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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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7182819 No.7182819 [Reply] [Original]

>Cause we're immortalised forever in the songs that we write.

No Cali, we do not become immortal if we simply create a work of art, we become immortal in the collective consciousness once our art is perceived by conscious, self aware agents. If a tree falls down in a forest and nobody is there to hear it, it does not make a sound. If I write a book, a poem, if I draw something, and then lock it in a drawer, never showing it to anyone, then I will not be immortalised, and nobody will remember me. I will only beat death if people remember me, if my art is seen by a lot of people. Furthermore, when I change the world for the better through my art, then I matter, then I deserve to be remembered. Hitler will be remembered, but not for the right reasons.

That is my analysis on this verse, what do you think anon?

>> No.7182849
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>> No.7182868

>If I write a book, a poem, if I draw something, and then lock it in a drawer, never showing it to anyone, then I will not be immortalised, and nobody will remember me
Some historian or archeologist will find your shit thats likely been preserved and treat it unironically like its a holy grail of information.

>> No.7182940

You think you are clever huh? What if I burn my book once I write it?

>> No.7183481
File: 19 KB, 1152x1152, 1618164079658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why callieposting is so cute?

>> No.7183584

For this reason I unironically take pictures of everyday life keep them organized

>> No.7183807

With the rise of the internet, someone somewhere will have some part of (subject) preserved. Even if it's just tangles of code in the deep web, or stored in someone's hard drive, she's made a mark enough to last past her lifetime, until we're hit with orbital nukes and most of our online infrastructure collapses due to the EMPs produced.

>> No.7183981

Did you read my post? I said it doesn't matter if a work of art simply exists, the artist is immortalised once the work of art is absorbed by the masses and changes the world in some way. Even if it exists locked up in my drawer it doesn't matter because I will not be immortalised simply because I created it, I'll only be immortalised if people remember me.

>> No.7184087

>one day in the future someone somewhere might find some funny images I made after I’ve become dust
I hope I make them giggle

>> No.7184626
File: 458 KB, 600x730, i-feel-old_o_1669021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this make you laugh? No, and neither will your old ass memes make the future generations laugh.

>> No.7184780

I'm 12 and this is deep.

>> No.7184902

I feel like it's so self-explanatory it doesn't even need explaining. Mori said that but everyone knews what she meant to say

>> No.7184962

>That is my analysis on this verse, what do you think anon?
I think you're right, but also taking it too seriously. 99% of song lyrics are bullshit masquerading as something meaningful, and the only thing that differentiates them is how aware of this fact the artist is, so analysing them too deeply is a waste of effort.

>> No.7185025
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Not him, but there's a difference between memes and funny pictures, some things will inherently always remain funny, picrel for example, could've been posted yesterday or 1999

>> No.7185114

>That is my analysis on this verse, what do you think anon?
Congrats anon. How's the first year of college treating you? I guess you're having online classes only.

>> No.7185117

Not as deep as your dad's asshole.

>> No.7185149

College is for losers, I study things that interest me by myself.

>> No.7185342

Oh? So you're a scholar like me? I too study only by watching youtube and bitchute videos. Fuck the sheeple

>> No.7185433

GOD remembers everything, so in a sense, we are all immortal.

>> No.7185607

that still fits OP's criteria
>we become immortal in the collective consciousness once our art is perceived by conscious, self aware agents.
so you essentially agree with him

>> No.7185628

Kill yourself cuckbeat

>> No.7186125

Fucking geek

>> No.7186863

>Comes to a philosophy thread.
>Talks about God.
Are you actually, unironically retarded?

>> No.7186920

Just did all my clothes for the week with the ironing in this post

>> No.7187011

How are philosophy and GOD not related? Your logic reps bruh

>> No.7187034

>That is my analysis on this verse, what do you think anon?
You should stop smoking weed. It's not making you 'creative' or 'philosophical', it's just removing your inner censor.

>> No.7187124
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>If an event was not witnessed it didn't happen.

>> No.7187192

The thread has now put on its fedora.

>> No.7187255

Weed dumbs people down, why would I ever smoke the retardmaker?

>> No.7187259
File: 235 KB, 950x1344, 1621913695910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either adolescent solipsism or an anglophilic utilitarian, sad either way. Quit playing so many video games.

