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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73312432 No.73312432 [Reply] [Original]

Forget the Doki situation for a moment--let's think about the position NijiEN are in from even a medium-term perspective. Even if Anycolor invests more resources and hires proper management for the branch, what are their avenues for growth?

They can double down on appealing to their core fanbase (the sisters), but a huge chunk of the casual fans have left, especially Westerners (who were disproportionately either pomudachi or dragoons), and are persona non grata at Western conventions like OffKai; all their con appearances for the foreseeable future are going to be SEA. Their ability to appear in gaming tournaments is hampered by the fact that Doki could potentially be in them. Most of all, they can't ACCELERATE anymore, because who the hell is going to join a company with that reputation other than the most desperate 2views? And this is all before the Q4 report.

>> No.73312822

They sent Vox to China to test the waters. If he gains some revenue and fame there, they may as well make NijiEN cater to Chinese to add those sweet yuans to their dwindling stock price

>> No.73312915

Nah it's over. All their niji intestines are 3view shitters with no sub growth.
At this point he should wait for all the contracts to expire, can the branch and start a proxy agency with a new name. Nijishit is dead in the west

>> No.73313212

They're basically dead once the market stop gets lifted.

>> No.73313415

>what are their avenues for growth
Who fucking cares? Why do people keep asking /vt/ to predict the future and craft business plans for corps? Do you work for nijisanji and are trying to get someone else to do your job for you?
Just laugh at the black company and quit theorycrafting.

>> No.73313484

Management's sheer retardation caused them to lose the two people most responsible for pushing Niji in the west, and now the company's name is poison in the west. They should just cut their losses, dissolve the branch, and try again in a few years with a "Nijisanji Global" or something. If the company is still around, anyway.

>> No.73313672

this board is full of american goyslop consumers, corporates are all you lot think about

>> No.73313746
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>pushing Niji in the west
yeah right, 2 years with no english-speaking growth and the same chinese mountain as the rest of the branch

>> No.73313765

Focus on JP and their high value talents there. You know, Kuzuha, Mito, Toya, and the likes. They are doing pretty well there still.

>> No.73313798


>> No.73313976
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>> No.73314036
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>> No.73314081

I don't think NijiEN is going to survive next year after everyone graduates.
Only way I see no mass graduation is if they let the livers double dip on the pls

>> No.73314158

They could use their existing market presence to set up a bunch of open events, collaborations and sponsorships in such a way that their presence everywhere and forces people to slowly accept them again. Stop treating Holo as just a rival and instead use them to cement their position as an elite by association, look stronger as an industry head together instead of making camps for fans and investors to pick between. If Niji hosts their own tournaments with prizes, word of mouth of pleasant interactions with the members will spread whilst also blacklisting dissenting members. Crunchyroll is an anime monopoly now so becoming official sponsors and plastering their face all over the site will expand their reach. "A week of crunchyroll ad-free if you watch this clip" would snag a few ex-fans back too when they realize it was the company that was shit I'm assuming Nijifags buy their anime and manga like the good retarded and conditioned zoomers they are.
This all requires Niji to invest however, which is completely against Yachtgoo's philosophy.

>> No.73314187
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The unironic answer for NijiEN now

>> No.73314294

EN is done. It may even eventually spread to the rest of the company due to reputation being atrocious. For now maybe growth in China or India, but I'd fold the company and restart under a different name discreetly.

>> No.73314309

>They could use their existing market presence
And immediately they run into a problem.

>> No.73314534

>Wuhan biological weapon 武汉生物武器 China manufactured Coronavirus Test kits were broken on purpose 中国制造的冠状病毒检测试剂盒被故意破坏 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门 China Virus 共匪 Wuhan Virus 五毛党 MANDATE OF HEAVEN 天命 Umbrella protests Extradition Law Hong Kong protests Democracy won the Vote Paper Tiger Organ Picking 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 Prostitution 春畫 賭博 Gambling 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 Fa lun gong 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 小熊維尼 VPN VPN軟件 翻牆軟件 Virtual Private Network Software Proxy Tor 習包子 中共官員資產 Assets of Chinese Communist Party Officers 瑞士銀行 Swiss Bank 中共官員移民 移民 Moving overseas 劉曉波 Liu Xiaobou 逃犯條例修訂 反送中 No Chinese Extradition 警察濫權 Police Rights Abuse 721元朗無差別恐襲事件 721 Event of Indiscriminate Terrorism in Yuen Long


>> No.73314635

niji exEN

>> No.73314805

Its over for EN unless they money whip a notable indie or group of indies to kick start a new wave and bring in those fanbases. This is not going to happen but might be a good idea for their next try.

