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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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72120648 No.72120648 [Reply] [Original]

EN4 secured

>> No.72120727

PLEASE no. There's a reason she was in Niji in the first place.

>> No.72120794

Because she trusted the wrong company and friends. Let her go wherever she wants to.

>> No.72120822

Would Yagoo hire ex Nijisanji?
Doubt that. Only Luna got a pass because back then Hololive was still a runt and recruiting exNiji would boost their standing.
Nowadays it would only attract unnecessary drama.

>> No.72120842
File: 2.05 MB, 1000x1288, Enna_Alouette_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like next en4 member.

>> No.72120888

Who else is /in/?

>> No.72120917

I'd prefer Kiara go to NijiEN instead

>> No.72120920

>wanting a liver failure transplant for HoloEN

>> No.72120930

Because auditions are fair game to everyone? You need to stop crying too much. Nobody outside of /vt/ Twitter and red.ddit cares about your drama.

>> No.72120929

The toxic positivity will simply drown out the drama, hololive is just that strong right now.

>> No.72120989

She's going to VShojo though

>> No.72121038

Doki and Elira because it would be extremely hilariously fucked up if destroying Nijisanji to join hololive was Pomu Doki Elira and Enna master plan all along.

>> No.72121042

this stupid cunt will rot with Nijien

>> No.72121068

She's going to V4Mirai though

>> No.72121093

Not if Kiara and kfp has a say in it.

>> No.72121137


>> No.72121164

nta but
>/vt/ Twitter and red.ddit
that is the entire fanbase minus doxsite and youtube comments, but they just same people.

>> No.72121183
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I love it when a good master plan comes together.

>> No.72121188

cope sister

>> No.72121195

Shut up Mariya. Imagine unironically taking a week off because your art mama sister graduated

>> No.72121225

i hate sea people

>> No.72121248
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The meeting went poorly. It's not happening.

>> No.72121253

the last thing EN needs is more nepo hires
I hope pomudachis do show up for her indie debut

>> No.72121274

has /vt/ ever been right about new gens members

>> No.72121320

As long as they respect and like Gura I'm okay with whoever hololive deems fit to join

>> No.72121366

Yeah, she had zero streaming experience when she first auditioned to Hololive

>> No.72121369

This would be an actually good hire. Ina doesn't know the business, Kiara does.
I would argue Fuwamoco but that could have just been desperation of their former fans

>> No.72121381

Yes. But only because /vt/ claims literally every single person graduating is joining Holo or Niji. It also means they're wrong every single time it happened. People also claimed Nina and Pikamee were joining Hololive until they showed up in VShojo and Pomu is likely to be the same.

>> No.72121415

just come out as a flesh streamer pomu, you have been edging your irl pictures for awhile now

>> No.72121482

Last thing HoloEN needs is Niji renegades stirring shit. Total exile is the only way to go.

>> No.72121625
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>> No.72121637

This was their revenge for that 2% salary SINK THE YACHT!
Cope about what? It is you that needs to cope if the thoughts of an ex niji submitting an audition and passing it threatens your ego and mental echo chamber.

>> No.72121671

Not gonna happen.

>> No.72121679

Pomu could be a good hire for her streaming skills.
But I'd prefer any other candidate over someone that's going to spend 6 months inside the kiara spiral

>> No.72121717

Glad the clique is coming to Hololive

>> No.72121755

The singular exception to the rule should not make the rule.

>> No.72121764

>retarded list
It's Pomu, Erika, the German bean girl and yuniiho. Also a random smaller /lig/ger or maybe even a 2view will be #5 and she will become more famous than all of the aforementioned chuubas.

>> No.72121813

>>and passing
Much like their audience, they never will.

>> No.72121856 [DELETED] 

Once a whore always a whore
/b/omu is not getting in

>> No.72121933

With no survivors. They expect Luca Kaneshiro in the wreckage, brother.

>> No.72122105

Why would Pomu debut in a EU wave?

>> No.72122230

It'll be the beginning of the end if she gets in. Advent didn't do as well as we wanted it to with half of their members in the Mori/Kiara zone. The talent pool in the West is so barren these days if you have to consider Nijifags.

