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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 67 KB, 597x986, 1699333876010925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
72394900 No.72394900 [Reply] [Original]

Dead asp edition

>What is /wasp/?
/wasp/ is a thread for Female Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing

>Why /wasp/?
Men and women target different demographics and this thread is geared towards gender specific strategies to increase their numbers, and gain an audience.

>Can I self post and promote?
Sure, although we recommend you eventually leave this thread and this site. You will have your own community to care for soon.

>I'm not really new to streaming/ vtubing, it's ok if I post here?
This is the advice thread ma'am, just ask. We also help with redebuts and rebranding.

>I'm just a lowly viewer but I want to help my oshi grow. Can I ask here?
Go ahead, but remember to ask for her consent for sketchy stuff ( like 4chan ads)

>"I am X vtuber and I have to say Z girl is an schizo/bitch/liar! Read my Tweetlong..."
Since it's technically off-topic, we would ask you kindly to take that to back to /asp/, if you must talk about it at all. It will be better for viewers if feuds between vtubers are never made public, nor /here/ nor in twitter. Hold a facade for the sake of the children, your fans deserve better. No one likes it when the mommies fight.

>Some resources

>Threads of interest:
>>>/vt/wvt/ - OG EN indie thread
>>>/vt//lig/- Large Indies Thread
>>>/vt//aus/ - Aussie
>>>/vt//fig/ - Fighting gamer chuubas
>>>/vt//asmr/ - ASMR chuuba discussions
>>>/vt//hag/ - Chuubas of 30 years old and up
>>>/vt/jong/ - beloved offspring for mahjong players

Previous: >>72375031

>> No.72394939

Remember to avoid all men

>> No.72394982

Goddamnit OP

>> No.72395012 [DELETED] 

>schizo puts girl in op only after it is too late for her

>> No.72395085

The tiermaker was out of date and people in the other thread were saying it was an /asp/ thing.
For the twitter link someone can just post the image in the thread itself which will get more people looking at it.

>> No.72395132

Imagine that, taking away the tierlist after accusing me of taking away the faq last time.

>> No.72395168

I miss her…

>> No.72395169

Not talking about that stupid tierlist

>> No.72395212

I don't understand

>> No.72395232

>Scared of being groomed? check this guide to recognize tactics.
Guess you didn't want this too?

>> No.72395272

>For the twitter link someone can just post the image in the thread itself which will get more people looking at it.
There is an image combo that has it all that people are more likely to look at.

>> No.72395308

Post the image

>> No.72395328

Is that the dead mom yokai vtuber from a couple threads ago?

>> No.72395426
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>> No.72395431

People don’t even remember Andy…

>> No.72395528

So you were the anti then?

>> No.72395575


>> No.72395618

Anti trolling and schizo? yes.

>> No.72395642

any wasps streaming

>> No.72395686

Thanks that’s better

>> No.72395730

post the list

>> No.72395767

cunny, moe, autism, sleepy, ESL
gamer, /fig/, autism, variety, ESL
cunny, /choc/, voice acting, ASMR, EOP
tomboy, autism, art, rants, EOP
idol, karaoke, variety, hag, EOP
lewd, funny, hag, educational, EOP
cozy, art, hag, ESL
karaoke, variety, sultry voice, EOP
endurance, autism, hag, /jong/, Brit
retro, hag, comfy, Brit
gamer, autism, variety, drinking, EOP
cunny, moe, /fig/, variety, EOP
>neruru (pre-debut)
cunny, kusogaki

>> No.72395827

rip andy

>> No.72396044

No what happened to her?

>> No.72396213

the fuck is EOP
and why am I not here

>> No.72396214

So you’re just a control freak

>> No.72396311

English only p

>> No.72396376

the p stand for phriend of course

>> No.72396500

Sure let’s go with that

>> No.72396729

Who are you

>> No.72396788

And to stop supporting Mel Nekomata.

