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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 3.75 MB, 1812x5100, 1712120276290921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
72879164 No.72879164 [Reply] [Original]

Love the males

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt + see tierlist in OP image
Tierlist: https://tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-16631934

Previous thread: >>72865233

>> No.72879395

That image is the epitome of crabs in a bucket

>> No.72879442 [DELETED] 
File: 1.45 MB, 1812x5100, 1682215095757990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You covered up some of the image.

>> No.72879529

Using this as the OP invites chaos and bad times, we should stay on topic with our chuubas and rise above it. Crabs and schizos can best be defeated by giving them no power and streaming/making good content.

>> No.72879664

Has anyone tried doing those vertical YouTube streams?

>> No.72879773

do you really think its us making that op and it isnt the /wasp/ schizos lashing out? lmao

>> No.72879848

Shut up Layla, we know you are crabbing people on asp

>> No.72879896
File: 3.25 MB, 5102x2976, 1358625-1.output(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine /wasp/ not lashing out and being mad. Only lurked there, they always seem to be crabbing...

>> No.72879902 [DELETED] 

Could try reporting the OP as trolling to see if the image will get deleted?

>> No.72879932

Please do so, thank you.

>> No.72880585
File: 68 KB, 617x101, 1707614623903505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need more girls in glasses

>> No.72880652

What have they done to my cute emo Mary ToT

>> No.72880703

If people are going to post schizo discord pics at least post better then this 140p garbage

>> No.72880753
File: 147 KB, 663x446, gay deer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I regret not getting this model when I had the chance. Months of looking through nizima and booth, their were only three models that I actually liked. One was a weird moth demon that looked kinda nice, but I thought the horns and ears were kinda weird for my taste, the second one was the model I ended up getting, and the third one was this sissy looking deer. In hindsight a part of me wishes I got this one instead. I fucking love deer, my Second Live avatar is a faun. It should have been perfect. But I asked /cm/ between the deer and the other model, and they all said the other model was better because the deer was too generic. At the time I liked both models a lot, so I was happy with either, so I bought my model. Now I'm kinda regretting my choice and wondering what could have been if I went with the cute deer instead.

Months later I still check nizima and booth for new models, and nothing really speaks to me like these original three models did.

>> No.72880876

a very gay deer
gave me a boner so thanks anon for not choosing that one, I would have found it unbearable to watch you

>> No.72880919

This model voiced by a femboy would be unstoppable

>> No.72881104
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>> No.72881219 [DELETED] 

>shit OP
All fields!

>> No.72881435
File: 199 KB, 611x925, wings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too late. It's already sold out. I hope some cute Japanese femboy is putting him to good use. If I'm ever in the market for a new model, I'm thinking of asking the artist to do the illustration for it. Funny enough, it doesn't even seem like most of their work are sexy femboys. Still, it's good to know at least one artist I can commission for that style of character.

>> No.72881735

Does it matter if your oshi mark overlaps with someone else or better yet is there a way to check?
Though since there's an ocean of indie vtubers I guess it's not really something people can keep track of unless it's the same as someone from a big corp

>> No.72881773

Oshi marks are cringe

>> No.72881822

>oshi marks
Only brain dead corpo dick riders care about such things.

>> No.72881860

why are you guys even vtubers? just become flesh streamers if you don't care about the things that make a vtuber

>> No.72881900

Oshi marks don't make a chubba. Look at all the partnered ones that don't have oshi marks

>> No.72882097

I see, I wasn't sure about needing them, just wanted to ask so any input is good thanks. Probably not something to worry about until after I debut anyway.

>> No.72882692

I love the advices given here

>> No.72882728


>> No.72882865

you should use something wholly original
like 卐

>> No.72883040

I'm asking (You) a question that I haven't in a while: what are (You) doing today? Gonna stream? Preparing stuff for a stream? Lining up a collab? Reviewing your content and cringing? Having someone strap you to a chair until you edit your videos? Waging? Wondering why he/she hasn't responded yet? Whatever it is, I'm interested in hearing about it! Come on, won't you share with us?

>> No.72883108

kek imagine

>> No.72883122

Yeah that tier list is on point. Still, not sure if having that as OP for not just one but two threads is kind of fucked up.

>> No.72883125

Today I'm posting my schedule and maybe setting up some chat commands

>> No.72883532

Streaming Tarkov because I dont know what else to do.

