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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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72895871 No.72895871 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.72895924

Last thread >>72666854

>> No.72896027

Currently live:
>Miyabi Izuru Astel Uyu OW2
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Tyu4IAX9Ok - Miyabi pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIjQ-BqM-7c - Astel pov

>> No.72896388

Reminder that EN posting goes in >>72892455 or should at least reference JP members in some way so as to not bulldoze over actual discussion of JP members

>> No.72896685

Reminder you need to take your meds.

>> No.72896791
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>> No.72897614

I love it that Rio wants to play animal crossing at late hours, it reminds me of 1stAct when Majin would play it to destress after long days of dance practice.
Soon Rio's going to stand on stage too, emoi

>> No.72898027

I'm hyped for Movin On even if I'm too much of a poorfag to buy streaming tickets, I've loved all the Uproar 3D lives but an actual in-person live in front of a real audience just has a whole different feel to it

>> No.72898277

I'm happy he started really getting into the game, it's perfect for him. He already has his next waiting room up.

>> No.72899148
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I love Roberu!!

>> No.72899468

You have your own thread, use it

>> No.72900495

fuck off anti StarsEN schizo

>> No.72900791

It's more than just one person, though? Personally I'm not even anti-EN, I just don't watch them and want a space where I can discuss the boys I actually do watch without being bombarded by other off-topic discussions all the time.

>> No.72900917

Anyway, for actual stars discussion, I was watching the archive of Uyu's live lookback and thought it was funny how he kept getting distracted by the live and was just straight up watching it and forgetting to do commentary. He didn't bring up Gamma failing to go for a high five and accidentally groping him though....

>> No.72901522

on-topic discussions such as "unicorns exists in every dark corner plotting holostars downfall" and "cover is gonna close holostars branch at any moment so why even bother supporting them" and "roberu is too good for holostars and absolutely fucking every female vtuber that isn't a holo"

>> No.72901940

I think conversations here tend to fall into these pitfalls or talking about EN because a lot of people here are EOPs and can't watch streams, and thus don't have anything actually relevant to say, so they just recycle talking points over and over. I've been trying to combat this by talking more about streams when I watch them but I'm archive-only due to my timezone so there's only so much I can do.

>> No.72902959
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>> No.72903981


This has never happened. EN posts here have never overwhelmed or "bulldozed" over JP discussion, and have never prevented anyone from talking about JP. It's always just been a few posts every now and then. Stop acting like the thread is overrun with EN discussion that somehow "prevents" you from talking about JP (which is bullshit because you guys still don't talk about streams most of the time).

>> No.72904012

You can always talk about Altare and Octavio want to fuck Izuru. That's on topic
But when it's exclusively about EN manwhore then use your own damn thread

>> No.72904149

It was really cute to see him so engaged. He loves uproar!

>> No.72904160

Off topic posts are off topic. It's that fucking simple. You already got /mans/ and /cbdct/ to talk about your gaijin anime boy

>> No.72904278

I like altare, axel, hakka, shinri, flayon, bettel, octavio, ruze, goldbullet and jurard

>> No.72904328

I hate Astel

>> No.72904458

This is the Holostars thread.

>> No.72904777

Yes, and the gaijins aren't part of We Are the Holostars. Glad we agree

>> No.72905193

Are you saying Uproar has been off-topic until last December?

>> No.72905236

Astel loves Holostars!

>> No.72905461

With Uproar being such Cool Ikemen Idols lately it's nice to go back a bit and watch clips that are more indicative of their true nature

I don't normally watch clips actually, does anyone have any jp clip channels they'd recommend?

>> No.72905501

Uproar were parts of Holostars Group. Unlike Tempus and Armis

>> No.72905633

here's my list

>> No.72905799

Thank you! I'm pretty familiar with all of these eng-sub ones though, I was hoping for more like jp-subs and the like.