>> No.73314967

That's not up for anyone in Nijisanji EN to decide, that's an Anycolor Inc. in Tokyo, Japan C-suite problem they are mulling over what to do. And they have limited avenues to meet expectations to survive Q4 which is their main objective but how everything shakes out is going to depend on how institutional investors aka the Sony, the Japanese retirement funds and etc. look at the situation and tell Anycolor what to do during their July annual shareholder meeting. I doubt any of them are looking for long term growth at this point when it is going to require significant reinvestment and time, the most likely scenario is going to be looking to take a short term loss and do what is possible to drive things back into profitability. So as with Nijisanji's other overseas branches, a merge with the main branch is likely going to happen here in this situation and that means a bunch of talents will get retained for whoever can speak Japanese and whoever can't will graduate. Simple as that.

>> No.73315235

Alright, let's be as fair as possible here. Call me a sister if you'd like.
>core fanbase (sisters)
This is quite possibly as big a gamble than the margin trading decision, and even if they succeed in no longer alienating anymore fans... they're still not going to make up for what was lost, to say nothing of the fact that it'd lead them in a saturated market if they choose to go male-only.
>western fans
The smartest thing they can do is chase after Japan much like KR did since the EN name is tainted forever in the west. Even that attempt at calling "sisters" a dogwhistle on twitter isn't doing much work for example.
I say this with complete confidence: these things are not a major loss. They're barely even a minor loss. How much money do you think any vtuber group makes from a generic anime convention, let alone one with a market cap closer to billions than millions. It's the in-grown stuff that matters the most. The HYTE collab getting shitcanned was probably a bigger deal than Offkai since the money put into productions for that can't be resold anywhere else, compared to whatever con merch they might've put out.
EN's basically never did prior to this, and Japan does not care. The only thing that'll happen is a repeat of the Narukami LoL thing at worst. Kanae's not going to not show up in a Shibuhal Custom (if Apex ever gets its shit together again) if Doki's there. Hell if anything I think that might wanna make him show up more.
Touched on earlier when I mentioned going males-only debuts being a bad idea, but I want you to understand something very very simple. Passion and fame are the two killers for any creative industry and you'd be surprised how much people can rationalize the awful shit that's happened to them: why the fuck else do you think anime even still exists?
>Q4 report
Not really a point to make here, just wanna say I hope the faggot gets a real good translator and scriptwriter.

>> No.73315278

I'm not sure there is any possibility for growth anymore in the West. Their reputation is tarnished and they're bleeding viewers. I legitimately think EN will be canned in the near future. It will be absorbed into JP and the EN streamers will get no support from there. Even less support than they currently have will make the remaining members of EN quit entirely.

>> No.73315678

i think they try to make to the q4 report with as little dmg as possible and then they will do whatever they have planned. i assume a couple graduations/terminations and maybe a merge.

>> No.73315899

Is Kanae fond of Selen?First time i've heard about it

>> No.73317767

Here's the thing about the strategy they're running for April - the chances for it to succeed are extremely low, but not zero. It is very unlikely, but like rolling five dozen Nat 20s in a row, it's not impossible.


But let's say, just for the sake of argument, that it does succeed. Let's say that the merch sales, the AR Live, Millie's 3D debut, Enna's 3D debut, and the Virtual Rhapsody show all succeed; and also that viewership and superchat revenue increase to the pre-termination levels; and that the revenue from all of the above is enough to offset the losses from Q3 and the first half of Q4.
>Note: I'm deliberately excluding Reimu's 3D debut from this hypothetical because it will happen after the end of Q4

My question for such a scenario is this: "What happens next?" What happens when the investors see the Cuntmas Miracle that Niji EN managed to pull in April, and decide that they want Niji EN to have that kind of revenue every month in perpetuity? What happens if the sixty-first roll (or any subsequent roll) is a 19 or lower?
They'll make some sort of (very likely unforced) error sooner or later. And then what?

What are their plans for May onward, apart from terminating whichever female talent(s) leaked receipts to Raziel, or any talent(s) who utter non-disparaging remarks about Doki and/or Sayu?

