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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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72389935 No.72389935 [Reply] [Original]

What's the next step of his master plan?

>> No.72390075

Hiring black people.

>> No.72390141

Ruining Hololive by hiring people from California.

>> No.72390178

More Canadians

>> No.72390187
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The company went public he will barely have a say when push come to shove.

>> No.72390207

Unironically probably ARMIS 2 for some reason

>> No.72390369

Hololive Kids and hires CookieSwirlC.

>> No.72390371

>Went public
He still holds majority with the rest of his board, what are you sprouting?

>> No.72390553

The same, just watch the others implode and win without doing anything at all

>> No.72390717

The stock was issued to raise money for the studio. Majority is still with YAGOO and some undisclosed woman everyone believes is A-chan. They'll probably buy the public shares back and go back to being private when they have the liquidity for it.

>> No.72390829

Selling a $1200 dollar gura merch bundle

>> No.72392193

Buying vtubers. Turn smaller agencies into farm leagues and buy out any promising talents. No more need for auditions or hiring expensive designers.

>> No.72392392

More homo collabs and acrylic stands.

>> No.72392395

Announcing Hololive Gen O2 - a generation of 5 formerly independent vtubers who will be keeping their original characters.

>> No.72392930

Get acquired by Microsoft

>> No.72393136

Wait for Nijisanji's bankruptcy so he can buy the talents

>> No.72393264

Oof this isn't a joke.

>> No.72396980

Cute girls

>> No.72397007


>> No.72397399


>> No.72397818

setting cover USA for merch will have huge impact for shipping which is the biggest problem,while also getting sponsorship and collab with western sponsor easier

>> No.72398011

hololive EU
also ignore Britain like china

>> No.72398407
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Anyone paying even the slightest bit of attention already knows that his next move is to do a barrel roll. He will press Z or R twice, and there will be much rejoicing.

>> No.72400181

He looks pretty good in this photo

>> No.72400351
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to impregnate Marine for her next sub goal

>> No.72400356

Sora has them

>> No.72404924

Impregnating Lamy.

>> No.72405274

kill more nijisisters

>> No.72405426

Opening a factory for merch production

>> No.72408085

It's Sora, they never explicitely said it but in the beginning they paid her with stocks since they didn't yet have enough revenue

>> No.72408416

more homos

>> No.72411343

TND (Total Nijisanji Death)

>> No.72411729
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It's definitely Sora, although some people also speculate Same-san might have willingly bought a ton of them when they were trying to get people they can trust, mostly employees of some degree into buying their stocks before the public opening, so maybe other holos also have some stocks but I can 100% believe Sora is the second one holding the most stocks, of course the major shareholder is still YAGOO.
This also could explain why the company direction so abruptly changed right when it was opening up to more things (controversial or not), and also, albeit schizo theory territory, might have played a part into why Omega was executed. No promises, no buy from whoever has or was to buy a fairly large share of stocks second to YAGOO. Which could have jeopardized fund raising at all.
If it is Sora, it actually makes a scary amount of sense, girl's always pushed for the company going into the idol direction, with a large share of company stocks she can actually ask for substantial changes to how they structure their business.
The timeline in my head is all screwed up but could also explain why DEV_IS theme is a thing at all with the idol focus (not exactly) and why COVER has upped their idol training with their current talents.
>The dumb cute girl of the group is actually the SEKRET MASTERMIND pulling the strings behind everything that has transpired recently and in the future.
That just makes Sora hotter.

>> No.72411940

Even if it isn't Sora, it's definitely someone who really likes idols. Member or not of the holos.
We are in safe hands, for now.

>> No.72412264

This guy looks pretty stylish. I'm not gay, but...

>> No.72412384

We know anon...

>> No.72412507

not gonna happen unless cover gets the right to the models

>> No.72414274
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Wait for NIJI to collapse so he can snatch all the worth acquiring talents and their IPs alongside Mito as a sort of war trophy.
Also contain them all into a group or division that is practically:
>Big Corpo material but definitely not Holo material
To avoid
If that's too much work then the obvious:
>Girls go to Hololive
>Boys into Holostars.
I don't think he will get Kuzuha or Kanade. They might go indie immediately or even wait for asset liquidation to buy their IPs and fuck off with them into indie territory.
Also, someone plz buy Lulu and give it back, or well, not exactly give it back but rather gift it back.
>Inui and Suisei in the same company
I might be dreaming too hard.

