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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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72852593 No.72852593 [Reply] [Original]

Matara Kan is causing Sayu's mental illness by refusing to be friends with her.
If Sayu kills herself Matara will basically have committed murder.

>> No.72853013


>> No.72853013,1 [INTERNAL] 

Sayu is fine. She is more apprehensive to making relationships with people from her former corpo, which is understandable considering what they did to her. Sayu is a smart girl, making new friends, and probably working out her issues before attempting to reconnect with former colleagues, assuming she even wants anything to do with them. I HIGHLY doubt she would even consider self-deletion.

Nice try with trying to deflect the Luca scandal Nijisisters

>> No.72853886 [DELETED] 

Matara you are a slav whore. You wouldn't last a day in the USSR that you love. Real Russian men would tear open your holes and then deglove your face. You will never be as popular as Ironmouse. Mint, Sayu, and Doki are ten times the woman you are. You're used goods and an ugly bitch. A real slav like Lumi would spit on your face. Put a Kalashnikov in your mouth, you dirty roach.

>> No.72854153

She should ignore them and go on, just doen’t attack anyone and ignore the dramafag.
Doki doesn’t need a single Niji to do whatever she wants and get more views than even the males at this point.
Matara can have fun being the queen bee until the highschoolers inevitably fuck themselves over being unable to not yab.

>> No.72854412
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Don't worry OP, I will fix her with my cock

>> No.72854498


>> No.72854644

Is this the new nijiseethe thread?

>> No.72854792

So you basically want Sayu to kill herself just so you can have new drama where an Internet mob cancels Matara?

>> No.72854912

Since sisters are good girls they should reach out to Matara and force her to make up with Sayu, this will surely mend their relationship! Don't forget to send all I-wish-she-wouldn't-ignore-me Sayu's posts to Matara as well to guilt trip her a bit.

>> No.72855074

Yes sister that is exactly what OP says

>> No.72856223
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she should have kept her mouth shut.

>> No.72856375

The thing /vt/ somehow still doesn't understand is that most of the Nijis are friends with each other, even after graduating. Their problems are with Anycolor, not the members, and that has always been the case. Sayu and Doki are the outliers.

>> No.72856429

Doki route is very successful, lets see if she can pull it off

>> No.72857925

I feel like Sayu would've been at least 20-30% more succesful if she took notes from Doki and didn't whine about ex-Nijis not liking her at every opportunity.

>> No.72858079

Sayu backstabbed Matara, she even admitted to it and tried to "apologize" on Falseye channel, but that was for show.

>> No.72858175

Elaborate on the backstabbing?

>> No.72858239

Why are all western asian chuubas so pants on head retarded? Have yet to find a single one who isn't

>> No.72858352

Revealed private information that Matara told Sayu, to drama channels, when Matara explicitly told her not to do that. She backstabbed her for some clout when she wasn't doing so good in numbers before the Selen drama.

>> No.72858454

The dreaded famiry shame contributes to much of it, mixed with the western individualistic culture causing them to express their emotions when otherwise in those original asian cultures they'd be forced to repress it.
So they get the negatives of both. Still subjected to horrible asian parenting which won't change, but unable to keep it in.

>> No.72858674

Well, just Sayu. Even Doki collabed with U-San.

Honestly don't blame any of them for steering clear of someone who stirs as much shit as Sayu with all the leaking to third parties.

>> No.72858735

That's not exactly backstabbing tier...
Breach of trust, sure, but backstabbing is a different level

>> No.72858742

>menhera divorcee
her condition is probably caused by cock overload if anything

>> No.72858871
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retarded false flagging nijisisters at it again

>> No.72858908

Matara exudes major cunt energy so I'm not surprised

>> No.72858993

She's dug herself into reputational hole so deep the only people willing to interact with her are dramatards and the occasional small corpo

>> No.72859296

Is there even a SINGLE vtuber that ISN'T mentally ill?

>> No.72859392

Not everyone becomes best friends just because they used to be co workers, that's not hiw life works.

>> No.72859406

source? sayu seems to be doing fine on her own and have plenty of friends in the indy and en circle

>> No.72859503

Nice false flagging retards.
>doki wont collab with matara, kuro or that wigger
>sayu has never asked for collabs with any ex-niji just to make amends with matara
>u-san is largely disconnected from all ex-nijis
you faggots dont watch doki, matara, sayu, kuro, u-san or any of them ex organs so sit the fuck down and enjoy your shit nijislob. didnt even show up for petras collab yesterday and certainly didnt watch kyos debut thing.
I dont even see you shitfaces at kuros anymore.