>> No.7187376

Nice non argument you got there.

>> No.7187442

That's one way of reading this. Here's another: When Mori will die, her songs will be the primary way people will be exposed to her, and through them, they will try to understand her

>> No.7187524

Anglophilic utilitarian is sad? How else do you expect me to explain the argument for relative knowledge and the requirements of existence without words like that? And utilitarianism is the best theory on normative philosophy we have until now. Your insult wasn't half as effective as you hoped.

>> No.7187577

>Weed dumbs people down, why would I ever smoke the retardmaker?
So you have an excuse to air these platitudes.

>> No.7187580

Art that is remembered is the only form of immortality a human can strive for.

>> No.7187677

The non-argument is the anon's who said God witnessed it therefore it happened. his argument holds only if you also prove God's existence. Calling the argument of an entity whose existence proves you are correct, while not proving his existence is retarded and a failed argument. If his argument is valid then so is mine: There exists a devil in God's eyes whose job is to make sure God doesn't witness events. Prove that such a devil doesn't exist.

>> No.7187768

Sure, it's the ruling liberal ideology when you favor living in a pod, which is where we're headed with so many technocratic incels like you in the west. PSYOPsed beyond belief.

>> No.7187783

I know. What I argue is that in order for the art to have an effect, people have to be exposed to it. If her songs were locked on a drawer instead of being recorded and uploaded, they would have no effect. She says we are immortalised by the songs we write, and I counterargue that we are immortalised forever by the songs that we write THAT PEOPLE LISTEN.

>> No.7187806

>GOD remembers everything, so in a sense, we are all immortal.
What a retarded fucking position.

>> No.7187851

How is a normative ethics theory liberal? What the fuck do politics have anything to do with philosophy? The theory that says an action is good if it produces more good than bad... Is wrong in your eyes? Stop smoking the retard maker and open Plato.

>> No.7187957

I think we're both expressing the same idea from a different angle. You say that if she wants to be remembered, you need people to listen to her songs, which is true. I say that the songs are the only thing that we will have left of her anyway, and thus the only way she can be immortalized (ignoring her presence as Mori and her other presence on the internet for the sake of argument)

>> No.7187981

That anon implied that God and philosophy are unrelated, which is a dumb statement. If he wanted to argue God's existence, he could've just said so.

>> No.7188019

Both of our arguments are correct and we end up with correct statements.

>> No.7188047

This kind of bullshit is why I like Mori. It's not really deep or anything but you can feel that she put her heart into some songs

>> No.7188082

It's the contrast of a pretty, elegant design being paired with a rapper who likes to drink and get her back blown out now and then

>> No.7188086
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>What a retarded fucking position.
God will remember that.

>> No.7188153
File: 2.22 MB, 2480x3508, 1620328369320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the fuck do politics have anything to do with philosophy
If you have a hard time understanding this I don't think it's worth talking to you.
>The theory that says [single reductive aphorism]
>open Plato
You clearly know very little about this and have unfounded confidence in your ability to think critically. You should stop letting popular media influence you if you want to be taken seriously.

>> No.7188303

Normative Philosophy, the school of thought that teaches us how to live a good life, how to do good, how to differentiate between good and evil, to make decisions etc, in your retarded mind, has something to do with politics, the concept that humanity needs rules and leaders, and states the way we elect rules, decide laws, etc. I am Greek, we invented philosophy and politics, so you might want to open a dictionary before you continue this conversation with me.

>> No.7188358

I just realised mori has tiered livestreams whitin membership, if it was archived then ok but what a fucking jew doing streams for higher paypigs lol, doesnt matter if they release later for everyone.

>> No.7188429

Who's your favorite philosopher, anon? Your favorite chuuba may be iffy if it is your pic related, but perhaps your taste in philosophy can make up for it.

>> No.7188452

>I am Greek, we invented philosophy and politics
The ancient Greeks did, the modern ones have pretty much nothing to do with them. It's like telling someone that you're good at civil engineering because you're Egyptian and they made pyramids

>> No.7188535

I was reading Plato when I was 10 years old. I was taught the history of my country at school. I think there is a correlation between me being Greek and me being taught Greek philosophy because I am Greek.