>> No.72396815

I wish it was already time for the next stream of my wasp oshi

>> No.72396844

This should’ve just been added to the resources pastebin already in the op

>> No.72396887

Guess what, it did get added

>> No.72396997


>> No.72397046

She’s gone

>> No.72397089

Mel isn’t real

>> No.72397098

Lazy troll OPs been baking threads

>> No.72397212

Sound like it was for the best

>> No.72397514

I don’t think it is even trolls

>> No.72397557


>> No.72398427

Reveal yourself!

>> No.72398548

Which is the better of the two flavors to go for
It seems like people get really worked up for both

>> No.72398594


>> No.72398637

Hag loli…?

>> No.72398801

Can you point it out for me? I seem to be blind?
Last time it was edited was 21st of march?

>> No.72398860

Loli or Baba doesn’t matter
Only avoiding males matters

>> No.72398877
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Poor cakes. Come ere for hugs

>> No.72398975

a cake can just pretend to be a hag

>> No.72399044
File: 284 KB, 636x692, pfp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I did the promotion thing: https://twitter.com/AledaSama/status/1773084564157583812
Currently scrambling to see if I can get a mediocre rig set up. I've also been debating if I should do a drawing request stream instead of RF, as that sounds pretty engaging. I need more than 2 people to show up for that to be worthwhile however.
I almost went with a lolibaba design several times but wussed out. We need more

>> No.72399143

You don't have to rush things. You can PNGchuub while you're working on your rig.

Also cakes are fine too

>> No.72399169

if you do have some experience streaming, consider buying ads for your debut.
If you are a first timer, lay low, and then go all out when l2d

>> No.72399419

Mostly doing it to challenge myself, I'll happily PNGchuub if I can't make it in time which is likely. Thank you for the cake luv
I've done art streams in the past but I'm pretty out of practice. Need to set things up more I think before I delve into buying Ads lul

>> No.72399425

Drawing request streams are fun depending on how fast you can draw doodles.

>> No.72399479

Do your best! As I always say, cakes are just pre-debut hags

>> No.72399560

would be interesting/cute if you just did a stream after debut of you rigging yourself. I'm sure some people would enjoy that. (i would)

>> No.72399562

Remember to avoid communicating with boys

>> No.72399627

you make it sound like vtubing isn’t real

>> No.72399639
File: 895 KB, 3840x2160, WeAreOuttaPunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay it's whatever.

>> No.72399665
File: 87 KB, 850x1511, 1693358602855432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your fanart policy btw?

>> No.72399704

Depends on your voice and online hate tolerance and interests. If you have a natural little girl voice and are okay with being hated just for existing, go full uohhh. It's almost guaranteed success. If not, go hag. You should have some kind of older interests or experiences if you plan to go hag since it's a lot harder to fake than it seems but it's also a good path to take.

>> No.72400070

Why do you always ask this?

>> No.72400111

Rigging on stream sounds fun, I'll give it some thought! I can scribble pretty quickly so doing some sketch requests should be easy. I hope
My PL was making hentai art and doujins, I'm also an old drawfriend from several boards. Anything and everything goes

>> No.72400157

>Oshi's Haachama and Tenma
You have good taste

>> No.72400259


>> No.72400328

>My PL was making hentai art and doujins, I'm also an old drawfriend from several boards. Anything and everything goes
Noice. The model is very lewdable to be quite honest family. Good job

>> No.72400371
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>My PL was making hentai art and doujins, I'm also an old drawfriend from several boards. Anything and everything goes
That is promising.
I hope it goes well, but it's not much time to build up hype for a big debut, but if you're alright with however big numbers you get then let's go. The can always build up from there.

>> No.72400527

How many hours per day did Lumi stream for before going corpo?

>> No.72400740

Thanks! I hope I can get lots of cutelewd fanart. And desu considering how nervous I was just posting a vocaroo, I think premiering to a handful of people will be best heh

>> No.72400806

Lumi had a work ethic where she streamed a minimum of 4-5 hours a day for years which she still does today.

