if you don't love gura[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fo3ptm7.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73325767

I'm not a pedo so no

>> No.73326329
File: 57 KB, 753x695, 1702803813329044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok sure anon

>> No.73326415

But you are gay obviously

>> No.73326476

Because of nostalgia for the good ol days like 2 years ago

>> No.73326703

>she quit vtubing
And Gura didn't?

>> No.73326745

you filth are the reason she wants nothing to do with her fans anymore and I don't really blame her

>> No.73326817

How does telling a woman you find her sexually attractive make her resent you? it doesn't cause its a compliment

>> No.73326993

She's cute, and I like her streams. She hasn't been my number one for a while now, so I don't mind that her streams are months apart. It's about as often as I think about her.

>> No.73327216

hope she reads this bro

>> No.73327272
File: 78 KB, 777x1024, 1510959133346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the other shark won

>> No.73328744
File: 2.04 MB, 2556x1364, Fansa 3D Live[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fcb570m.m4a].png .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nasally and adorable voice, cute way she enunciates words
>her adorable and funny noises, screams, and verbal tics, very cute mannerisms
>she's actually very small and the stories around it are adorable
>funny and witty with perfect comedic timing and delivery, good sense of humor and very good at ad-libbing
>huge knowledge on memes and references, knows when jokes get stale
>amazing pitch control, vibrato, and the timbre of an angel when singing, she has a special way of conveying emotion
>big passion for singing / music and other performing arts
>sassy, bratty, cheeky, can be a massive tease
>very sweet and emotional girl who cries easily and openly shows care towards others
>can be very girly and giddy which makes her even cuter
>dorky and weird and when she's chatting she actually goes on about fascinating topics
>loving towards her fanbase and her friends in hololive
>the way she shows genuine appreciation towards her fans and the stuff they do for her (the fan letters, cheering her on, giving her love, etc.)
>the way she gets flustered easily, second guesses what she says and stumbles over her own words
>she's very cute with all her personal and relatable childhood stories (stuff she did with mom, how she sleeps on her belly surrounded by pillows, old computer games she liked as a kid, her interest in bugs, etc.)
>the way she goes on about the mundane things in her life like what she bought at the store or what she had for dinner
>her health problems like her anemia, and her messiness make her even more endearing and give the urge to protect her
>the way she's that she's shy and self conscious / insecure / nervous about various things in her life and about herself (like her screams, stomach noises, snorts, etc.) and the way that she gets embarrassed makes her even more endearing and cute
>the way she appreciates her members for supporting her, helping her get over her stage fright, etc.
>her antisocialness, lack of IRL social interactions, and loneliness and the way she appreciates us for giving her someone to chat to and be there for her
>her love of her family and the way she always talks so sweetly about her mother
>the fact that she might be autistic
>has cute and interesting hobbies like cooking, baking, and gardening
>likes video games and she's a pretty good rhythm gamer
>loves cute girls
>she's not self-centered, narcissistic, or egotistic at all, distances herself from social media and is free from drama, she's the polar opposite of an attention whore and likes living quietly / away from the public eye
>she has a fascination with history, nature, and other educational topics, watches videos/documentaries on topics a lot of girls wouldn't find interesting
>very country girl with her farm/home stories and the way that she's handy, crafty, sews, gardens, etc.
>tomboyish with her speaking patterns, interests, love of the old west, gross things she brings up, etc., while also having extremely girly moments
>tied for smallest in Hololive with La+
>senpai are struck by her beautiful eyes
Basically she's literally the perfect girl in my eyes. I don't understand how it's possible to not fall in love with her if you watch her enough. She's top notch in entertainment, cuteness, loveability, talent, etc, and her singing is so angelic that I can't even listen to some performances without crying.
She's also blessed with an avatar that suits her so well, though I'd still watch her even she was a voice only streamer.

>> No.73328776
File: 569 KB, 2707x3907, Lucasyecla99-1750139098046574904-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73328824

Cute and funny. Next.

>> No.73331476

>what, are you scared of a little four letter word?
Cope is also four letters

>> No.73331619

>"Why do you love Gura?"
Better question, why do anti's care? It would cost you literally nothing to close the stream, to scroll past the posts in the catalogue, to do anything else with your one life on this Earth.

>> No.73332045

i guarantee you've never interacted with a woman in your life

>> No.73332444

I have no strong feelings about Gura. I think about her about as much as she thinks about her fans.

>> No.73332543

even though I got introduced to the rabbit hole through her

>> No.73332719

Gura is to Hololive as Mickey Mouse is to Disney.

>> No.73332773

she groomed 15 year olds and projecting niggers like her should be lynched to death

>> No.73332814

you know there is a racism rule..

>> No.73333253

If there was such a rule Nijisanji livers would've all been banned a long time ago here for shitting on White people

>> No.73333362

I think she does the best karaokes out of everyone. It's not always perfect. But she's actually damn good at it most of the time. It's always a good day when you can listen to them.

>> No.73333585

Fuck I need to inseminate this girl

>> No.73333729
File: 343 KB, 400x224, 08694478.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73334572


Crunchyroll is ruining Miku's legacy.

>> No.73334765

Kizuna coined the term, not this wannabe who vtuber.
