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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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72541047 No.72541047[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>pseudo-intellectual vegan
>can't sing
>can't dance
>terrible at games
>terrible at asmr
>extremely grating fake voice
>hates her fans
Why does anyone like her?

>> No.72541103

Remember to wash your cunt at least 2 times a day, sister.

>> No.72541141

She's cute.

>> No.72541191

stealth /bfg/ thread

>> No.72541268


>> No.72541271

Why is your skin the same color as my shit?

>> No.72541323

She really isn't. Literally just your average entitled amerimutt.

>> No.72541353

>terrible at games
Fauna sweep.

>> No.72541385
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>> No.72541525

I like Fauna but the pseudo intellectual allegation is true. She spends too much time reading Wikipedia and watching retarded YouTube video essays.

>> No.72541565

I don't think you know what average Americans look or sound like.

>> No.72541632

She's just like me...

>> No.72541645

>doesnt deny any of it

>> No.72541660

Her voice is the reason I watch her.
She doesn't scream at the top of her lungs and make constant late-Gen Z/Early Gen Alpha jokes.

>> No.72541673

So true sis! You tell her!

>> No.72541697

They look like her

>> No.72541797


>> No.72541805

>enjoying the sound of nails on a chalkboard

>> No.72541875

How did you get Fauna and Kiara mixed up?
They don't look anything alike.

>> No.72541907

What's wrong about being curious about things?

>> No.72541912

let be honest you have no friends

>> No.72542031

How come saplings can only resort to name calling?

>> No.72542104

If American women were more like her, I wouldn't have been single all my life.

>> No.72542160

girls like Fauna would never date you

>> No.72542260

>someone drop something on a Nijifag making him look awful
>sister's best comeback is this
yeah seems like a day ending in "day"

>> No.72542328

We'll see who's lolling and lmaoing last when I impregnate Fauna.

>> No.72542398

sunk cost
literally no other reason

>> No.72542436

Vegans are infertile.

>> No.72542454

a dumb person that does their best to learn new things regardless is objectively superior to a smart person that does nothing but sneer at dumb people trying to learn

>> No.72542949

A midwit that only knows surface level stuff but tries to act like an authority on it(fauna) is the most inferior

>> No.72543337
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My feet are not brown, therefore I am obliged to love Fauna.

>> No.72543455
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cause she's the best, cope and seethe faggot

>> No.72543530

>pseudo-intellectual vegan
Don't care, don't notice it much
>can't sing
Seems fine to me whenever she does
>can't dance
Irrelevant outside of concerts
>terrible at games
Still entertaining, still fondly remember her euro truck stream
>terrible at asmr
idk asmr was never my thing so I don't know how to judge nor do I care that she stopped
>extremely grating fake voice
her voice is nice and I enjoy it
>hates her fans
don't care, still a fan

>> No.72543565

MY Pseudo

MY Cutie

MY MOMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now kill your brownself, brownfeet

>> No.72543625

Fauna is literally perfect, her only fault is associating with whores a little too much lately

>> No.72543800

who cares
>can’t sing
yet her karaokes are 10/10 fun
>can’t dance
who cares
>terrible at games
better than most holomem
>terrible at asmr
who cares, don’t listen to what i can’t jerk off to
>grating fake voice
skill issue, it’s cute
>hates her fans
how’s the weather, jakarta schizo

>> No.72543874

fuck you i didn’t scroll down before posting >>72543800 you’re making me look bad

>> No.72544046

Check Warosu for Fauna + pseud
and enjoy the mental illness.

The narrative about Fauna being a pseud is that she sometimes says interesting facts. Retards think that you are NOT ALLOWED to talk about anything unless you are highly qualified in that field. So basically you shouldn't talk about pretty muh anything but make cute noises and play games. This is the level of mental illness that they're at.

>> No.72544121

At what?

>> No.72544164

People getting upset about her veganism is the silliest shit.