>> No.72905964
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my JP is pretty shit(especially reading) so I don't look at JP clips because they won't really help me any more than just watching a stream

>> No.72906040

I think Holostars JP AND Holostars EN ARE ALL WHORES

>> No.72906074
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>> No.72906271

It's ok, thank you for the list anyway! I'll keep looking for channels and if I find any other good eng-sub ones I'll drop em here too

>> No.72906343

Off the top of my head
Miyabi focused clips
Roberu focused clips

>> No.72906439
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Newfag detected. Read what Shinove job title was

>> No.72906481

No... my Rio is an innocent boy...

>> No.72906542

Looks like Aruran is going to upload a cover soon

>> No.72906563
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Meanwhile the gaijins are always about part of Tempus and Armis

>> No.72906990

You're just baiting now right? You're not this retarded right?

>> No.72907075

For such a small thread we sure do go through lots of loops

>> No.72907111

Ooooh nice, it's been literal years it seem like since his last solo cover so I'm hoping for a new one...not that I dislike his duets/group covers though

Sweet thank you, that last one especially is exactly what I was looking for! I'm having so much trouble keeping up with everybody lately, hopefully clips help with that a little

>> No.72907892

What else do you expect from a thread focused on japanese talents with almost exclusively eop posters

>> No.72908414
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>> No.72908863

At least I'm not the one that keep posting about off topic vtuber even though said vtuber have their own dedicated thread

>> No.72909041

And why are they always esl

>> No.72909284
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>> No.72909294

Because I knew Japanese unlike you filthy eop. Go away and back to /cdgct/

>> No.72909747

People need to post even just the simplest stream posting. No one posted about Miyabi hanging out on Rio's island yesterday, I couldn't watch the stream and only found out after people started posting fan art.

>> No.72910129

Mad esl trolls come and go like always

>> No.72910234

Sex with Miyabi!
Sex with Izuru!
Sex with Aruran!
Sex with Rikka!
Sex with Temma!
Sex with Astel!
Sex with Roberu!
Sex with Shien!
Sex with Oga!
Sex with Rio!
Sex with Fuma!
Sex with Uyu!
Sex with Gamma!
Sex with Altare!
Sex with Axel!
Sex with Flayon!
Sex with Bettel!
Sex with Hakka!
Sex with Shinri!
Sex with Jurard!
Sex with Goldbullet!
Sex with Octavio!
Sex with Ruze!

>> No.72910415

Damn that's such a crazy coincidence that you posted this right as I got to that part in the vod.

Can't timestamp but Miyabi comes in at 1:43:30 for those who wanna watch it

>> No.72910444

I'm ignoring whatever's happening to post this clip of the Stars mini SF6 qualifiers

>> No.72910533

I don't have time to watch everyone's streams so I always appreciate the smallest things being shared, that's what I always try to do, JP or EN. I find out more from twitter than this thread.

>> No.72911301

You can find lot of different things if you search ホロスターズ切り抜き or talent's name and 切り抜き .I recommend sorting the search results from upload date, you're most likely finding smaller channels like this one I just found that's dedicated to Temma https://youtube.com/@wanko__
I found this Oga centric channel before with that method too https://youtube.com/@SATORI_clip
This one is another variety channel that clips just about everyone:

>> No.72912274

Excellent stuff, thank you!! I'll definitely check all of these out. And I gotta try sorting chronologically more, I was just leaving it on the default "all" option and getting the same stuff over and over.

>> No.72912949


>> No.72913035
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I just found out that Holostars have a shota tag

>> No.72914827
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>> No.72915109

Yeah, but sadly it doesn't get much use, same with the maid and genderbend tags...

>> No.72916521
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>> No.72917591

I want to see Ganchan do a call-in or a cameo on Minase's 3D debut.

