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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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72820746 No.72820746 [Reply] [Original]

>girls like this existed when I was in highschool
>I never found a single one
life is so fucking unfair...

>> No.72820803

sorry anon they were busy getting railed by chad

>> No.72820934

Yeah, even the nerdiest girl at my school had a boyfriend. I don't think I've ever met a woman that isn't in a relationship. Even if they break up they usually already have a fucktoy ready to jump into immediately and then they start preparing their next fucktoy.

>> No.72820966

This, I had a hot gamer girl in my class back in highschool. But her bf was still a Chad from the soccer team. Just because they like to play games or other nerd/otaku stuff doesn't mean they want to date actual nerds.

>> No.72820983

isn't the other /bfg/ thread still up

>> No.72821102

Even the fat ones

>> No.72821120

You guys are full of shit. Goth/Emo/Alternatives girls like hooking up with stoners and delinquents, not Chads.

>> No.72821392

Thise types of girls aren't opposed to hooking up with both at the same time lol

>> No.72821800

Emo/goth girl, she was dating a stoner. If she wasn't dating a stoner, you wouldn't have had the guts to approach her. If you did have the guts she would've yapped about shit you didn't care about like kuroshitsuji or webkinz. If after all that, you actually managed to ask her out she would've friendzoned you.
Look into your heart and you'll know it to be true.

>> No.72821865

If you are here, you never had a shot

>> No.72821871

>omg shes so quirky and watched the same dumb shit on the internet i did

>> No.72822279
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yeah, when's our turn to score?

>> No.72822756

What do you know, zoomie?

>> No.72822768

Because they were annoying and most of had stopped being liked that when they entered High School

>> No.72822937

the gamer girl of my class in high school hooked up with me and my whole friend group without any of us knowing, thank god people weren't dumb enough to actually date her

>> No.72822977

I was probably jerking off to hentai before you were born, wasn't aware that "yap" was a "zoomie" term.

>> No.72823021

nice flex anon

>> No.72823339

I'm old enough to need prostate exams bro

>> No.72823403

why do people pretend fauna is a nerdy girl
she was a basic popular white girl that pretends she was one of the "nerds"

>> No.72823602

don't know which shithole country you're from, but for people born in the late 90's you could easily be both growing up, just by not being socially retarded

>> No.72823644

She has a STEM major

>> No.72823703

You're lucky, i found a few, they're extremely retarded and annoying.
Just let them exist in your fantasies anon.

>> No.72823728

One of these girls asked me for tutoring but I never got the hint and they ended up dating a dude who everyone would joke was a clone of me.

>> No.72823740 [DELETED] 

Shut up, ANTI! Also they're all pure virgin lesbian saint maidens and they hate all men, except for their fans!

>> No.72823757

not old enough to have taken them

>> No.72823808

Same, not that I go in to the doctor for them anyway. You should become a little more conducive to how people speak in current year. Don't know about you but I don't want to be the old man yelling at clouds who literally can't understand what the kids are saying.
I was friends with an actual big tiddy goth gf in highschool. I never had a chance from the start though, she thought I was gay for the first month I knew her. Pretty fucking over after that.

>> No.72823890

meanwhile, no one replying denied the fact that she was popular, you can relax, your schizo is showing

>> No.72823949

>girls like this browsed /a/ and /b/ when those were the only boards and we gaslighted ourselves in believing they were a myth
i bet moot was behind this

>> No.72824044

There are still girls like that are browsing this very board as we speak. Hell, sometimes they even post.

>> No.72824063

It's not that they were a myth. It's that everyone was anonymous and if a woman showed up trying to use her vagina to grab attention, the immediate response was "tits or gtfo"

>> No.72824205

and some of them posted, good times

>> No.72824288
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>a girl I hung out with all the time once asked me if I think about sex while we were chilling in her room
>tried to play it off cool by going "nah not really I got better things to think about"
>we start drifting apart a year later
>friends tell me after that she really liked me and asked me what the fuck I did
Yea...I was pretty dense

>> No.72824508

that was her fault, there was no correct answer to that question. say yes and you get reported for sexual harassment and rape, say no and this happens

>> No.72824556

Do guys think about anything other than sex?

>> No.72824712

Video games, science and tech stuff, work. I even think about vtubers without also thinking about fucking them, rarely.

>> No.72824822

A fembeat literally posted her boobs and pits here yesterday

>> No.72824948

I yearn for companionship more than sex

>> No.72825016


>> No.72825230

If she asked the question it's because she was thinking about sex, with anon. It really is that simple.

>> No.72825449

clueless retard,fauna hiding her power level

>> No.72825456

Isn't she a weeb? Weebs weren't exactly the popular kids back then were they? But then again female weebs weren't as ostracized as the dudes.

>> No.72825737

The correct answer is "dunno, maybe, why?" and laughing, giving her a chance to state her intentions. Neutral playful answer.

>> No.72825738

she's a "weeb"

>> No.72825760

She's told many stories about having another nerd friend that she'd have tea parties with.

>> No.72825793 [DELETED] 
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you're minecraft girl looks like this, btw. rumors is that she was allegedly abusing animals on stream, reading through the comments on that minecon compliation video.

>> No.72825849

>Just because they like to play games or other nerd/otaku stuff doesn't mean they want to date actual nerds.
Have you considered she dated Chad because he approached her, and you didn't?

>> No.72825931

I think when was the time it all went wrong.