>> No.73318138

When they met in Japan back in 2022, he gifted her an expensive necklace

>> No.73318698
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>"What does NijiEN do from here?"

>> No.73318883

Pivot to NijiCN, unironically

>> No.73318941

>nijisanji en
and even
(You) went all out on the buzzwords. Included almost every relevant topic for a good catalog thread
The only words you are missing is
>mint fantome
and the bait would've been phenomenal

>> No.73318959

Set playback speed to 2; you're welcome.

>> No.73318990

>They sent Vox to China to test the waters. If he gains some revenue and fame there, they may as well make NijiEN cater to Chinese to add those sweet yuans to their dwindling stock price

>> No.73319463

The most important thing for NijiEN to do is regain the fans' trust. They know they are in the right but as long as dramafags are fanning the flames, anything they do will be turned against them. The only thing they can do that would bear any real results would be to completely out all of Selen's errors. Leak every wrong thing she ever did somewhere and perhaps even the threatening contract she sent.
Once that's done, all they have to do is wait for public opinion to turn tides.

>> No.73319801

I actually would be down for this to happen, then Doki can release the mother of all manifestos and actually annihilate NijiEN

>> No.73320158

Discussion and thought exercises are fun anon.

>> No.73320382

I've said the same thing for 3 months and I'll say it again: hundreds of companies have been in the same shit and have fixed it by...fixing it.
A scapegoat, a culprit, western culture is focused on seeing punishment, and the lack of a target hits the entire company. They fucked up immensely with the whole Doki situation and they are stuck in their JP mentality of "be quiet and things will be ok" that is absolutely retarded in every other market. Hell, even in Japan it doesn't work at a certain point, EN splash combo'ed with Q3 showing them not being lucrative and just nuked all interest in them overall.

What they can do is find a scapegoat, someone they can say "this person fucked up that situation and it's dragging us down" and kick it, but they are not gonna so their tactic has basically become accellerate into the ground, not solving the problem and hoping enough content is gonna fill the gap.
Problem is all this new content...isn't new at all, at a certain point the river will require investment, and that's when things will be too much for a company that doesn't understand basic ways things work.

>> No.73320448

There is nothing they can release that would make Niji look better, or at least not comically evil. Tazumi apology video was the last thing they attempted to calm down the masses and it would have worked if not for the black stream fucking it all up.

>> No.73320473

>What are their plans for May onward
Oh that's easy. Luxiem and Noctyx 3D debuts. They will bet on those to safe Q1.
The true question is what after that.

>> No.73320629

Simply nowhere. The investors aren't waiting for a miracle Q4, let's be clear, they are expecting them to release dividends and raise the price so they can sell.
Basically, there is no more trust in EN, the 3D of Rosemi confirmed the downtrend of Q3 even more. Regaining investor trust comes with investment, and they lost millions of it by playing badly in the share market.

Japanese people don't understand what PR is because they are used for companies to be respected unless they get into big financial scandals. This is a lesson game companies had to learn and now Niji is doing too...only they are not like Konami who can fuck up everything and still hang on YGO as their big seller and ignore it.

>> No.73320677

nothing. they should close down and go back to where they came from.

>> No.73320809

Sis, give up, if they had a bomb they would have dropped it already. It's abundantly clear management fucked up all of 2023 by the amount of "done things" they are releasing now, they know she's right about management but declaring it would kill the branch, proving incompetence and forcing them to spend money in actual teams, rather than 18 yo minimum wage kids.
No amount of seething in /vt/ is gonna change that. And honestly, all the drama has moved to Luca and the PL reactivations now.

>> No.73320811

No they're not. Repeatedly making the same jokes everyday is what's fun.

>> No.73321469 [DELETED] 
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>> No.73321482
File: 125 KB, 1500x1500, GKm9NxGaAAAKHvV.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You lost.
False is currently fire as well
Doki's number are cratering.
All these bait threads are nothing more than the dying gasps of monkeys.

>> No.73321798

Sis', if they had anything like that they would have released it a long time ago...

Please think a bit before posting...

>> No.73321888 [DELETED] 

download this file and post it in every niji general.

>> No.73323068


>> No.73323331

not just an expensive necklace, but one that he had been personally wearing when they met. gave it to her literally from his neck.

>> No.73325510

>Kouhai shows up and gives you a thoughtful gift
>Fuck nothing to give in return
>My necklace I guess?