>> No.72918867

I believe gamma will be there, otherwise he's advertising minase 3d too much at this point

>> No.72921260

What I’m really looking forward to is Gamma’s next 3d live so he can do a proper duet with Minase in 3d and not just his cardboard cutout version, although Kick Back was still pretty kino regardless

>> No.72923582
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>> No.72924220
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>> No.72924335


>> No.72928330
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>> No.72931568

>No one even mentioned he was an hour late

>> No.72932963

Ugh shut up

>> No.72934197
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I'm bored so I'm signing up dark knight temma for that /vt/ soul calibur tournament that's on the catalog
using nightmare moveset
anyone got a good temma video less than a minute long that could be used for this thing
I suck at searching

>> No.72936066

never mind, I got it

>> No.72936312

Rio’s house is fucked up

>> No.72937827

Last Samurai-ing for HolostarJP...and I thought I have seen it all

>> No.72937909

Gulag Officer Izuru...

>> No.72938228

imagine imperial japan taking over your country and izuru just waltzes up to your cell and picks you as his personal servant

>> No.72940629
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>> No.72940899

Mycountry did indeed experience Imperial Japan

>> No.72942233

Damn. Any cute cat adjacent twinks?

>> No.72943436

Aruran MHW:IB

>> No.72943615

Looks like the results for the first ticket lottery are coming out. I'm seeing a lot of JP nikis post theirs on twitter.

>> No.72944210

I got lucky, so I'll be going.

>> No.72944294

Congrats, anon! Please cheer really loud to represent the kaigai who can't be there ;_;

>> No.72944543

Alas, not in the archives.

>> No.72944756

Congrats anon

>> No.72945307
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>> No.72945907

Gamma drawing

>> No.72947472
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Aruran bump

>> No.72948333

Congratulations anon. Please go kyaa with all your heart after my oshi's part in we are the holostars, that would make him happy

>> No.72949628

Did the news.every guest starring segments that the guys did leading up to 2nd act ever get recorded by anyone? Are those things lost media?

>> No.72949760

Fuma A Difficult Game About Climbing

>> No.72950234

Starting to think that rock he's been trying to reach for 15 minutes isn't climbable in the first place

>> No.72950367
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This trashpanda really just went and dropped new outfit announcement in the middle of vertical stream

>> No.72950686

Oh shit, hasn't even been long since his last outfit
I look forward to his cute coon ears

>> No.72951016

I hope they twitch whenever he blinks, those are cute

>> No.72952028


>> No.72952212

Rio and Hakka are being so cute.

>> No.72952806

Their teetee will only increase from here when they're both holomeet ambassadors

>> No.72953025

I admit I actually have no idea what Roberu and Altare did outside of becoming bunnyboys but I would welcome that again.

>> No.72953426

not-wachastars is here

>> No.72954340

They had one meet and greet/panel together at a con last December. That’s it, I think

>> No.72954681

Majin Lapidary

>> No.72954861

Oi oi oi they're doing it again, months of silence and then suddenly a lot of new things and announcements at once

>> No.72955543

Since Majin cuts jewelry with his tits out does that mean his nipples are hard like diamonds
I'm going to assume they are

>> No.72956206

This gem cutting game's just an actual ASMR stream, which is appreciated because Majin's actual ASMR streams are just zatsus

>> No.72956342

If we had the sacrifice WachaStars for the live, it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. Let's not kid ourselves, the Stars-only episodes were great but the guest ones were getting to be a little too much.

>> No.72956625

Majin going "Yeah~ ii ne~" is making me fucking horny
I'm a lost cause

>> No.72956723

AIM Apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n96d577WHBw - Izuru pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXF5ERMM8Rc - Meika pov

>> No.72957076

[Breaking News]
Izuru finally watched Hunter x Hunter

>> No.72957203

You're not alone
I'm blaming the music myself.

>> No.72957594

All of it?

>> No.72957632

All of anime.

>> No.72957758

The 1999 version or the 2011 one?

>> No.72957974

2011 one. I don't think old one is available on major streaming services.