>> No.72400914

She isn’t Mel right?

>> No.72400937

>how nervous I was just posting a vocaroo
Agreed, you can always build from there. Sometimes it's good to start small, I can only imagine how much nerves one would have debutting as a small-mid corpo level.

>> No.72401076

Everyone is Mel

>> No.72401086

so he can ask for futa skebs

>> No.72401098

does anyone know wherei can find some good, low cost editors for shorts?

>> No.72401260

I'll make 3 shorts for $40 hmu

>> No.72401327


>> No.72401549

Couple of immediate red flags that's consistent with Mel's twitter accounts, but I doubt it, but this isn't her, she always fucks up immediately so we'll know come debut.

>> No.72401679

Tentacles are very versatile.

>> No.72401863

oh shit uh
Chibiibot on Tiktok. My two recent clips are my best examples, but not sure if they're good lol.

>> No.72401981

>leviathan chuuba
Made me remember the GOAT Kelly Kraken

>> No.72402089

Chibii when will you stream again

>> No.72402102

You have to let go. Even the artist mama is dead

>> No.72402110

Reminds me of Mel Nekomata's fish era.

>> No.72402245

Never quote me again

>> No.72402358

Kelly's streams were absolute kino. Too bad the VODs are lost media now.

>> No.72402480
File: 1.14 MB, 1163x1799, 1694718604109887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey melfaggots this is Mel

>> No.72402616

Everyone is Mel here even me

>> No.72402642

You admit it

>> No.72402848

I was Mel before you, I'm the greatest Mel.

>> No.72403231

Thank you being Mel's number 1 supporter. By accusing innocent vtubers of being Mel, you're allowing her to come back easier under a new identity. Thank you Mel supporter.

>> No.72403591

She has tried 3 times in the last week alone.

>> No.72403706

We know your meds run out last week

>> No.72403806

can we stfu about this random person it kills the thread every time

>> No.72403896

So goldensun was innocent?

>> No.72403959

Thank you so much for helping Mel so much, she appreciate you doing it to cover for her.

>> No.72403966

This Thursday! school has been beating my ass

>> No.72404281

Reverse psychology won’t work Mel.

>> No.72405021

Kani in 2 days

>> No.72405181

I love Neruoh Cunnymiya!

>> No.72405240

I love Blue!

>> No.72406341
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>> No.72407573

crab crab we are the crabs

>> No.72408143
File: 1.20 MB, 2048x2048, 1690520618641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of want to do a side project like Mutton was planning on doing. I'm just so indecisive and feel like I would have a better shot at a corpo if I had a clean slate. I'm scared of viewers finding me and feeling betrayed though.

>> No.72408303

I hate it when your vtuber friends knew while your viewers didn't even have the slightest hint

>> No.72408307
File: 2.06 MB, 1920x1080, 1700881610401160.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VAllure auditions close in 5 days.

>> No.72408554

When's she going to set up donation links? I'll throw her some money for those blue dino plushies.

>> No.72408570

I wouldn't tell anyone. Twitch has more visibility, but I wonder if I should use youtube to lower the chances of someone finding me. I don't have the most unique voice, but my habits might give me away if someone's browsing 1views on twitch and they happen to be a viewer of mine.

>> No.72408779

Fill your "About" section, woman, it's 4 days before your debut.

>> No.72408788

Okay /wasp/, shill me your certified neet chuubas

>> No.72408861


>> No.72408910

The sloth?

>> No.72408983

The mouse.

>> No.72408994

any new developments on the mutton arg? we are so close reddit

>> No.72409019

Mouse is not a neet

>> No.72409275

You gonna be found out anyway if they cared about you. All you can do is pretend to not know your ex-viewers

>> No.72409312

Male collabers included?

>> No.72409338

Khubie is a real neet, but >>72399044 pretty much says she's neet so, catch her on monday 1st of april.

