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File: 1.01 MB, 1000x1288, Luca_Kaneshiro_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
72578028 No.72578028 [Reply] [Original]

>don't wanna be like vox
>Seething coz vox has higher numbers
>Literal numberfag behaviour
>Proceeds to be a bfe streamer despite saying he doesn't want to
>Still gets absolutely mog by Le retard de vox akuma
Imagine living under vox shadow.

>> No.72578059

Also a groomer but the xisters love that

>> No.72578484

Who did he groom? A hag 6 year older than him?

>> No.72578515

>scared of pregnant women

>> No.72578733

>hate trannies
>hate gays
>is a tranny and actively works on his fag voice
>is gay and gives into the fujo and yume fans
griftboss isn't doing it hard enough
he needs to up it with some dick sucking asmr

>> No.72578791

What a nasty little sex pest.

>> No.72579028

Literally why? It’s not like you have to regularly date pregnant women, I don’t get it.

>> No.72579092

I need to read that shit again to make sure I ain't reading it wrong but fucker really said he is uncomfortable around pregnant women. What kind of mental disorder people had if they act like that.

>> No.72579131

Golden boy

>> No.72579156

Raziel tried to add context to that screenshot on False’s stream earlier but according to here there is none and was said “out of the blue” kek

>> No.72579171
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Take this L and move to Reimu's yab thread

>> No.72579190

She also confirmed Luca's a millionaire. The boys get paid well.

>> No.72579230

He unironically has mommy issues (probably why he got groomed)though from what I remember she used to steal money from him and shit unless I confused that with Mysta.
But yes MenheraMale.
Manhera if you will.

>> No.72579362

So, I SuspecT rEimus yab thRead really HAs Nothing to Do with thiS. Thank You though for the inPut. morE funDamenTal researcH Into thiS needs to happen

>> No.72579399
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probably on Yen. No way he earned$ that much in less than 2 years

>> No.72579513

So that's why he is fucking untouchable. He is one of Riku's fuck toy.

>> No.72579545

>>he’s only a billionaire because of you
>calling the big boss “a fucking kid, too”
The hubris of this conversation is rather hilarious in retrospect.

>> No.72579614

Isn’t Riku only like 22 at this time? That’s basically a kid.

>> No.72579616

Well Riku does have that babyface to be fair.

>> No.72580133


>> No.72581922

How much do corpo vtubers actually make? Because I keep hearing different things. Selen apparently has 200k to blow on projects, Luca is a millionaire, etc. but Mori says she’s not a millionaire and I would expect her to be making way more than either of them. Does it really vary that much?

>> No.72581944

Wait what the fuck I thought he was at least 30 and just babyfaced but he's actually barely an adult. Who is the one pulling the real strings behind Niji?

>> No.72581956

Honestly, I have no fucking clue.
For all I know, Raz could've been talking about yen.

>> No.72582056

Mori spams projects, but also, revealing how much you make is always a dumb business decision, she is 100% a millionaire

>> No.72582109

Still him. He probably just has some old upper management dudes doing all the decisions that he doesn't bother involving himself with.

>> No.72582145

No, it's plausible according to Raziel's screenshots: In March 2022, she wrote to Luca: "You've literally have already made like 4-5x as much as did a year at a full time job", which would come out at roughly 200k for 2 months (debut in December 2021, paycheck for March likely not yet included). In another convo, where Luca's malding over not participating in Nijifes, he says "I make you 100k a month", which might either be the gross or his cut. Either way, he's probably made a million or two (dollars, not yen)

>> No.72582195

>I read Raziel document... Actually not all of them cause i got bored
TLDR: She's so mad cause she can't fuck him

>> No.72582233

Actually she's mad because the sisters keep sending her death threats even a year after she's stopped working with him, but go off, sister.