>> No.72958027

Even Majin's wishing every starmin good luck on the ticket lotto

>> No.72959288
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>> No.72959314
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>> No.72959379

ganchan run out friends to draw that he's been drawing himself for past months

>> No.72959877

Ganchan is sex, he should keep drawing himself

>> No.72960020

VCR Rust might be coming back soon but I don't know how much time they'll have for it if they got invited. They'll prioritize dance and singing practice for the live.

>> No.72960355

He should draw sex with Holos kek

>> No.72960465

He should draw himself topping Holostars

>> No.72960532

*being topped by

>> No.72960631

It's Ganchan's fantasy drawing, doesn't have to reflect what happens in reality

>> No.72962290

He should draw gender bent stars

>> No.72962377

ive been playing guilty gear strive a lot and its really hard to see ky and not go hey its temma frfr

>> No.72962448

astel would block him if he did that

>> No.72963547

I think that the only ones I enjoyed were the english teacher and aura-seeing psychic honestly

>> No.72963735


>> No.72963867

>Izuru says they want to play Apex just for a couple of hours
>they all boot up late-night OW
Damn brats

>> No.72964360

shame the other members of the OW club are probably asleep (maybe not Uyu)... But AIM only is nice too

>> No.72964375

Neeeee? Nandeeee?

>> No.72964645

idk if youre a newfag or eopfag but astel hated if theres a feminized(?) art of him (crossdress, meido fuku etc) and even hate more if someone draw a genderbent of him

>> No.72965910

kek I was right about Uyu not being asleep and now he's joined them

>> No.72966744

I thought that anon tried to do a very bad Gamma impression. Gamma would never do something like that anyways iirc he asked every Holostars if he can draw them for the summer illustration. The only one he is going to feminize is himself.

>> No.72966988

Or, he could get new friends

>> No.72967493

...the latter.

Nah, just bein a weeb lol

>> No.72968948
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>> No.72969665

Here's a thread from one of his old translators. Astel has always been vocal about what he wants to see in his tags (no genderbend, no WIPs, no MMDs, etc.). Even clipping certain streams was frown upon until he changed his rules last year.

>> No.72970939
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>> No.72972380
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>> No.72973272
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>> No.72974825
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>> No.72975560
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Well that explains why this wasn't tagged with his fanart tag when artist qrt'd it with tag, only Majin's
(which he retweeted by the way. Aragami Oga the unexpected participant in Astelbowl)

>> No.72977635
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>> No.72979652
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>> No.72981245


>> No.72982258

I want Roberu to ride Rio’s ghost cock live on the radio show. Rio positioning the microphone in front of Roberu’s mouth as Roberu commentates everything that Rio is doing to him from below. Rio laughing at Roberu stuttering up words and trying to cover his face, even thought it’s just Rio looking at him.

>> No.72982960
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>> No.72986049

Roberu washing the ectoplasm from his ass and getting sick often because ghost cock is so cold...constantly wonders if hooking up with Rio is worth it but he can't escape their situationship because of the weekly radio show

>> No.72986224

We used to be a real general...
A good general...

>> No.72986333

>nobody mentioned that astel said he had dinner with shinove

>> No.72986354
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>> No.72986458

Why cant you anons post facts without being passive aggressive anymore

>> No.72987013
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cause nobody pays any attention to posts with facts if they aren't passive aggressive

>> No.72987519

>Why is this place so passive aggressive
Sadly this place has women in it

>> No.72987596

Where'd he say that?

>> No.72988179

AIM Apex

>> No.72988236

This doesnt even make sense
Our eyes still read the posts any how

>> No.72988484

No wonder, it wasn't on his channel so I didn't see it.

>> No.72988492

>thinking anons actually read every single post in a thread
lol. lmao even

>> No.72990110

I-i do…

>> No.72990347

nta but I pointedly avoid it because of all the fujos. They're a cognitohazard.

>> No.72990496

I do... ;_;
The apex stream earlier? Sorry, I was entranced by the sexy Majin at that time.