>> No.72883976

I woke up and i feel the need to come back to gclef’s feet. im getting addicted again

>> No.72884238

How do you manage living with someone while streaming? I try to schedule my streams so that they're not home but I still worry over what-ifs like "what if they come home early and I don't notice". Telling them to stay out or quiet during my "work hours" seems heartless too...

>> No.72884333

Hmmm guess I'll try editing those shorts I've been putting off for about 3 weeks now

>> No.72884492

Still working on my model. I get so happy every day I work on it, I feel like I'm healing. Like I'm actually doing something with my life and ambitions, not just being a wage slave that lives for the weekend. Even if I end up hating streaming at least I can say I tried.

>> No.72884818

I've kinda burned myself out on drawing so I might finetune some bot stuff. I'm technologically inept so this shit usually takes a while when I'm not motivated.

>> No.72884862

I just ask my wife to stay in the living room, she's fine with it as she can just take her laptop

>> No.72885024

The funniest rrat is that the discord leaks are out of context and it's one of the cunnies bullshitting for attention

>> No.72885048

Waging right now, debating whether to stream later
Been burnt out recently even though streams are above average compared to most people here
Recent drama is making me want to rebrand and leave the community, we'll see what my thoughts are in May
Going to record my streams this week, making some shorts during my hiatus

>> No.72885075

buy them a good pair of headphones "for when you stream" as a gift

>> No.72885107

I have a collab with clonq tomorrow

>> No.72885214


Who? I'll follow immediately and we'll collab in the future

>> No.72885329

Been wondering this myself, adding in the horror of having paperthin walls
Do soundproof panels really make a difference, for those here who use them?

>> No.72885350

I pretty much spend most of my free time working on debut stuff so today is:

> Make some more shitty photoshop edits
> Watch some aspies stream
> more voicetests
> Set up an overlay for one of my projects

>> No.72885405


>> No.72885569

the tried and true
>You guys heard that? Oh yeah it was my dad coughing, sorry about that

>> No.72885756

Those panels don't soundproof your room, they cut down on echo and make it a better recording environment. Actually creating a soundproof room is extremely expensive

>> No.72885757 [SPOILER] 
File: 463 KB, 1344x759, HuQJzto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sat and played CK3 for 6 hours. I thought about streaming but nobody would care for my autism

>custom character
>16 years old
>Every single stat point thrown into marshal and nothing else, just turned him into a God Commander, never lost a single battle
>start in county in North-West India underneath some duke
>gobble up my immediate neighbours
>declare an independence war
>Immediately head south annex modern Pakistan
>Start forcing my way west into Afghanistan, Persia and a little north into the steppes
>On one character who survived for like 60 years, he fought in 51 wars always as the commander
>Made it all the way to the Euphrates before finally getting close to death
>Declares on his death bed he was actually a descendent of Cleopatra who actually fled to the Indo-Hellenic kings of North-West India and Afghanistan when Octavian invaded Egypt (true story by the way, that was her plan but it got ruined by some arab nomads who burnt her ships) and the person who died was a double in her place
>Now as the last descendent of Ptolemy, it was his duty to establish Alexander's empire and restore Hellenic rule to the old borders
>Will his son who accompanied his father as a knight on all his campaigns since he was a boy be able to hold the empire together has his 4 other brothers holding their own kingdoms within the empire vie for the title of emperor?

I'm going to try and restore the original Alexandrian borders but I'm scared of the Seljuks and Mongols fucking everything up. The Abbasids exploded but the Egpytians are still very strong and so are the Byzantines which will pose a good challenge.

The rules I'm playing with are:
>Character must stay Hellenic
>Character must stay Greek (allowed to diverge or reform culture)
>You are not allowed to annex territory that historical was not part of Alexander's empire
>Don't do anything gamey

>> No.72885985

i feel like my voice is too low or not cute enough to be a vtuber, but when i try to do a higher voice people say it sounds like i'm straining

>> No.72886048

Do you think that every vtuber has a high pitched loli voice or something?

>> No.72886121

Your voice is fine, stop worrying about it.
You're the one hat wanted the moeblob model right? Trust me, confidence and enthusiasm will help any model work with you. Don't drag yourself down when your voice is already pretty good on its own.

>> No.72886128

rather i can't do a convincing "streamer voice" i feel like, i just sound like a low mumbler i think

>> No.72886199
File: 123 KB, 280x361, 1687281975466418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i feel like my voice is too low
how many times do you /asp/ies need to be taught this lesson. Not everyone wants to listen to some high pitched uguu anime girl. In fact quite a few people myself included avoid those like the plague and explicitly prefer lower pitched voices.

