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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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72298830 No.72298830 [Reply] [Original]

>japanese award show pulls out a giant screen so vtubers could accept awards in person
>hololive girls accept play buttons with their names on it
>Tsukino Mito's name is not on hers.
>They had to specifically request for them to remove the name
>Wouldn't even let the daisenpai accept a virtual play button with her fucking name on it
You are worthless and don't you ever fucking forget it.
source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63gvcJEEWZE
18:25 is Mito, 24:50 for Koyori, 35:00 for Laplus

>> No.72299093

>mito gets treated like a side show to fill in air time while some boy band group takes selfies and slowly strolls up to stage

>> No.72299497

If you watched her you would know she’s not the type to give a fuck. She’s spent the last 6 years doing nothing but shitposting.

>> No.72299945

Of course she doesn't give a fuck. She doesn't deserve those awards, so why should she have her name on it? It could've been literally anyone in her shoes.

>> No.72300037

>If you watched her you would know she’s not the type to give a fuck
the cope,holy nijinigger in denial

>> No.72300520

I don't think that's the point.

>> No.72300555

>implying she would've gotten her name on it if she wanted to

>> No.72300882

who actually care about these playbuttons except the minority fans who has no idea how nijisanji operates ? does kuzuha cares enough to scream at the boss that hes not getting a meaningless button ? nope, he is happy enough getting paid and streaming videos for a living, like all of the current niji livers. same applies to mito, riku's words is the law here in the company.

>> No.72300932

So why not just give it to them? It's cheap. It costs like 200 bucks to get a spare. Buy one of those and send it to the organs. Why won't they even let the organs buy their own? It's worthless, right? So why not just give it to them if it's free already?

>> No.72300944

Sister... Every single organ that left the company and continued doing content ALWAYS post their play button the moment they get it. It's not that they don't care, they simply aren't allowed to get one or even pretend that they want it.

>> No.72300968

damn you sound like Claude Clawmark

>> No.72301045

While some niji livers don’t give a fuck there are for sure other niji livers that do want their buttons and that should be enough for Nijisanji to give a fuck and just let them have it.

>> No.72301345

> riku's words is the law here in the company
Does Tazumi's dick taste that good sister ?

>> No.72301439

All she had to do was fucking ask

>> No.72301682

fair enough if the livers want to buy it themselves, but nijisanji is a very strict company on this matter. the boss obviously views the playbuttons as a symbol of success. and said success that comes solely from wearing his brand on your vtuber model, which is true for some of these livers. (no niji brand = no views)
congratulations to them that have succeeded in sustaining their livelihood with their new lifes, but not all of them obviously find success in the life after niji. dont underestimate the brand's name, most of the niji livers are nobodies that got picked from auditions.
im not claude, and claude should not bring the issues again on his stream. niji en need to stay away from drama and focus on improving their ccv.
the playbuttons are important for the boss and maybe riku should spare some cash to buy the copies, but the livers are contracted to the company and it is wrongful to get into an arguement with riku about a button when he pays you just to stream some video games and karaokes while also letting you use his amazing rigged niji models and of course, the niji brand is still relevant despite the current drama hit niji en branch.

>> No.72301685
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>she’s not the type to give a fuck
no shit, she has to choice but to not give a fuck

>> No.72301974

just fucking ask


>> No.72301982

>They had to specifically request for them to remove the name
You're right they had to specifically request that, you can't make up shit like this. Holy shitto Kurosanji.

>> No.72302023
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>don't underestimate the brand's name
fucking kek.
Also, that's not the point. You clowns are saying nobody cares about the play button, including the organs, but that's obviously not true considering there are a lot of them that redebut were so happy when they finally got their play button.
One thing you need to clearly understand. It's not that the organs need niji, it's niji that needs the organs. Niji isn't paying them, the only thing they're offering is the shitty brand name. Getting hired isn't the only thing you have to get lucky about, you also have to pray you don't end up being one of their 2view or 3view streamers who earn below minimum wage. Not only are you gonna earn below minimum wage, you're also gonna get fucked by contracts.

