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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73180884 No.73180884 [Reply] [Original]

It is no mystery that dramatubing is a parallel parasite economy that leeches from vtubing ugliest aspects.
The more normies are attracted to vtubing, the more money will be available for dramatubers to farm. The issue with this is that it will promote an increasingly destructive cycle whose two worst aspects have started to become even more evident:

>1 Worse parasites will try to attach to this activity as it becomes more lucrative
The perfect example of this used to be Doxxsaggi. But a way bigger leech in the form of the grifter Disney YouTube lawyer, Legal Mindset has landed, brought by the hand by The Gator Gamer, the lowest among lowest life forms in the internet. Many seem to be under the delusion that this lawyer is a force for good, but his last move, of "reviewing" Hololive contracts to "advocate for the organs", should have set clear that this guy is here to put himself in any position that allows him to milk dry vtubing, while lowkey threatening any form of criticism with his YouTube lawyering powers.

>2 If there is no drama to leech from, just make it yourself. The clearest culprit of this is FalseEyeD, who not only got Nijisanji removed from OffKai but also helped Luca's groomer to write her hit piece on him. I understand, these actions might come across as based by a lot of people, but if you consider the precedent they have set, the picture is actually very grim.

>So we now have a growing well greased defamation machine, which basically covers the same "news" but just as easily it can align itself to smash any sort of opposition to their grift.

With in this dramatubing community, there are already clearly stablished hierarchies and vassals. At the moment at the top of the pyramid is Nuxanor, he has as FalseEyeD as his direct vassal. Nuxanor is in such privileged position, that he can plagiarize anyone's content and he will be thanked for doing so. FalseEyeD is at the same level with Legal Mindset and cooperate with each other. The grifter Disney YouTube lawyer has managed to procure a harem for himself, Lidia Nekazawa and Rima Evenstar, who kisses the dirt where he walks. Next in the food chain and in close association with each other are Doxxsagi, the horse girl and Parrot4chan (Khyo is a floor above these people and in close association with Doxsagi). Finally at the bottom of the pyramid we have people like Cat Gyaru and Salvi the Blue Squirrel.

These last two, the squirrel and the cat, are in the middle of a fight. It is literally a fight between bottom feeders for crumbs of attention. For those now willing to watch a three hours reaction video, it all basically comes to accusations of copying each other (no you).

These infightings will get more common as more parasites follow the money. In this case the cat is far better connected than the squirrel and could easily crush him using her master, the grifter Disney YouTube lawyer.

>Things will just keep getting worse

>> No.73181160

Niji deflection thread, this kills the sister
>Aia hinted at graduating and reactivated her PL
>Scarle reactivated her PL
>Ren has been doomposting on his PL.
>Millie's outfit reveal being a flop, couldn't even get 4k viewers
>MK tournament flopped, couldn't even beat Korone
>Rosemi's 3D debut being the worst viewed in Niji history
>Vox fucked off to be a white monkey on bilibili like a bitch.
>Elira is hiding on collab streams, can't bother doing a solo stream on her channel
>The entire Luca shitshow, even after certified breach of contract still hasn't been fired cuz favoritism
>Virtual Rhapsody SEA concert is a glorified L2D Karaoke
>The concert is selling so badly they are removing purchase limits
>AR Colors rushed out and edited a lot of footage due to graduated livers
>3D streams rushed out after 2 fucking years of stalling to make Q4 numbers look good

>> No.73181238

OP is a filthy nijisister

>> No.73181354

then do not make drama to feed them. anyway sister do you need fucking?

>> No.73181495

You forgot Rosemi missing in the niji voicepacks

>> No.73181502
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>dramatubing is a parallel parasite economy that leeches from vtubing ugliest aspects
So, nijisanji lol. I like how sisturds are suddenly acting like their fanbase aren't the biggest normie dramashitters on the planet now that they're on the receiving end. your worthless company lived off of drama and now they're dying from it. cry more, nijipag

>> No.73181725

Coincidentally Rosemi is also missing in Millie's rape list

>> No.73181901

These "people" won't just vanish when kurosanji folds. They'll just start eating the next target, and it's going to be your oshi.

>> No.73182075

Does this have to do with the Phase war?

>> No.73182302

it's impossible to fearmonger with this unless you don't trust your oshi and think she is doing shady shit behind the scenes

>> No.73182408

I cant believe NijiEN even exists at this point

>> No.73182424

A huge chunk of vtuber fans don't even trust their oshi to play a videogame with a member of the opposite sex from the other side of the planet

>> No.73182425

You can just say you are a nijinigger seething.
Who you trying to fool nijinigger? You don't want dramatubers on you then don't do things that give them content, simple as that. You only talk about other vtubers when it is convenient for you, pathetic nijidrone.

>> No.73182577

Homobeggar, oshi earned trust by not playing with your homos.
And don't pretend female unicorns for male vtubers don't exist, you fat fujo fuck.

>> No.73182811
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>> No.73182903

Indie is the way to go, joining a corpo just exposes you to drama from other people's fuckups.

>> No.73183273

You think dramatubers don't cover indie dramas and indies aren't exposed to drama from the people they associate with? HA stupid indie fag.

>> No.73183446

Don't associate with retards and you won't have a problem.