>> No.72825967

the were busy having sex with the football team

>> No.72826207

You must not be american because the football team at american highschools only wanted to date cheerleaders and they all fought amongst each other them. They didn't give a fuck about the "nerd" girls or any girl not in the popular club. I regularly saw the football players at my highschool bullying and making fun of both girls and boys that played their gameboys or card games at lunch time or after school.

>> No.72826377

there were more normies on /a/ back in the day than you think. at one point early on, it actually was one of the biggest forums for anime discussion in the west.

>> No.72826617

and it was good, ever since 4chan became "le antimainstream ebin place" the only new audience it attracts are edgy teenagers and/or manchildren who can't seem to enjoy anything or aren't brave enough to actually talk about things they like over shitting on things
/mu/ in the aughts and /mu/ nowadays is a good example of this paradigm shift

>> No.72826734

Baffling post

>> No.72826950

>varsity swim team captain, made state finals
>asked out 6 girls some from different schools
>get invited to parties and other normalfag shit
>still have 100 percent rejection rate

>> No.72827028

Femanons make me horny. Sometimes I go to the niji and stars thread to masturbate to them

>> No.72827239

I‘m skeptical about the authenticity of the “femanons” in /MANS/. Now Niji thread definitely is women, but not the kind you would ever want to be around.

>> No.72827334

Posting fake doxx gets you a vacation the same as real anon lmao.
Isn't this from the same video as the dedotated wam?

>> No.72827406

Nerdy girls were nerds in a completely different way than nerdy guys were. You wouldn't get a nerd gf by playing shooting games or reading VNs or watching shounen; They were all playing Maplestory, watching Ghibli movies, and listening to musicals.

yeah, sometimes we think about the roman empire and stuff

>> No.72827439

They talk about period synchronization I wanna tie up and fuck a bitch while she's cramping and bleeding all over the place it's so hot

>> No.72827570

I see what is the problem here
Maybe you should just stop being retarded, incel-chama

>> No.72827580

I hate maplestory and musicals. Its over for me

>> No.72827620

>reading VNs
although higurashi was one of main conversation starters

>> No.72827680

I love maplestory and I like the producers
I'm going to my nearest middle school rn

>> No.72828065

why be an angry chudcel?

>> No.72828232

Anon, no stop...!
Don't forget your time machine retard, no one plays Maple Story anymore

>> No.72828380

i think a FUCK ton about weapons, rifles, and laser rifles

>> No.72828496

oh my science xister own them chuds

>> No.72828551

>unironic feminazis who pick and choose when women have agency or not
Why are you upset when men take your words seriously when you say “don’t touch” or “don’t approach”?

>> No.72828569

yeah. it was the girl that asked the dev if she wants to join her server.

>> No.72828678

>swim team captain
>100 percent rejection rate

>> No.72828744

Sorry you lost to Pdnhthelps

>> No.72828799

The last two girls I dated played MS. I think it was past my time.

>> No.72828838

it was always edgy retards anon

>> No.72828911

/vt/ must have the one of the highest percentages of normalfags

>> No.72829092 [DELETED] 
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Yeah, sorry to hear that

>> No.72829338

>Good looking enough for girls/women my age to keep approaching me
>Obscenely have more autism than money or confidence to have done anything about it
>End up a disgusting old man, unironically look worse than most homeless
You have no idea how bad it can get

>> No.72829344

>asked me if I think about sex while we were chilling in her room
>anon did not indicate she ever said "don't touch" or "don't approach"
I'm sorry you've been hurt like this

>> No.72829691

4chan started as a place where people who were social outcasts because they had hobbies normies thought was weird could gather. As the internet and all these "weird" hobbies became mainstream and normalize, the old guard grew out of 4chan and integrated into other communities where the only real gatekeeping was not being an asshole.
The people who got left behind and the new people who arrived were anti-socials who couldn't get along well with anyone. It accelerated the departure of well-adjusted anons until 2016 hit and everything somehow got worse.
Very common story of a toxic death spiral.

>> No.72829772
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Idk what generation you’re from, boomer, but nowadays we’re on the verge of having contracts so women can’t retroactively call rape.

>> No.72829928

He forgot to say that he rejected them for not meeting his GIGACHAD standards. If they're queueing up, you have to be selective.

>> No.72830249

You see anon, you could just try with girls that aren't mentally handicaped (twitter clout chasers), or troons (kek)
Or stay with the /pol/ brainrot and believe everyone is a radical feminist, a troon or lgtb activist and the whole world is your enemy

>> No.72830397

give numbers for the deleted post

>> No.72830799
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Yeah bro women will totally go against their inherent nature!!! The gender with massive in group bias are totally willing to do something that doesn’t tremendously benefit them!!!


>> No.72831352

I hope one day you get off the internet and meet women face to face and realize all this propaganda you've been digesting doesn't reflect reality.
Unless you live in San Francisco I guess

>> No.72831475

>open thread
>It’s just thinly veiled cuckhold fantasies

>> No.72831617

>edgy retards
at least it was edgy retards with love for their niche hobby, nowadays it feels like most people don't even like the things they talk about
we used to argue about which thing was better, not which one is worse
well said, anon

>> No.72831844

>women inherent nature
You can't be serious
Also, posting shit from radicals pulled from twitter ? Sure that prove your point anon, right ?
>>72831617 >>72829691
Tribalism and normies, that is what killed 4chan, now is full of unironic retards. Now no one stay /here/ because they like the hobbies anymore, and that is sad

>> No.72835182


>> No.72835431

No they didn't or they were super rare. Nerd girls started being a thing with zoomers the whole trend is less than 10 years old. Before that nerd girls were not common at all, think of one famous old minecraft video by a female youtuber, you cant. This is all nostalgia bating by fauna.