>> No.72582308

Nice try faggot but girl like her are at fault too and should be crucfice for being slave for a fucking manchild

>> No.72582352

Mori is 100% a millionaire. Though most people that have a net worth in the millions still live a "normal" middle class lifestyle with the only difference having a massive safety net. When you ask these people if they are a millionaire they will deny because to them millionaire = multimillionaire (ie. >10M networth).

t. my networth is ~2M and sometimes I forget I'm technically a millionaire

>> No.72582395
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>24 years old woman
>keep talking to an 18 year old boy
>Then complain to all the shit she go through

>> No.72582407

>defends Luca despite the mountains of evidence showing him being a complete dipshit and stain on society
>pretends they're not a sister
Why are you even here?

>> No.72582442

18 year old boy

>> No.72582486

You got it wrong, HE was "groomed"

>> No.72582529

Nobody that was ever abused turned into an abuser themselves

>> No.72582532

You mean 18 old child groomed by a 24 year old hag.

>> No.72582566

Anyone under the age of 25 should never be in charge of a whole fucking company. They lack any experience to know what the fuck they're ding.

>> No.72582568

I really hate people who can't self review. Clearly both retard. Her fault and his fault. Then try to clean herself but this never happen to begin if she knows her boundaries, it's commonsense. Painted herself the victim for what? Dragging her name for clout. If she wants peace, she can go the fuck out and block all the threats account and just move on.

>> No.72582574

>Mountains of evidence
>Easily faked discord screenshots
You tribal niggers are so retarded.

>> No.72582633

>not the poor 18yo kid

>> No.72582766

Ah, so you mean Elira and friends can't be trusted with their discord information given in the black screen stream? Huh, so I guess that's even more evidence that they're lying.

>> No.72582838

Okay but what kind of person exposes their >friend in a 70 page doc? She basically paints herself as a groomer only to try and bring down a man that didn't reciprocate her feelings, and now they both look like assholes.

>> No.72582847

>faked discord screenshot
The last time you fuckers said this, Scarle got taken hostage by her tormentor in order to dispel the supposed "fake screenshot".

>> No.72582941

What kind of friend throws out the one person keeping their career successful that's been there for them for years and was literally spoonfeeding them their entire career?

>> No.72582991

She seems kinda clingy. I'd distance myself too if I were him.

>> No.72583046

Well, if I were him I wouldn't break NDA 400 times and leak the entirety of nijisanji's personal information to a manager I wasn't legally allowed to have, but go off, queen.

>> No.72583142

Hey if it works it works, I ain't gonna go to bat for a complete loser like Luca who coasted by life because other absolute losers saw fit to put him on a pedestal.
All Niji parties can burn when all is said and done, then vtubing can get to healing.

>> No.72583172

If this is true then what the hell are these morons doing? why fuck up the gravy train with their drama bullshit. Why did they all not sit down at some point and say "so, we ALL stand to make a shit load of money off the vtuber thing lets not let anything get in the way of it and just all pretend to like each other"

>> No.72583289

>lucunt is 18yo
>The girl is 24
Really tho why tf sisters act like the age difference is really big. Fuckers it's just a 6 yrs old difference and Luca is already a fucking adult. It's not even grooming anymore since both was already in legal fucking age.

6 yrs old difference is not that much. I can even fuck a girl 20 yrs older than mine. Luca is just your typical loser fuckboi who can't go outside to meet real women so he hits up girls on internet.

>> No.72583357

Reminder this is because he's a numberfag and was mad they said spamming handcams would kill the buff and were right lol

>> No.72583371

Sisters simultaneously babied their manwhore oshis AND stoke their ego at the same time.
Look at what happened to Axia.

>> No.72583435
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Total YT earnings: $760k
YT cut (30%): $228k
After cut: $532k

50/50 with Niji and his left with $266k, idk about merch/event that could make him a $millionaire$

>> No.72583493

I'm sure it sucks if you spend 15k dollars, management fights you every step of the way, and then on the day of release, they private the video and completely gut its growth, and then tell you to write a public apology on twitter and blame yourself for everything.
Repeat 50 fucking times over the course of two and a half years.