>> No.72409399

We have a sloth? News to me.

>> No.72409582

https://x.com/miyuyus used to post on asp if I remember correctly. Miyu vs. Miu

>> No.72409606

Only if they are group collabs and not too often I guess
Thanks, I'll check them out

>> No.72409628

Is networking the only way to grow? I get nervous talking to people one-on-one, especially other vtubers, and would prefer not to. Not because I don't think they're nice, just because my personality is very avoidant and I'd feel bad if they responded to me and I ended up ghosting them because of my socializing issues.
Am I ngmi if I don't reach out to other vtubers?

>> No.72409824

Stream long hours with the Vtuber tag and you will eventually catch big raids even without heavy networking. Networking helps though.

>> No.72409861

Dedicated viewers will shill for you but it's a thankless job. 99.99% of the time chuubas forget about their viewers and thank the chuubas instead

>> No.72410060

Mondvampir is a hikki neet

>> No.72410160

She said she was homeschooled and sleeps a lot

>> No.72410393

And lives with her mom.

>> No.72410951

Rinna why were you trying to get Ineda to say horrible things? That was really mean

>> No.72411152

Mel, people will know it's you no matter what because you're a dead give away in mannerisms.
Kek yeah you could try that like always but it doesn't work.

>> No.72411494

Never follow males never talk to males never raid males. Ban any males that try to follow raid or interact with you.
You are a whore and a whore won’t be successful if they are fucking other dudes on their clients’ time.

>> No.72411507

>M-F schedule always done after in-person school hours. Homeschooling usually isn't structured the same
>Only being able to do earlier streams during breaks and weekends
>Mentioned teacher having a heart attack during class
>Talked about getting a job and going to an interview
>Not chronically online
Doesn't seem like NEET

>> No.72411873

I kneel #1 Miu fan

>> No.72411907

How do you tell when they're chronically online?

>> No.72412501

>Meanwhile, every big female vtuber

>> No.72412607

Online mannerisms and activity. There's other things but it's would make me sound schizo and stalkerish kek.

>> No.72412888

>Mentioned teacher having a heart attack during class
Did i miss a stream, or something?

>> No.72412925

Survivorship bias. You are looking at 0.001% of "big" vtubers ignoring everyone who were sunk by males.

>> No.72413051

If you got talent, everything's possible. Too big to fail you know, but as a small vtuber it will likely have a negative effect if you're consistently collabing with males.

>> No.72413175

It’s funny stfu retard

>> No.72413222
File: 30 KB, 573x243, 1680689588427625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you got talent, everything's possible. Too big to fail you know, but as a small vtuber it will likely have a negative effect if you're consistently collabing

>> No.72413303

Listen to us you stupid bitch

>> No.72414375

Why does this thread of socially misfit men manager larping for even more socially misfit women exist?

>> No.72414592

To make you mad.

>> No.72414867

Didn't get an answer in asp, so figured I'd ask here too just in case someone knows.
Has anyone tried the vertical streaming "meta" on Youtube? Where you vertical stream on Shorts and funnel viewers from that to your main stream that's running simultaneously? Any confirmation that this gets results?

>> No.72414954

Tierlists doko

>> No.72414994

You get more viewers for sure since it's a new feature. Nobody knows if it's actually good for growth though.

>> No.72415026 [DELETED] 

/asmr/ steals from small indies: https://gofile.io/d/RboKeK
Report please

>> No.72415289

1. not your personal army
2. not reporting a archive of vtubers that get banned on youtube constantly for their too lewd asmr
3. fuck off

>> No.72415808

Seem a few of the small corpos does it, but it doesn't seem to work that well for growth like shorts did once. Also I don't think it'll help if your mainly stream on twitch.

>> No.72415929

you're mainly streaming*

>> No.72416146

It only works if you never interact with males.

>> No.72416225

Or you won't ever make it.