>> No.73183508

Nijinigger, kill yourself

>> No.73183577

dramatubers are just one branch of the parallel parasite economy. clippers in most cases add little to no value while cleaving views away from the VOD.
this isn't unique to vtubing either. /fit/ youtube celebrities like Sam Sulek have their own orbit of exercise scientists, clippers, dramafags, and motivational quotes posters. every youtube lolcow has a few combination dramaclip channels too. internet content creation, in all cases is as rife with leeches and orbiters looking to make a quick buck in any way possible

>> No.73183635

Yeah, and you can get into drama by doing nothing at all in either route. An indie may really struggle to just ignore it and find new fans, since nobody will stick up for them.

>> No.73183682
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>> No.73183751
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>> No.73183840

Lots of it can probably be ignored, fans probably aren't going to leave because their oshi gets dogpiled on twitter by randos for mentioning whatever the mob is currently boycotting.

>> No.73183925

I kinda wish Niji would die just so these fags would become irrelevant

>> No.73183964

tfw your oshi didkn't apologize even for denying the holocaust because she's a robot. feels good

>> No.73184043

Ignoring too much lets people say whatever they want, and they can even pretend you responded and they'll have a back-and-forth with themselves. It can get pretty bad.

>> No.73184219
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>> No.73185353

Rima's accent does things to my pp

>> No.73185416

I think she sounds like JFG

>> No.73185513

the dude that fucks all the retards?

>> No.73185555

Mama JF was not fed to the bears for this

>> No.73185657

>The Parasite wars started have
Kek. Maybe you should go back to studying English instead of wasting your time on this board.

>> No.73185687

In ze pooblic space, etchettera, etchettera

>> No.73185714

You gotta admit this image is cringe as fuck at least, right

>> No.73186031

I still find it amusing the lawayer went from grifting anti-vaxers and MAGA to grifting dramawhores.
He's trailblazing the new markets and suckers.

>> No.73186378

Lawyer is as lawyer does, being a slimy grifter for money is their whole thing

>> No.73186454

I agree, but it was over the moment Coco quit. The moment it was ok for people to watch on twitch, the moment it was ok to turn on the camera. The moment pokimane decided that she wanted to use one just in case she wanted to "still stream when she felt ugly". It was over once this damn board was made, it was over the moment HoloEN opened.

This was always supposed to be /jp/ hobby. The chuubas understood what it was about, wanted the safety, security and cuteness of a digital model to play video games. It got too popular, no amount of gatekeeping could hold back the talent of the early vtubers and here we are. Barbarians at the gates. And now the rats are here to eat up the scraps.

If you think that OP was just trying to deflect whatever the fuck niji is up to today, you should zoom out a bit and see what terrible mess is coming for your hobby.

>> No.73186468

That's why they call her Dramabird.

>> No.73186602

>2 If there is no drama to leech from, just make it yourself. The clearest culprit of this is FalseEyeD, who not only got Nijisanji removed from OffKai but also helped Luca's groomer to write her hit piece on him. I understand, these actions might come across as based by a lot of people, but if you consider the precedent they have set, the picture is actually very grim.
It is true that he provoked some stuff to farm drama, but let's not pretend the other 98% is caused by him too, if someone is to blame to his current success is nijisanji for giving him so much drama to farm for free.

>> No.73186613

Frankly this is nothing, until we have a website that actually posts papparazzi pictures of rms, this is all just really basic stuff.

>ummmm they cant do that
Its protected in the US under the first ammendment. If there was some TMZ like website for vtubers taking pictures of Gura as she goes to fucking CVS or Subway or something, it would break the internet. But talking about drama everyone knows about has avery low ceiling.

>> No.73186782

Im telling you guys right now, i play a lot of games and i dont like wokeshit but hear me out. You let the gamergate drama faggots (gamergator and that lawyer guy were into that stuff) get involved in the industry they will 100% turn on you for being "problematic" (the right has their own version of problematic). Do not trust them, they are gonna fuck your oshi over. Doxxsaggi is different because he is a pure vtuber drama faggot which are a different brees.

>> No.73186865

If your oshi doesn't have any problems they will create a problems. People are making a huge mkstake trusting that lawyer fag.

>> No.73187114

They are, but it's just the fact he went from grifting anti-vaxxers to vtubers.

>> No.73187133

lmao like what? like when he personally, solely cancelled people who did nothing to bring it on themselves like... disney? amber turd?
please, this is shrill and desperate. if you're going to go that route at least pick on false who actually puts himself in the drama.

>> No.73187134

>they will create a problems
ESLfag, stop excusing your shitty oshis by blaming someone else.

>> No.73187304

You literally just gave a reason, hes a culture warrior faggot

>> No.73187435

>point out that bad things are bad
>>heh. what a culture warrior. just pretend everything is good instead

>> No.73187467


>> No.73187521


>> No.73187547

You stupid fuck no its not. He is gonna eventually turn agaisnt vtubing

>> No.73187614

>don't ask questions just HAVE FEAR

>> No.73187728
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Holocucks are seething because this post challenges their 80 iq and exposes the fact they believe in unverified rrats.

>> No.73187928
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The grifter lawyer won't need to create dtama because you losers create it yourself. Crying over literal nothing burgers.

>> No.73187945

Didn't read
Kill yourself in the most painful way possible

>> No.73188066

You were making a solid point until you got to the lawyer part.

>> No.73188294
File: 32 KB, 520x520, GAeIGqvacAAhXMz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop shilling your channel and your rentry-tier writing, nijifaggot
