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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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72783327 No.72783327 [Reply] [Original]

Seethe, Cope, Dilate fucking antis!
All (You)r rrats and YABS can't do shit to my king!

>> No.72783460

KYS. Go find the tallest building closest to you and go jump off it.

>> No.72783517

he's simply too based!

>> No.72783811

Q4 will be the end of y'all Nijisis

>> No.72784352

>can't do shit
>is still the laughing stock in the vtubing world
people are only here for the niji circus yabs. nobody cares about your clowns behind the curtains KEK.

>> No.72784855

I've always felt luca is pretty insecure and needy desu, hearing this stuff about him isn't shocking these types of broken guys are always sex pests especially if they can trick people into thinking they're someone else. he'll probably destroy his future on his own with little to no external attention with predictable results.

>> No.72785932

This asshole can't keep getting away with th-
>hates lgbt
What was I talking about?

>> No.72786061
File: 256 KB, 1079x1517, Screenshot_20240402_085331_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luca's drama is negligible !

>> No.72786193

Oh No sisters dont look!

>> No.72786423

Him hating fags and mutants isn’t enough to make up for his own faggotry

>> No.72786475

The impressive thing is how sisters keep having complete delusions about that guy, it's now proven that he's a pathetic sexpest who, in a normal world, would be the sisters's biggest enemy (you know the comments against the gays and trans) but they're still trying to defend him like he's the second coming of Jesus or smth

>> No.72786527

>Just 2 more weeks!!!

>> No.72786543

Isn't majority of Nijisisters pro-LGBT ? Why would he alienate 80% of the fanbase ? Is he retarded ?

>> No.72786556

his day will arrive

>> No.72786671

Take away all the things that chick did for him, the only skill Lazy Luca has is pretending to be a girl.
That's closet as shit.

>> No.72786804

His handwriting is so nice!

>> No.72786880

who is this

>> No.72786924

He knows that the company can’t fire him plus he probably never imagined his actions would have records. The sisters are too busy attacking his ex to read what she posted.

>> No.72787043

oh yeah, sure. Luca Kaneshiro, the popular virtual influencer from NIJISANJI. the recent allegations that arose were very scandalous and made lots of fans upset. but they fail to remember that he's very talented, he has a large following and he makes the company a ton of money. so even if the allegations are true, the company can't fire him. and the sisters being distracted by his ex means they won't focus on the truth. it all adds up.

>> No.72787298

The company can’t even suspend him because NijiEN is in hot water already. Any action they take right now will only fuel speculation, even if it isn’t a suspension and really is just a break. His primary aegis right now is being a member of Luxiem.

>> No.72787538

you know, that's a really good point. with all the recent controversy surrounding NijiEN, the company doesn't want to aggravate things further by taking any radical actions against Luca. they'll probably just let things play out naturally for a while. they know that Luxiem's fanbase is massive, so they can't afford to piss off fans unnecessarily by suspending one of its members.

>> No.72787821

Hey Luca, I hope you know I find you based, you should make a stream and make fun of menheras or talk how groomers are bad, to make Raziel seethe some more

>> No.72787877

T. Luca

>> No.72788151
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Sorry sister. Your man was never the king. Dying empire. Doesn't even feel like streaming. Makes peasant money. Didn't even have 3D first. How does he even compete with Our Hero?

>> No.72790395

Don't use my Leader in your shitty tribal wars you piece of shit trannoid. Literally kill yourself, worthless shit stabbing faggot

>> No.72790526


>> No.72791164

His fans just don't care, if anything they see raziel as some crazy jealous stalker ex

>> No.72792426

the JP side was always lagging behind EN news and they're now catching wind. We opened various wounds that AnyColor didn't think was possible. Let's push their stocks to the ground.

>> No.72792616

I'm really glad with this outcome. His behaviour is out there for people to see, while his audience and his connections inside the company have allowed all of it to be swept under the rug. I hope he never leaves Nijisanji and that his fans stay loyal to him forever.