>> No.72416675

It's that or ngmi men in /asp/, both places they get a fair shot at getting a good start boost. But /asp/ is more hostile to viewers and people that are just looking for female indies to watch. To be fair the point is to start here and then migrate to /wvt/, but there seem to have been a clog in /asp/ at some point in the past.

>> No.72416749

It's good that viewers are here to keep women in line and grounded.

>> No.72416917

I don't condem collabs, but you need to have chemistry that entertain viewers and bring something new to the table, not just collabing with random people that ask for it.

>> No.72417219

Not collabing with men isn't enough. Don't collab with women that collab with men either. Their fans will poison your chat with homobegging.

>> No.72417974

I've never heard of this happening in indie. Only surprise guests in collabs.
Don't be unkind to nice female vtubers just because they talk to male vtubers.

>> No.72418011

asp is hostile to anyone that goes in

>> No.72418150

It happens. I wouldn't risk it.
All the more reason to avoid collabs.

>> No.72418939

Just started my first ever stream. I am an ubume (type of Japanese ghost, a mom) who is live streaming hanafuda.


>> No.72419053

Chronically online tier list?

>> No.72419086

would you accept cr*ne's viewer boost?

>> No.72419107

>some catalog thread convinced zenya that she needs a redesign
Grim. Zenya please just keep doing what you are doing, I am positive that your entire chat jerks off to your ASMR streams and just doesn't bring that sexual energy in the chat because it would make things extremely awkward and they already suffer enough awkwardness from the autism they were born with. It's not the model. Do NOT get a big titty e-thot model.

>> No.72419116


>> No.72419153

Thats a unique model I've never seen before. I have no idea what is going on with the game
Looking good I'll be cheering for you

>> No.72419196

No, don't do it.

>> No.72419255

im banned for another 11 days but i already love you i will follow you when i can

>> No.72419310

Interesting, will watch vod. Since it's way past my bedtime. Hanafuda is pretty cool.

>> No.72419429
File: 2.39 MB, 382x498, eyebrow-anime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72419436

Love your model and voice

>> No.72419532


>> No.72419606

Interesting and very good at speaking.

>> No.72419715


>> No.72419891

She is so nervous. Calm down

>> No.72419907
File: 1007 KB, 1183x657, 1693700240862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ghost mom...This doesn't look easier than jong...

>> No.72419998

She might just be a fast talker.

>> No.72420040

I think it's a mix, it's understandable.

>> No.72420195

is she indian

>> No.72420236


>> No.72420243

Ghost mom wants to go corpo... You'll help mom achieve her dream, right?

>> No.72420249

It's easier than jong ngl.

>> No.72420357

>Playing hanafuda
>I showing others my culture
I don't think so? She's more likely japanese-american.

>> No.72420457

An anon thought he solved it but he hasnt responded since two threads ago so he problably got himself killed like the previous two

>> No.72420464

She said ai-la as an exclamation so I think Chinese.

>> No.72420591

Singaporean to be exact

>> No.72420611

Indian ghost mom.. Fuck that's hot

>> No.72420619

Mommy using internet lingo to try to fit in... I don't think she's used simp in the right context once...

>> No.72420789

>ghost mommy follows vallure
im coming HARD

>> No.72420837

she mentioned auditioning to a company recently, probably vallure

>> No.72420858


>> No.72420932


>> No.72421200

Nah not happening. One of the requirements is that you need to have done some nsfw work in the past

>> No.72421599

So just do some mommy dick sucking ASMR.

>> No.72422343
File: 4 KB, 198x195, 1701652769157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72423592

You're so cute Miu

>> No.72424426

She said she’s Taiwanese-American when she dropped by /asp/ earlier

>> No.72424432
File: 2 KB, 171x162, 1681460377967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed though, Miu is very cute.

>> No.72424579

Oh lol I thought you're her

>> No.72424670

Isn't that the game on Summer Wars

>> No.72425214

>dropped by /asp/
Traitor bitch.

