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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 513 KB, 898x584, ME ME ME ME ME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
72406863 No.72406863 [Reply] [Original]

Why does a woman with the same personality as that one basic bitch Stacy in highschool who would bully you for being a shut-in loser work in an industry that only thrives thanks to shut-in losers? And why there are people who cheer her on for it?

>> No.72407004

I can't stand her either, but don't be a whiny baby about it OP. Just close the stream.

>> No.72407102

holy esl

>> No.72407195

There's no way Kiara bullied anyone.
She's a total faggot. She was probably a bullying victim.

>> No.72407229


>> No.72407240

What is this psyop?

>> No.72407318

>he got bullied in high-school
everyone in my high-school was so chill, and even if ppl fucked with you, just fight back, who cares

>> No.72407340
File: 148 KB, 960x1161, 1708263986432664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has major protagonist energy. Brown people are still afraid of people with that sort of powerful aura, that's why they dislike her.

>> No.72407342

>fuck up the order of words because I rewrote the sentence last minute and didn’t proofread
>haha ESL
Kill yourself

>> No.72407361

Gee anon it's almost like she loves milking her pigs because she would be worthless in the real world with a real job

>> No.72407495

and why, as a man, are you letting a woman bully you?
is there something you're not telling us, OP?

>> No.72407534

fuck off sister

>> No.72407648

>for being a shut-in loser
What more is there to need to know?

>> No.72407700
File: 637 KB, 1280x720, 1658509698100598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>admitting to getting bullied by stacies
Yup, that's going in the egg collection

>> No.72407744

Imagine being the mad about a vtuber you CLEARLY don't even watch or know anything about. You have literally invented a personality for her, and are creating a fake past scenario in your head based on that invented personality to be upset about.
What's wrong with you?

>> No.72407863

I love this image. It's powerful and conveys who Kiara is extremely well.
Shame that it's always accompanied by some faggy verse not nearly as eloquent as the image by itself.

>> No.72407870
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72407928

I'm curious what her pussy smells like. Probably mildly earthy cuntmusk with the slightest hint of sweetness.

>> No.72407929

I watched her, that’s how I know she’s like that

>> No.72407968

As a foreigner I find this image to be very amusing and have slapped my knee in laughter.

>> No.72407983

kdf is here already

>> No.72408026

Don't make me shove you into a locker you pathetic bullied bitch.

>> No.72408042
File: 10 KB, 344x127, Deafbeatdiscord74739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll keep spamming holoEN members until they stop collabing with your whore KFPiss.

>> No.72408120


>> No.72408160

It's only you, eggchama

>> No.72408168

why are there jocks on this board? fuck off to your normalfaggot social media

>> No.72408177

She isn't that Stacy, she's the quirky weirdo who wishes she was and to a degree thinks she is. It's obvious even to said losers and just makes you wanna saviorfag.

>> No.72408179
File: 344 KB, 1080x1918, scrambled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time

>> No.72408209

Where were the "basic bitch stacys" who loved japanese culture and japanese idols/media/egirls who taught her self Japanese and tried to make a living in Japan at my high school?????

>> No.72408259

there were plenty in mine

>> No.72408295

No there weren't.

>> No.72408296

The harsh truth is the bullied become bullies themselves.

>> No.72408330

If you can’t stand her why are you letting her equally obnoxious fan base freely shit up the board?

>> No.72408363

You didn't watch shit or you'd know she was bullied.
Actually it's kinda funny how eggs are pretty much just acting like high school bullies here. Do you think it's your turn?

>> No.72408399

she should’ve been bullied to suicide then

>> No.72408404

anon she rapped...

>> No.72408452

You people who think Kiara is a "stacy" are probably the same people who think Suisei is a stacy LMAO.

>> No.72408467

>cries out in pain as he strikes you

>> No.72408486

Do it yourself coward, at least nobody will remember you

>> No.72408542

>I only have the mental bandwidth to speak 1 language, clearly this makes me superior
americucks are so fucking funny. It must be so sad being unable to watch good vtubers because you cant even learn the original language of the scene LMAO

>> No.72408602

If only this was real. Please make it real

>> No.72408652

Simple, she wanted to boost her lousy music career and the people who can stand how she acts are pushover cucks. Prime example of being at the right place at the right time.
Best thing that can be said is that this grifter learned to comply with the culture and adapt to her position.