>> No.72886391

Deep voices are fine but you do have to find the right model for it.

>> No.72886398
File: 483 KB, 128x128, 1708130053822663.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just finished my stream, was pretty fun, chat was inactive but the numbers weren't bad and I was playing a game I really like so keeping the enthusiasm is easy. Didn't feel as chatty as I do on some of my other streams but I just wanted to relax.

>> No.72886408

>lower pitched voices
My time as a male to debut is now it seems

>> No.72886458

no you dont

>> No.72886578

It is. But it better be deep, anon. I'm judging you no im not

>> No.72886590

what's a good list of things i can do to make warudo less GPU intensive?

>> No.72886605

Mumbling can be cute on a girl i.e. Mond

>> No.72886634

not really

>> No.72886672

Applying for new wagie jobs, getting ready for Omori tonight, and running errands.

>> No.72886684

it's fucking not and she should stop mumbling like a retarded autist

>> No.72886759

uh oh! different posters in /asp/ have differing preferences again!!!

>> No.72886848

the ill fitting model debuff is real. You have no idea how bad it is until you try to pull it off yourself.

>> No.72887031

name 3

>> No.72887089
File: 530 KB, 817x870, 1620079820436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gm aspies don't kill yourself today

>> No.72887098

cody talks like the most regular accentless internet american i've ever heard and it works with the kawaii soft cat model in my honest opinion

>> No.72887118


>> No.72887168

Tupo is a fucking potato
Denpa sounds just fine?
Rinna fits her model?

>> No.72887395

very likely gonna be strimming obra dinn tonight uu heard it's somewhat similar to outer wilds, so we'll see!

it's either that or I just play filler (earth defense force cuz it's funny)

>> No.72887480

You know potatos don't sound like that.

>> No.72887514

what language do potatoes speak to you with

>> No.72887524


>> No.72887559

Irish obviously

>> No.72887704

Бyльбa chubba when...

>> No.72887825

They speak the same language as the trees. vietnamese

>> No.72887919

I'm gonna stream Monster hunter! Remaking my chat and gaming layouts soon.

>> No.72888184
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>> No.72888216

Lets say I was drawing on stream and in the process of drawing somebody with a swimsuit I had what looks like a nude character on screen (without nipples or vag or dick obviously) before drawing the actual swimsuit. Would that be against TOS? It might even be like that for quite some time before being able to finish the swimsuit and everything. Would showing simplistic nude but featureless 3d reference models on screen be against TOS?

>> No.72888294

>Would that be against TOS?
If this was a legal courthouse no but since twitch is retarded they will bonk you if enough people mass report you. Better hope you have no hate watchers

>> No.72888438

That's why I have things on screen to help obscure the pic so I can keep drawing.

>> No.72888456
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>> No.72888485

kliff had like, a nude model with nothing but fur and he has shown it on stream multiple times without dying... so maybe?

>> No.72888590
File: 375 KB, 1416x2048, Ikemohu.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72888691

probably some crying and more crying and then ill record some audio and then cry more. maybe ill record myself crying

>> No.72888755

I don't remember writing this

>> No.72888791

Did he move to twitch or not?

>> No.72888920

Ah that's a shame. Sometimes I like having a semi realistic but featureless (and unshaded/flat) body underneath the clothing layer to help with proportions and stuff. Maybe if I colored it in non-flesh tones it would help? Bummer.

>> No.72888921

Gone reduced to atoms. All I have left are my vod backups to keep rewatching ToT

>> No.72889611

Kinda sounds like Lui from HoloX or Ange from niji. Not bad at all!

>> No.72889680

I haven't looked at the thread since early yesterday. Why is the OP missing an image? Did somebody post porn again?

>> No.72889743

Even better it's a leak from the schizo wasp cord where the girls have been coordinating who to crab

>> No.72889815

That's not true at all when we're crabbing ourselves as a joke, anon-chan.

>> No.72889824

Have you thought about your target audience before streaming? I can't figure out who would be interested in what I stream/create besides myself. Maybe this is good since I'd be working on things I'm genuinely interested in. I'm probably overthinking things again and worrying that what I make provides something instead of just making something that would be fun to watch.

>> No.72889965

I decided to start streaming first and work out after why people like me.

>> No.72889987

Thinking of a target audience is a good thing but it falls behind doing something that makes you happy. At the end of the day having a niche and a focus is a good thing but you have to do somethings to pander to the general audience too.