>> No.72835506

Stoners and delinquents are often the Chads in those spaces retard

>> No.72835546

This is why the existence of sisters baffles me so much. Just how much of a malformed abomination does a woman need to be to not be able to snag a guy irl and instead spends her time schlicking to Miload's bj asmr?

>> No.72835585

Shes a nerd, the problem is guys here think nerd = girl i have a chance with. And that's just not how that works.

>> No.72835683

I definitely could have bagged a fauna if I actually tried in high school

>> No.72835813

If you could have done that you wouldn't be in this board right now.

>> No.72837836

Her entire bit is your typical teenage minecraft let's player but with her own experience as a nerd girl overlayed. You're right, girls at that time were never doing shit like this.
Parents were actually afraid of the internet back then and wouldn't let their 14 year old girl recrord shit with her webcam for a bunch of strangers to watch.

>> No.72838427

The fuck you talking about, I was on the football team and 90% of them I would talk about Mass Effect, Battlefield, and Halo with. Shit, I would say about half of them were in AP classes with me and one of them gave me my first set of Yu-Gi-Oh cards.

It's very likely area dependent though, my place was in an affluent suburb in the NE and while there certainly were cliques, it was a lot less opaque than "nerd" vs "jocks" like you would see in the movies.

>> No.72838517

You'll get someone someday, Chris Chan.

>> No.72838649

Meanwhile my friend's sisters would just go and meet random internet strangers. This was the "people really lie on the internet?" unironically era.

>> No.72839118

Difference in parenting. It was pretty polarizing back then, there was either paranoid or complete disregard

>> No.72839249

I remember clear as day school just ended and I was standing at a red light just outside the school and there were 2 guys next to me playing pokemon on their SP and these 2 guys on the football team like twice their size stood next to them and went "look at this loser still playing pokemon hahaha". Everyone just ignored them and walked away when the light turned green, but most of the jocks at my school were assholes. I was friends with people on the water polo team though and those guys were nice and way more chad than the football players.

>> No.72839587

Would you mind describing where this was regionally? This was pretty unheard of around here when I played and stereotypical assholes like that were quickly kicked off the team for being undisciplined / showing up to practice stoned or some other stupid shit (albeit this was 10-15 years ago).

>> No.72839999

It's ironic then that vt brings in a shitton of new normalfags for the only place to discuss vtubers without bias.
Where else are you going to go? discord is, by nature, closed communities that will eliminate unfiltered criticism. reddits are shill central, whether corpo or indie.

>> No.72842271

Quads of truth. I may have to deal with the odd poltard /here/ but at least their posts aren't algorithmically fed to me because getting me mad will keep me on the platform longer.

>> No.72843141

I think about space elevators, and about how the only reason we don't have them is because we haven't even discovered the component materials to make an alloy to make them possible

>> No.72843334

You weren't on /a/ back in the day you disgusting newfaggot, now fuck off and lurk 10 years.

>> No.72843384

Don't give him hope...

>> No.72843391

>it's another "twitterfags are trying to revise the history of 4chan because no one likes them" episode

>> No.72843445

>well adjusted anons
This was a website where people posted loli to say the least. You were never part of it, you were always a tourist. Now go back.

>> No.72843504

Doesn't take much to get you mad huh, tranny newfag?

>> No.72843702

I never bothered to try to get a GF because luckily i was having constant sex with my cousin for 10 years. Whats the fucking point?
I have a GF now but god damn does that bitch know how to drain my balls.

>> No.72843708
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>> No.72843955

>basic popular white girl
You've never watched Fauna. She's a sheltered socially anxious mess and she was often bullied.

>> No.72844320


>> No.72844431

insightful comment

>> No.72844507

I suspect your definition of Chad is anybody who is not a dilapidated fat autistic retard

>> No.72844895

Failed normies

>> No.72846497

Any non-virgin here is a normalfag whether they like it or not

>> No.72847359

Is it that hard to accept that your school was in the minority when it comes to bullying? There's a reason why jocks and highschool football players are stereotyped as jerks.

>> No.72848062

nice vtuber thread, incels

>> No.72848074

just be like me and be so weird that they want nothing to do with you.

>> No.72848367

4chan is an incel forum so the userbase can't believe this or it shatters their world view.
Some women are just virgins, be they ugly or hot. My own sister is a virgin at 26 and she's average, never had a boyfriend. I also believe Nihmune is actually a virgin.

Some girls mix themselves up in so much mental gymnastics that they can't even accept a man asking them out. They freeze, decline or run away.
The average 4chan incel I don't like this word but it seems to be the most appropriate descriptor ironically lets their emotions override their logical thinking and lash out like a woman with a reply that's something along the lines of "lmao that whore gets asked out she's getting FUCKED"
Not understanding that ALL women are mentally ill and they do not think like Men do.
Estrogen is a hell of a drug.

>> No.72848943

My best friend for the first half of high school was this but emo (so Shiori but unironically way less fixable) and while nothing happened then we did eventually fuck around a year after finishing high school and not talking to each other for a couple years. She had no gag reflex so basically yeah sometimes these girls can be everything they're hyped up to be, but also severely mentally ill to the point that the "appeal" is no longer there and just concerning.