>> No.72408653

Suisei is talented unlike Kiara
Suisei isn’t loud, annoying and obnoxious unlike Kiara
Suisei doesn't have an obnoxious “wholesome chungus” fanbase with a victim complex unlike Kiara
Suisei is entertaining unlike Kiara
Suisei isn’t a failed idol unlike Kiara
Suisei didn’t whore herself out unlike Kiara
Suisei didn’t cosplay Asuka in a wrestling match unlike Kiara

>> No.72408679

>clearly didn't watch
Bro she's ruined every collab she's in. If she stuck to solo streams I wouldn't care

>> No.72408842

That has nothing to do with what I said. I implied thaty neither Kiara nor Suisei are stacy's. Kiara isn't for some of the reasons you mentioned. Suisei isn't because she is an autistic dork who clawed her way up from nothing. Yet catalog posters who dont watch them don't know these things and falsely call them "stacys".

>> No.72408850

>I'll keep spamming this fake image until I finally make up for all the lost years I could have spent with my father

>> No.72408944

>implying he has a father

>> No.72408992

Isn't the whole reason Suisei became a chuuba because she couldn't make it as an idol irl?

>> No.72409026

Hating Kiara won't make you feel better when you turn off the computer. It won't fix the pain in your soul. Get real help. It's not too late

>> No.72409040

Yeah, Suisei isn’t one, glad we agree
Kiara absolutely is one
She's the type to beg for membership cause it’s “JUST FIVE DOLLARS”

>> No.72409071

>this much effort and asshurt
show me on the doll where the orange chicken touched you

>> No.72409111

Her mom does have it going on

>> No.72409121

Read the OP, he got bullied by girls in high-school and now all extroverted girls give him PTSD.

>> No.72409149

she literally told me to go complain on 4chan blud

>> No.72409169

Wrong, just wrong, she's told people plenty of times to think of themselves first. You're projecting your insecurities on her, it's not healthy man.

>> No.72409199
File: 20 KB, 857x135, 1697742808979593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72409210

I don't get how you can make the points you made in your post and still try to call Kiara a stacy. She obviously isn't. She is a wierd , loud nerd.

>> No.72409261

stacy = extroverted girl
bully = make fun of

>> No.72409309

Those people made a choice. You just don't like it. Nobody made them. I get the sense that you have money issues ablnd are insecure about it. It's okay

>> No.72409349

>shes the type to...
so you're inventing scenarios in your head and getting mad at an imaginary person

>> No.72409359

Would have to make it ARS or flip pesos so it's believable

>> No.72409385

She actually auditioned to be virtual idol (in the vein of im@s), can't remember the names of the ones she namedropped and I'm too lazy to dig it up.
Don't use Suisei for your horrible fucking tribalnigger shitposting

>> No.72409410

Thats not what a stacy is. Stop being reductive.

>> No.72409454

You know what OP? You should've been bullied harder

>> No.72409494

OP is a fucking loser lol

>> No.72409497

Suisei wouldn't want a fan who was this rude to her coworkers.

>> No.72409512


>> No.72409515

Because her Onlyfans bombed

>> No.72409602

>same personality as that one basic bitch Stacy in highschool who would bully you for being a shut-in loser
The stacies in high school were actually nice to me, i was just this nerdy ugly loser and never tried to flirt with them, so i guess they saw me as harmless. Actually have really good memories of stacies.

>> No.72409664

that’s who this site is for
go back

>> No.72409676

You would be a school shooter if you had the chance, huh? You're the type the media talks about

>> No.72409680

Try not being a fatherless loser and tranny-in-the-making, then you won't get bullied by "stacies" in school.

>> No.72409737

OPs a faggot LMAO

>> No.72409739

She has bigger things to worry about
Also, by that logic you’re not allowed to dislike anyone in hololive if you like someone in hololive

>> No.72409806

>this thread
kfpiss are the nicest community btw

>> No.72409821

pretty sure most weirdos are here cause they're weebs
I've never been bullied by a woman. I'm sure most haven't either. that's just embarrassing. be a man, faggot.