>> No.72890102

mond sounds like a retarded autist because she is a retarded autist

>> No.72890183

is your niche surrounding nostalgia? does age correlate with what era you miss and are replicating?

>> No.72890698


>> No.72890735

>Have you thought about your target audience before streaming?
no, I used my first year to figure out my stride before worrying about stuff like that

>> No.72890941

After the waspcord link, gen 8 is in bound and kongou will save us in a month or two

>> No.72891147

What happened to Gen 7?

>> No.72891157

I got some advice from Kongou when I started not very long ago and it made me feel much more secure about stuff! He's a good guy

>> No.72891193

I will save the thread when I debut in October.

>> No.72891212

we're skipping it because the stars told us bunzel would lead that gen

>> No.72891316

When Kongou returns I WILL collab with him.

>> No.72891843

he's pretty easy to talk to and usually open to collabs; good luck!

>> No.72891882

nothingburger at least this thread is sane atm

>> No.72891997


>> No.72892040

I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry, I don't hate you please don't hate me

>> No.72892124
File: 50 KB, 724x633, howlongcanidothis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

\i tripped over my own tongue qwq

>> No.72892196

there are too many chuubas who do family guy jokes and im tired of them

>> No.72892298


>> No.72892312

Female Vtuber here, advice for all male vtubers:

She literally laughs at how she is using you guys behind your backs. She doesn't support guys and there are a ton of girls here who do.

>> No.72892331

would you rather have a chuuba who still thinks family guy is funny, or a chuuba who still thinks spongebob is funny?

>> No.72892346


>> No.72892353

spongebob clears

>> No.72892381

spongebob any fucking day bro

>> No.72892388

Have you seen Pittie on any male chat besides UWO? Does she even follow any males besides UWO?

>> No.72892441

you're behind the times, old man. peter griffin is a kawaii icon and spongebob is a gangster from the hood whether you like it or not. i eat, sleep, and breathe family guy. brian is the dog and stewie is the baby aand nobody cares about meg. and chris is funny and herber t the pervert and lois is the first cartoon milf i masturbated to

>> No.72892473

If you want to go by who follows back should we all tell mond to fuck off and unfollow her too?

>> No.72892477

Spongebob is universal.

>> No.72892502
File: 22 KB, 593x198, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happened to cheen?

>> No.72892570

cucked to death

>> No.72892574

Thanks for the advice everyone.
>You have to do somethings to pander to the general audience too.
I don't plan on doing totally niche things, but I'd like to do drawing streams/videos. Problem is that type of content usually leans into tutorials for other artists and I'd like to avoid that, so then I sort of lose sight of who my audience is. It's like I'm focused on the general audience so now I'm kinda lost on what the niche or specific audience is. Who else but artists want to see videos of someone drawing? There's probably a way to spin it so it appeals to a different crowd, or at least to artists who aren't concerned with improving, just stuck on ideas I guess.

>> No.72892590

artist = crazy, simple as

>> No.72892614

Who cares? I'm sick of hearing about him and his gloomy posts

>> No.72892640

Mond raids males, but nice try Pittie.

>> No.72892648
File: 239 KB, 442x450, haram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72892661

Day 3613698 of singing reps. I'm starting to understand how Goku must have felt through his journey to get stronger. I hear improvements in my singing but realized I'm still shit in the grand scheme of things and how much there is to learn from other people. Makes me go waku waku everyday

>> No.72892705

Dunno but I wish him the best of luck (i'm too much of a pussy to write it to him) hope at the end of the schoolyear he'll relax and get some proper rest c:

>> No.72892712

Have you seen lava outside of uwo and cheens chat? don't say fairchild because he doesn't even stream
most girls don't support males outside of a pity raid

>> No.72892710

Why do people that have an easy path always self sabotage like this?

>> No.72892815

Lava has been on my chat before

>> No.72892845

please dont speak for 'most girls', i follow aspies all the time. I ran into some really chill dudes that way, I watch them all the time

>> No.72892852

Hanabi going menhera again

>> No.72892878

lava isn't in female chats either to be fair, has anyone figured out what her alt is?

>> No.72892882
File: 6 KB, 237x212, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>japanese song

>> No.72892893

Why would they?
The viewers like watching GIRLS
Guys should collab with other guys, it's a different market

Getting raids from girls is pathetic, you're getting pitied anon

>> No.72892945

arkshually, no girl supports any of us guys. they are the crabs!