>> No.72990818
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I was wageslaving.

Still haven't watched but here's a tweet with some bits from that stream, though it's mostly about food.


>> No.72991085

>There are anons who don't read every post

That explains a lot.

>> No.72991562

I used to before the fujos got worse.

>> No.72991644
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>Astel made 200 gyoza and froze them
>Eats like 40 in one sitting

>> No.72991654


>> No.72992300

Hetshippers are just as bad because they use roberu to push discussion about girls who have their own generals

>> No.72992514

half of this general is just fucking hornyposting and en posting now, it even make the straight bros that used post it just went silent or even go away. i know you guys would rather hornyposting than watch a stream or do your jp reps, at least spoiler it if its a fucking long post, im not gonna judge you being a fujo or fudan but theres /cbcdt/ for that kind of post

>> No.72992798

Does this include non-horny yume posts?

>> No.72992884

> know you guys would rather hornyposting than watch a stream
Says the esl nigger who only spams the thread about roberu fucking other girls instead of watching his streams

>> No.72992904
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>half of this general
>en posting

This just isn't true my man.

>> No.72992993

Doesn't Astel have a fast metabolism? I'm too lazy to look for it right now but I remember when he posted a photo of his couch with 3 huge bags of meat buns.

>> No.72993121

I'm not going to argue with you on that point. I hate both the fujos and the het shippers. I especially hate the annoying ones who randomly bring up fucking Baelz all the damn time when he's posted or someone says something nice about him. Annoying.

>> No.72993225

nta but as a straight dude I don't care about non horny yume posts. I just don't want to accidentally read a sentence talking about Roberu's cum filled ass or something, it's like some kind of mental flashbang.

>> No.72993277

You whine a lot and stand out btw

>> No.72993458

I wish the stars had perms for any of the Drakengard games…

>> No.72993534

i used to post a lot about astel stream whenever i heard something interesting from him but rn i just tend keep it to myself

>> No.72993643

yeah sure, i whine whenever i wanna scroll /stars/ read some stream posting hoping i might find some interesting information bcs i cant watch everyone not about roberu getting assfucked or anything, its insane honestly

>> No.72993714

Yeah, it still surprises me. I remember that pic but it's quite old so you'd have to dig, but there is a clip about his big appetite:


>> No.72993758

I’ll stop hornyposting when there’s more stream posting. It’s not my fault that the way I bump the thread by hornyposting.

>> No.72993809
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you forgot the important part, the donald ass pillow

>> No.72993843

Could you spoiler it please?

>> No.72994005

I suggest going back to using Spoiler Tags for hornyposting. I do not know why anons stopped doing so when it used to be the norm.

>> No.72994141
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I will try my best to remember next time since you asked so kindly, it was not the norm in the beginning though. We used to raw dog hornyposts in here

>> No.72994672

That's a fluffy tail...

>> No.72995046

I'd side with the hets over same-sex every time. Same-sex has brought nothing but villainy, be it fujomes or unicorns.

>> No.72995593
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>siding with oboretai

>> No.72995743
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>I heard that the ticket registrations for the local seats were filled up in record numbers.

>> No.72995771

Thank you anon. Perhaps our memories are different because I remember almost all the fujos spoilered their stuff, but you're being cool so I'll leave it alone.
Stars love.

>> No.72996107

For someone who said despise him, you sure do love to mention him unprompted

>> No.72996260

>watching his streams
What stream?