>> No.72122278

Because despite all the schizo rrats like Peko's trip to Europe to scout chuubas and such, there won't be an EU gen for the foreseeable future.

>> No.72122381

Luca will be the one guy in the titanic that took the child with him so he can get in the life boat.

>> No.72122522

En 7

>> No.72122563

Pomu will. First time she failed because she didn't had experience streaming. But if she auditions for en4 you can almost guarantee she will pass it with flying colors. She is everything they want someone who loves the idol industry and does all the cdgct stuff. Plus nerissa Kiara and pomu together talking about all sorts cute shit sounds kino content to me. Now enna I give you that but there's always that low chance of her making it in if she auditions if nobody else meets their criteria.

>> No.72122656

Very on brand for him. "POG" as the children say these days.

>> No.72122871

you're retarded if you seriously think the evil Clique would be welcomed into HoloEn with open arms. Majority of the Hololive fanbase knows what they have done. They will be harassed, bullied, shamed, doxxed, nonstop. Joining Hololive will be the Death of Elira's precious clique. They will NOT prosper I guarantee you. They WILL suffer.

>> No.72122942
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I like you Nijidrones... well... I don't, but I know what motivates your fear. So here's what's going to happen so you have time to prepare yourself.

Kiara and Pomu are going to spend the next week or two being cutesy with each other in Japan. When Kiara gets back into Austria there is going to be silence. A silence between both parties that is going to be uncomfortably deafening for fans of both of them. The Pomudachis will sob and cry when the well of new info is dried. Months will pass by and this silence will continue until one day an announcement on the Hololive Production twitter that a new gen is coming. One of the new talents will make a tweet and there she will be, in her new home in Hololive. The reasons she got in will be obvious and why you hate Kiara so much. Yes, she has been the runt of EN, yes she is irritating to most but for the past 4 years Kiara has been rubbing shoulders with the management team behind the scenes. She has proven herself a team player, she has wrangled the better performing talents into completing projects and sponsorships for the company and as a result will have enough clout to nudge potential Holo-candidates along to debut.
So, you can call her an annoying bitch all you wish, but unfortunately for you... she has power now.

>> No.72122970

>They will be harassed, bullied, shamed, doxxed, nonstop.
So nothing that Holofans haven't already been doing to NijiEN livers the past 3 years, got it.

>> No.72123023

Pog champ Luca. The benedict Arnold of Nijisanji.

>> No.72123062

Sure, they will. Never underestimate corporate loyalty.

>> No.72123167

the level of shit that regular Holofans have been doing before will be nothing compared to the fury that will be unleashed if Elira and her death eaters managed to slither into HoloEN. The internet does not forgive nor forget. If this much of a little interaction is already getting this much heat, I can't even imagine how bad it would be if those three were to be accepted into HoloEN proper.

>> No.72123225

>Niji garbage to holo
Keep dreaming nijifag,cover didnt even pick pikame let alone some niji clique lol

>> No.72123326

cant pick someone who never applied

>> No.72123330

hot take: holo should never recruit ex corpos & should recruit more absolute no names

>> No.72123383

Do you reps.

>> No.72123439

I'd prefer if Kiara retired and her RM became my wife.

>> No.72123442
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>> No.72123500

have an original thought

>> No.72123549

Luna is the only person we will except, everyone else can DIAF.

>> No.72123566

luna jp4
pomu en4

coco dragon
elira dragon

towa brotuber
dokibird brotuber

i wonder who will be kanata and watame

coincidence? history will repeat itself just like jp3 and advent being the golden generation.

>> No.72123758


>> No.72123859


>> No.72123891

You should SMC.

>> No.72123910

Kanata = vivi
Watame = Rosemi
Now please save them please!

>> No.72124113

>Would Yagoo hire ex Nijisanji?
Nijisanji supports Hololive and vice versa. Pomu graduated on amicable terms, so there's no stigma attached. She can always say she wanted to be an idol, so joining Hololive is the only way to achieve her dream and so on. On the other hand, if you're someone like Doki or Sayu, you're gonna be marked as an undesirable troublemaker who can't even follow simple rules. This is a big no-no in corpo world, and doubly so in JP. No one gives a shit about the circumstances that actually led to their terminations.

