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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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7316375 No.7316375 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any EOPs here with a Japanese oshi?
If so, why? What's the appeal if you can't understand their streams?

>> No.7316501

my oshi was lulu. You dont need to understand every sentence of her when she is playing to enjoy the stream.

>> No.7316550

God I need to fuck Machukai until my dick falls off

>> No.7316705

One of the current hot topics in this place is some EN clipper drama. People don't even watch english streams, the content they go by to find their oshis will have subtitles anyway.

>> No.7316750

Lulu... I was learning Japanese but I didn't learn enough in time...

>> No.7316784

Other than Zatsudans and text-heavy RPGs, Korone streams are easy to enjoy since they're like 35% cute noises and the JP audiance doesn't even seem to understand what she's on about some of the time. She just plays games and has a fun time, with occasional moments of English.

I watch a few others. Nene loves interacting with her overseas fans via TTS in superchat readings, and those interactions can be hilarious. Watame has dedicated fan translators, so with the Hyperchat plugin you can understand the most important bits, plus she has a comfy voice anyway.

Actually, does anyone know any other JP vtubers that have a decent number of fan translators?

>> No.7316803
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Onigiriya here, I just really like her voice and reactions. I rely on live TLs and that kind anon who posts qrds on /mogu/ as well as the better clipfags who focus on Okayu.
I started my reps after subbing to her but I'm too depressed to continue them nowdays

>> No.7316808

You're a newfag retard.
Monolinguals deserve the rope

>> No.7316923

Even though I'm an ESL who's second language is not Japanese, I still find my oshi (Suisei) more entertaining than all of holoEN combined. She also has easy-to-read emotions while streaming, that helps too.

>> No.7316992


>> No.7317047
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it's a spiritual thing, if you don't get it then it can't be explained

>> No.7317090

hope you're doing alright anon.
JP is objectively the hardest language to gain fluency in, so don't be discouraged and keep at it my guy

>> No.7317125

you really don't have to speak japanese to understand nene

>> No.7317148

Don't need to understand Japanese to know Suisei's voice is pure SEX

>> No.7317525

Subaru makes an effort for english-speaking viewers, in combination with dedicated translators in chat and generally being entertaining... yeah, oshi-material

>> No.7317587

God I wanna fuck Mao.

>> No.7317692
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Got the impetus to do japanese reps since at the time english niji clips that weren't hana became pretty sparse. And wanting to watch more lulu gave me some impetus. Now it works to just watch more japanese clips of a bit of everything as a baseline. Cool to catch up on Yashiro, Ars, and other shit I've missed over some months. Also kinda like some of the ways the japanese do their subtitling.

>> No.7317865


>> No.7318122
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hearing her read akasupa-san's names is soothing

>> No.7318163

I don't speak Japanese but the closest thing to an oshi I have is probably Marine though this is a recent development.

I guess if not Marine then Amelia. But not really "Amelia", if her roommate still streamed, not even as a vtuber, I'd watch her regularly too.

>> No.7318462
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Despite not doing any nihongo reps, years of watching subbed anime and months of watching JP chuubas has allowed me to pick up the gist of what they're saying. Context from playing a game or doing some other common activity helps, though, I do struggle if its a zatsudan or donation reading.
My oshi is Coco, so that's kind of cheating since she's fluent in both english and japanese

>> No.7318513

Good taste

>> No.7318585


>> No.7318693

Woman are annoying, not understanding them is the best part.

>> No.7318754

Thats just your internet virginity talking.

>> No.7318822

So you're a retard.

>> No.7319060

>What's the appeal if you can't understand their streams?
(You) fucking Donkey. You wouldn't even be here enjoying your EN pigs. Without us, the JP enjoyers. I despise your kind. Just a bunch of bandwaggoning losers.

Serious answer. I like the Cute noises, Cute greetings, and I like moe anime shit. Basically your Funimation dubb EN vtubers are inferior.

>> No.7319400
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I have been on-and-off self studying japanese. I know Grade 1,2,3,4,5 Kanji. All N5 and some of N4 Kanji. Which amounts to over a thousand Kanji I can recognize and mostly read. I listen to podcasts every night while sleeping to improve my listening reps. I watch vtubers to increase my native compression. I can understand over 50% of every stream I watch. Even with all these reps. I fail at having proper grammar. I can't construct simple sentences. And the Jap vocabulary is too much so, that I've already given up. Basically, I will never be japanese and that applies to you too.

>> No.7319532
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For (You) Anonsama.

>> No.7319667

GOD I want to put my mayo in Mao.

>> No.7320153

Miko, Peko, Korone are exception, their contents don't require Japanese to have fun. Similar to old cartoons like Tom&Jerry but with cute noise

>> No.7320252

I don't like dubbed anime.

>> No.7320397

Also these 3 specially use simple Japanese. I have done my reps and now can somewhat understand what they talk.

>> No.7321146

>Similar to old cartoons like Tom&Jerry
Clipfag opinion. That only applies to a few highlights of some streams.

>> No.7321186

Nips really do put much more effort in how they make subs, which is pretty ironic.

>> No.7321306

A SeaNigger indog wrote this. You lot are always obsessed with jap culture. Reminder:

>> No.7321522

Imagine watching ENTubers lmao

>> No.7322196

>wanting understand what your oshi says means you want to be Japanese
How the fuck did this dumb meme even catch on and why do you think it actually offends anyone?

>> No.7322235

actually for english speakers the hardest language to learn is icelandic, objectively.

>> No.7322278

horseshit, the ones who cry about jp chubas not having english subs or doing english streams are 90+% esl third worlders from my experience

>> No.7322414

If youre not watching Amelia H. Watson then you have a problem!
There i said it!

>> No.7322540

Gatekeeping and pretending they are Japanese. "No, Vtubing is a jap thing, needs to stay Japanese only." That's pretty much it

>> No.7322603

i am a esl third worlder and i dont care

>> No.7322648

I need to have sex with mao

>> No.7323374
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I've watched enough of my oshi that I started to understand the meaning of her sentences without clearly understanding each individual word.
I hear some combinations of sounds I've heard before and with the context I started getting the meaning of them and it got better with time. I didn't learn Japanese, but I did learn Polk I suopse.

>> No.7323399
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>> No.7323717

/v/ invaded and /jp/ stayed in /jp/

>> No.7325789

Not doing very well but Okayu is one of the things keeping me from the edge. Thanks for checking in though anon.

>> No.7326173

This but giving her warm cocoa and headpats.

>> No.7326241

i've been an /a/ fag since 2006 i can at least understand some level of japanese

>> No.7326674

Because I deserve something better than a western whore.

>> No.7328811


You're welcome for the pep talk.

>> No.7329301

watching someone you can’t understand at all seems pointless and there’s a hell of a lot of these people in streams

>> No.7332758
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Truth is, JOP's cannot understand her either.

>> No.7333027

You are wrong its burgermans

>> No.7333714

Even a filthy JSL like me has no problem understanding her. I get teasing her because she has a speech impediment, but it's not at the level where it actually becomes a problem to understand what she's saying. Either that or I'm just that good at listening.

>> No.7333841
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Haato has 2 EN translators who are in every stream + also has some non English speaking ones.

>> No.7334111

This guy is an idiot lmao jp superiority fags are something else, and this is coming from someone who grew up speaking both languages. Get over yourself.

>> No.7343211

Give her warm cocoa and headpats until your dick falls off?