>> No.72996789

Why would you simply not hate both

>> No.72996929

and yet still not as unprompted as the random female mentions whenever roberu is brought up

>> No.72998273

Who in Holostars would play Crazy Bus

>> No.72998459

Last time someone brought up Ema because Roberu had meal with Kaito Ishikawa

>> No.72999099


>> No.72999261

I'm gonna play the Devil's advocate here and ask the obvious question:
>Have none of you just considered letting the thread die?
All these silly arguments of fujos, hetshippers, tribalschizos and what have you seem to originate from some misguided sense of "keeping the thread alive". If thread quality is what you seek in the midst of stream scarcity, what's so wrong with letting the thread die and just starting up a new one when an interesting stream or piece of information comes on? Sure, you might end up with a "dying days of /stars/ threads in /jp/" kind of situation I'd know since I was one of the last linkposters there, but I think that's the price you pay if you want to keep the thread "pure".

>> No.72999356

Do you want to read about seaweed tidbits instead? When reimu was in Japan, seaweed keep showing and bragging her about his hairy pussy

>> No.73000308
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Starmin anons are all I have.

>> No.73000792

Seems like an Aruran type of game

>> No.73002242

boring game for boring vtuber

>> No.73002892

Tempus and Armis have their own general. Kagura Mea doesn't

>> No.73003128

Because het is the way of the Lord my brother.

>> No.73003213

then go make one

>> No.73003306

Roberu zatsudan

>> No.73003575

Then post Tempus and Armis in their own general

>> No.73004107

This is the Holostars thread.

>> No.73004275

I really like this arrangement of Pop-talk Roberu has for BGM, it sounds really classy.

>> No.73004316

And none of Holostars speak English

>> No.73004500
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>forgetting the first member of holostars en

>> No.73004736

Aruran… Temma… Roberu…

>> No.73004907
File: 1.30 MB, 1237x790, hey yagoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me?

>> No.73004946

Official stream in 7 hours ft Astel, Shien, Fuma, and Uyu. Think they’ll announce anything at the end?

>> No.73005291

at least post more about stars jp rather than tempus and armis when those got their own general, i open this thread cause people talk about stars jp not en and i will never have interest in en males

>> No.73005445
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>> No.73005630

Roberu is planning to play PowerPro next week. Any news on when the new one comes out? I want to see him try out playing as Ohtani.

>> No.73005892

>new PowerPro already
Why do sports games like PowerPro and the 2K games release new versions every single year?

>> No.73005926

free money for minimal effort

>> No.73006426

Maybe the merch. Starmin need their penlights and towels.

>> No.73006455

This marriage talk is more elaborate than usual

>> No.73007783

power pros is every other year and its not really different from what pokemon or from soft does

>> No.73007878

theres been none besides the official reval trailer which is weird since the games would normally be out by now at the start of the npb baseball seaon

>> No.73009346
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>> No.73011011
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>> No.73012232

Miyabi FE6 No Reset Run

>> No.73012914
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AsuIzu and Uproar will be in Rakuten esports cup, the game is Warlander.

>> No.73012941

Izuru MHW:IB

>> No.73013188

Here's a lil tip:

We call what he's doing an "Iron Man". An Iron Man is a run where you do not reset for anything, not even deaths.

>> No.73013288

...I know it's an Iron Man. I'm using the Japanese term. Also "No Reset Run" is more self-explanatory than Iron Man.

>> No.73013869
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>> No.73014097


>> No.73014323

RIP Sue, Miyabi is awful at keeping his bow units alive...

>> No.73014345

Is Miyabi a Wendy believer?

>> No.73014455

He may get forced to be...

>> No.73014720

Damn, that means Shin’s fucked, too
Guess his main archer’s gonna be Klein down the line

>> No.73015250

This thread did something good for once

>> No.73015827

Aruran Zatsudan

>> No.73015990

Miyabi putting Rutger through the arena farm
So game’s gonna be ez from now on kek

>> No.73016095

Knowing Miyabi's luck, especially when it comes to gambling... Rutger's life is in danger

>> No.73016270

There goes Dieck

>> No.73016403

Jeez, he backed out on some of those arena matches way too quickly and now he’s out of cash
Guarantee he would’ve won a good number of the ones he abandoned

>> No.73016651
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Yeah that's the Miyabi Gambling Experience... he always ends up broke and crying and yet he can't stop nor does he ever learn