>> No.72892974
File: 158 KB, 970x1051, IMG_20240305_125344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Afternoon aspies. Been a while since I said, but if you guys have stream ideas you want to try to implement, feel free to hit me up on Twitter or discord, @oozetuber/HazmatVT respectively, and I'll happily help brainstorm and figure out how to enact your idea

>> No.72892991

Lava was in my chat once spewing a bunch of zoomie ass posts and it was really fucking funny

>> No.72893055

first worlders have never experienced real suffering so any small issue they come across becomes a big deal to them

>> No.72893119

Always encouraging to see how you're working on your stream

>> No.72893124

i have to draft out my response everytime i talk to you like i'm afraid im gonna say the wrong things and scare you away

>> No.72893213

I'm mostly using my first year to feel things out but I'll keep this in mind, hazmat! Love watching your streams and appreciate the kindness t. lurker (usually)

>> No.72893237

it breaks my heart whenever i see you typing and i wait and wait but it never comes... just hit the send button...

>> No.72893238

Guys should support guys.
Girls should support girls.
Nobody should support Pittie.

>> No.72893317

What about the trannys like coco and fwofie

>> No.72893375


I'd divest if I saw some hard evidence but otherwise I'm gonna just assume it's rrats. I do agree that guys and girls should collab without worry if they want to.

>> No.72893377

we love fwofie (tranny) here

>> No.72893385

>thread is yet again full of drama I don't care
can't believe I want vagueposters now

>> No.72893386

coco and fwofie are cool. i will support them

>> No.72893389

fwofie supports all the males, ill die for her
coco is basically dead

>> No.72893460

fwofie hangs out in my stream so i'll call her a her

>> No.72893469

/asp/ has no trannies

>> No.72893480

What happened to coco? Was the purple wizard's dick too strong?

>> No.72893484

Those two have been some of the nicest people I've interacted with in this space
They aren't carrying weird autistic baggage like the other girls

>> No.72893496

now, this may strike some aspies as harsh, but i believe everyone mentioned in this story should die.

>> No.72893506

I love fwofie

>> No.72893508

rebrand killed her ccv

>> No.72893557

fwofie isn't a tranny and even if she is, when she shilled herself she was very forthcoming about supporting males even when waspschizos were harassing her about it so i support her in return

>> No.72893600

which story, vaguebro?

>> No.72893601

She probably lost interest on vtubing/streaming.
Also she wanted to be a cyberslut like Projekt Melody but didnt really make anything for that.

>> No.72893623

I wont vaguepost about him anymore after he said my vagueposts made him mad
I think it was directed at me but I'm afraid of him hating me more

>> No.72893681

you first, vagueposting fag

>> No.72893699

you're already up but you haven't replied to my dm... do you hate me now?

>> No.72893713

Fwofie is the antithesis of Pittie.
Everyone should support Fwofie, she supports back.
Pittie does jackshit for support, she is a prime leech, and the fact she jokes about being a leech in her little discord doesn't make you any less of a leech, just a self aware one.

>> No.72893724

>fwofie isn't a tranny
Just say you don't watch stream it will make you look less like a retarded fag

>> No.72893826

good morning shania-chan

>> No.72893865

who did pittie try to leech on? give a no schizo recent example. no? you are a crab.

>> No.72893914
File: 30 KB, 552x449, dm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry kashan, I'm just not sure what to say here

>> No.72893939

All the girls? Denpa, Elfin? Made that retarded drama stream with Rinna?

>> No.72893962

If /wasp/ has a female only discord why isn't there a male only disocrd too?

>> No.72893973

all her friends, retardbro

>> No.72894000

There is but literally all we talk about is mahjong and collabing sometimes it's unironically too boring to leak

>> No.72894007
File: 1.03 MB, 1080x1055, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a male only discord but its just this image over and over again and is mostly dead

>> No.72894013

I dont know, anon. Why are you a miserable shitstirring faggot?
world is full of questions

>> No.72894041

Not necessary
Only women = schizozone
Mixed = safe
Only men = safe

>> No.72894057

Hell yeah

>> No.72894081

Does she get anti'd because she is doing stuff with elfin or what?

>> No.72894093

Denpa has no friends. Do your reps

>> No.72894099

You can leech from "friends".
Also Pittie just leave lmao, we don't want you here.
Why do you want males to support you if you aren't gonna support them back?
What's wrong with telling guys "Hey retards, stop watching/supporting this girl that will never pay it back, when there's a lot of other girls here that do"?
Why is it ok for Pittie to be unsupportive of males but when we tell males to do it back, suddenly there is a issue?