>> No.72859910

no joke if I were ever in the position where some definitely mentaly unwell person would try to force tthemself on me and me not having any will to even consider them an acquaintance I would fully lean into making them an hero

>> No.72859943

Sayu does not want to do anything with matara anymore now she's shilled. There will be no more attempts to reconcile. Honestly good for both her and matara.

Also the comic appears to be about her healing from the past and is a thank you to people who stood by her. So there will be no more suicide attempts.

>> No.72860054

*Now that she's shilled quimn

>> No.72860907

This is why I think that Sayu is a grifter

>> No.72861316

>Watching a Niji organ
Even if they left, their shit mentality still remain.

>> No.72861644

There isn't any bad blood between Niji talents and Doki. The black screen stream was management mandated. None of them have said anything about her, and her friends are still friends with Nijis. It's only the catalog monkeys who think there's some war going on. The reality is the Nijis are probably glad Doki's termination got a bunch of their incompetent managers fired.

>> No.72861835

Why does she want validation so badly
Just do your thing and laugh while niji burns

>> No.72862032

Kson, Zen, Filian

>> No.72862327

group suicide with the sayubeggars. /vt/ will improve a little bit

>> No.72862463

>Matara everytime she wakes up to something Sayu's related

>> No.72862660


>> No.72862779

Nice thread, nijisisters.

>> No.72864481

There is no bad blood because doki has moved on. She may have positive or negative opinions on individual livers. For example luca was not accused of bullying doki but he's still lacking quite a bit in the ethics department. If someone like that goes indie and tries to collab with Doki, I don't think she'll be very thrilled.

>> No.72864505

NDF must be really free today

>> No.72864695

nice fucking revisionism faggot

>> No.72864833

>There isn't any bad blood between Niji talents and Doki
>doki blames them on her suicide attempts
>no bad blood

>> No.72864878

It was your company that specifically involved your organs sis

>> No.72865095

What happened to niji this time?

>> No.72865648

Lawyer man is reviewing Raz's Luca doc

>> No.72865765

How kek it is?

>> No.72866235

should've been fired years ago/10

>> No.72867021

don't believe everything you read on /vt/. this is all the supposed LeAk the roach and the fags /here/ hate Sayu for:

>> No.72867277

Nobody hates sayu for it you retard. Well maybe there are some but the discussion basically goes like this.
>waaah mataara is not sucking sayu dick reee reee that bitch
>"actually matara is justified not talking to her and here is the reason"
>"nooo that's a nothingburger that doesn't count why do you hate sayu aaaaaaaaaaaaaa sister sister sister"

>> No.72867282

man fuck off

>> No.72867402
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thanks for proving my point.

>> No.72867531

People don't just blindly hate Sayu, they hate both their attitude over this (like woman it has been months, move on or dome something about it), and their fans often victimizing her as she was some pariah. Matara just doesn't want to be with her anymore, and that's it. Matara isn't throwing any shade over her new life, her friends, or the fact she can't speak to her, she's just simply moved on. Now, who's the one that has been doing that? Sayu, her own issues blind her from seeing that it's just time to move on.

>> No.72867740

Reject Vshojo. Embrace Phase Connect.

>> No.72867743

>move on or
she's trying
>dome something about it
she did all she could.
>as she was some pariah
she was, and to an extent still is, but luckily that's changing.
all you said are her right, but she's still a scumbag. too bad explaining why is against >>1

>> No.72867824

>People aren't blind
>Willfully blind sisters
Sure jan

>> No.72868227

>>72867743 (me)
or as for a current thing to despise the roach for, how about her airing and insinuating that Henya might be a self harmer?

>> No.72868497

>she's trying
>do* something about it
She's surely doesn't show it with how she spoke just two weeks ago.
>she was, and to an extent still is, but luckily that's changing.
If she was still a pariah, she would not have anyone to speak with. People in there were her coworkers, not friends. They aren't obligated to like her or change their opinion on her.
>but she's still a scumbag. >>72868227
You have to be really autistic to not realize they are fucking talking about Henya being babied. Thing she said herself to everyone. Her mom and Roomie literally takes care of her.