>> No.7188625

Then focus on that instead of handwaving it with "I'm Greek". I'm surprised that by reading Plato at 10 years old you end up using arguments such as "I'm Greek" as a shortcut for "I read the primary sources and learned a bit about Greek history". nta that posted the Ame pic btw, I just wanted to call out bad reasoning

>> No.7188681

Sorry I though it was implied. I overestimated your intelligence, will never happen again

>> No.7188693

>favorite philosopher
I don't see philosophers (regime tools) like that, but my favorite writer is William Blake. Amelia is a sweetheart.

>> No.7188742

So you expect people online to know about the greek curriculum (which is a country that isn't known for the quality of its education) and then do ad-hominem? Why should anyone listen to you about philosophy exactly? For someone that read Plato, you seem to have missed the point

>> No.7188839
File: 139 KB, 381x351, Anya - ow the edge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when I change the world for the better through my art, then I matter, then I deserve to be remembered. Hitler will be remembered, but not for the right reasons.
My my my anon-kun, I better call the ghostbusters because your mind is haunted by spooks.

>> No.7188842

I haven't yet read Blake, do you have any suggested writings? I'm mostly familiar with analytic philosophy tbdesu

>> No.7188928

What's the point of being remembered? Eventually everyone who knows you and knows of you will die. Even Hitler will be forgotten in a few hundred years, a few thousand at max. The only thing you get out of "being remembered" is the immediate pleasure your ego gets at the thought of people thinking about you. There's nothing substantive about being remembered itself.

>> No.7188982

Did you think Greeks don't learn Greek history retard?

>> No.7189043

If you think Hitler will be forgotten and history will be erased get off this thread. This is for people with iq over 0.5

>> No.7189049

The Complete Poetry & Prose of William Blake is all you need to get into him, choosing any piece at random. They're all delightful.

>> No.7189075

I've heard some of her and her roomate's songs and they're always about how everyone is mad/jealous/obsessed with her or people like her. I haven't heard them all nor I will but judging by the ones I had the displeasure of listening to, there's a penthouse in her head where her "haters" all live.

>> No.7189130

For some reason you think learning Greek history is the end all be all of learning about philosophy and politics

>> No.7189174

>I've heard some of her and her roomate's songs and they're always about how everyone is mad/jealous/obsessed with her or people like her.
This one and some other ones by the cube are nice, I think Mori is wasting her time with violent rap and should just do things like Live Again or Cursed Night

>> No.7189302

You know....im just happy you guys are just being original for once. Normally its a broken record with same point over and over. This is fun

>> No.7189305

Do you think history books say Plato existed. Aristotelis existed? They say who they were and what they taught and what they created.

>> No.7189344

I'm glad to create original content for you anon.

>> No.7189389

Like all history books? If you didn't know, most people tend to study greek history, at least the relevant parts

>> No.7189415

Greek greek history books tend to study Greek history a bit more in depth than other general history books in case you didn't know anon.

>> No.7189479

Yeah sure for the 0-2000 period that nobody actually cares about

>> No.7189482

>"I don't care about the haters"
>dedicated multiple albums to them
Really makes you think, said haters aren't simply living in her head rent free they're real estate agents now

>> No.7189579

The entire period, not just the 0 to 2000

>> No.7189607

What's the true point of anything? Even pleasure is pointless. So why not do sonething that will live on a bit after you?

>> No.7189678

this generic "I am immortalized in my art" faggotry is cringe, especially if you are barely average like Mori. If you view this verse as anything more than the same ego stroking that many "artists" did before, it's still bullshit. Humanity is just too fucking irrelevant in greater scheme of things, our species and everything we created be gone sooner or later.

>> No.7189821

>Humanity is just too fucking irrelevant in greater scheme of things, our species and everything we created be gone sooner or later.
"Immortalized" is mostly used in the context of humanity because there's nothing else out there that we know of, and a universe without anyone to observe it might as well not exist.
The thing that makes Mori irrelevant is that she's just that, irrelevant. Sure she has a million subs and all, but that's not much compared to <current popular SoundCloud rapper> or whatever. Especially in the age of internet where everyday more and more people are creating things

>> No.7193009

Immortality in this context is merely meant living longer than your lifespan through your works. It is not immortality at all in a literal sense. And it's funny for you to widen the scope beyond anthropocentrism yet still utilize a human-centric framework on what "immortal" means.