Also, here's a cute Koro-cosplay.

>> No.72414490

Honestly would have preferred they had their office in Mexico

>> No.72415045

Extract Agent LK, let the heat on him die down for a while, and then plan his infiltration to sabotage whichever corpo secures the #2 spot after Niji falls.

>> No.72415416
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Maybe one day, I doubt they won't test the waters, a single talent, something small so if it sinks, it doesn's sink the entire company. Same with the same people pushing for HoloEU, just do a single talent so in a case of a loss, it is not a definitive loss.
>"B-But IdolES!!!"
Give it one year to either implode spectacularly or fill the hole that 910inc and OWOZU left behind when they also imploded.
I won't disagree that, if Hololive ever properly incursions into latam or just the spanish language in general, every other corpo will definitely go into "Deathcon 1" because THE big player has arrived with a full kit to snatch the audience.
That doesn't save them from failing in the long run like every other player before them has failed to do corpo business in latam properly.

>> No.72417263

>We are in safe hands, for now.
Not anymore
They have dropped the ball by introducing an unpredictable element in the form of the CA office
>Inb4 "It's only for merch"
That doesn't make the problem go away
>Gura merch comes in "oh we can't distribute that she looks too much like a child"
>Biggest seller of holo merch can't be distributed from an office in NA
>Automatically makes the NA office pointless and now you have woke trannies pushing for changes to design and policy to suit their woke mindset
If you think it' impossible you are been naïve
Even if everyone they hire is from the community there are always 3rd parties involved that are more than happy to spoil the party

>> No.72418489
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Ever since I saw them completely squash the Chinese branch, I am very confident that whenever a serious company threatening element pops-up, they will just cut it, sooner or later but they will inevitably cut it.
Alas that also means cohercing by isolation talents into giving up on the job if needed to protect the larger company. See Coco.
We will be fine.

>> No.72418923


>> No.72418970

They won't know it's company threatening, they will think the entire western world is like california and make concession after concession until it's too late.

>> No.72419354
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Believe me, they will know.
They will know the truth.
Just give it time, again.

>> No.72420563

Regardless it will be a huge waste of money and an unneeded PR disaster

>> No.72421074

Alright, that's true, 100% true.
Still, a scare like this is needed for them to understand why people are so wary of burguers and their opinions.
They have to live it to understand it. The chance of complete destruction is there still.
Let's hope it doesn't go beyond what you said.

>> No.72421269
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>. Turn smaller agencies into farm leagues
The Brave tacttic

>> No.72424304


>> No.72425597

wait you mean Gura? or someone else??

wasn't it implied back then that Sora actually owns a portion of the stocks since the early years of Hololive, as part of her payment or something? either her or A-chan, definitely one of them has stocks

>> No.72425773

Figure out why no one from the West will sponsor EN

>> No.72425865

Do you really want say, Universal or Disney sponsoring Hololive under their foreign terms the we all know of?

>> No.72426051

>The Brave tacttic
>accelerate like nijisanji with 2 view

>> No.72426107

>no one from the West will sponsor EN

>> No.72426295

Anon here.
Yes, Sora was paid in stocks back when COVER couldn't really pay her a regular salary in full.
That's why despite my previous claims about Gura and stocks, I wouldn't be surprised if Sora was one of the largest shareholders if not the second largest, because if she wasn't being paid in cash, that means they were definitely throwing stocks at her constantly, especially during rough financial times just so she wouldn't quit because if she did, she would practically end up holding a worthless asset that she failed to grow with her own contributions. And COVER would have lost her Mito, a huge PR blow.
Honestly, Sora doesn't seem like a bad major shareholder, she's very calm. And not impulsive.
>She wasn't at the shareholder meeting
No brainer, Her representative or manager assists for her at the meetings, which is important because otherwise she could get doxxed. There's a lot of people who use this tactic and that's why people never realize they are behind X or Y decision because they never see them in-person.