>> No.72409846

what does it mean then?
bitch who goes “yaaass queen nailcare emoji” is what it means to me and thats what kiara is

>> No.72409872

Suisei would hate your guts

>> No.72409898

>implying he is a he

>> No.72409903

i seriously doubt a woman has never mocked you in your life

>> No.72409946

Aw someone still mad?

>> No.72410028

Would your community accept you? What would your oshi think of your posts?

>> No.72410029

Anon, Susei is stuck up as shit dude.

>> No.72410096

no woman has ever mocked me, and if they did, it wasn't to my face
sorry you'd had a shitty life

>> No.72410168

>i need constant validation from others about my opinions so you must too
an hero yourself

>> No.72410183

LOL!!!! Classic catalogfag who doesn't watch streams!!!!
I hate you. Everybody hates you.

>> No.72410246

I love her

>> No.72410249


>> No.72410318

Tell that to OP

>> No.72410327

Yasss true sister she really totally owned the eggchuds there like wtf?????????fvdftfbgfhg she’s so valid like what????

>> No.72410562

>talk shit
>"why are they being mean to me? :("
Don't know what you expected

>> No.72410650


>> No.72410771

stop shitting up threads with your whore and people wont hate her by association

>> No.72410921

KFPiss are a joke like their oshi, what's new

>> No.72410982

Who made the thread again? Oh right.

>> No.72410985

I don't know, I think "men" that get bullied by girls are slightly funnier.

>> No.72411075

nta but that's true. A person can only endure so much suffering until that suffering warps them in bad and destructive ways.

>> No.72411077

Kiara allying herself with enna is great, KFP/NDF melting down sitewide because of the catch 22 situation is fun to watch

>> No.72411285
File: 392 KB, 633x661, It Was A Good Day[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ftcso3m.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another day another mad schizo making threads

>> No.72411368

Kiara is not a stacy lmao. She's confident and assertive but a lot of that is being european. She's one of the least normie members of EN.

What a stunningly inaccurate read on someone.

>> No.72411436

OP has to be a falseflag
Why would you admit to being bullied by girls in high-school and use that as leverage against Kiara? That just makes Kiara antis look pathetic.

>> No.72411472

>least normie
so you don't watch kiara

>> No.72411553

Kiara anti's running out of material after 4 years and resorting to personal sob stories make sense. The mind break has started.

>> No.72411839

She's insecure but she does have an outward confidence/in charge kind of attitude. And watching Friends doesn't make someone a normie

>> No.72412168

That's one thing I can admire about Kiara, despite her abrasive attitude, shrill voice, and shit taste in everything.
Once she has a goal in mind, she goes full steam ahead on it, low self-esteem be damned. That and her impeccable time management. Girl learned conversational Japanese in half a year, while I've been procrastinating for twenty.

>> No.72412275

This. You pointed out that specific feeling

>> No.72412334

> admitted to being SEAnigger, chink or pakistani last thread
imagine not being white lmao

>> No.72412349


>> No.72412407

Her associating with Enna and Millie helps her case that she's not a bully bitch. She's trying to befriend those who's getting shit on by the internet

>> No.72412488

Shut your mouth up and never associate us with those bastard chinese

>> No.72412550

simps, simple as

>> No.72412549

Quite the opposite, this just makes her look even worse than usual. Her character was already dubious but hanging out with these dregs just further proves it

>> No.72412575

Must be nice having managers for scheduling and language tutors

>> No.72412604

well that narrows it down to SEAnigger or pakistani...

>> No.72412770

There is a difference between dislike and seething, unseated hatred. Most people who dislike other members just avoid watching them. You, on the other hand, pit Holos against each other in self-fellating greentexts like an anti.

>> No.72412774

But she also hangs out with mumei so that invalidate your claim

>> No.72412831

guess they really are one or the other lmao, my money is on SEAnigger though

>> No.72412943

kek if I didn't follow what those two did and the black stream I would have believed you

>> No.72413120

KFP are NDF all along roru rumao

>> No.72413269

But your bitch Stacy doesn't like animu and never come to Japan

>> No.72413388

ESL kek

>> No.72413403

Fucking Taiwan loser, deserved to be bullied harder

>> No.72413426
File: 731 KB, 1349x2000, 1707698115932449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of incels just want a bitchy stacy to take charge of them and control their every action.
they pretend that they'd be rapists or chads if given the chances, but there's a reason they're beta losers and it's because they actually want a stacy lording over them.