>> No.72850316

It’s almost like the communities extreme mysoginy pushed away any women that might’ve actually liked them and perpetuated a cycle where they were abusive to the woman so any guy who just had his shit together actually got laid while people /here/ called them all whores

>> No.72850871

Im mean most girls in Hololive are socially awkward even the cute ones

>> No.72852906

“Boo hoo chad don’t approach me, im forever alone”

>> No.72853255

The term is Unvirgin you normie

>> No.72853684

She made it sound like she didn't get bullied

>> No.72854370

These kinds of girls say no to chad you spastic.

>> No.72856449

do you not remember the arm hair thing? the costume party and the other stories where she was left out from groups? Fauna was definitely bullied a lot, she is just kinda oblivious to it
true, Fauna is one of the most anxious and paranoid one tho

>> No.72856523

There was a girl with a really hairy back in elementary school. She didn't seem to perturbed. The fat kids got more shit.

>> No.72856596

>My own sister is a virgin at 26

>> No.72856717

You're right, but where I live that's who the popular boys were. I seriously never met this 7' Viking jock stereotype, all the popular boys in my school looked like John Stamos or James Franco.

>> No.72856952

I remember most girls being kinda' quiet and normal. Fauna reminds me of this monotonous Jewish girl that used to talk me to sleep in thw 5th grade.

Gamer girls are actually the sluttiest. My friend fucked four girls from an MMO and there was this COD-obsessed girl in my high school that let every good-looking guy blow loads in her ass.

>> No.72856959

Well, this middle school kid pointed at her arm hair and said "You the man Fauna!" in front of class. It traumatized enough that now she shaves every day.

>> No.72856979

>Girls like this existed in high school
Yes they did. I was friends with several of 'em. They all became retarded fundie trad wives, tho, so we don't talk much these days.

>> No.72857023

I hope she at least leaves her pubes unshaven

>> No.72857024

my opinion is that it it's more like each scene/group of boys has its own heirarchy, where the guys at the top get girlfriends who are confident enough to date, and the girls who don't date are just to psycho/schizo to want a boyfriend.

>> No.72857137

Nope. She specifically said that she has not a single hair on her body.

>> No.72857195 [DELETED] 

Unfortunately Fauna has talked about her clean body.

>> No.72857201

Was kiara lying about her being the hairiest out of all the girls?

>> No.72857252

Unfortunately Fauna has talked about her clean shaven body bunch of times.

>> No.72857301

What did Kiara say?

>> No.72857415

Boo hoo she’s forever alone because she knows chad finna alpha widow her lil bro, she turns to twitter and crystal cafe to talk about how men are evil and must be castrated

>> No.72857469

They went to an onsen and people extrapolated that fauna bushy.

>> No.72857514

I had one weeb girl in my class and she got caught filming herself fucking her boyfriend.

Sounds like Mary Pride.

>> No.72857538

That was IRyS.

>> No.72858030

They ran out of Chads where they live so they expand their horizons to the Internet. I mean, if you think about it, male vtuber fans are kinda' doing the same thing, just on the other end of the spectrum.

What you're thinking of is called "lying". Women lie about their sex life. Your sister is not a virgin, dude. She regrets the asshole she gave it to so now she's covering it up. There's a whole movement in Commiefornia right now of women "reclaiming their virginity." Women can't take responsibility for their own actions.

>> No.72858054

They were probably around, the lol XD girls and the anime girls, but you probably ignored them because we live in age where people don't understand that boys and girls will like different things.

>> No.72858063

Kiara and Fauna never went to an onsen together

>> No.72858129

Because most sisters are probably hikkis that limit human contact barring necessity and lack the self-confidence to say yes to a date on the occasion some guy does manage to intercept them.

>> No.72858274

Except geeks.

It is very sad to admit this, but having cyber sex with those girls when I was 13 was probably the peak of my life.

>> No.72858889

This is exactly what I'm saying.
>4chan is an incel forum so the userbase can't believe this or it shatters their world view.

>> No.72859393

It doesn't shatter their worldview, they'd be elated to hear that's true - it just isn't and you look naive.

>> No.72859536

>this guy inspected his sister's hymen to verify her virginity

>> No.72859689

our CPU goddess blue heart should become a vtuber

>> No.72860391

>Men constantly want to fuck women
>This is the woman's fault

>> No.72860457

Irys is the one that has the hairiest bush? Shit...

>> No.72860930

Sorta, yes. Obviously it's normal for men to have a libido, but it's not normal to constantly be around women dressed in slutty clothes acting flirty and not be allowed to do anything with them.

>> No.72861095
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>tfw I have never had a gf and I'm 31 years old

>> No.72861520

on the bright side you can probably cast some bomb ass spells

>> No.72861597

Sadly not a virgin, a succubus slut that I paid toke my virginity

>> No.72861742

Hey man, the older you get, the more you realize paying for it with no strings attached with a younger woman ain't so bad. Just wrap your shit.

>> No.72861911

was it worth it? did you regret it? if you don't mind, i've been considering it for a while

>> No.72861918

I remember Nerissa saying you won't meet girls like her outside because they never leave their house

>> No.72862243

Not really, kinda awkward
Honestly, sex is overrated, I prefer to masturbate

>> No.72862318

What the fuck i played MS like a degenerate. I assumed everyone there were men. This is fucked

>> No.72862423

I mean, you gotta give him credit, he went the extra mile to confirm before posting so he didn't pull it out of his ass.

>> No.72862578

you annihilated him

>> No.72862748

Makes sense

It is indeed overrated, according to some femanons, actual deep kisses with the woman you love is were it is at.