>> No.72869006

>They aren't obligated to like her or change their opinion on her.
I do agree with this in principle, but you should know Sayu well enough by now to know how clingy she can be. not appropriate for a work environment, but still, it's who she is, and I couldn't bring myself to hate her for it even if I wanted to. I don't.
if that was the case, why is she forced to rip boxes open with bare hands, instead of using *any* tool to cut the tape? ah, cutting...
>and Roomie
the last time Henya talked about her she said "it's not like she's dying or anything" and hasn't mentioned her since. it's safe to assume they aren't together anymore.

>> No.72869040

*rejected by vshojo
fixed it for you

>> No.72869132

>he thinks someone got fired

>> No.72869246
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>>doki blames them on her suicide attempts
SistESLs make up shit as usual I see

>> No.72869292

why the fuck is she talking like a saviorfag one second and then calling them bitches the next?

>> No.72869334

>Phasenigger Sayubegging
Unironically adorable.

>> No.72869348

>bitches (endearing)
women do that all the time, anon.

>> No.72869498
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especially considering she already said no to joining them.
she's unironically better off as an indie, she just has to get her menhera in check, then she'll get to shine.

>> No.72869596

Is this new?

>> No.72869629

nigga she tried to join vshojo before.

>> No.72869661

She just had a funny collab with filian. Filian is a good bean sayu should try to be actual friends with filian

>> No.72869706

the stream was 2 months ago, it's still on twitch if you wanna watch it.
yes, *before* ending up in niji, when she was a small indie.

>> No.72869752

>she already said no to joining them.
When did she do this?

>> No.72870000

not that long ago. I don't remember which stream it was, but she was joking about launching her own coffee brand beforehand. basically, she'd get to keep way less money than she does now.

>> No.72870215

Nice try sister but the stream was moved manually to overlap the neopets stream which is undeniable proof the livers themselves intended to cause harm with it.
That's not even mentioning the various dogwhistles like enna's "I can murder someone and still have a fandom" and reimu's "an attempt lmao"
Or of course the fact that an insider came /here/ to say they were all privately calling her dookiebird to both mock her and avoid management peeping, which was followed by all the sisters taking their cue.

>> No.72870477
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Sayu is a clout chasing loser and I'm glad my oshi doesn't even acknowledge her existence whatsoever.
Based cute yellow birb.

>> No.72870735


>> No.72870933

meant for

>> No.72871037

Fuck off, you're not me. I didn't intend to give that faggot a (You). There is no animosity between dragoons and Sayu's fans.

>> No.72871316

>I didn't intend to give that faggot a (You).

>> No.72871414

Sayu is the only common denominator in multiple dramas. The issue is clearly her.

>> No.72871447

Also after her recent comment about vshojo why would any of them want to associate with her at all.

>> No.72871538

I want to cum between her goddess thighs.

>> No.72871605
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get in line.

>> No.72871702

>yes, *before* ending up in niji, when she was a small indie.
From the way she spoke the last time she mentioned vshojo, she sounded like she still wanted to join it, especially now that she has the 4view numbers to get in compared to when she was small. It's just that now she knows she still has no chance to get in due to the nepotism aspect of vshojo and that if one of the members don't like you(obviously in this case Matara) you have no chance of getting in no matter how good your numbers are.

>> No.72871826

yeah, but she actually auditioned back then, just as I said.

>> No.72871927


>> No.72871948

>not even an out of context clip to bait with

>> No.72872031

She has to realize that comment destroyed any chance of her getting in

>> No.72872255
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Does anyone want to take bets?
Who will last longer?
Zaion didn't take their shit before. And seems to enjoy putting the knife in the dying corporation and all those involved.
Show some mercy Sayu, it's dying already.

>> No.72873120

meant for

>> No.72873598

>that clip
Someone needs to give her a lesson in PR, cause this is probably the worst possible way she could have handled the roach situation.

>> No.72873988

that was when vshojo had open audition that lead to nowhere you fucking mongoloid. before zaion, before nijisanji.
>likes zen
>likes kson
>likes henya
>says specifically that there are ups and downs being in vshojo
>vshojo has its own clique
no, she said she stood by staying away from all vtuber corpos and evaluating every vtuber by their own merits and not by the company. she has been disillusioned by joining any company.

>> No.72874064

Matara has always been a cunt, I don't know people, particularly on this board, seem to value her approval.

>> No.72874166

yeah, being indie seems to be the best choice nowadays. the only reason I give a fuck about vshojo at all is Henya.