>> No.72124117
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Looking forward to this board's reaction when Mata brings Pomu on for a collab on April 1st.

>> No.72124169

Pikame never applied for hololive you stupid faggot.

>> No.72124178

god please, i miss the tiger

>> No.72124331

with Kiara, Nerissa and the StarsEN homos the Niji infiltration has been completed

>> No.72124388

Sorry Pomubis just too much of a Lucafag to be in Hololive. I just can't deal with her Nijishittery

>> No.72124630

nobody cares about your headcanon ships anymore, nijisis

>> No.72125312

KFP are irredeemably bad.

>> No.72125423

If it's even a third as much as the Kiara seethe then it'll be great.

>> No.72125443

NTA but vshojofags predicted kson long before anything concrete was shown. It was actually crazy.

>> No.72126033

NijiEN fans congregate and organise on a site that exists only as a doxx archive - and actual hard doxx, not just PL shit. Niji fans are far, far worse than Hololive fans in terms of harassment and abuse towards talents.

>> No.72127012

Actual vsj+poster here. Vei basically never raids anyone. Like ever, to this day. So when she raided Kson out of the blue one day a rrat was born and everyone viewed every hint towards new members after under the lens of it possibly being Kson and it all kept adding up. Another correct prediction basically instantly was Pikamee when the IQ999 teasers started.

But just to keep it fair some fun incorrect predictions we've had: Nobody in vsj+ *seriously* predicted Mysta or Rushia. They would both come up but always as shitposts. People predicted Nina almost the very moment her graduation was announced and while she did join none of the logic being used was correct. The assumption was she was leaving Niji because she had an offer from VShojo as a safety net to catch her, but she's since said multiple times she was planning to redebut as indie, and VShojo didn't enter the picture until after she'd already graduated.

>> No.72127867

This gutless pushover will never join Hololive. She doesn't deserve to be in Hololive.

>> No.72127959

She's literally a holo reject

>> No.72127972

>everyone expecting Nina
>get a male
Nothing against Mysta but that was fucking funny.

>> No.72129044

>Would Yagoo hire ex Nijisanji?
Hololive and Nijisanji have an under table deal to avoid poaching vtubers from the other company which has never happened with their EN branches. Pomu definitely wants to be part of HoloEN and she was able to leave NijiEN with a standard graduation. If any RM can manage to switch between those companies it would be her.

>> No.72129195

That's ironic because people thought Nina was going to be nerissa as well. Even had people on the comments on her debut day all posting mommy.

>> No.72129371

So were a lot of Holos until they got accepted.

>> No.72129443

the pink dog can draw but can't stream and her accent is awful

>> No.72129569

is EN 4 for hololive inc soon, i have no idea

>> No.72129901

basically everyone who watched kson or pika knew she was joining like 2 days after she announced her graduation
if you only figured it out from the teasers then you're not a very good detective

>> No.72129999

You know people have gotten into hololive with zero streaming experience, right? They're not vshojo which demands experienced people.

>> No.72130020

Biboo fuwamoco and shiori were all "holo rejects". And they made it in. I'm not sure about nerissa if she applied for council or not, I know the ones I mentioned all tried before and were passed.

>> No.72130089

Sana had artistic skills that and Ina vouching for her was the reason she was chosen over pomu.

>> No.72130140

I'm not talking about just Sana. Do your reps.

>> No.72130146

next year

>> No.72130185

She joined nijien on the first wave and made something of it, I won't blame her for the fuck ups that joined later or the god awful management. So yeah Pomu would be ok by me for en4, whether she actually wants to join is another thing entirely she seems to have other stuff going on in her life.

Could be years away for all we know.

>> No.72130222

Ryan Gosling looks kinda weird in this pic

>> No.72130232

Pomu never applied for that generation. She only applied for Myth.

>> No.72130241

You mean "whether she would actually be accepted".

>> No.72130315

Okay thanks for clarifying this anon.