>> No.72425477

Fuck off she's my hag now

>> No.72425540

Poser wasp.

>> No.72426643

Male collaber though?

>> No.72426734

>my ex roommate is my ex husband


>> No.72426812

>ex husband
disgusting used goods

>> No.72426956

not for long

>> No.72427626
File: 775 KB, 1039x1570, MamaFuda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy stream, teach Mahjong next

>> No.72427924

This is a cute hag. I like her.

>> No.72428553

jong is bad idea she'll get infected with boys

>> No.72429163

Sorry collaborators

>> No.72429179


>> No.72429249
File: 52 KB, 791x312, 1690316057901700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of which

>> No.72429394

Why did Elfin fall off so hard? Was the pittie collab that bad?

>> No.72429401

Not a waspie

>> No.72429418

Pitty's mic was horrible during that collab and the chat was locked down

>> No.72429618
File: 95 KB, 300x168, 1689627379478603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72429745

I pray to God she's not that crazy who came here with a concept of an NTR vtuber before.

>> No.72429750


>> No.72429773

...I'm so sorry

>> No.72429789

That one was also asian, anon...

>> No.72429801

We have like 3 actual waspies

>> No.72429803

Oh no

>> No.72429844

I guess we know why her husband left her.

>> No.72429884

pity wouldn't shut up about how rich she was, going to private schools and shit, then was like "no chat i dont want to be seen as boujee and posh" even though that's her whole character as a lounge singer. then put her next to the schizo gremlin and the poshness is amplified x100.
and for what ever reason she tried to control things and keep them on track, as if they were on a timed schedule or something rather than be chill and enjoy the stream like Elfin.
the collab was a mess especially as a voice acting/voice over stream while using a shitty mic like >>72429418 said, all for andy and leyley of all things. i hope Elfin can figure things out and move on from pity sooner or later

>> No.72429917

but being an schizo in anon forum is what the cool kids do, right?

>> No.72429985

You're not cool for being a schizo and spamming vtubers where they don't belong.

>> No.72430058

I hope that shit doesn't harm her too bad. Last week I saw her hovering around 60-80 views and now she's barely hitting 40. I'll pretend that's just the choice of game nerfing her for now.

>> No.72430075

>To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself—that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word—doublethink—involved the use of doublethink.

>> No.72430083

Of course she doesn't want to be seen as rich, that interferes with her "subtly" begging for donations and oilers.

>> No.72430097

Yes quoting 1984 out of no where is a clear sign that someone is NOT a schizo.

>> No.72430184

I am sincerely amazed you even know where that is from, or that you have read a book in your entire life.
I must assume then you are an schizo with an agenda? the animals usually wouldnt even glimpse the parragraph

>> No.72430187

It's probably just the hype wearing down.

>> No.72430222

...So you're not just a schizo, you're an ESL schizo too.

>> No.72430245

yeah thats more like it

>> No.72430275

>Elfin with 29 viewers at 1 hour in
Holy shit you weren't kidding.

>> No.72430411

Hello /wasp/ies! What was YOUR ccv today?

>> No.72430595

I remember she was talking about going monochrome. So yeah, possibility is pretty high.

>> No.72430778

decline post debut is expect anons, specially if you make a big splash
This is why sometimes it is better psychologically to start from nothing

>> No.72430899

I know, but it's rarely that sudden of a drop off.

>> No.72430946

>one bad stream

>> No.72430960

I seen considerably worse.
1000 that turns into 10 in less than that

>> No.72431052

I don't even think the stream was bad though. That makes it even more worrying that she's declined this much in just a couple days.

>> No.72431161

It's a noticeable decline

>> No.72431236

She's averaging 35. How is that bad?

>> No.72432316

if you can take this thread to bump limit at these hours maybe the schizo wont have time to bake

>> No.72432649

Just keep being honest any telling girls than they need to ban any male that tries to contact them

>> No.72432733
File: 1.15 MB, 1400x1080, Screenshot_20240328-004227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And from that we learned that pittie is box office poison, ironically she's based off of a poisonous bird

>> No.72432791

What if you collabed with a male already? Should you stop or just go full in?