>> No.72894158

what do i have to do (besides showing my body parts ||no dox||) to prove that im not a tranny lmao

>> No.72894180

jobberanon.....your spoiler....

>> No.72894206

fwofie... :)

>> No.72894210

sorry i was typing on discord all morning and im dealing with too much twitter drama to think straight

>> No.72894238


>> No.72894244

You don't have to "prove" anything, you're a VTuber
People can say anything about you, what matters is the way your avatar looks and the way you sound. If a new viewer clicks on your stream and identifies you as a girl then you're a girl

>> No.72894262

First of all, dont use the word tranny if youre not trans.
Second of all, there's nothing you can do, just ignore the trolls.

>> No.72894289
File: 2.63 MB, 1308x1744, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dress up as fwofie so I can shoot some ropes to you!

>> No.72894291

basically nothing. any 'proof' they want is just an excuse to bodyshame/slutshame/dox/harass you further. do what i do and ignore the proof-beggars until they seethe

>> No.72894336

There's been multiple attempts but it always dies.

>> No.72894340

Dont get one guy'd by random posts here, dumbass. Just ignore them.

>> No.72894344

you're a real woman to me, foof

>> No.72894362

fwofie please ignore the schizos

>> No.72894383

Lance has literally been on camera before and people still call him a ftm.

>> No.72894461


>> No.72894647

Does denpafish still show off her chonkatits?

>> No.72894698

Pittie, stop.

>> No.72894755


>> No.72894781

It's a valid question. Denpa is the one with a fansly

>> No.72894789

I...I love both...

>> No.72894813

gura wtf

>> No.72894826

sounds like every male group chat ever
>weeks and months of no chat
>"fishing this weekend bros?"
>sudden influx of chat
>chat dies over the weekend
>weeks and months of no chat
>"stripclub this weekend bros?"
>repeat ad nauseam

>> No.72894876

Nothing wrong with that though imo american dad is more enjoyable than family guy

>> No.72894970

the camui drama was more entertaining than this pittie crabbing

>> No.72895026

fuck off

>> No.72895049

I'm not posting it to avoid a potential ban. It's around if you know anything about him.

>> No.72895091

who tf even is pittie

>> No.72895099

Ubume's network attempts on twitter are fucking adorable. Just seeing her come up with quips is cute

>> No.72895161

no they have a point i need to see pittie pull a crane and act like a cocky bastard over this

>> No.72895269

I need a wife like fwofie

>> No.72895298

wifwofie :3c

>> No.72895360

>asp finally supporting me as a girl

>> No.72895402

>Lies of Pittie

>> No.72895438

buy an ad, im done with this drama

>> No.72895467

Why don't you guys talk about your favorite boys instead?

>> No.72895482

a younger me would vehemently disagree, but honestly after seeing some clips recently I can see your point...we can be the wine testers of seth macfarlane shows anon. and btw Ted clears

>> No.72895532

Rinna fell off for me after associating with Pittie and basically becoming a drama whore like her.

>> No.72895534

>shit up the thread for the 5th time with fake drama
>do a stream laughing at how epically you trolled everyone
ngl this is kind of funny

>> No.72895564

Movie Ted or younger? I didn't watch the show, sell me on it. And I like my wine red, lets do this

>> No.72895586

She never supported me even once

>> No.72895593

howdy Rinna! she's live!

>> No.72895628

We do it everyday and we'll go back to it.
Today we are advising the males to avoid Pittie.

>> No.72895793

Rinna said she is being hunted down by the government for no reason whatsoever.

>> No.72895802

Not that this wasn't a secret already. Don't forget guys, she's most likely the one who keeps bringing up camui and crane drama. She's the one crabbing all of you

>> No.72895879

dont care

>> No.72895893

Fwofie's really nice. I see her everywhere and as much as I'd like to befriend her, I know I shouldn't because I'd probably fall in love.

>> No.72895896

its very clear that asp and its split are gonna fall for this shit when they decide to do it again and thats going to be hilarious

>> No.72895931

Rinna, my tulpa is real! It's real to me!

>> No.72895937

I still think about her... and how I once wanted to pump her full of kids, enough to field a soccer team...

>> No.72896093

>5 (FIVE) tulpas
rinna you schizo

>> No.72896104

post funny tierlists

>> No.72896126

I can save this schizo cat...