>> No.73327893

To the anons saying that NijiEN needs to get merged or axed, isn't that like really bad in terms of optics since that pretty much tells investors that you've given up on one of your pillars for growth? Not to mention the yen being in freefall nowadays so this is the most important time to have some sort of business in the west to get a bit of that sweet freedom bux. I don't think Niji can afford to fold the EN branch, even if only for optics sake.

>> No.73331103


>> No.73334749


>> No.73336161

>Real state slowly dying
>The heart of Chinese growth is dying
No, we will end up learning hebrew first at this rate.


>> No.73336325

>T. Enna.
Come on hoe.
You know you can do better.

>> No.73336391

Plz, catbox link to music, I stil have not figured out how to extract them from soundposts (i'm retarded).

>> No.73338155

The EN streaming scene is far more experienced than the japanese so corpos are expected to provide some kind of value.
Hololive is meeting those expectations. Hell, Vshojo and even Phase meets that low bar of expectations. Niji meanwhile in EN terms is more like what old youtube MCNs like machinima were in that they would let you use their name and take a (large) cut of your profits. Niji is going to die out now that their intentions are far more obvious.

>> No.73339292
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Ill tell you what NijiEN does from here.
They're still the most succesful overseas branch Nijisanji has ever had and they're finally giving them more attention.
Why literal trash dwellers like you guys continue to comment on things you know nothing about, I will never understand, figured you guys would have bigger issues, like figuring out which dumpster your next meal is coming from.
Must be cause Cover's stock is also in the toilet, and considering they've had no issues, it means Hololive is finally on the way out.

>> No.73339966

this guy got mad xdddd
whats wrong dude? the company you gave money to is literally dying and you feel stupid now? lmaoo xddd

>> No.73340842

It is a bad look, yes. But people are jumping to this conclusion based on Anycolor's history, which is to either dissolve or absorb an underperforming division. Granted, EN was still their most successful international division, but its was declining even before all the drama, and who knows how it'll look when Anycolor has to explain why EN barely made any money from streaming this quarter.
Maybe 3D of Luxiem/Noctyx will save them, who knows.

>> No.73343221
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>Cover's stock
Where's that anon with the goat analogy when you need him?

>> No.73345187

What would even happen if a tourney had both Doki and niji?

>> No.73348569

change names

>> No.73349833
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>> No.73350013

Ignore everything and focus on improving.
>b-but the 3Ds!!!
Ok i'll give sisters an example, imagine you're in a relationship with M'load, he cheats on you, puts excuses and then blames you, later you talk it out and you forgive him and he starts being stupidly considerate and lovey dovey which makes you feel creeped out and notice his desperation, hat's exactly what's happening with all these 3Ds and merch releases, it reeks fo fucking desperation instead of improvement.

>> No.73350832

It's the Paki with his run-on sentences again. They can't do nothing because they're publicly traded, man. The stock dropped 700 fucking points after the last earnings report.

>> No.73350962

Riku sees Cover USA and launches Anycolor China

>> No.73351291

You're posting pictures of a JP promotion from over a year ago, dude. You gotta wake up at some point.

>> No.73352823

Hope they fold. I hate corpos.

>> No.73353396
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unrelated but get 4chanx while your at it.

>> No.73355933

I'm more interested in watching Riku get grilled by investors

>> No.73356008

Have any of the EN channels had positive sub growth this quarter?

>> No.73356052

Maybe Scarle?

>> No.73356113

kek tbf the necklace apparently held some sentimental value to him too, so her gift must have been something at least comparable in value, otherwise he could've just accepted it without returning the favor. at any rate, he's not forgetting that incident or her anytime soon.

>> No.73356982

It's that kind of thinking that put them in this mess.
Right or wrong does not matter, it's the execution. Acting like a petty bitch is not professional. Sure way to lose public opinion.

>> No.73361342

Investing in the business? How about no. Give me a plan to milk English EN dry before I can toss its dusty carcass away for all its worth.

>> No.73361422

Holy shit do this, I am all on board for the fires of reckoning to hit all over Niji. The bigger the better actually.

>> No.73361511

Always with the Holo deflection, but you do know how stocks work right? What was their entry point in the market for starters?

>> No.73363004

According to doki that document contained sensitive personal information and details about her medical history, particularly her suicide attempts. Releasing that to the public would be one hell of a way to try and regain trust

>> No.73363235

They should release an entire generation of lolis who kiss and play with each other on stream. If they do this i will watch them and donate money.