>> No.72792841

they're probably going to wait until AR Live and after the Q4 report

>> No.72792874

This dude sounds like a narcissist, as in, actual NPD with possible of diagnosis. His pathologic lying, oversensitiveness to criticism and manipulative charm makes it really seem like it

>> No.72792886


>> No.72793132

lol the only reason this flip snake has any "manipulative charm" is because people dont see his true colors (figuratively and literally)

>> No.72793857

You should at least refer to Raziel by name instead of going for this low-effort Kindred imitation with the ‘my king’ bullshit. She worked really hard on the Minecraft server and all your personalized notes after all.

>> No.72796107

you faggy leader supports the cause though

>> No.72796159

>The Untouchable
World's first dalittuber

>> No.72797051

I didn't believe Anycolor would stabilize this far below 3k yen considering they clearly have institutional support insuring the price from dropping. Nothing is a safer bet than the "too big to fail" companies after all. But the Selen Shock is still causing waves. I kneel /vt/

>> No.72797324

Isn't it legally a bad ides to arbitrarily not enforce NDAs? If there was any way Cover could get away with not firing Mel they would have, but Anycolor is seemingly doing exactly that with Luca except he's done even worse things<div class="xa24desu"></div>

>> No.72797514

Implying anyone would file a case against Anycolor for wrongful termination. I wish someone like Reine got into Niji so that they would actually have the money to kill Riku's ass in court.

>> No.72797535

Even in just NijiEN, organs have been given the boot for less than even the initial claims against Luca. The merch ordeal alone should be grounds for at the bare minimum a long suspension; this just goes to show that the NDAs are simply tools of convenience for Niji, and not entirely concrete.

>> No.72797769

someone on the higher brass is protecting him. this guy should be terminated alongside his golden fraud.

>> No.72797822

>this just goes to show that the NDAs are simply tools of convenience for Niji

>> No.72797864

They use him to sleep with faggot company bigwigs to get sponsorships. That's why he's untouchable.

>> No.72798260

It’d be rather hilarious if the most damning thing ends up being that he’s a buttslut for those millionaires and billionaires he allegedly met with over dinner.

>> No.72798686

last time you said untouchable anycolor dropped 700, please say it more.

>> No.72800272
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>Because he is

>> No.72802021


>> No.72803426

He did plenty to himself, by being who he is. So good luck with that OP.

>> No.72805622

He'll get his comeuppance one day. People like him always do eventually.

>> No.72806425


>> No.72806499

NijiEN has become so black that their safest course of action is to continue being black and not punish Luca. Poetic, but a sad day for justice.

>> No.72806627
File: 46 KB, 721x149, Screenshot 2024-04-02 002945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't look all that untouchable to me, It's dipping below where the breakers had it, the past 2 weeks of slow rising have all been wiped out and there is nothing left in the tank, Investors won't give a fuck about the AR live or singapore concerts, They won't care about ROF-MAO or ChroNoiR's concerts either, Atleast until the Q4 report comes in.. and that report is basically doomed to be a disaster because of the terminal losses they incurred cause of how they handled terminating Selen

>> No.72806666
File: 35 KB, 960x357, Screenshot 2024-04-02 003101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Me) Picrel was wrong, But it is funny that a single guerilla stream by doki did more in supas than 90% of NijiEN streams get in a given week

>> No.72806744

Anycolor isn't too big to fail, Cover is poised to overtake them. What they have are connections with the local conglomerates.

>> No.72807367

was this post written for Luca too?

>> No.72807405

Still get more bitches than (You)

>> No.72807600

>Isn't majority of Nijisisters pro-LGBT
They're bugwomen, their simping takes priority over their integrity and morals.

>> No.72807884

It is not the quantity of bitches that matters but the quality

>> No.72809484


>> No.72809535

>he didnt get terminated
good,stuck in that black company is the worst thing you can experience lol

>> No.72813667


>> No.72813808

You're not wrong, at least until they fire Fumoto Yoshitaka for how badly everything has gone for Niji EN.
If it happens (Riku might not care if he's focused on prepping his own exit) it would be after Q4 results when the depressing state of EN's financials is revealed.