You did know, you just didn't realize it.

>> No.72862967

I can think of them, they just have female audiences.

>> No.72863277

at that age thats the definition of chad because it is the only age in which they are sexually active, it changes after around 25 because they need more money than dick.

>> No.72865326


>> No.72865529

Unironically standards are broken, they want the deep voiced British chad anime character instead of any real ugly male in comparison

>> No.72865654

Do you not see the hypocrisy in this post?

>> No.72865668


>> No.72865843

You probably did but she kept it private because she was embarrassed. Same with all those girls you met on /a/ back in the day

>> No.72866025
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I constantly play out debates in my head about a variety of topics, or I simulate conversations that I may or may not have in my future social interactions.
Gooning helps me focus and function at least in appeareance as a normal human being.

>> No.72866100

>I like stoners and delinquents

>> No.72867055

Personally can't blame them considering I've been firmly 3DPD and only interested in anime women for forever

>> No.72868609

Why didn't you make your cousin your gf anon? Maine allows cousin marriages iirc

>> No.72868734

>My own sister is a virgin at 26
Firstly, how would you know? Genuinely curious.
Secondly, if that's true, why haven't you fucked her yet?

>> No.72868951

gamer girls and gurl gamerz were pretty much non existent for me growing up, games and computers were still seen as a boys only past time. It really didnt become a thing till i was already out of college, feelsbadman.

t. 40yr virgin

>> No.72868963

Im 21 so this wasn't that long ago but I remember in sophomore year after I said my favorite movie and book (attack on titan) on the 1st day of chemistry class some girl I happened to be sitting next to asked me if I liked anime. Didn't talk much after that aside from a few time and I never tried to even become friends. Its whatever but this thread made me remember that.

>> No.72869142

That's gonna be an oof from me anon. Lost your chance. Was she pretty at least?

>> No.72869705
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>My own sister is a virgin at 26 and she's average

>> No.72870060

>I remember Nerissa saying you won't meet girls like her outside because they never leave their house
>can't get girls like her because breaking into houses doesn't leave a good impression, just broken glass
this sucks

>> No.72870100

there's a trick to this that's not very intuitive. approach even if they're taken. she was most likely already taken before Chad approached her, and she decided to trade up for him. but he probably cheats on her, so she might be willing to trade down again. dating is all about looking for opportunities everywhere and snatching up the best one.

>> No.72870324

And the thing we wouldn't realized back then is that due to the disproportionate amount of single guys vs dating girls is that most of the girls are dating older creeps willingly and/or the few guys who do get to date are dating several girls at once and the girls'll rather fight for one guy than just date one of the overabundant ones left, if not be okay being the side hoe.

>> No.72870480

Yes, I honestly think of having a loving family more than sex, and is what I hope my dreams are about every night. Sex is more of a just benefit at this point in my life.

>> No.72870559

Anybody else find it weird how fast it changed. It went from anime is something you get bullied for to accepted and cool overnight same for computers/internet is for nerds tnormal people dont have computers much less gaming computers to its fucking everywhere and ruined. And your old and realizing huh none of the cakes my age were girl gamers girls on the internet were all guys in real life to wait no there were actual girls on the internet just younger ones.

>> No.72870788

>And your old and realizing huh none of the cakes my age were girl gamers girls on the internet were all guys in real life to wait no there were actual girls on the internet just younger ones.

I mean they’re older women like Leaflit’s mom but ya more of a milf/hag then a cake….

>> No.72871059

It's happened several times overtime
>niche is for nerds
>nerds grow up and nornalize it for their kids
>now it's popular
>but it goes to shit because sellers start dumbing down their content because trying to appeal to the lowest denominator is now more profitable than securing a strong niche fanbase

Happened to mystery novels, comics, experimental music, vidya, animu, even movies, and there's been attempts at doing it for vtubing.

>> No.72871791

Well, then you know she is a real one, because what do most nerdy people do men or women? Go to work, come home, maybe get dragged out of the house or get an inkling to hang out once in a blue moon with friends, but mostly chill at home. So if anything, she is gave people the not so secret code. People just want to chill after working, yet also have idyllic dreams of romance they want to fulfill but life is also tiring. Sounds legit.

>> No.72872263

women don't really like anime and like, video games
and the ones that do already all have a boyfriend
come on bro, we know this

>> No.72872563

Bros i need to know
Which holoEN is offically with evidence the bushiest?????

>> No.72873053

ina is probably the laziest and most shut in. I guarantee you she has the bushiest of bushes out of all EN

>> No.72873702

I'm gonna tell you straight up, that isn't really true. Lots of ladies like video games, and some internalize shit guys may say to say they are bad, but you see enough girls in Tekken comps, or loving good old rpgs, or playing shooters, some as lonely as anyone else to realize the only thing really keeping people seperate from each other is the garbage perceptions we have of one another, so we barely ever try. Not to mention the natural self-deprecating shlock nerdy communities have doesn't help either.

>> No.72873749

>with evidence the bushiest
We only have evidence that most of they shave/laser
>seriously replying to shitposts

>> No.72873801
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so what you're saying is it's all joever regardless

>> No.72874186

I kind of feel like I lived in the wrong generation half the time. But then I remember how toxic smartphones are.