>> No.72896189

nobody fell for it tho
nobody watched it either, Khubie was mogging that collab

>> No.72896428

I remember loving both movies years ago, and the clips I've seen of the shows is honestly reminicent of seth's peak (that "they got her" clip is a perfect summary). I'm not wealthy enough for subscription services though so I just get all my media and news and spiritual influence from vertical shortform videos nowadays. But I'd say give it a shot! Also I drink rosé because it reminds of of sprite.

>> No.72896456

Nice job revolving your whole vtuber career around being an epic troll on 4chan where you made 20 people think you're retarded

>> No.72896471

Rinna shitting on the racist allegations

>> No.72896556

sorry about the typos my iq fluctuates depending on the moon phases

>> No.72896561


>> No.72896592

The fact we know its Pittie who is shitting up the thread with all this Rinna nonsense...
Yeah I'm unfollowing, fuck this.

>> No.72896654
File: 40 KB, 363x87, Based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rinna venting about her problems

>> No.72896658


>> No.72896679


>> No.72896692

camui, why are you like this? Also good night

>> No.72896738

my opinion on rinna is this: I like the accent, it reminds me of the film and series fargo, however I will not watch her streams because I keep seeing posts like this

>> No.72896765

What do you think Rinna's pussy smells like?

>> No.72896786

There are two movies?! I've been painfully behind on movie watching for the past ten years
ill give the show a shot, though!

>> No.72896805

my saliva

>> No.72896842

Pittie is in Rinna's stream

>> No.72896869


>> No.72896923

>sometimes I make stupid decisions to boost viewership by pulling stupid stunts
i forgive you Rinna

>> No.72896957

aspies for this feel

>> No.72896991

Emphasis on stupid

>> No.72897041

there are! the second was pretty good too! hope you enjoy the show! ^^

>> No.72897158

Everyone needs to turn off banner ads on their streams. You're not getting any revenue from them

>> No.72897165

rinna sharing her cringe moments with her coworkers is making me blush

>> No.72897270

Wtf is with this rinna spam now?

>> No.72897341

latam bros would say all of them are shit compared to the simpsons and futurama

>> No.72897339

mostly pittie, and apparently camui, shitting up the place to drive more attention to the attention whore
but all it does it ensure i'll never watch any of them

>> No.72897363

Literally my discord server. I love my fans. If a message is sent, 6 people respond, but a message is sent maybe twice a week (aside from go live notifs)

>> No.72897379

>Rinna's debut is being pushed back

>> No.72897459

a well known vtuber from this thread is live, and people who are watching her are posting about it ITT

hope this helps

>> No.72897539

As shrimple as that

>> No.72897585

I don't agree with this post, I'm a third worlder with over 120k usd in debt, I have no way to pay it up, every day I'm contenplating suicide but even with all this I know at least two people who are dying of cancer who are struggling while agonizing in pain just to stay a bit longer with their families, can I even compare to them? How about their families since they are going through a lot of emotional pain too?
Not everyone's problems are the same but that doesn't mean their suffering is any less valid.

>> No.72897595
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which waspies fit into this?

>> No.72897719

wrong thread, schizo

>> No.72897772

why would I post in the inferior thread?

>> No.72897803

the split is dead.

>> No.72897828

because you should learn to keep your retarded shitstirring dramabaiting whores contained in one place so it's easier to ignore them

>> No.72897836

>Crane in Rinna's stream

>> No.72897931


>> No.72897942
File: 15 KB, 579x536, 634653453724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the hell is Pittie and why would they be crabbing me?
I love all my /asp/ie homies.

>> No.72898020
File: 2.36 MB, 1140x1189, list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72898089

Haru has 2 entries as well

>> No.72898168

Rinna talking about sniffing sweaty balls rn

>> No.72898208

love ya crane

>> No.72898236

>the cuter Haru

>> No.72898315

Who's in chage of the tier list? You deleted the wrong me

>> No.72898359

Shut the fuck up Pittie you aren't funny.

>> No.72898372

i want to drink Rinna's holy water

>> No.72898565

What the fuck happened six months ago that sent him spiraling? It can't be the cuck shit.

>> No.72898589

rinna what are you doing

>> No.72898607

Same me /mvp/...
Save me...

>> No.72898634

Oh it was the cuck shit

>> No.72898682

he's live

>> No.72898744

ineda stream watchalong with rinna

>> No.72898918

Jamie you better be egosearching, do you do the /wasp/ tierlist too?

>> No.72898992

anyone know the simpliest way to use live2d models with linux?