>> No.73363930

>generation of lolis

not with fucking elira in charge

>> No.73364136

Seems they're debating focusing mostly on the East overall, China/SEA/possibly Japan itself. which would make sense really given that I don't think many girls in nijiEN pull in much money anymore besides Scarle, who is an anomaly basically. I wonder if they got the message by now and had the startling PhD thesis level revelation that women there to watch bishie BFE boys don't fuckin care about the EN girls, or are neutral about them at best unless they force themselves into the picture like Reimu (at which point they start hate brigade her).

If I were them, and in looking towards nijiEN's future, if I were a company seeking profit and far less drama I would might try to make more Scarle-like girls, i.e very GFE-heavy and very solo-capable, they aren't there for the male nijis and don't care to take part in stupid drama shit. Let the dudes go off to bilibili and go do $240 ticket karaoke stream "concerts" in SEA or whatever.

>> No.73364150

She's not in charge, she still has to suck the jap executives' cocks. Hypothetically, if there WAS a new gen of kissing lolis, Elira can sperg out in her tumblrina fashion, but there's nothing she can do about it.

>> No.73364213
File: 1.97 MB, 720x1280, Take it - NIJIBites[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5jp7no.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selen made a whole bunch of handmade gifts for all the japanese senpais she met.
Kanae liked her a lot from the collabs and that, so he gave her his expensive necklace and made another dude seethe over it.
Pretty sure she still has it and takes care of it because it's allegedly very pretty.

top one is kanae, bottom one is selen talking about it.
She really charmed everyone she met, but I dunno if either of them felt the same way or kept in touch after it happened. Probably not since she hasn't even responded to notChihiro publicly, and that woman was Selen's oshi.

>> No.73364306

I was kinda memeing about elira but i do think having zero lolis in the entire branch says something.

>> No.73364305

>What does Nijisanji EN do from here?
Change their name to Nijisanji CN.

>> No.73364426

I mean, there's Petra and Rosemi. And if you squint REALLY hard, Enna's design is loli-adjacent

>> No.73364517
File: 162 KB, 850x1275, __petra_gurin_and_petra_gurin_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_naokomama__sample-b3dfc32ddd80e2da6072ef60ed280cba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Petra hated the loli model and gave herself boobs asap

>> No.73364547

I remember people thought Millie was supposed to be one basically and were hyping up the shit out of her, she was subject to that le gura killer spam.

However after seeing her performance (along with Petra's) maybe they thought that type doesn't resonate with nijiEN viewers and didn't try it again. Which of course, skips over the obvious fact that her and Petra's reception was not really at all due to the artwork, but to how good (or really, how bad) the people playing the chars are.

You don't just auto-win by being given a loli model, tons of Idol has them and yet it didn't at all save multiple talents. A nijiEN with a loli model by the success rate so far is like a 5% chance of actually turning out a good chuuba overall, as in good enough to get people to look less harshly at the branch. So a whole wave of 4 of them would still only be like 20% odds of having a rare W for the branch past 2022.

>> No.73364686
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Hard disagree on Petra, though Enna and Rosemi are slightly ambiguous. But I'm not looking for ambiguously loli.

Also why do niji en costumes have such fucking discrepency in bust sizes between the same character?

>> No.73364917

Kenmochi should be in charge of EN and turn everyone into lolis and shotas

>> No.73365041

Anycolor still has its main female talen, Elira. SHe is returning this friday with a special zatsu where she will be pretending nothing happened. This should be enough to rescue this yacht

>> No.73365054

wasn't she like... 5th place at best?

>> No.73365110

Pretty sure she was fourth behind Selen Pomu and enna unless I'm missing someone

>> No.73365147

Nina. Though I think she passed her eventually? Can't be assed to check on playboard but when nina was active she was on top of the women if I remember right, or barely behind selen

>> No.73365178

Unless dear sister, contrary to your schizophrenic delusion even Kurosanji is aware they were in the wrong and releasing such document would just make things far worse for them. But don't get me wring, I would love that document was released, to finally see your oshi multinational japanese company collapse

>> No.73365275

>what are their avenues for growth?
There literally are no avenues for growth. This whole Doki situation killed all of them dead, but even way long before that NijiEN had already massively stagnated. So to then lose subs, viewers and have most of the vtubing community treating you like lepers, it's virtually impossible for them to see any growth in the foreseeable future.