>> No.72874280

biology isn't stem

>> No.72875290

did you try? You have to talk to lots of girls to work out which ones are cool

that's where all the foreveralone types fuck up, you need to actually go and talk to girls

>> No.72875566

Nigga, they were there but they were still outside your league.
Just because you share some hobbies, it doesn't mean that you will hang out

>> No.72875862

I went to anime RP chat rooms for 6 years and was super popular with horny nerdy teenage girls, then played online games and modded a webcomic forum with girls for 7 years, and I never met a girl interested in meeting up. Some people did, but it was usually the sluttiest girls and the most douchey guys. I remember listening to a girl complain to me how she dated this member and drove to his house and everything but she freaked out because he was uncut and didn't wash so his foreskin was hiding dick cheese. My friend also used to have girls from his guild come live with him or he'd fly out to bang them.

Basically what I'm saying is that the girls you'd meet online aren't different than the ones you meet irl, so Nerissa's either going to die alone or she's lying.

Humping a wet hole is overrated, but that's not the only thing you fantasize about, is it? What about kissing her when she's sad? Falling asleep holding each other? Walking through the park holding hands? Licking the soft spot behind her ear? Feeling her warm breath on your neck? Having her cute face in your lap while you fix her game for her? Her giving you a pleading look because she's too embarrassed to ask herself? Asking you to breed her? I mean, these things are better than just assisted masturbation with a hooker.

>> No.72875982

I had some classes in high school that were basically just me sitting there making girls laugh and helping them with the material (or competing with them) all semester. When I look back, I think it's not impossible one of them really liked me, but maybe I didn't really like them. Nowadays I mourn being a virgin, but I wouldn't want to date a girl I "just like" either.

>> No.72878350

>Basically what I'm saying is that the girls you'd meet online aren't different than the ones you meet irl, so Nerissa's either going to die alone or she's lying.

Doubtful she is lying, a lot of what she says is very easily to see if you really do know your stuff. And there is one good reason why this is the case. People having unrealistic expectations and the dating landscape we have now. You talked young girls, but the truth is there are a lot of people, even ones who've had relationships and even kids, who have messes of love lives. Even resorting to using dating apps even for building friendships. So while nobody is a lost cause, it ain't easy out there.

>> No.72880446

Nanashi "oh right I forgot girls shave too" Mumei

>> No.72881275

>Anybody else find it weird how fast it changed.
Not really. This period you are talking about is roughly equivalent to things like rock -> disco -> rock. It turns out your lifetime is a long time for social trends.

>> No.72882693


>> No.72886319

all moi

>> No.72887449

It's not a shitpost, it's a fact of life and they'll go out of their way to prove it to you.

>> No.72887562

Counterpoint, if she's at a point where she can even forget she probably grows so little naturally that she can leave it be

>> No.72889212


>Biology isn’t science…
Anon, you’re a retard

>> No.72889278

Islam is right about women bring back stoning

>> No.72890312

Mumei shaved Fauna's legs. Safe to assume that she shaves too.

>> No.72891695

Threads like these really lays bare the incel mind.
(I hate that term but I can't for the life of me think of anything more appropriate)
If you ask an incel why he's a virgin he'd say it's because the odds were stacked against him, he was born ugly, or too short, or his chin is too small, or he has a self-diagnosed mental condition, or anything else.
All those reasons will be external, an unfair hand dealt before they were born, never something they recognize they themselves are doing wrong.
Ironically it's a comforting lie, the game is rigged against me and that liberates me from leaving my comfort zone and dealing with introspection, self improvement or god forbid, the painful sting of failure.
It also fuels resentment towards people not in that position, they are simultaneously perfect and empty.

Their view of women is a projection of that narrative.
If a woman is not hideous or if that woman is even attractive in some ways than the game is not rigged against her.
In their mind if a woman is remotely fuckable all she needs to do is sit around and wait for Chad after Chad to come up to her and offer sex.
What would that person do if a Stacy came up and offered sex? they would obviously take it, and if it happened regularly they would take it each time.
So why would the not-slut woman not do it? after all we live in a world where promiscuity isn't uncommon so the only thing stopping her is gone.
If a woman is currently not a whore she will become a whore as soon as she's exposed to men. Q.E.D

Of course that narrative betrays a lack of empathy, understanding of the human condition and what mental states other people may deal with.
Or in other words, betrays a deficiency in theory of mind, which is a symptom of a certain condition.

They cannot appreciate that even not-ugly people can struggle mentally, socially, romantically and yes, even sexually.
Which is ironic because more often than not these people are nowhere near ugly enough to actually be unfuckable, uglier people than them have gotten into relationships, had sex and a healthy social life.
It's a social failure and the most tragic part is that it's resolvable.

>> No.72892335

owari da.....

>> No.72892508
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>> No.72892933
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People will do absurd mental gymnastics like these rather than just admit that incels are right and that being born ugly massively predisposes you towards failure due to how people treat you.
look up what the halo effect is
look up what the pygmalion effect is
look up how subconscious biases affect people's thoughts and actions
Normies literally perceive looks as personality. If your ugly they think your a horrible person, if your attractive they think you can do no wrong.

>> No.72893116

biology is a humanity, not a science. they don't do math in bio

>> No.72894869

The reality is that you've probably chased off or otherwise accosted hundreds of girls like that and even better in your lifetime. It's a common tale that impacts many dumb anons that listen to idiots or try to impress other idiots by how edgy they are. Most don't have any self-awareness and will deny that they've caused these self-inflicted wounds. Only a few realize how much they goofed up when they reach their late 20s or 30s. By then the girls are already old and gave up on dating, or they've settled down when they finally met a guy that isn't having an existential crisis every other week. How unfair is that really?