>> No.72899004
File: 14 KB, 128x128, runny.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sponsorship bit from today's stream

>> No.72899023

I'll be honest. Haru's new model is too cute for me. I want him to do something cooler instead of cuter.

>> No.72899178

>Gumpai in Rinna's stream

>> No.72899277

rinna is finally starting lies of pittie

>> No.72899366

Time to start spamming nigger faggot, like wtf rules one and two, you guys cry tourist when ur biggest reps are fucking larpers what a joke…

>> No.72899678

unitybros go on without me... this is too much for me... uwo after his 3 day ban is in rinna's stream too... f-fuuuuck

>> No.72899913

Better internet. At least his video and nasty jokes are more synchronized.

>> No.72900018

I need to fuck too, Rinna

>> No.72900062

the fuck is going on with this rinna spam??

>> No.72900116

I need to fuck Rinna

>> No.72900144

Would you rather talk about crabbing beryl instead of talking about streams?

>> No.72900224

Going to an office shop and look if the project im trying to do is possible

>> No.72900229

I would rather talk about something that doesn't feel like spam

>> No.72900420

What if someone were to comm some Rinna ringo fanart?

>> No.72900489


>> No.72900558


Thank you! I am not very good at VTuber social media. I am just trying to have some fun. There are so many new people to meet with such interesting model designs. I just want to put everyone's reference sheets up on my fridge!

If you would like to join me tonight, I will be streaming from 3:15PM EST to 11:15PM EST. I'm streaming World of Horror, a retro-style Japanese-inspired horror game, heavily influenced by the works of both H.P. Lovecraft and Junji Ito.

Backseat gaming is heavily encouraged, as I can't cheat and look at the wiki at the same time as streaming or my stream gets slow.

I am starting with the 'But Dad!!' challenge tonight. Challenge runs are unlocked by playing the game through without ever using the 'rest' action at the Apartment location on the main map. I don't think taking baths at Home, between missions, negates a run's qualifications for the achievement, but resting at various places, like the Inn in Far-Out Fable of a Fear Festival may.

In 'But Dad!!,' Moriko is not allowed to use firearms.

My stream is www.twitch.tv/MamaUbume, I hope you can make it.

>> No.72900574
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>> No.72900638
File: 514 KB, 800x612, Gex 3 - Deep Cover Gecko (USA) 2024-04-03-20-04-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko

>> No.72900904

>20 gift subs
Rinnabros we're winning so hard.

>> No.72901090

I do not manage the wasp tierlist. No point in me making a 2nd account for that website.

>> No.72901255
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>> No.72901279

I want to fuck Rinna and pee on her

>> No.72901423

ineda lower your game volume

>> No.72901462

na,e chubber

>> No.72901465

Shania do you watch any aspie streams? Not trying to crab or put you down if you don’t. Just something I was wondering.

>> No.72901549


>> No.72901566


>> No.72901575


>> No.72901619

Mah recently returned boy, tornkite

>> No.72901659


>> No.72901691
File: 258 KB, 2500x2139, Untitled318_20240403142733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.72901946

Love ya momma

>> No.72901992

Why do you have a nsfw # but not sfw one?

>> No.72902061

mamaubume reminds me of when i made a big titty ghost woman design and had to resist the urge to draw constant sexy ghost women. the urge is coming back

>> No.72902383

i watch streams sometimes, but not that often. never been a big stream guy. gonna be honest I was in the "why would you watch someone play video games when you can play them yourself" camp when streaming started getting big. I still don't get gaming streams and they filter me hard unless it's a game I've already played and enjoyed.

theres some aspies I've been meaning to watch, just haven't gotten around to them. while I'm not necessarily a stream enjoyer it does still interest me to see how people choose to display their personality, interests, talents, etc.

>> No.72903181
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>> No.72903227


>> No.72903235
File: 26 KB, 182x189, 43chibbi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72903298

why are you even here?

>> No.72903448

desperate for attention

>> No.72903459

Uuuuuuuuuuuuu he is too damn cute I'm going to end up gay if I continue to watch him...

>> No.72903530

Rub your tiny dicks together, bro! Suck his toes, lick his asshole!

>> No.72903749

baker doko

>> No.72903816

>i'm not a very political person
>has been tweeting about trans rights nonstop for a week

>> No.72903890

cry about it, this isn't your blog faggot

>> No.72903906

Fuck you Kuku

>> No.72903973

Scege forgot that trans christians exist too

>> No.72904010

Scege, Hauntlich and Kuromaru collab when

>> No.72904165

My dick ain't tiny, it's almost 7 inches...