>> No.73016705

Ironically, this time it was due to being completely unwilling to take even the smallest risk
Hell, even when he could’ve gone another round of combat and guaranteed wouldn’t have died he backed out sometimes

>> No.73016797

>Miyabi bringing out Dorothy of all units
God I hope she dies so he wastes as little XP on her as possible

>> No.73017277

Rio dancing

>> No.73017281

>he’s playing ultra-safe with her so there’s no chance of her dying
God fucking damn it

>> No.73017576

he’s absolutely gonna fall for using this trio of shitters isn’t he kek

>> No.73017634

Shadowgear Short

>> No.73017677

Oh thank fuck he’s giving up on her

>> No.73017692

Not every FE unit needs to be beautiful

>> No.73017945

Beauty ain’t it, she’s a shitass unit

>> No.73018067

Anon, GBA-era Archers/Snipers are mostly trash

>> No.73018211

Binding and Sacred’s prepromote snipers can hold their own, but Dorothy at 20/20 is barely stronger than Klein and Igrene and the amount of XP she has to eat to reach that point is insane

>> No.73018245

Miyabi is the type to use characters he likes even if they aren't the best. He built a team around his waifumon cause that's how he is

>> No.73018400

Miyabi should use Cath
t. cath liker

>> No.73018610

Oh, true. Especially the Archers.

Say, since we're on the topic of FE, would Bishop fit good with Miyabi? That's what I assigned him to.

So far, there's 5 StarsJP in the mod:

Astel>Wyvern Lord

>> No.73018776

It's almost time for kino
Bishop seems fine for Miyabi, as long as his stats are lore-appropriate.

>> No.73019021

Only confirmed stat so far is his CON, at 10. I based this on their listed height. Astel has 7 base CON, Aruran has 12, Temma too iirc, and Oga has the most at 13.

>> No.73019047
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Bishop is works, though I think Summoner would be amusing, considering the dark magic and the horrors that are the Residents of Hanasaki no Mori.

>> No.73019063
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>when he sees your chinchin

>> No.73019182

>10 CON
That's base CON, right? 1 more CON than Moulder the Boulder, I approve.

>> No.73019203

They’re live. And more retarded than usual

>> No.73019217
File: 548 KB, 1280x720, 【#ホロスタ5周年ライブ】ジェスチャーからしりとりダンスと目白押し!特別レッスンでさらなる高みへ!【3D配信】 2-41 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73019252
File: 940 KB, 1280x720, 【#ホロスタ5周年ライブ】ジェスチャーからしりとりダンスと目白押し!特別レッスンでさらなる高みへ!【3D配信】 4-40 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73019316

Rip uyu, good luck tardwrangling these three crackheads

>> No.73019345

Also I think Aruran should have the same base CON as Majin, if not higher

>> No.73019499

Shien can't hear anything

>> No.73019563
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His ass is not listening

>> No.73019720

Astel Mr. Perfect Leda

>> No.73019861

where's my batsu???

>> No.73019946

I just realized none of them have any ass

>> No.73020003

Fuma is already dying.

>> No.73020070

The true man of holostars…

>> No.73020072

what are these dorky ass dance moves kek

>> No.73020165
File: 750 KB, 1280x720, 【#ホロスタ5周年ライブ】ジェスチャーからしりとりダンスと目白押し!特別レッスンでさらなる高みへ!【3D配信】 36-4 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73020196

*true old man
I should proofread my posts before I hit post…

>> No.73020242

Fuma doing the well known dance move The Walk

>> No.73020368

Sasuga Leda

>> No.73020496
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>> No.73020533
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>> No.73020558

The back of that shirt looking like a religious experience.

>> No.73020568

I want that penlight and shirt

>> No.73020593


>> No.73020602


>> No.73020688

Astel the biggest hanamigumi

>> No.73020829

Hey, if a freak like Riev can be Bishop, then Miyabi can be too. In the Anakondia route, the snake women tried to fuck with Miyabi. And they'll find out.