>> No.72432940

every collab kills more and more of your viewers
unicorns come in degrees of tolerance
near the end of the spectrum is just normal viewers who think collabs are boring

>> No.72432985

Blue debuts tomorrow! :D

>> No.72433075

I don't think collabs are always an issue. The biggest reason it's hurting Elfin is because Pittie is awful and didn't come up with a real idea for the collab.

>> No.72433153

Let's bury Blue in tokages!

>> No.72433276

Mama I hope you aight

>> No.72433392

That stream was a lot of fun. Shame about the abrupt ending but I'm definitely looking forward to more from her. She's put a lot of thought into this.

>> No.72433457

Mama, just killed a man

>> No.72433545


My internet router restarts at the same time daily (4am EST) and I didn’t notice it happened until literally two minutes ago when I saw the timer stopped! My apologies. Thank you so much for keeping me company in the spirit realm. It’s always good to have a visit from family. I will set an alarm on my phone for 3:45 AM daily to account for this in the future. I don’t know why my router does this.

I am going to go to bed because I have to make an international call today later. I had a lot of fun and hopefully can figure out how to stream World of Horror without the model glitching out next time!

>> No.72433609


Also is it okay if repost that fan art to my Twitter? I can’t believe someone did fan art of me! That’s so cool!

>> No.72433789

Luckily its not that hard to tell who is in this purely for money and hates their viewers

>> No.72433807

Thanks for the strem. I remember Cox doing that to me. Goodnight

>> No.72434057
File: 459 KB, 2000x3000, 20240328_013151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am here to shill Midas untill they reach monetization

>> No.72434069

Post link when she's live

>> No.72434094

Currently only YT content, not streaming yet. CoreofMidas on YT

>> No.72434120

You got some heavy shillin ahead of you

>> No.72434174

Red flag.

>> No.72434239

guess ive been on twitter too long I keep "de-gendering" everything kek

>> No.72434457

>24/7 tweeting
>always on in discord
Some signs of it. The best vtubers i know keep their off stream life and streamer life separated

>> No.72434589

She streams too late

>> No.72434867

yea no fuck off

>> No.72434983

canadian alert

>> No.72435129

I will fix her mental problems

>> No.72435149

I hate Canadians especially their hags.

>> No.72435243

Didn't hate males strongly enough.

>> No.72435891

Put a gun against his head

>> No.72436987

>mental problems
... like streaming on youtube?

>> No.72437212

Does Neru have a PL?

>> No.72437376

>She said she’s Taiwanese-American

>> No.72437409

Dude, I thought you were all for Bonni. But good drawing.

>> No.72437601

You must be mixing people up

>> No.72437763

pittie has nothing to do with it. their collab had great numbers and they had great energy

>> No.72439278

Should I resurrect euro thread?

>> No.72439680

yes, more threads means less schizos

>> No.72439940

Not worth the effort

>> No.72440176

How do I get arm and hand tracking so I can play Wii games (like Wii Sports) while vtubing so people can see what I'm doing?

>> No.72440770

Fuck off male this thread isn’t for you

>> No.72440960

Rude. Why did you say that? :'c

>> No.72441077

yes, mond needs a home

>> No.72441210

Will people stop spamming her in /wasp/ then?

>> No.72441301

Getting dropped by /asp/ has to be the biggest accomplishment you can get as a vtuber

>> No.72441559

ESLchama that isn’t what the post said

>> No.72442962

when she dropped by ≠ when she was dropped by

>> No.72444625


>> No.72445523

The elf is good, and very entertaining especially with her rants, although her mannerisms makes me think she might be on the cusp of being underaged but not much you can do about that. I get the sense she wants the 4chan audience, which unfortunately isn't great for numbers because 4chan hates being pandered to. Scale back the "kill yourself" kind of edgy comments and casual racism and I think she can easily find a great niche for herself with the /x/ loving audience while not being radio active to randoms who aren't here. Oh and probably don't bring your discord shit into streams, rather than making people want to join it's just alienating for people who aren't there and don't want to join.