>> No.72426428

We have seen how 1 talent debuts have gone. I don’t think they care to try solo debuts. I’d find it more believable if it was 3 people

>> No.72426460

That sounds more reasonable.

>> No.72427671

oh thats nice then. ok so given this fact, what are the chances that Sora could be a CEO of COVER when she's old/knowledgeable enough for business matters? from 1 to 100 percent what are her odds?

>> No.72427935

Mori is with Universal (Japan), right? Also there was that one Taco Bell ad with Gura. But outside of the tech sector, I don't see any other big-name brands that would want to associate with Cover as the stigma against otakushit is still prevalent.

>> No.72427968

Like 2%, seems way more likely he's grooming A-chan into taking his positing one day and in turn she trains Nodoka's ass.

>> No.72427983

crashing niji stock... with no survivors!

>> No.72427987

Why buying a used damage goods if he can get cheaper but new ones then make them bigger than any niji outside of the vampire boi.

>> No.72427993

Mori Canadaope

>> No.72428135

>as the stigma against otakushit is still prevalent.
holy neanderthal how long you stuck in your cave anon,this is 2024,a fuckng wb want to create tons of nippon anime with calli already singing the ED lol

>> No.72428490

That's just because they are retarded and instead of making big budget animated movies, they keep doing bad live action films.

NIJI stock is a nice study subject.

>> No.72428854

hmm, that makes sense. I think A-chan has more business acumen than Sora (tho it looks better to have Sora as the successor). This also supports the notion that Nodoka will become the future "A-chan" in terms of her role in Hololive.

>> No.72428975
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You joke but

>> No.72429326
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WB is an entertainment business, they're the exception. The day something like the State Farm or Starbucks (not Japan) acknowledges hololive, I'll drop an akasupa on your chuuba of choice

>> No.72429358

because I dont want to see good nijis like sanbaka, nui, chima etc. get shafted by riku's retardedness

>> No.72429471

A-chan will probably be the tardwrangler of YAGOO's heir or the next CEO if he decides to retire. Nodoka isn't just the A-Chan replacement but the fallback plan in-case A-Chan gets terminated/retires/graduates for reasons that don't exist right now and might never exist. It will look like she's the replacement but just as she becomes the replacement a new trainee will appear to replace the previous position of Nodoka.
Also, I hope to God that if there's a new CEO, it doesn't end up driving Hololive into a Big Motor situation. For real.

>> No.72430151

Entertainment is easy enough after Cover USA is established. Food franchises like McDonald's is doing WcDonalds with manga and anime; remember Hatsune Miku's AR with Dominos? Starbucks recently started commercials but without celebrities. State Farm focuses on athletes. Everything else will be Hololive.

>> No.72430449

Convince his EN livers to attempt suicide for twitter sympathy points

>> No.72430719

That will never happen anon.

>> No.72430874

History repeats itself

>> No.72431154

A-chan will mother Yagoo's true heir to the throne.

>> No.72431243

JAV production for retired/terminated member

>> No.72431250 [SPOILER] 
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sorry, forgot the image

>> No.72432173

mixed gen

>> No.72434241
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Holoindie games

>> No.72435536
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>> No.72435670

The fact that Nijisisters are this obsessed with Doki - that they keep bringing her into unrelated posts to try to shit on her - will never cease to be entertaining.

>> No.72435745

WcDonalds thing has been an unmitigated disaster because Americans are retarded and complain about “having Chinese words all over their McDonalds meals” and have asked for refunds.

>> No.72437851

Doesn't matter. With Hololive, you and everyone else would buy 10+ Happy Meals for that Gura toy.

>> No.72438051

>he doesn't know

>> No.72438831

>good nijis
There's no such thing.

>> No.72440161

Drop all the homos

>> No.72440288

Hololive Philippines

>> No.72441267

Same. There's a bunch of good designs and entertaining people.

>> No.72442641



>> No.72444435


>> No.72447606

More power