Bitch, it's a figure of speech. Stop being autistic.

>> No.7193259

She carved a space. She might not beat established artists and other big names in the mainstream music industry, but she's certainly more relevant soundcloud, and relevant enough to cause waves within a community; vtubers. OWTF hit a nerve in the EN speaking vtuber community and it's not uncommon to see various smaller JP indies say "kari-chan kakkoi."

Downplaying her as a mere soundcloud rapper, is a bit inaccurate. And yes, her older works are 3edgy5you but has changed themes to be a bit more forward looking in her later works. I won't force you to listen to them, but I'm just the record straight.

>> No.7193536

Sure, she has her niche for people who are into vtubers, but again, as I said, it's mostly irrelevant in the course of human history. More people will remember her than me, but she's at the point of a country small country president at most, probably less. She'll have a Wikipedia page and that's about it. Nobody will talk about her in 50 years

>> No.7193853

She influenced at least a million people in varying degrees. This will influence their tastes and maybe some, their worldviews. They will in term influence whoever within their own sphere to lean towards whatever permutation of habit they got from here. These leaps will grow weaker the futher it is from her, but she definitely changed people in a certain way.

I have seen shitposts on /a/ turn into cultural icons to this day, some of their meaning intact, and some mutated beyond recognition. But ideas will spread outward and as far as ethos proliferation goes, Mori is already more successful than your average human, yet less successful than Moot.

>> No.7194178

>She influenced at least a million people in varying degrees.
No, not really. These people don't watch exclusively Mori, they watch her and they watch and consume lots of other things. Mori's just a little part of their life for most.

>They will in term influence whoever within their own sphere to lean towards whatever permutation of habit they got from here. These leaps will grow weaker the futher it is from her, but she definitely changed people in a certain way.
Which will be countered by other people influencing them

>I have seen shitposts on /a/ turn into cultural icons to this day, some of their meaning intact, and some mutated beyond recognition. But ideas will spread outward and as far as ethos proliferation goes, Mori is already more successful than your average human, yet less successful than Moot.
That's a fair assessment, but that proves my point. moot is a footnote of history

>> No.7194581

Well that is part of the rap culture but the her songs that are just about her life and other stuff like that are her best.

>> No.7194995

Philosophy was solved by Stirner and Wittgenstein. Most of what you're talking about are flexible human concepts rather than existences onto themselves, and furthermore the discussion is more about language used to describe them than the concept themselves.

If Mori's lyric irritates you, substitute "imortalised" with "imortalized*", "imortalized^1" etc. In situations where no actual miscommunication is taking place, it is that simple.

>> No.7195461

Wtf are you talking about? I can't even counter-argue that shit.

>> No.7195549

Then what the fuck was the point of writing it? that would be retarded

>> No.7195567

>Philosophy was solved by Stirner and Wittgenstein.
That would explain why most modern philosophy sounds like wankery

>> No.7195633

To prove a point dumbass. What if it is burned accidentally? What if I die before I publish it? Same thing.

>> No.7195686

Somebody just saw Coco.

>> No.7195699

>Even Hitler will be forgotten in a few hundred years, a few thousand at max
If we managed to preserve knowledge of a guy like Ramses the Great for 3000+ years on an era where preserving knowledge was drastically harder than it is today, Hitler is not gonna be forgotten in thousands of years with things like books and the Internet combined, get the fuck outta here with that Ozymandias bullshit retard

>> No.7195827

If it was burned or destroyed accidentally then it obviously would be lost, but at that point it would be the same as if you have never wrote it so it doesn't really serve as an example here

>> No.7195888

i think i want cali to spray shit over me like a retarded dog in head

>> No.7195922

You just proved my point. I do not get immortalised after I create a work of art, it has to be consumed so the consumer remembers me after I die. If I write it and nobody sees it, it is as if I never wrote it, yes exactly, thank you for understanding that I am right..

>> No.7196406

Yeah sure anon, this concept was discovered for the first time in an animated film made in 2017

>> No.7200698

>That is my analysis on this verse, what do you think anon?
Pretty idiotic to put all that effort on a single sentence for a song. It ain't even that profound.

>> No.7201132

based religionchad

>> No.7201565

Calliopes album charted on Billboard meaning that it literally is stored in the library of congress until the end of time
