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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 3.04 MB, 1920x3997, 1710723705386880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
71824896 No.71824896 [Reply] [Original]

>VOD privated

>> No.71824947

That's very cool holobrony, when is Gura streaming again?

>> No.71825045

Maybe after she finishes meeting with the mayor of Taipei and arranging her sponsorships on site

>> No.71825057


>> No.71825082

close spbp

>> No.71825147

When is Elira or Vox streaming again?

>> No.71825181

But sisters told me what he said was true and putting the antis in their place?

>> No.71825222
File: 532 KB, 566x752, FairyShark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that wasn't really quite the "own da haterz" moment sisters told us it was?

>> No.71825285

I mean is this one wrong

>> No.71825329

What happened, sisters? I thought what he said was true and just putting antis in their place? Why did he private the VOD if that's true?

>> No.71825334
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>It's as easy as me just asking for it bro!
>According to who?

>> No.71825388

waiting for her silver play button reveal.

>> No.71825415

It was the clip that was made private not the VOD. Person who uploaded probably realized it wasn't the own they thought it would be.

>> No.71825530

>a bunch of nijilivers saw this video
>asked for their play buttons
>now half of your organs are suspended
He said too much.

>> No.71825610


This is the VOD, it's not privated, retard

>> No.71825642
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He didn't. Keep losing, dramababies

>> No.71825652

He could've just fucking asked.

>> No.71825783
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>> No.71825839

I don't get it. What's so bad about what he's saying?

>> No.71825960

Tsukino Mito : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmUkKUIMZHc
> livers don't get their own play buttons, it's lined up on a wall in the office
> she won't get it in her hands
> there's a ton of them lined up in the wall
Morinaka Kazaki : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBPo0JUNQ34
> there's a wall on the office where they line up the silver play buttons
> they "lost" hers when she asked, and refused to get another one
> Ibrahim: Well wasn't there a way you could get another one if you lose it?
> Kazaki: No
Hanabatake Chaika : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eC6UyvXmpfo
> some of his kouhai have their play buttons lined up in the wall, but his own play button was not seen
> others wonder if Iwanaga-san took some with him when he left

>> No.71826042

Nijisanji damage control is getting desperate since implying that not one liver has ever asked for their play button was an obvious lie.

>> No.71826044

He's insinuating that the reason no one has their play button is because no one asked. Which flies in the face of those in JP who said they couldn't get one and those in EN who left and are now happy to have one.
It's like Vox saying you can leave at any time when it's clear there's a waiting queue to graduate.

>> No.71826053

Not a single Nijisanji talent, past or present, actually has a play button in their possession. You can ask, but the answer will always be no. This faggot's bullshitting and making it sound like nobody actually wanted their own play button.

>> No.71826083

>there's a waiting queue to graduate
Where did you hear that?

>> No.71826104
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>> No.71826176

none of these clips mention asking for the play button besides one where they lost it and didn't reorder
The fact that "we lost it" is their excuse and not a flat out "no" just gives evidence that asking for the button is an option

>> No.71826186

>You can ask, but the answer will always be no
How do you know that it's always no?

>> No.71826204


>> No.71826249
File: 53 KB, 672x462, MNpuVB5IJ4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't even use this anymore, sister...

>> No.71826316

You're insane if you think Gundou, Mysta, Selen, or hell even FINANA wouldn't ask for their play button.

>> No.71826346

Here's your (You)

>> No.71826351

How do you know they haven't?

>> No.71826418

>Actually gaslighted into thinking they wouldn't ask.
It's not even taking the one in the office. It's less than 200$ for a copy that YT sents to you.
Holo literally has one for the office and one for each talent.
There are zero excuses.

>> No.71826429

It's a shame. He was a good guy before Niji.

>> No.71826441
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Because Kuro claimed he's wanted a play button since he was 8, Doki claimed she just received her first ever play button, and Gundou bitched about it at length?

>> No.71826443

Lmao, what a strategy. Is this what you're reduced to?
How do you know I'm not Luca confirming all this?

>> No.71826472

And where did they said that they actually asked about it?

>> No.71826488
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>> No.71826494

I've just been asking questions.

>> No.71826505

How many of the talents even know you can get a copy?

>> No.71826528

>This is what nijisisters are resorting to

>> No.71826540

You're being retarded on purpose aren't you?

>> No.71826544

Are you telling me that in 6 years, not a single one of the 264 organs who worked for Nijisanji ever thought to ask for their play button, or for a copy, or to pay for their own spare, not even the most narcissistic of their vtubers?

>> No.71826570

What? It's a genuine question.

>> No.71826599

Doki and Kuro have both confirmed they do considering that Doki's buying spares and letting chat name them.
Claude also outed that he knows they can get extras because he mentioned that he can still claim them after dropping below 100k.

>> No.71826616

It's a genuinely retarded question.

>> No.71826619

How do I know you're not a retard who's coping?

>> No.71826633

Answer the question.
Yes I find it believable that people who have been conditioned within the company to be drone and to listen to whatever they're told to do and mindbroken to believe that they're nothing without Niji are not going to do anything that can be seen as insubordination or opposing to their handlers.