>> No.72302401

It's time to pull out the copypasta again.
Tsukino Mito :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmUkKUIMZHc
> livers don't get their own play buttons, it's lined up on a wall in the office
> she won't get it in her hands
> there's a ton of them lined up in the wall
Morinaka Kazaki :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBPo0JUNQ34
> there's a wall on the office where they line up the silver play buttons
> they "lost" hers when she asked, and refused to get another one
> Ibrahim: Well wasn't there a way you could get another one if you lose it?
> Kazaki: No
Hanabatake Chaika :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eC6UyvXmpfo
> some of his kouhai have their play buttons lined up in the wall, but his own play button was not seen
> others wonder if Iwanaga-san took some with him when he left

>> No.72302419

So, in other words:
>She knows that niji doesn't give a shit
>She knows that asking for stuff won't go anywhere
>She knows that getting upset at their callous indifference is pointless
>The only option to preserve her mental state is to numb herself, they can't hurt her if she's killed the part that feels pain
>Better to be a frivolous shitposter than to put time and effort into something that will be denied for arbitrary reasons

>> No.72302499

hajime ? he pulls lower numbers than graduated id talents but he is a good talent to have around in my opinion, professional enough not to drag drama into his way like the more popular livers and end up dragging niji into the mud for their own wrongdoing. his numbers could be better, but he would have lower numbers than that if he wasnt a nijisanji affiliated liver. good guy for his longetivity but unspectacular and has no strong talent or ambitions to increase his ccv by doing yt shorts to attract more fans. plus he got unfairly hated for some model issues back when he first started out.

>> No.72302544

What a pathetic way to treat your trailblazer talent. Everything to demonstrate the corpo's overlordship.

>> No.72302616

If the person doesn't matter let's put it to the test.
Get Aster to skinwalk Kuzuha for a month
Get Aia to skinwalk Mito for a month.
If the branding is so good they should still pull 10-20K+ CCV. You'd never get away with because the talent is dogshit

>> No.72302656

>professional enough not to drag drama into his way
NTA but do we live in the same world? Hajime of all people should be very knowledgeable about drama himself.

>> No.72302729
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How's that branding working out for TTT?
Kunai's PL is twice as popular as her "branded" account. It's a flat out debuff. Nijisanji absolutely NEEDS the talent far more than they need Nijisanji. This isn't for a month btw. This is all the money they've gained from youtube (before Niji's cut) since their fucking debut.

>> No.72303035

>professional enough not to drag drama into his way
As expected lmao. You're just talking out of your ass. There's a huge list of reasons, besides him being boring, as to why he has 2 digit viewers.
You're really trying to gaslight the wrong people. You should go back to xitter or youtube comments if you want people who can easily be tricked by your lies.

>> No.72303238

he had drama with his early model issue and he had a moment of craziness with using curse words on a stream. (think he was drunk when this happened) about the model, jp fans hated him for using 2d instead of 3d models. hajime's 2d was crap since tech is not great at that time and people laughed at him. he turned off his comments and well, its been a long time already and his comments section are open. most of his antis has leave to hit on someone else, and hajime is still unspectacular but somehow still is staying at nijisanji despite pulling low numbers. loyalty runs deep in his heart.
but his drama arent that well known enough to drag niji down the mud, its not niji's fault that he isnt putting more effort to get out from that low ccv hole. dude just prefers to stream some debuff games nobody care instead of playing fotm stuff.

>> No.72303340

>aren't that well known
Keep talking out of your ass, sister.
You're almost near your daily quota. Just a bit more and the $10 gift card will be sent to your discord!

>> No.72303452

Motherfuck you really move it to
>they don't deserve it
I have to update the list when I get back.

>> No.72303464

>Tsukino Mito's name is not on hers.

>> No.72303468


>> No.72303528

>They can just fucking ask

>> No.72303551
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>> No.72303589

Hajime has changed and even the website his antis made to document every annoyance died in 2022 but his past yabs were quite bad and cringe. His 3D and concert appearances seems to have weakened his hate mob but they still exist. But you have to let it go it's not 2021 anymore. If even JPschizos don't care this much, it's confusing why this board pretends he yabs 24/7.

>> No.72303754

Nobody in Nijisanji gives a fuck, they said it themselves they're not the type of company where you invest for the long run.
They're the type of company where you apply, work there for 2-3 years, and then leave.

>> No.72303930

Yass sister. Just a bit more. The $10 gift card is almost yours

>> No.72304173
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Sorry anon, the contract says 2 years. She's Niji's property now.

>> No.72305003

wait did these two lil nibbas get two for one channel? based

>> No.72305176

Yeah, cover sent them two without even asking them! They were so happy and excited to yammer on about how they're so happy that cover even did that for them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rY7Sg2vn8JA

>> No.72308056

That's wild to think about

>> No.72310368
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>> No.72311681


>> No.72313824

based on what?