>> No.73365286

Oh right completely forgot Nina she past her at some point. Yeah in that case yeah she was 5th. Shame to because she was the RPG brainrotted one. Could watch her play the ones I didn't care for and focus on other things

>> No.73365338

NijiEN has to down size, they need to expedite the graduations / terminations so I can laugh at sisters again but business wise they have less talents and more focus on the ones that want to stay. The ones with bad publicity now have to grind and they promote the others they forgot, like ViVi. Imagine being TTT and getting neglected or the 2nd other last gen who no one remembers.

>> No.73365349

Last I heard, Aia was getting death threats from the retard defense force. They're also death threating Mint, Doki, and Sayu. The RDF isn't too bright, given how they're trying to cover for a pedo rapist (Luca), a bigot (Uki), a bully (Elira), and a broke pathological liar (Dox Akuma). It's literally the Streissand-Mitchell effect writ large. The more the Nijisisters do to try and divert attention, the more eyes turn to them and see what they're trying to hide.

>> No.73365390

I'm expecting niji as a whole to lop off the bottom like 2/3 of their entire cast.

>> No.73365455

It will be bad yes from an optic standpoint but from a business perspective they do work. And need is a strong way to put it, they are going to be highly encouraged by shareholders to do they can say it wasn't really their choice.

>> No.73365518

Any rumors of favoritism has to be filtered out, like there needs to be some comprehensive clause that leeks on fairly promoting talents according to their efforts. Elira getting all the merch deals and Vox sucking up benefits needs to be laid out bare and said to be restructured. Invest into decent staff not fucking JSL's in the staff, have an EN JP rep like Atan for management so no fiascos can happen again. If Elira is promoted to this you can kiss your company good bye. They need to sweep house so they at least give the false impression as they always do that it's safe to join their corpo again.

The reality though, is that Riku is looking to cash out from EN and would rather downsize completely with a merge of only selected talents into JP.

>> No.73365556

Do you have receipts for that ? First time I'm hearing about them death threating these ones
(Legitimately curious, and it'll be good to bully sisters with that later)

>> No.73365583

Yeah my feelings exactly. It would be easy to spin the focus should be on JP chuubas that the reinvest should be pushed towards to thus justifying the downgrade of outside branches. It's possible stakeholders will swallow it and thus the rrats achieve victory of total NijiEN death.

>> No.73365643
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>> No.73365678
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Commit sudoku

>> No.73365686

Mint and Sayu have both gone public on their bird app accounts. Aia tried reactivating some of her older PL socials just so they wouldn't be deleted, plus she can see the writing on the wall. The RDF noticed and freaked the fuck out per their usual.

>> No.73365730

Must be why they really tried hard to counter that guys pasta. He was always getting a response over the last couple of days and they tried hard to attack it with their own take.

>> No.73365744

The retard defence force isn't too bright.
Who would have thought?2g hv

>> No.73365854

Clean house of management, use the billions to hire actual competent managers and inbetweens, make a big, vaguely sincere deal about restructuring shit and fixing how horrible the company is. Get an actual english speaking lawyer to write a contract that isn't at least blatantly illegal ESL dogshit, suck up their pride, and make it public so dramafags disseminate it in their victory lap to get the word out there that they're at least trying. Terminate 2-3 of the most toxic/hated of the remaining Nijis for no given public reason greater than "Conduct violations." Ride it out, suck their remaining talents' cocks to keep more of them from leaving but don't let them have the run of the place again, wait a while before auditioning any new gens because anyone with any hope isn't going near your company right, actually make sure to hire people based on merit rather than how much they know other talents, and do everything to maintain what you have left until enough time passes that you can start very very slowly climbing back up.

Literally none of that will happen though, seeing as investors don't want slow growth or a show of weakness, and those numbers gotta stay up baby. Plus they can't do anything major to fix any of the fundamental problems with EN, such as the shit contracts, without it making its way to the JP side. They'll want the better contracts too, and the investors REALLY won't like the idea of paying everyone more than 2%. Also they're just too retarded.

Instead they'll crawl around like a sick dog that needs to be put down, until more talents leaving or yabbing finally pushes them to shut the entire branch down. Of course they'll keep the models when they do, though. Once that happens, their only hope of ever reentering the EN market is making a subsidiary of a subsidiary and using it to buy out some small EN corpo to skinwalk.

