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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 120 KB, 1511x372, holo crybullies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
73296065 No.73296065[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

legit question, what is wrong with y'all?
is this really how you get your enjoyment? just oppressing other people for being a "wrong fan"?
bunch of pshycos, y'all unicorn incels really should be banned from internet
fucking crying bully

>> No.73296098

holochads BROKE you

>> No.73296104

Your company's top female just fucking tried to kill herself.

>> No.73296130

legits answer, nijisanji is evil, nijisanji vtubers are evil, nijisanji fans are evil

>> No.73296137


>> No.73296177

>Anya is shitting up /vt/ for fun

>> No.73296189

Children like OP shouldn't be on the Internet

>> No.73296208

nijifags lost their board visa. deal with it and leave

>> No.73296214

>Threads made where Holofags doxx the faces of Nijis to shit on them
Looks like the holofags were worse after all. No surprise since they bullied Kotoka into hiding because of a rrat

>> No.73296218


>> No.73296254


>> No.73296260

Niji fans sure had lots of fun doxxing and harassing Aloe into a suicide attempt and graduation for calling Niji a black company once on her personal account.

>> No.73296422

Yeah nah kys

>> No.73296475

But if suicide is bad why do you condone it being done to Niji fans? A bit hypocritical, no?

>> No.73296510

>Holochuds tell others to kill themselves
>It's the other tribe that's evil

>> No.73296547

>just oppressing other people?
tell that first to Nijisanji when they oppressed Sayu and Doki.

>> No.73296609
File: 226 KB, 506x600, 1709096100801562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sisters come into a holoboard with the worst bait I've ever seen, knowing full well that their beloved company that they're defending actively attempts to bleed their talents dry and just let them die off when they're no longer useful
>claims we're the mean ones for calling them out

>> No.73296611

if you won't stop being evil, then you deserve death

>> No.73296654

Been gone a few days has /vt/ fully broken the sisters? Their bait threads and arguments have gotten worse.

>> No.73296669

>Aloe never mentions Niji in her video on the drama
>Aloe tells her viewers to stop harassing the man in the doxx photo with her
>Aloe tells her viewers to stop calling her cell phone
>Somehow it's Niji's fault

Yup. Just the amount of responsibility and integrity a holofag would have

>> No.73296705

>Been gone a few days has /vt/ fully broken the sisters? Their bait threads and arguments have gotten worse.
A quick way to get them to lose their shit is to not quote them directly. Do anything else. Remove an arrow, remove the numbers entirely. They'll know who they are and lose their absolute minds over it.

>> No.73296709

Kek. Liking an anime girl is evil now? You schizos need to get off the board sometime and actually interact with people.

>> No.73296720


>> No.73296724

they got cucked by luca and milord left them to become a white monkey for chinese fujos

>> No.73296757

>nijjers trying to rewrite history again

>> No.73296777
File: 270 KB, 1434x1775, I enjoy your company Dragoon [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fvpwba4.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And there's the mask off.
Go back to not watching your organs and wondering why they're broke and crying about how much they miss their fanbase.
Meanwhile I'll be here with my streamer who ACTUALLY appreciates her fanbase and works tirelessly to make us smile too.

>> No.73296789

They've always been broken.

>> No.73296805

liking evil people makes you evil

>> No.73296826
File: 57 KB, 1060x258, Schizotroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to this faggot >>73296705
It's annoying and makes threads harder to follow. Plus she is a schizo who has been up for over 24 hours doing this cringe shit. She's also a Vox sister.

>> No.73296862
File: 115 KB, 1024x1024, 1712645374352444m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ghosts fans for months after saying she was in the hospital even after a big hashtag movement. Not even a word on her PL confirming she was ok
Yup, shitkid. She definitely cares about you. I wonder who her sugar daddy is

>> No.73296865
File: 684 KB, 320x320, 1709116722426288.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oop looks like we got a sister on our hands.
>having an issue with people on an anonymous mongolian basket weaving forum telling you to kill yourself
Two people from your shithole company attempted suicide because of the vile and intolerable conditions they we're made to endure and you just turn a fucking blind eye to that? Don't like it when we tell you to kill yourselves after that? Then go back to iketog you sheboon whore

>> No.73296872

>Evil people
And you call them evil based on legit schizo speculation. You're absolutely pathetic if you think someone is evil for liking someone like Rosemi or Petra.