>> No.72316286

what the fuck is this handle lmao

>> No.72316523
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>amazing rigged niji models

>> No.72316564
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>> No.72316637
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>> No.72316728
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>> No.72318580

why would she start spinning

>> No.72318741

I think her chat chose it for her.

>> No.72318947

...No, this is 100% on her. She started off by being SelenFPSVT because she thought it was funny as fuck to see people with all the tags, then she just kept adding... and adding... and adding... And it stuck. She uses that name in everything now from Apex to minecraft to any game that has a big enough character limit to use it.

>> No.72320841

What purpose does it even serve to do that? Is it just pettiness???

>> No.72323958

ay neat

>> No.72325708

It's a fucking rectangle thing with a name on it. It's not like not having the button means you lose subscribers. It means fucking nothing to most people and any content creator that makes a point of getting it is generally worth avoiding.

>> No.72325881

OK, so if it's so worthless... why not give it to them? What's the harm?

>> No.72326296

Because the company is financially incentivized to flaunt how many they have, all in one place, for investors and meetings they have at their offices. The members themselves don't need them. What's the point telling your fans you've got something that means you have x number of subscribers when they already fucking know? What do they gain from that exchange? This whole button thing is so retarded and so meaninless compared to the other crap anycolor has done. The whole button thing was just a marketing move youtube came up with to gamify channel growth and therefore ad revenue.

>> No.72326619

...Anon you can buy as many duplicates as you want after you hit the threshhold. They're cheap, like 150 bucks. Why won't ANYCOLOR let the organs buy their own? Hololive even went so far as to buy two for Fuwamoco without them even having to ask.
The point is that it's pointless to even have this conversation. Every single company on the face of the planet lets the talent get the play buttons. EXCEPT for Nijisanji, who vehemently REFUSES to allow anybody to have one, to the absurd extreme of the OP.
They're denying the talent awards because they don't see them as "deserving." It's part of the same bullshit corporate brainwashing that broke down Selen and nearly destroyed Nina. It's the same shit that Sayu talked about in the document, as well as Mika and Mysta. It's a power move to let them know that no matter what, their achievements are not their own. Anything good they do they could only do with Nijisanji's help, and they are all worthless, replaceable pawns.

>> No.72327503

This is the real reason why everyone should be not okay with this. The company can afford it, the streamers can afford it, they can receive the awards, so the only reason they don't provide these token trophies for someone's work and effort it to spite them and to enforce a weird power dynamic which is telling in and of itself of what the company is like specifically the CEO and management.

>> No.72329433

The buttons are not really important in the end.

>> No.72329516

So just give it to them then? They're not important, right?

>> No.72332627

>who actually care about these playbuttons
kek, every single content creator, ever

>> No.72334507

I would ask for my youtube play button if I had to survive through Nijisanji's jungle filled with snakes.

>> No.72334651

>the NDF clocking overtime ITT trying to justify this

>> No.72339237


>> No.72339980

Mental warfare, Anycolor's actual business model is scamming their talents the same way McDonalds actually earns their money leeching of franchise owners
The moment their talents realize that they are handing over 50% of their income just to get fucked by management their entire company collapses
They need to constantly demoralize their talents and make sure they never think they can ever accomplish anything by themself
I mean Selen tried to anhero because she thought she was done for as a vtuber, that's how far the brainwashing goes

>> No.72341738

If not even Mito can get one, can any Niji get their plate? I hear that Kanade and Ike got theirs, but I couldn't confirm it.

>> No.72341986

They did not.
I can guarantee they did not.
No Niji member from any branch has ever confirmed that they were able to either take home their plate, or get a replacement, or anything of the sort. The award stays in the ANYCOLOR offices and they are either on the wall or stuck in storage where they can then be subsequently lost. No they do not buy replacements for any reason. Yes they're only 150 USD.

>> No.72345233
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>> No.72349080

Why does it even matter?

>> No.72350685

This whole thing is dumb. Any company can say the talents wouldn't get anywhere without the company, but these companies would get nowhere without the talents.
It's a symbiotic relationship and the chuubas need to take a stranglehold over their corporate overlords if the suits forget who got them that paycheck.

>> No.72350733

True. Without Nijisanji, she'd be nothing.

>> No.72355654


>> No.72360560


>> No.72363772

Are the sisters actually defending niji just for some gift cards?

>> No.72363991

Having the talents feel worthless is how that organization can keep going. Many of their fans agree.