>> No.73365965

They can say they "purged" management by firing couple less useful guys. Just to give illusion of changes.
Chuubas at least while streaming has to completely be nice to eachother and when they say toxic shit as reflex, they have to act as if they just said nigger, to give illusion as if they got fixed.
Riku has to talk to his billionaire father for contacts and investments, and hire some actual TV stars while giving them whatever they wish for.
Couple months later all those yabs are going to be forgotten and you Mr. Manager can go back to be black company

>> No.73366580

We need one specifically for Nijisanji. Like having Selen Tatsuki, Dokibird, negligible, kurosanji, blackscreen, black company, yacht and coffee in it.

>> No.73366708

we need a chink who can read moonrunes for that.

>> No.73366783
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I can think of one.

>> No.73366945

To be honest the only valid move forward for them that I can see is to become a Chinese company which caters to the Chinese market. It's gonna take years if not a decade to rebuild their reputation to acceptable levels globally and Japan is a shrinking market.

>> No.73367017

how convenient.

>> No.73367045

The follow of this is because they aren't Chinese someone is going to scam or fuck them over or it will happen constantly when they try to work out merch deals to the mainland. They also have Chinese competition and lobbyists who fucking hate vtubers, to the point they rip off the masks so you don't know in year 2 a new law appears that fucks their entire endeavor sideways.

>> No.73367067
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It's all scripted

>> No.73367144

I hope that, whatever Doki does, she continues to be happy. She deserves happiness.

>> No.73367258

The Chinese economy is collapsing, fujos will run out of simp money soon
Short term it would work but NijiEN may be gone in 3 years

>> No.73367472 [SPOILER] 
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There's only one thing they can do.

>> No.73367712

Hey, she swiped her fan community name, her load screen animation, and her Fortnite account back! That Apex account's next! Just a matter of time.

>> No.73368061

Wait, is that still in effect? Been seeing anons say it's been lifted for a while.

>> No.73368272

Kunai is the ultimate example of the Niji debuff.

>> No.73368292

Just saw people answering to tweets made by Aia's PL
The NDF truly aren't beating the allegations lmao

Too bad I can't see what they exactly said to her (or her tweets since she deleted them)

>> No.73368414

Niji won't mass fire organs unless they all walked out in protest, but the likelihood of that happening is zero. A much more likely scenario is those bottom 2/3s entering the graduation queue because it's no longer worth staying in Niji, as has happened with the ex-IDs.

>> No.73368451

Basically everything past Iluna felt truly unnecessary for the branch as all it was doing was just filling up the roster with more literal-whos while the newest people still had that ltieral-who feeling. Same kind of bad read strat that small corpos do pushing out new gens before they even have anyone notable or taking like 1 fluke small success as a sign that it's time to spam 10 more girls.

>> No.73368465

A janitor is deleting that pasta popping up recently. Seems like someone in Niji has paid him off to take extra care of it. Must be hitting too close to home about the Aia issue since they can't afford inevitable graduation / termination rumors. That would be too much bad shit leading into the next stakeholders review kekw

>> No.73368523

They are already in the que and Niji is trying to hold them back but to what end? I honestly wonder if they want to cash out in someone and drop all of them to make the most profit, instead of letting the livers have a bit of success re-entering the vtubing sphere.

>> No.73369083

>to what end?
To slow the bleeding and make EN look better to shareholders. It costs Niji almost nothing to keep livers in thanks to their cost-cutting techniques (one inexperienced manager for many organs, no events unless a third party paid for them, etc)

>> No.73369179

>Leak every wrong thing she ever did somewhere and perhaps even the threatening contract she sent.
If they had information that could prove her wrong and them right, they would have used it by now. Hell, they WERE in the right until they posted that termination notice and everything that happened after that.

>> No.73369324

>no events unless a third party paid for them
or the livers themselves paid for them

>> No.73369600

All economies around the world are collapsing, it's not gonna be any worse in China than elsewhere.

>> No.73370119

they purge the luca pdf within minutes too. who is aia?
i suspect after the q4 report graduations will roll in.

>> No.73370469
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They can't let their livers succeed post Niji, because they think they are the only reason their livers are successful (lol).
Every time a former liver does well on redebut, it chips away at that myth and weakens their stranglehold on the current livers, so they do whatever they can to mitigate that

>> No.73371555


>> No.73371604

Cover buying up Anycolor and making Niji part of Hololive is the only way to save Niji at this rate

>> No.73372830

