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72030336 No.72030336 [Reply] [Original]

Any issues Hololive may have, even major ones, will never matter as long as Nijisanji keeps fucking it up 10x worse

>> No.72030592

Unironically true. That's what "goodwill shield" is called. You do good things over and over so when shit hits the fan you can take the dirt.
Niji run out of it long ago so they became the butt of the joke.

>> No.72030798

You typed this with one hand

>> No.72030940

The problem is, if you constantly deflect criticism of your own side by pointing out that Nijisanji is a shit-filled trashfire, you lose the ability to course correct mistakes and they start building up. Look at EN management, for instance - they nearly sank the branch with neglect and an unwelcome obsession with unity. If Holo EN fans had just taken that lying down, things might have gotten even worse than they did.

>> No.72030951
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Nijisanji being bad doesn't absolve Hololive
It's simple, Hololive treats their talents with respect and invests into them

>> No.72031265
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Not just Nijisanji...

>> No.72032864

She is cute, I will admit

>> No.72032936

Everything "negative" related to Hololive being flooded with "nijinigger falseflag aieeeeeeeeee" does get lame pretty quick though

>> No.72033225

>your own side
They're not "sides" anon, please cure your console warrior brain. Holo fans for the most part do not pay attention to other vtubers and do not give a fuck about what they're doing unless something blows up so much that you literally can't avoid hearing about it.

>> No.72036023


>> No.72036105

Their biggest issue right now is one of their talents tweeting to Niji

>> No.72036274

I agree the console warring is idiotic, but I'm not the one who came up with it. It's just how people on this dumb board seem to think.

>> No.72037311
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Were you not here prior to 2023? Holo management was criticized heavily for a lot of shit back then.

>> No.72039114

I feel like quite a number of those critiques were more due to viewers taking more umbrage over the issue (or shit-stirring sisters who wanted to take the opportunity to flex) than there being anything actually wrong with how Cover handled the situation, although to be honest, that’s fine since that kind of pressure would have helped to develop Cover’s policies.

The actual fuckups Cover did were those two incidents of managers stalking/molesting the girls.

>> No.72039493


Niji's controversy opened the floodgates. Typical vtuber fans don't have the braincells to notice, but Niji's fuck up effects literally every company, especially Hololive.

>> No.72040902


>> No.72041047

I think the holo fanbase has actually got less willing to criticise Cover over time because it's become more and more obvious that holo antis try to blow up every tiny thing into an ebin yabberino. It probably helps that they haven't really had any major problems since 2021 and anyone who digs into the behind the scenes stuff a bit knows they actually treat their talents very well.

>> No.72041125
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>> No.72041299 [DELETED] 

in terms of /vt/ a bigger factor is the fact that mods censor holo yabs while they let the board flow over with nijien dramatrash all day every day
just look at the suisei sakuma yab where mods deleted every thread for "doxxposting" until they were forced to leave one up after she addressed on stream

>> No.72041361

in terms of /vt/ a bigger factor is the fact that mods censor holo yabs while they let the board flow over with nijien dramatrash all day every day
just look at the suisei sakuma yab where mods deleted every thread for "doxxposting" until they were forced to leave one up after she addressed it on stream

>> No.72041616

Yes, that was in fact an example of people desperately trying to blow up literally nothing into an ebin yabberino while no actual fans cared

>> No.72042090

They are kinda cringe

>> No.72042897


>> No.72043148

And a year ago Niji had something called AR that would have given them a chance to compete with Holo and look where we are.
It's not a matter to do mistakes, is learning from them and Niji never does. It has been only down from there and all that was done is to survive one more day.
Time is up, unless Kiara destroys Hololive in an attempt to save them.

>> No.72043350

The Stars collaboration disappeared in EN, now do you know the same thing is happening in JP?
Luna has revealed that she was coerced by Cover to collaborate with Stars
Other collaborations with male streamers are being planned by Cover

>> No.72043922

>Luna has revealed that she was coerced by Cover to collaborate with Stars
Selen revealed that she was coerced by Nijisanji to commit suicide

>> No.72044426
File: 4 KB, 235x214, 423525625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h-haha, yep
they can do no wrong....
never ever...
never ever ever...

>> No.72047767

You're not wrong

>> No.72047940

Has Hololive done anything worth of actual scorn lately? Everyone knows they fucked up with Coco/China but they haven't really done anything since then.
Rushia termination was justified.
Mel's was too and both parties seemed upset it had to happen but some rules you can't break.

>> No.72048455

The smart learn from their own mistakes. The wise learn from the mistakes of others.
Hololive is both smart and wise. They've made mistakes, but they've learned from their mistakes and have never made the same mistake twice; and they don't repeat the mistakes of others.

Most of those other agencies are unwise, though credit to Prism for allowing the talents to keep their IPs (and I hope Amber has done the same)

>> No.72048922

Even the China thing was understandable, they had 60 employees and no PR people and somehow had to respond to a massive coordinated harassment and spam campaign that appeared out of nowhere. Google took months to figure out how to filter the spam.