>> No.72130440

You're right, but not for the reasons you think you are. Doki might still be able to get into corporation, but not before years pass and the controversy has died down. Personally, I have strong doubts she'll ever join a corpo again. She'd have to wind down her current business and lose her current, highly professional management team for the uncertainty of a corpo-led management team. This will never happen unless her finances completely disintegrate, which seems unlikely to happen given how much money she is making compared to when she was in Niji.

I agree on Sayu though, nobody will ever touch her. She's not a big enough name and her anti crowd is gigantic, and it's clear she's been informally blacklisted in the industry ever since Nijisanji fired and publicly humiliated her. Plus, while the clique and its friends can't get to Doki (because she's so huge and because she doesn't care about joining a corpo) they can definitely make life difficult for Sayu. Corpos simply won't want that regardless of whether Sayu is in the right or not.

>> No.72130704

Pomu isn't as talented that's why she got rejected.

>> No.72130716

Well she clearly has experience streaming, she could sing and dance for concerts fine and there's potential in nepo support. That's really all you'd need for the role.The main obstacle is whether Cover management would be willing to hold their noses and sign a nijien.

>> No.72130723

>fired and publicly humiliated her
You're forgetting that Sayu constantly courting dramatubers. Those people that regardless of the corporation always irks members with red click bait text.

>> No.72130896

She had a smaller portfolio compared to some others in Myth. Gura with an already big channel, Ina being a professional artist, Ame already being a streamer, Kiara already a streamer and did *things* in Japan, and Mori who already had music. Her portfolio was smaller than those, not a reflection of how bad or good a person is.

>> No.72130943

Cover doesn't look for people who can tick a box and generate a modicum of income, they look for people who have potential to make it big. Your mindset is very nijisanji.

>> No.72130948

Wasn't as experienced, you mean. Compare early Mint to late Pomu, and you'll see a world of improvement.

>> No.72131217

I'd much rather Kiara leave Hololive.
Then EN would be perfect.

>> No.72131220

This looks like one of those cringe crossover music videos like Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson.

>> No.72131550

As retarded the orange women is, I find it hilarious that people actually think she has any power to do anything. There a higher chance of her leaving and forming an group with the clique. Which she should.

>> No.72131672

EN4 with NotPomu debuting before Niji's next quarterly report may be Yagoo's plan.

>> No.72131683

Considering how well she did in NijiEN, with all of the major debuffs that group entails, it's safe to say she has that potential.

>> No.72131896

>Considering how well she did in NijiEN
2k~3k viewers on a normal day? You have to remember that nijisanji is supposed to be hololive's biggest rival. If she was indie then that would be a bonus, but since that's niji corporate numbers it might as well be a con.

>> No.72131929

Kiara feels vshojo tier anyways her leaving hololive for vshojo could rehabilitate her career.

>> No.72131984

2-3k with how much of a massive debuff the NijiEN name entails is pretty good. The NijiEN average these days is 3view.

>> No.72132080

The nijiEN name is a debuff *now*. The current drama didn't exist until recently.

>> No.72132281

The NijiEN name has been a massive debuff ever since Luxiem's debut, when the fanbase they attracted (chinks/fujos/kpopstans/twittersisters) ransacked the branch and attacked the female livers.

>> No.72132328

>She wants to
If Jap-sama allows that whore to join

>> No.72132420

>Hates Holostars
Yeah I think Jap will like her

>> No.72132440

I'm sure that'll go really well on her resume.
>ackshually i would've been more successful but the chinese fujos ruined my viewership

>> No.72132647

Are you purposely being retarded? They're not going to ask for reasons, they're just going to look at the numbers. I highly doubt there are many 4views applying for Hololive, especially ones who are actually interested in doing idol performances, which is Hololive's main appeal.

>> No.72132719

How many threads now of nijitroons begging hololive to take in their whores ? Have they no shame ?

>> No.72132838

Yeah and the numbers say "2k~3k from a company that is considered our rival". Why gamble on someone whose peak was only that much instead of taking a chance on a smaller talent who actually seems like a diamond in the rough, which is actually hololive's hiring strategy? Again, hololive isn't nijisanji which pumps out dozens of new hires to milk money from them in bulk, they hire slowly and are picky about their choices.