>> No.72895014

I dunno man, they were everywhere. You're in denial because the alternative is much harder to cope with. It also doesn't explain why you were unable to find a STEM girlfriend in college that you supposedly went to either.

>> No.72895179

What are you talking about? They do math in most disciplines. Whether or not a discipline uses math is not the demarcation criterion of science. I don't even believe she's that smart, but she's clearly smarter than you, even a cashier is smarter than you, holy shit.

>> No.72895790

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.72896618

biology is an emotion

>> No.72896702

Hmm I guess the bio majors I knew in university were lying when complaining about their math and chemistry courses. How silly of me.

They’ve fully established this as fact and I don’t need a STEM degree to know that.

>> No.72896716

>Nerissa's either going to die alone or she's lying.
You lack the critical information lol

>> No.72896729

>they don't do math in bio
Ah, I see you have no idea what you're talking about.
I studied Chemistry. We took math lessons because we needed some basics for physical chemistry/physics. We were joined by Biomed, Biochem, and Biology students. Hell, we all even took programming classes for a semester.
Biology is a STEM course, stop being ignorant.

>> No.72896777

Yes I was

>> No.72896853 [DELETED] 

bio isn't a science, they don't use math to measure things. you are just upset because you are a pajeet who thinks its bio degree is real. And no, she isn't smarter. I have a chem degree which is an actual science
bio isn't a science, retard

>> No.72896898

they were taking algebra and like high school level chem 101 and having trouble with it because bio isn't science.

>> No.72896946

bio isn't a science. just because you took basic algebra with bio students doesn't make it a science. biomed and biochem also aren't even bio majors, you just do chem in those classes.

>> No.72897359
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not reading all that shit nigga

>> No.72897566

I will inseminate this highschooler

>> No.72898909

based hymn inspector onii-chan

>> No.72899163

>ywn sit at the back of the class with the weird girl with horns and flowery green hair
>ywn strike up a friendship with her since you're both outcasts, her being picked on due to her weird appearance and you just being a loser
>ywn eat lunch with her in a quiet corner of the schoolyard every day, talking about all sorts of random shit
>ywn play video games at her house after school, feeling a strange spark every time you accidentally brush against each other
>ywn experience your relationship, at first an arrangement of pure necessity, slowly develop into an awkward teenage love
>ywn hold hands with her for the first time walking home from school, occasionally making brief eye contact with each other before she turns away and giggles nervously
>ywn take each other's virginity on a passionate summer night, neither of you knowing what to do but just knowing that it feels right
>ywn drift off to sleep in each other's arms, feeling entirely at ease and knowing that everything is right with the world

>> No.72900684

Even if you found one, you wouldn't make the move.

>> No.72903469

You all met tons of like that growing up, you just never found out because we'll actively hide it because the last thing they want is some sweaty nerd trying to get in our lives.
t. also a sweaty nerd.

>> No.72905696

post pits?

>> No.72905788

I'm sure some of them did but I bet some were just saying that to get you to leave them alone.

>> No.72905943


>> No.72906780

do you think biologists just spend all their time doing ethology, taking notes while they watch zebras through binoculars or some shit? there's all sorts of quantitative biology going on these days. no one in the field lacks a background in statistics and experimental design. you could be
>measuring how metabolic processes respond to stimuli
>modeling biomechanics of moving or feeding behavior
>modeling food web interactions
>modeling plant cover under varied environmental conditions

>> No.72906880

Yes we are, even better is that some of us are biological women and vtubers too! Who knows the real identity of the anon youre arguing with on /vt/

>> No.72906953

if they could do math they wouldn't have gone into biology. it isn't a science. its like psychology