>> No.72048933

>Has Hololive done anything worth of actual scorn lately?
Their most two most recent yabs (which weren't actual "yabs" as such, but were merely somewhat yab-adjacent) were two months ago, when they fired Mel for breaching NDA; and the previous August, when Magni and Vesper graduated without a graduation stream but on otherwise good terms.
Any other talk of Holo yabs is just whataboutism from the sisters desperate for a Niji "win"

>> No.72049107

> Any issues Hololive may have
They have none, nijisister.

>> No.72053148


>> No.72057829


>> No.72058086

It was kind of interesting to see.
Kiara and Pomu were both complaining about their 3D situation. Kiara wanted a 3D live, Pomu wanted a functioning 3D model.
In the end Pomu got shit on again, while Kiara got exactly what she wanted. That is the difference between companies

>> No.72058985

>Pomu wanted to do a proper 3D collab with Kiara, while Elira and Finana didn't overtly express any particular interest in having a 3D collab with a non-Niji talent (much less a Holo talent)
>management is mysteriously unable to un-scuff Pomu's heavily scuffed 3D model in the year and a half between her 3D debut and her graduation, while Elira and Finana's 3D models were done right the first time

>also Elira got her 3D model several months before Pomu and Finana got theirs

>> No.72059312

Remember Elira was the only one to be in 3D at Nijifes in 2022. Everyone else's flights got delayed, cancelled, or problems arose. In the end it was only Elira attending. She got a solo 3D experience at Nijifes

>> No.72059487

Oh yeah some people were insisting Elira would totally refuse to do it without her beloved wavemates. LMAO how wrong they were

>> No.72062204


>> No.72063757

I will never forget Nijisanji implementing 'Talent Protection Protocol' or something like that right during Aloe drama to take a dump on Cover when their reputation was already very bad that time. During the Mel sexual harassment leak Cover straight up admitted that it's true and apologized too instead of doubling down

>> No.72067700


>> No.72069181
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sure thing dude.

>> No.72070065

Absolutely true. I will permit hololive to get away with things I will not permit other corpos or vtubers to get away with.
As they say over here, "Its ok with holo does it."

>> No.72070350

Why are you posting the girl that nijisisters doxxed and nearly harassed to an hero, anon?

>> No.72071095

Everytime i consider feeling sorry for niji. I remember what they did to aloe.

>> No.72074905

>will never matter as long as Nijisanji keeps fucking it up 10x worse
this is true

>> No.72076036

Hololive also makes mistakes, quite a lot. But after mistakes there are always corrections. Compared to AnyColor, it doesn't seem like they accept their own mistakes. So there is no correction at all.

>> No.72076972

No company can be yab free or you're too risk averse to do anything. The difference is do you learn from your yabs and do you fix the underlying problem, and Cover appears to do this.

>> No.72077678
File: 296 KB, 1080x817, 1711155820045524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even a PR stunt to help niji save face?

>> No.72077784

Why would they help Niji? They're a dead dying company

>> No.72078573

Business deals. They're not helping out of the kindness of their hearts.

>> No.72078705

There is absolutely nothing Anycolor can provide Cover that's worth covering for them.

>> No.72078821

ever heard about money anon?

>> No.72078948

Sponsored collab stream. Paid by Niji. Requesting hololive to shill. Might work.

>> No.72078974

Anycolor is too stingy to pay Cover for something like that, especially when it comes to covering for EN.

>> No.72079093

They're in deep shit, i really doubt they wouldn't pay for a tweet

>> No.72079161

Niji is such a good heel jesus christ it's unreal

>> No.72079716

Not when it's in Cover's best interest to say "lol no"

>> No.72080387

Is it really tho? That's sound pretty naive.

>> No.72080564

Yes, it is. NijiEN's downfall will only benefit Hololive.

>> No.72080572

Honestly risky. If the sponsored shilling is safe they should do it. Niji might one day regain their power and status. You don't want them as an enemy for no good reason.

>> No.72080661

Getting Hololive involved in Niji's drama is not safe at all.
And there's no way Niji will "regain their power and status". Not in a million years.

>> No.72080906

Why do you think the Cover NA expansion was timed 2-3 days before Niji quarterly report? Cover could've held on to releasing it on the opening of Holofes or the closing of Holofes for max hype. There are no friends in business, only competitors.
>Niji might one day regain their power and status.
MIGHT. What will need to happen for this scenario to happen. Riku is probably out as CEO, most management is replaced, probably some livers are culled. At that point they're a different Nijisanji.

>> No.72082248

Can some super rich faq buy niji like the way those sports clubs are bought as a toy? Maybe musk can buy nijisanji.

>> No.72082542

They're publicly traded so as long as someone can get 51% of the shares they become majority owner.

>> No.72084328

Its full control if they are majority owner? They ltierally own salome and kuzuha? Can fire Riku immediately? Order Elira to stream whatever they tell her to? Give the selen IP rights to dokibird? Anything?

>> No.72084346

NijiEN turned into CN specifically for you, leftover woman, just go watch that

>> No.72085027

Yes to all within applicable laws/contractual obligations. ie they can't order Elira to doxx herself - that's not part of the deal. They also can't order her to commit sudoku on stream or stream a gangbang party on the yacht.
They can remove Riku as CEO absolutely. However just bear in mind he will still be a major shareholder as he still has something like 40% shareholding.

>> No.72086325

This but unironically