>> No.72583589

She might bring in millionaire revenue, but she's pretty retarded when it comes to money. Like, she was paying taxes in two countries because she didn't understand how tax laws work.

>> No.72583628

and I'm gonna be a millionaire? "SIR YES SIR"

>> No.72583706

i dont speak french

>> No.72583709

Selen made 0 profit in 2023.
She was not a millionaire.

>> No.72583741
File: 27 KB, 640x359, Fe1b3w8XkAAtCFY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was only 18 years old, you sick fuck!

>> No.72583753

Happens to holostars too, they get called DA BOYZ and they insist they need handfeeding despite them being fully grown adult men.

>> No.72583768

He's practically a newborn at that age.

>> No.72583860

Not at the level of niji, no.
Kuzuha already disciplined his chat multiple time, even as late as august last year.
His fujo was flaming Ririmu out of nowhere because some VCR GTA prank, it's disgusting.

>> No.72583980


>> No.72583985

yes sister then luca is innocent good boy lmao

>> No.72584004

muh poor innocent wuca
>He would end up making two sock puppet Twitter accounts to harass others during the Nijisanji audition process. One named “lollyspringa” the other “poggerswoggers”.

>> No.72584295

Luca we know you in this fucking thread with your fatass butter hands scratching your nuts. Speak up boy

>> No.72585692

This dude is mental

>> No.72588016
File: 87 KB, 1080x282, Screenshot_20240330_082017_Docs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72588071

>throwing selen under the buss for his lack of impulse control

>> No.72588162

>but Mori says she’s not a millionaire
She's either lying or just spending too much

>> No.72588210


>> No.72588212

That’s literally because she spent all her income by “investing” it in her projects, which means she’s bad at handling money. Anyone who understands finances knows that you should invest the bare minimum to be able to make a certain amount back. I’m not criticizing her though, everything was her passion project and she did it out of love, so that’s fair. But spending $15,000 on shitty art drawn by your friends/fans is nice, sure, but not smart.

>> No.72588269


>> No.72588324


Found the Lucuck coping and samefagging

>> No.72588351
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There's only one millionaire vtuber and it's pic related.

>> No.72588404
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You caught me. Better detective than Amelia.

>> No.72588485

>100k 3d

>> No.72588681
File: 2.03 MB, 1920x1928, 1707503158720874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one were you sis

>> No.72588970

Ego was probably the main issue. What does it matter if he’s successful when there’s someone more successful than he is? I’m exaggerating but that may in fact be what Luca thought. Then add in the fact that in NijiEN you’re competing against other waves for people’s time and money, along with the fact there’s tons of clashing personalities, there’s no way something like that would pan out well long term.

>> No.72589361

I Hope he realises his mistakes and apologies to his fans and to Raziel although I think mixed in some lies in this but the woman was wronged after all. Even if gets fucked he's still in a better position than a lot of people considering the money figures being claimed.

>> No.72589489

Isn't he the guy who made his mod do his work and merch for him?
How do they not screen out such people?
Another Nijikek L

>> No.72589542

this you? NDF sisters

>> No.72589563

He will be fine even if he was forced to leave. His fanbase is loyal and he can join Vshojo. He is close with them and played on their Minecraft server.

>> No.72589612


>> No.72589801

He is well known as toxic on work so I don't think even vshitshow will try to adopt this beta fuckboi. Atleast matara or kuro will veto the idea.

>> No.72589975

The problem is this >>72589612
his fanbase is not in the west, is the problem of a lot of Kurosanji “famous” people, they are afraid that moving back to the west will kick them into the curb.
Him getting cancelled on Twitter means nothing when your fanbase uses SNS and Bilibili, where he’s unironically streaming right now.