>> No.72132853

Look at this seething faggot

>> No.72132969

>"2k~3k from a company that is considered our rival"
get your head out of the gutter, nijisanji hasn't been rival-worthy since 2021

>> No.72133079

>recommending anyone to gun for Holo with an already established fanbase
Anyone of you wanna buy a bridge?

>> No.72133155

Don't they still technically earn more than hololive due to their sheer size and shitty talent cuts? Cover considers them their closest competitor without a question.

>> No.72133317

only in the money aspect, not in the viewership or mindchair aspect

>> No.72133358

if she joined VShojo she could also flesh stream so I'm all for it.

>> No.72133499

Only 1-2 talents per gen follow the "diamond in the rough" hiring strategy. At least 2 from each gen were previous vtubers who worked for other companies or were previously big in their past-life.

>> No.72133562

Rival/competitor doesn't have to mean they're bigger, you know. Everyone knows hololive overtook nijisanji already, but they're still the closest in line.

Anyway, if Pomu doesn't have anything that sets her apart from others and you're just arguing that "she ticks the boxes of singing and dancing" then she's not getting in unless nobody else applies and somehow they're forced to take her because they want to ship out EN4 immediately or something.

>> No.72133630
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Pomu's not coming back.
She's becoming a Twitter movie reviewer like Kojima.

>> No.72133803

What’s the logic behind this? The picture? Okay, and she’s literally been rooming with Kuro and Matara, so why is that not an indication she’s joining vshojo?

>> No.72133835

They won't turn down people who are already big for obvious reasons, I'm talking about the distinction between someone who is established but mid and someone who isn't established but shows promise. Being a literal who in a literal who company still counts as potentially being a diamond in the rough. Having your name under nijisanji however is enough free publicity that they would've shone harder if they had the talent.

>> No.72133921

I know I said EN3 would spell the end of EN back in the day, but I will double down and say EN4 will spell the end of EN

>> No.72134112

I dunno, look at EN3. They took 2 years to come out, and yet you have Shiori and Nerissa who don't really have anything to set them apart outside of "singing and dancing" (even if that - Shiori doesn't want to do any idol stuff at all). And no, they aren't "diamonds in the rough" either.
Pomu would fill the role of an idol-obsessed weeb who'd bring high energy to idol events through wotagei and idol calls, on top of being a good streamer.

>> No.72134245

Nerissa was a Kiara nepo hire wasn't she? But IIRC she does VA work so there's that. Shiori fucked herself in her debut with "respect my collab choices", proving that the holo fanbase is the antithesis of the niji one.

>> No.72134314

tbf "she ticks the boxes of singing and dancing" applies to many of the holoen girls

>> No.72134478

You WILL accept Pomu too, because noone asks your opinion tbf

>> No.72134485

No, Kiara didn't know Nerissa even applied until she was accepted. And "I did VA work" does really fill any niche and isn't a talent/skill.

>> No.72134579

>does really
DOESN'T really*

And again, this was after 2 years of going through applications, looking for "diamonds in the rough".

>> No.72134772

>:What’s the logic behind this?
Wishful thinking on the part of either a genuine pomudachi or a vindictive NDF member.

>> No.72134894

>and she’s literally been rooming with Kuro and Matara
Proof? Pomu's been in Japan for the past 2 months. Kuro and Matara were only there for 2 weeks.

>> No.72134983

No, Luna got a pass because she was very close with Choco.

>> No.72135075

Honestly, Pomu is more fit to be an idol compared to other NijiEN. Maybe Maria comes in second

>> No.72136486

ATTENTION errant Pomudachi, there is a way for her to be easily accepted into Hololive:
Do what that one Pomudachi did in Holofes, but in numbers too great to ignore.
Go to a big Holo event with Pomu memorabilia and attire, kneel before the power of Yagoo and Sora, beg like you've never begged before, cry if you have to.
Dogeza at the end.
Then will your vtweeter oshi be saved by the Dorito.

>> No.72136854

>Do what that one Pomudachi did in Holofes
What happened?