>> No.72907334
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>the odds were stacked against him
It's not the whole story, but they're right.
>liberates me from leaving my comfort zone
Re: pretending to be someone you're not.
>the painful sting of failure
Do you really think virgins don't feel that? Do you think I go to bed, breathing a sigh of relief that my shitty life isn't my fault? Not hugging a pillow and crying?
>It also fuels resentment
I only resent people who downplay the problem by spreading empty platitudes.
>Their view of women is a projection of
The data.
>the game is not rigged against her
Women made the game. Women are more likely to reproduce and they're the ones who have to okay the relationship. Women basically get the pick of the litter, the problem is they love picking the worst pups and then acting confused when they get bit. How is this the game being rigged against them?
>all she needs to do is sit around and wait for Chad
It requires some effort, but women are extraverted, agreeable and sensation-seeking, so they are naturally drawn out into the open. Most men have no problem spending their entire lives in a cave.
>What would that person do if a Stacy came up and offered sex?
This isn't an apt comparison because men have more diverse tastes than women. There is no such thing as a woman that no man would love, but there are some men who no women would love. I don't think Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Lawrence are hot, for example. Just look at the popular male and female vtubers. The girls are all over the place, while the men are either at the top or bottom, because women all love the same small handful of men. Men don't feel that way about women, though. I feel nothing for Lamy or Aki, but look how popular they are; look at how many guys say they can't sexualize Pekora or Korone.
>why would the not-slut woman not do it?
I can't tell if you're being rhetorical or not, but she would probably not do it because of the risk of STDs, an unwanted pregnancy and losing self-esteem. Studies show men gain confidence and social status by sleeping around, while women lose it. For men, getting laid is like winning a game; for women, it's like candy or drinking. I'm a virgin (obviously), but I am pretty sure I could've fucked at least two girls when I was younger. I didn't because I didn't like them, but the sad thing is, due to how women are, my life would be better right now had I done it. Every woman in the world would find me more attractive for having pump and dumped them. Isn't that kinda' fucked up? That's the game women made. I spared them and now my life is worse off for it.
>If a woman is currently not a whore she will become a whore
Women actually think this, too. The average millennial has slept with 8 men (gen x 10, boomers 12) and, when polled, women said the number of men needed to be considered promiscuous is...8.
>that narrative betrays a lack of empathy
Anon, you're talking about men who were booted out of the gene pool. I should feel bad for the people who threw me over the palisades? Because the guy they sided with betrayed them? Not only that, but they have no intention of letting me back in. They'll laugh to themselves, "No, you're better than him, you're a good guy and he's a jerk," from the other side of the wall. Gee, thanks! While I'm dying in my pile of garbage, I'll take solace in the fact that there are men out there worst than me; they've fucked a lot of women and probably have kids and probably still get pelted with love letter, but at least I have...your pat on the back... That'll stay the noose.
>not-ugly people can struggle mentally, socially, romantically and yes, even sexually
Of course they can. Life is full of misfortune. You ARE aware incels will die alone, without ever experiencing the widely agreed upon happiest activity in life or passing on their genes, right? You're aware incels also usually don't have friends and, yes, their family and pets still die, and they still do have to make a living and deal with health conditions and car problems and so on.
>these people are nowhere near ugly enough to actually be unfuckable
Women care about more than looks, but people often use "unattractive" to mean more than looks. Being poor or annoying is "unattractive."
>It's a social failure
I think it's more complicated than that. Life is complicated. For me, my problem was that I wanted to just "be myself," but "myself" wasn't attracting the attention I wanted, so I left society and that was that. I know now that I fucked up, because I equated "being myself" with "doing nothing," and that's wrong, because the environment pushes and pulls you around and you have to take it upon yourself to stand up against the tide. I didn't.
>the most tragic part is that it's resolvable
Not always. I'm too old, for example.

>> No.72907352

describe to me the things you think biologists do

>> No.72907717

>I'm too old
Nta, and I agree with you (I'm a "volcel"), but can't you get a sugarbaby? Assuming you can make enough money to be rich you can probably afford one, then you can groom her into liking you, like my erodoujins.

>> No.72908085

>if they could do math they wouldn't have gone into biology
Tell that to all the chemists I've met who chose chemistry over physics because they couldn't into math, only to be made to do math anyway.
>statistics/statistical analysis isn't math/science
>data analysis isn't math/science
>2D/3D modelling isn't math/science
>programming isn't math/science
>creation and application of algorithmic processes isn't math/science
Do you only consider theoretical mathematics to be math or something? Biology has been a science for centuries, I may not be particularly interested in it (focusing on astrochemistry atm) but you can't deny their spot in STEM.

>> No.72908391
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They existed but you were too busy getting boners at the class whore

>> No.72908499 [DELETED] 

If you work in a lab like fauna does, all you do it fill in spreadhseets and shit.

>> No.72908510

Biology is a science and biologists do score high on math, just not as high as most other sciences. They score higher than economists, though lul

I'm poor, but even if I had money, I wouldn't want a girl to like me for it.

>> No.72908581

So true.
I fell in love with the biggest whore in middle school because on one field trip she fell asleep on my shoulder and my young impressionable brain got overloaded

>> No.72908590

bio isn't a science, they don't do math. chemistry involves doing math so it is a science

>> No.72908887

That's not true, I used to jerk off to a variety of girls. The girls I like the most tend to be rated 6s by other men. I had this regularly fantasy of some girl friend groups showing up at my window at night.

>> No.72908900

ok minor, now go and do your homework.

>> No.72908912
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>> No.72909126

I own my own home fag. bio isn't a science

>> No.72909391

Nigga I hate to tell you this but half of them were lying because you're either creepy, smelly, or ugly.

>> No.72909441

I read all the dumbshit in this thread and came to the conclusion that god made some of you femboys/trans to save you all. So if you are in here and you hate on them you are spitting in gods face when you should be cumming in femboy ass like he designed

>> No.72911128

I'll cum in your femboy ass, faggot.

>> No.72913789


>> No.72915408

it's true, i transitioned and now i actually have sex

>> No.72915838

Historical revisionism. Women didn't play minecraft until at least 1.8

>> No.72917111

It's true, I was her penis.

>> No.72918900

I realized years after the fact, that a girl I was somewhat friends with was like that, but I wasn't interested in her at the time.

>> No.72920768

NTA, but didn't enjoyed, could barely stay hard. Talked about it with my friend, said same thing happened to him and that you shouldn't masturbate weeks prior so that doesn't happen. But then probably you'll finish under seconds.

>> No.72923188
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>> No.72926863

not me, i was the nerdiest girl at my high school and i am still a virgin kekekkekekekek
so now i am going to do gfe chuubing

>> No.72928096


>> No.72929904

what does london mean?

>> No.72933717

anon you do know that highschool girls love to lie about these stuff just to look good? most of the girls in my school have done it, i only started realizing that their stories were fabricated years later.

>> No.72935755

Bio isn't STEM nigger. STEM is for engineers and compsci, total meme degree unless you are doing chem engineering

>> No.72936733

You do realize that's worse?

>> No.72938197

Women being whores isn't a good look, why would they lie to make themselves look worse?

>> No.72938314

You just needed to show up to Minecraft Club you dummy