>> No.72590084

Look the hag is god awful we all know that but let's not pretend this dude is a saint either:

>Hand someone else handwrite his own messages and scripts
>Doesn't make schedules for streams nowadays (let's be honest he barely streams anyways)
>Constantly lies about "recording" something for work (watch the end of most of his streams he uses that excuse all the time)
>Literally had someone else doing his work while sitting on his lazy ass
>Caters more BFE to bilibili viewers (cucked once again YT lucubs)
>Refuses to hop on his pl and alt accounts to even clear his own name instead of being anon and shit talk here

It's unbelievable how his fans have let him slide by all this time through sheer lying, manipulation, and laziness. Either they're really fucking blind by faith or fucking stupid as shit.

>> No.72590223

Black company attracts bad people. It's just rocket science

>> No.72590264

>Fucking blind by faith
>Fucking stupid as shit
You perfectly described nijikeks

>> No.72590323

Yeah fucking right! They barely dodged a bullet with that one menhara. Like hell they'd hire him after this shitfest even with Matara and Kuro vouching for him.

>> No.72590353

Missing the fact that he made alt accounts to harass people too. People found that 2 years ago I think, but it's more confirmation

>> No.72590419

Ah I knew I missed something. Yeah those tweets are still up what a fucking dumbass.

>> No.72590521

Shit those nijisisters are in complete denial regarding their oshi it's laughable almost pitiful even. Must suck knowing you've been supporting an asshat of a person this whole time and yet still crying out that he did nothing wrong.

>> No.72590597


>> No.72590692

slash thread THIS sister
*unzips dick*

>> No.72591341


TL;DR Tax law is confusing, and especially when we're younger, most of us either don't think we need or don't think we can afford a "tax person" ESPECIALLY if we come from modest means, which Calli definitely does IIRC.

In fairness, tax law is a shit show in the US especially, but international is surely its own beast. Far too often any of us with half a brain think we can handle taxes half decently self filing.

2015 I made 16k. My return? about 500-900.

Next 3 years, despite a near $1-2 raise, only got 800~ more. Return? Same range.

The 3 years after that? Went from 16k to 40k a year. Returns? No real increase.

I went to a tax person this year (fuck turbo tax self file is all ill say jesus christ never again).
I lost my job last summer, so despite only having half of that 40k n a bit of unemployment, my return was nearly 2k.

My tax person n I are now gonna review/amend prior 2-3 years as best we can. I shudder to think how much $ i may have missed out on for those 3 years, let alone going back to 2015.
2000 total?
8000? More?

My stupid young ass thought "i only made 16k a year, i cant afford a tax person!" and then my thought was "well ive done it myself decently the last 5 years, may as well keep on".
And considering she's 3 years younger than me, I am not surprised at all if she's been struggling with tax shit. We're all just trying to do our best in this shitty world, ya know?

>> No.72591462

In fairness, almost the entirety of that 200k was supposed to be paid by NIJI/AC but they were refusing to pay and she didn't want potential business endeavors to fail or her projects to bomb because AC was dragging their feet with the checkbook. She likely either assumed or was assured that she'd get reimbursed at some point.

If anything, the whole shitshow revealed that for a lot of creators, NIJI/AC were blacklisted for them LONG before the public allegations and just owing to private interactions. Many creators are on record stating they only dealt with Selene because of her attitude, her communication, and basically "she aint like the AC execs who are fuckwits".

Never forget AC still pesters a few of them to this day with NDA requests with consistently wrong forms or missing/wrong information.

>> No.72592700


>> No.72593038


>> No.72593063

But as soon as someone shits on their oshi they go nuclear and god forbid it's a vtuber.

>> No.72593287

Cheers, made some copies for future finger-pointing and laughing

>> No.72593980

Who are you talking about anon?

>> No.72594873

She WAS his friend but HE made damn sure that it was no longer possible to consider him a friend. Her actions are perfectly natural and reasonable. THere's only so much you can stomach. He is a shitstain and kept being awful to her until she could no longer support him.
The only "woman" thing about it is that she held out so long instead of dropping him earlier.

>> No.72595170

A valiant effort, anon, deserves a (You)

>> No.72595346

The person I was responding to was discussing Selene. That is who I was talking about. I'm confused on how thats hard to follow?