Yeah, without promo gains. Thinking of adding it in since he's a pre-promo. Any idea for his HP, ATK, SKL, SPD, DEF, RES, LCK?

Eh, Majin has a clear height advantage (I only used their listed height). Elaborating further, everyone 145cm below gets 4 CON, the minimum since I wanna avoid a Lute situation. For every +5cm, they gain +1 CON up to 10 CON. Once you're up to 10 CON, its +10cm every succeeding CON.

>> No.73020944

Anons should settle their differences Western showdown style with their holstered penlights.

>> No.73020990

Concert Merch is live, the advance order stuff will ship in mid-May, the rest is stayed for mid-July

>> No.73021022
File: 1.16 MB, 1280x720, 【#ホロスタ5周年ライブ】ジェスチャーからしりとりダンスと目白押し!特別レッスンでさらなる高みへ!【3D配信】 1-5-14 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73021061

holostars remix Vol.1

>> No.73021083

Is it just me or does Aruran look quite off?

>> No.73021202

I think some of the faces are off, Astel in particular looks super shota, but I forgive because the clothing choices are fantastic

>> No.73021357

That was a LOT to drop at the end of stream, wish they'd spaced it out into segments
>Live merch
>Animate fair
>Collab cafe in 3 cities
>Vbara appearances
>MaFia doing a thing
>RioRobe radio

>> No.73021396
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So this is the "Overwatch custom with insane members" that ganchan said he was invited to

>> No.73021512
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I like the cover art for this one
>MaFia doing a thing
It’s this thing >>73021061 with remixes of their first original songs + Find It

>> No.73021901


New program is called Susume! Holostars (susustar), 10 min and will premiere every Wed. Might only be for the live period though.

>> No.73022120
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cute holostars orchestra

>> No.73022233

If you're gonna incorporate his promo gains into his CON, then 10 CON is still fine. My suggestion to emulate his frailty and low stamina would be low HP, DEF, and SPD, but compensated by high MAG and RES. Honestly as a prepromote Bishop if he comes with good MAG and high starting Staff rank he's already perfectly usable, depending on how you cook with enemy stats he might even be a not-bad combat unit since he won't lose that much AS from Light tomes.

>> No.73022353

Gamma drinking zatsudan

>> No.73022403

Right-o, taking that into account!

He competes with Shien for a spot in your party in an unconventional way: your current gold balance.

Above/equal required amount: Shien
Below: Miyabi

>> No.73022628

Majin MonHunWorld

>> No.73023064

Rio Snufkin

>> No.73023444

>No Sexophone

>> No.73023479


>> No.73023851

After listening to the remixes I think Find It's the best out of the three

>> No.73024188

> Rio and Uyu are part of Suntempo
> Fuma and Gamma are part of Mafia

>> No.73024477


Neko meme stars.

>> No.73024493

Anon don't know the difference between trumpet, trombone, flute and clarinet

>> No.73024531

Sometimes I wonder if investors look at the lack of activity on the Stars side and pokes Cover about it for the lack of basically any promotion or events cause where the fuck was all this last year

>> No.73024667

New fiscal year, new budget. Meaning Holostars management failed pitching projects for last year

>> No.73025328

we need another manager like shinove, someone who actually fights for them against the higher ups because all the things we got like wachastars and stuff was because of him and because they still seem to underestimate the demand for the boys, look how much applied for the lottery vs the venue capacity

>> No.73026493

Flute and clarinet are woodwinds
Trombone and trumpet are brass

>> No.73026658

Sigh. Not helping matters is the possibility of this Dimitri Jap barricading projects for Stars.

>> No.73026736

Can you please stick to making stupid posts on twitter or talking about your mod.

>> No.73027099

What does that even mean

>> No.73027496
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Higher quality version. Also petition to have this as the next thread OP