>> No.72413441

These sad fucks have been seething over Kiara for going on 4 years straight now, let that sink in

>> No.72413720

Pathetic vermin. Even dogs are more honorable than you

>> No.72413763

Sui isn't Stacy, Sui is Suzy

>> No.72413781

what the fuck are you talking about she's genuinely one of the nicest holos, extremely easygoing with everyone.

>> No.72413818

Fucking phasecuck every single time

>> No.72413888

Kiara's porn is alright, I'll just ignore her like usual.

>> No.72414689

Qualified at everything except height

>> No.72414712

Can you afford to drop Reds there Prajeet? That’s like a month’s worth of pay for you

>> No.72414984

> she couldn't make it as an idol irl?
This doesn't mean particularly much.
Idols aren't really special, it's just about who gets the most money (and semen) pumped into them for artificial popularity.

Idols are particularly skilled or beautiful or anything, so the "standard" of being an idol is more or less meaningless. You're just as likely to not make the cut because you're too pretty or you have a non-average girl style as you are because you're ugly.

>> No.72415037

>Holo vs Holo
>Falseflagging, but painfully obvious
>Same tired talking-points
>Too much cursing which points to someone having sand in their vagina
>Using the same images over and over
tsk tsk tsk Sisters... sloppy, like your lifestyles.

>> No.72415970

How You Remind Me (Im a chuuba)
By Susei

Never made it as a idol
I couldn't cut it as a Jpop singer
Tired of livin' like a chuuba
I'm sick of seeing of my lewds in my timeline
And this is how you remind me

This is how you remind me a vtuber, i am
This is how you remind me a vtuber, i am

It's not like you to say sorry
I was waitin' on a different audience
This time I'm streaming
Handing you a MV hoping you'll see it
And my numbers have been up, have been down
Been seeking collabs with every corpo
These words in my head
Scream, "did i thank the otaku for the akasuppa?"

Ari, ga, tou, no, no
Ari, ga, tou, no, no

It's not like you didn't know that
I said, "schedule tomorrow" and I hope i mean it
And it must have been so bad
'Cause oshiiing me must have damn near bankrupt you

This is how you remind me a vtuber, i am
This is how you remind me a vtuber, i am

Ari, ga, tou, no, no
Ari, ga, tou, no, no

Never made it as a idol
I couldn't cut it as a Jpop singer
Tired of livin' like a chuuba
I'm sick of seeing of my lewds in my timeline
And this is how you remind me

This is how you remind me a vtuber, i am
This is how you remind me a vtuber, i am

Ari, ga, tou, no, no
Ari, ga, tou, no, no
Ari, ga, tou, no, no
Ari, ga, tou, no, no

>> No.72416078


>> No.72416091
File: 134 KB, 907x902, do not share your views with me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with the same personality as that one basic bitch Stacy in highschool who would bully you for being a shut-in loser
Get over it, my dude.

>> No.72416135

KFP really aren't subtle at all with their hololive anti-ing

>> No.72416163


>> No.72418061

Because we hate ourselves and know that we're only worthy of derision and disrespect.

>> No.72420436

the one shitting the board right now is (You)

>> No.72421243

>OP has perfect grammar but in a way that ESLs cant comprehend
too good

>> No.72425296

humiliation fetish

>> No.72428121

there's a reason only that image is being spammed

>> No.72428378

But enough about Enna

>> No.72428588

Wanna hang out again Millie?

>> No.72428797 [DELETED] 

>Suisei didn't whore herself out
So we're just going to pretend that stream where a guy was in her house didn't happen?

>> No.72429145
File: 992 KB, 1179x597, 30_times.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This feels familiar
I'm going to call you...

>> No.72429334

Anon, that never happened.

>> No.72431611
File: 87 KB, 900x900, jcyft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>72406863 (OP)
Sorry, wrong pic