>> No.72595383

after everything that happened female EN Livers are worth nothing. They are third class citizens. The Boys and their loyal fans is everything NijisanjiEN has now. If you think they will do anything to them you are not understanding the gravity of the situation. It is easier for them to terminate all female Livers than fire one Luca.

>> No.72595444
File: 561 KB, 768x1563, Nijicope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That didn't happen
>And if it did, it wasn't that bad
>And if it was, it is not a big deal
>And if it is, that is not Nijisanji's fault
>And if it was, we didn't mean for that to happen
>And if we did mean for that to happen, you deserved it.

>> No.72596184

honestly i don't watch this nigger but i wish that bitch would kill herself because this whole drama is annoying as sin and it's obvious that the yellow bitch is useless without this woman but she's also pathetic for being this goddamn beholden to a zoomer.

>> No.72596252

Honestly no one denies she's in for the drama, but the document has receipts. You can hate them both but 100% Luca is scum.

>> No.72596319

already forgot he trying to groom some artist? but she was too excited and exposed their DMs to brag about it

>> No.72596395

thats just SCs
we don't know the ad revenue and membership money they get

>> No.72596479

you say that like hiring kuro wasn't a retard move in the first place anon

>> No.72596615

i think a lot of asia is like that if you look at the kpop/idol scene. westerners are smoothbrained and just mimicking what they see like the monkeys they are.

>> No.72596632

Matara was close to Luca they even traveled together. Mouse loves Luca and wanted to invite him to her talk show again. Kuro is the only veto.

>> No.72596885
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>ESPECIALLY if we come from modest means, which Calli definitely does
are we talking about the same calli who learned to drive in a ferrari? jej

>> No.72597191

Every story has two sides. I'll never believe a woman on a one-sided drama. I give you that he was most likely an asshole and the fame made him even worse though.

>> No.72597366

Yeah poaching any ex niji is really bad but I still have this little hope for vshitshow that they will not try to get the worst of the worst nijikeks.

>> No.72597586

Where's the proof that the 200k she mentioned was supposed to be reimbursed? We know she spent a lot of money on unofficial projects that she did for herself and the other Livers, which, IMO, *should* have been paid for by Niji, since they did fuck all in terms of EN projects. But we also know that any pewrsonal projects (ie. any project not officially done by Niji) are not paid for.

She knew this and she still did it (again, out of passion ,it was her hobby and it is what made her the most popular). Notice she didn't blame Niji or say she was owed money by them.

>> No.72597978

They're mentally stunted manchildren like most entertainers

>> No.72598509

Not just any hag... scroll her recent tweets until you see something funny

>> No.72599278

>"most male vtubers don't have the drive to be #1"
>still can't be #1

>> No.72599516

You could try watching his streams to see that everything she said is either 100% correct or if not outright stated, at least makes most sense.

>> No.72599726

No one is saying that she is innocent, it’s just that no one cares about her.
Except sisters, they have been harassing her for months and that’s one of the reasons she’s releasing this document, to spite on them.

>> No.72600146

pippa makes upwards of 300k a year

>> No.72600468

but is she paying 200k out of pocket like selen?

>> No.72600730

No, she still has the Southern poorfag mentality

>> No.72600901

selen is just a retard lmao. that was her entire income and she blew it all on "projects".
pippa has poorfag mentality so she can't bring herself spend alot on meaningless things, she's even saving to buy a house.

>> No.72601052
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You don't have to believe her on most of her claims, you can even say the "not a big fan of pregnant women" thing is fake, but on the things where there is undisputable proof like the signatures or scripts for voice packs/dramas you kind of have to.

>> No.72601156

Pretty sure that's every male vtuber ever so don't hang him alone

>> No.72604265
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>> No.72604334

Selen desperately needed a real manager to wrangle her retarded spending habits. She wasn't even allowed to have one.
Thankfully she has one now.
