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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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72218739 No.72218739 [Reply] [Original]

i know why one becomes a unicorn, even if im not one myself, but what is it that made NA so sensitive about it?

is it just an idolized misconception about jp culture where women are more reserved and awkard? or maybe just a yearning for their OWN somewhat "lost" western culture regarding more pure women: "the west has fallen"

this is just me but i personally think that they are weebs/otakus that look up to the jp, and are insecure or are worried they might think of our talents as whores, when the jp bros couldnt give less of a fuck about it

on another note, i would be much more worried about how lesbian the girls are getting, it is getting out of control, i would like to blame kiara for it

>> No.72219036

Because we are based.

>> No.72219139

Because you can’t read Japanese

>> No.72219220

because you are blind to the real jp unicorns

>> No.72219346

Jps unicorns are like 10 x more in quantity, there a reason why pekora, marine, and miko dont have collabs with male vtubers for years. In jp laws against defamation are scary if you wanna watch unicorns go to the no id forums of jps, they are worse than western ones.

>> No.72219460

Western culture is more confrontational by nature. EN has fewer unicorns on average but they're more likely to be vocal about their preferences.

>> No.72219559

Prevalence of whores and grifters in the west streaming scene gives great reasoning. Especially with how women on that side often complains about the audience they have cultivated themselves, opposed to JP side that knows their audience and are more understanding towards their fanbase and otakus and provides what the audience want.

>> No.72219794

The number of viewers is bigger in JP side though than en so the number of unicorns increases too

>> No.72219969

That's cap. Pekora did have a Minecraft collab with male Youtubers though. Hell even Japanese Pewdiepie collabed with her too, or it's a "Youtuber dont count" cope ?

>> No.72220278

>if you wanna watch unicorns go to the no id forums of jps, they are worse than western ones.
Miko and Marine almost got cancelled by the japs because they made fun of a doujin. Unicorns aint the only ones who can cook the rrats about them

>> No.72221037

I wouldn't be so sure that they are, but NA's in general are more confrontational and more apt to feel that their masculinity is being threatened. They are also more individualist and thus more likely to speak up when they feel wronged. (...also more dangerous due to /k/...)

I'm too tired to think of a funny answer.

>> No.72221377

>more rabid
NA has more antivaxxers than JP.

>> No.72221545
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>> No.72221647

>Made fun of
Miko put it in the fridge so Marine could find it and then they had a laugh and talked about how much they liked it. Antis convinced the artist they made fun of it and the rest is history.

>> No.72221979

japanese people just be themselves, most are normal and then there's a few deranged schizos. western unicorns emulate the most retarded japanese posters because they think that's hardcore.

>> No.72222000

Because a JP that’s a whore is not going to pose an existential threat to anime culture. Personally, I don’t think EN whores will in the long run either, but I can see why people are paranoid about it.
Some JP who doesn’t give a shit about idol culture still probably knows what it is and what otaku culture in general is like. A lot of ENs clearly don’t.
If we lived in an alternate universe where so many ironic weebs didn’t become indies on twitch, I think western unicorns wouldn’t care so much about this shit.
TLDR: They’re actually mad about fleshtuber culture seeping into western vtubing more than anything else

>> No.72222578

What JP and EN unicorns want are different.

>> No.72223270

shut up faggot, we WANT them to all be lesbians. If we can't have them, no man should, and watching 2 girls isn't being cucked.

>> No.72223697

JP unicorns have been effectively silenced due to the fact that companies can sue them if they speak out. It's a lot more risky to be an anti when Cover can just accuse you of slander and take you to court.

>> No.72224326

Does liking lesbian porn makes you gay? Because lesbian is gay?