>> No.72445579

>she might be on the cusp of being underaged
It's Mel Nekomata, she's not underaged.

>> No.72445636

If they aren’t willing to join then they aren’t willing to waste time and money on her. Filtering those losers is a good thing so you can get steady simps instead.

>> No.72446025

I support my wasp oshi but am in no rush to join discords. Got way too many bad experiences of those and i want to keep enjoying her streams

>> No.72446167

https://www.twitch.tv/denpafish [SUPERMARKET SIM]dumb NEET gets a job ?

>> No.72446425

If you don’t groom her someone else will.

>> No.72446789

Maybe but at least i get to enjoy a being immersed in a comfy delusion. Other than stream notifications there is not really any value in a vtuber discord unless you intend to do more than just enjoy the stream

>> No.72450187
File: 236 KB, 1200x835, 1698024991101331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can smell the kani already

>> No.72450293


>> No.72450321

Go ahead! Feel free to use however you like

>> No.72450412

Using art from 4chan is dumb and will get you linked to here directly. You should tell people to tweet it in your art tags so you can retweet it instead.

>> No.72450567

Nobody cares that you are on 4chan

>> No.72450619

who said where it was necessary to say "THANKS ANON FROM /VT/ WASP 4CHAN FOR THE ART!!!"? Are you mentally impaired?

>> No.72450706

Wtf you dont credit artist!? Im writing a twitlonger as we speak. Its so over.

>> No.72450725

The hag doesn't give a fuck

She actually talked about it live. She's an oldfag back from chanology

>> No.72450757

i guess you are really retarded.
"thanks to anon for this art! #hashtag"

>> No.72450911

i'm not the artist for that, but i give you permission

>> No.72450934

I heard you guys made this thread over some kind of a spat with /asp/. Is that true or is it really just the whole "gender specific strategies" thing in the OP?

>> No.72450977

Kill yourself tourist

>> No.72450983

I like spats

>> No.72451009

It's the latter, but also because /asp/ has become more of a social club

>> No.72451034

Already happening here too

>> No.72451106

Chanology was always newfaggotry, brought in waves more of them too.

>> No.72451124

This thread is a social club for viewers and tourist to find small indie femchuubas

>> No.72451163

Which isn’t the purpose of the thread

>> No.72451168

>didnt put the post number
Youre a real piece of shit you know that? Im making an artist beware post of you. Youre going to be on an artists blacklist and itll be almost impossible for you to commision stuff.

>> No.72451221

New wasp

>> No.72451436

The purpose of a thread changes with it's posters, asp was made by vtubers for vtubers looking for advice and look how it ended, this thread was made by schizos and viewers so it's expected to change more quickly, specially after it catches the attention of catalog tourists

>> No.72451492

We don’t need another shithole like /wvt/

>> No.72451685

You guys keep saying this thread will become /wvt/ when it was destroyed by male chuubas like /asp/

>> No.72451763

And this thread is being destroyed by male viewers

>> No.72451872

The schizos don't even watch. Like the cunts above complaining about the fanart didn't even know she talked about on stream.

>> No.72451988

It is valid advice

>> No.72454266
File: 71 KB, 225x225, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>without male vtubers

The land promised by god to those who left hlgg years ago... we are home, at last.


This land is mine
God gave this land to me
This brave and ancient land to me
And when the morning Sun
Reveals her hills and plain
Then I see a land
Where children can run free

>> No.72454266,1 [INTERNAL] 

Virtual maid Miyu, seen to mainly do horror games or illustrations

>> No.72454266,2 [INTERNAL] 

Virtual maid Miyu, seen to mainly do horror games or illustrations