>> No.72225649

Because Japanese people have normized being okay with being lied to and betrayed and that it's important to congratulate people if they do it too and to not do so is seen as cringe enough to get bullied until you are near death
Japanese society has literally MKUltra'd itself into dealing with interpersonal issues by forcing everyone to love it when people they love hurt them
The west has a lot more brain parasites overall, but for the most part they haven't gotten to the parts of our soul that know that it is the opposite of shameful and foolish to live expecting love, honesty, and loyalty, because it is is virtuous to live like that.
Snakes exist everywhere of course but there is still enough of that particular part of the human spirit alive here to make it so where betrayals make us openly angry instead of passive submission
Anger is often an obstacle, but righteous moral anger that arises in a person internally instead of them suncing up with a mob is one of the strongest assets a person born in the west can have. It is usually wasted. But the people who use it properly know how important it is that it exists.

>> No.72226468

i think the state of western unicorns in vtubing were largely a reaction to starsEN suddenly being shoved into hololive and how nijisanji turned out after male ENs (vulgar titter sexpests).
the viewers who wanted to watch males were already watching them and the rest got soured on the concept when corpos tried to change something that didn't need changing and it had people double down on their dislike.
add that most chubas are on a basic level trying to have appeal to the opposite sex and only a loud minority wants to watch streams where two chubas appeal to each other
fear that your good thing turns bad makes people who have no opinion on stars become stars anti and anti collab

>> No.72226793

Louder falseflaggers gaslighting other people into unicorning for people who aren't their oshi. Obvious considering their history of white people getting offended when someone is "cultural appropriating" something

>> No.72227548

While I would like to make fun of enfans for being absolute apes, I have no fucking doubt that if it wasn't for their chimpouts about males, more holoen members would be malecollabers today, in resume they had to become more rabid than their JP counterparts.

>> No.72229435

Like that righteous anger about scarle supporting genocide since she ate cake. This righteous crusade has been used too many times for so less reason that it's effectiveness has grown weak. Like the boy who cried wolf to many times

>> No.72229438

Not to tip too hard, but unironically because of Islam/Christianity. People saw something somewhat purer than Netflix and instantly thought that Japan = Yellow Caliphate/HRE.

>> No.72230290

>Because we are cringe

>> No.72231149

>NA unicorns
Most of them are probably SEA

>is it just an idolized misconception about jp culture

>> No.72232983

because they are shitposters pretending to be unicorns also
>reddit spacing

>> No.72233071

It's a tribal thing. They convinced them it's what makes their choices superior and they've just run away with it.

>> No.72233741

Because western unicorns don't exist and "idol culture" (the real meaning of those words, not this board's bastardization of it) in general is a foreign concept, on /vt/ it's mostly EOP shitposters who heard rumors of le JP idol schizos and ran with it. The idea of "my pure aidoru cannot come within 8 feet of any man ever! whore! slut!" is not how shit works at all with idols in the first place and anyone screaming "yab" when a holo gets interviewed by a man or has a male coach in a tournament or being in a gameshow or something like that is a genuine retard. "Idol culture" expects a degree of purity from the girl to not be fraternizing with boys, not going on dates, not paying them much heed except to fans, etc, and the vtubing equivalent is just an expectation to not do crossgender collabs and stuff like that. I guess it's not the best example of it but one was when Mori did that collab with Rikka when they released their song, stuff like that (not exactly that, because making a song with a boy would raise some eyebrows, but you get the point) that's professional/made to promote something is very typical in the idol sphere. Not that anyone gives a fuck what Mori does, but she's truthfully almost never really done anything an actual run of the mill japanese idol wouldn't do which is why it's funny to me how much EN fans sperg out about her in particular. Vtubing "idol culture" is its own monster.
With that said, some actual JP unicorn schizos absolutely do exist and they are completely deranged, more than any EN fan.

>> No.72233970


>> No.72234079

>Most of them are probably just SEA
Homobeggars are also SEA. By your definition they're both third world monkeys who continue to fling shit at each other

>> No.72236287

The Japanese have no balls. They just post about how depressed they are on 5ch and say nothing publicly. A lot of them care more about the "community" than their actual own interests. They just leave silently when they dislike what happens.
There's a reason Fuwamoco are so popular on 5ch, you know.