>> No.71826639

so 100+ liver organs but no one asked? kek.
when Vox stream nijidrone

>> No.71826652

It's funny that almost the whole clique is laying low.

>> No.71826681

Yeah, I'm retarded, but I'd rather ask about things than just blindly believe in something. I do appreciate the answers.
You can believe what you like, I have no influence over you.

>> No.71826696

So the people who were excited about their first play button never asked once? Fuck off retard

>> No.71826749

>Yeah, I'm retarded, but I'd rather ask about things than just blindly believe in something
They already answered to you.
>Not a single Nijisanji talent, past or present, actually has a play button in their possession

>> No.71826753

Answer the question, when did any of them say they actually pushed to get theirs?

>> No.71826826

...why would any of them ever admit that on stream? That's a great way to get zaion'd.

>> No.71826830

>when did any of them say they actually pushed to get theirs?
Why the fuck would they need to "push" to get their play buttons? Do they need to overcome a series of challenges?

>> No.71826882

Mysta flat out said "They still won't send me a fucking plaque, man."

>> No.71826905

There are ways to say something without spelling it out to the 60 IQ crowd, retardnigger.
So can you actually answer the question or not, it's very simple.

>> No.71826984

This is about as far as you're going to get from an official statement.

>> No.71827059

Anon, your question is fucking retarded. We now for a fact that they can't get the play buttons because they have talked openly about it. They wouldn't have said so in the first place if they didn't ask for them at least once. So, back to your retarded question:
Why would they need to "push" to get their play buttons? Do they need to overcome a series of challenges?

>> No.71827061

It's very simple not to be a Black Company but the world works in mysterious ways

>> No.71827081

>>71825045 >>71825082 >>71825147 >>71826249 >>71826488 >>71826639
Kek, and yet you all replied

>> No.71827103

Am I older than Kuro? Shit…

>> No.71827128

does that mean Vox will stream now sister? kek.

>> No.71827132

>It's still in the mail

Why would he say this if it was just going to Anycolor HQ anyway? He sounds more frustrated with Youtube being slow as fuck to send it than Anycolor keeping it.

>> No.71827194

Nijisisters come right out of Nineteen Eighty-Four.

>> No.71827225
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forgot to include this part.
With this energy in mind, why is he so happy for this? Clearly he cares about the plaque, and yet this is still his first that he's so excited for?

>> No.71827342

Seriously. Whyshould Niji get to hoard these playbuttons by default? It's comically evil to not give them their YouTube award unless they grovel hard enough.

>> No.71827351

>The absolute status when Silver buttons have offically become a nijiyab only by existing.
Riku will need to give TTT their 3D at this point to even be able to show his face in America. And he will still be memed as a shitlord.

>> No.71827427

Funny thing, most companies don't give them by default either. But they buy a copy for their talents, which is the same and costs cheap change for a corpo.
It's gaslighting. "You are only worth as a Nijisanji propriety, not as a person. If you leave you are worth nothing".

>> No.71827446

I hope he enjoys his unplanned two week vacation.

>> No.71827456
File: 1.13 MB, 1188x646, firefox_Y3aT5Z5NxD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We don't even have to share! We didn't even need to ask, either!

>> No.71827479

He said that six days ago and has continued streaming since.

>> No.71827538

Fine, ignore that sentence. The post then becomes:
>Not a single Nijisanji talent, past or present, actually has a play button in their possession. This faggot's bullshitting and making it sound like nobody actually wanted their own play button.
The idea that nobody wanted it is very easily proven false. That is what's wrong with what he is saying.

>> No.71827541

Cool, but when was the VOD privated? Because that's when the suspension starts.

>> No.71827564

it wasn't privated dumbass

>> No.71827632

Cool, but what if it was and then unprivated?

>> No.71827639

this mindbroke nijifag

>> No.71827649

funny thing is, 100k subs was historically the cut-off for getting 3D; if that's still in effect Kunai still isn't there and based on her recent sub growth rate she's still almost 2 years away from that
she actually has a play button though

>> No.71827692
File: 132 KB, 463x453, 1697398973387075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if i fucked youre mom

>> No.71827780

Do you guys ever think you might take vtubers a bit too seriously?

>> No.71827934

Cool, but did she enjoy it?

>> No.71827995
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>> No.71827997


>> No.71828322

Probably from the multiple branchwide mass graduations where the company literally releases a graduation schedule months in advance with one graduation planned every roughly 5 weeks.

>> No.71828922

>gets btfo
>y-you replied!
Were you just pretending to be retarded or what

>> No.71828993
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>> No.71829056

It really is funny how hard Kunai knee capped herself

You can really tell she's already disillusioned

>> No.71829066

Isnt that the great country of Taiwan? The legetimate country that is a real country and not anything else?

>> No.71829210

Many of them already have a playbutton, just not a personal Niji one lmao

>> No.71829252

It's the Republic of China, actually.

>> No.71830022


>> No.71830287

hell, they got 2 (two) for the twins

>> No.71831555

Obviously it's different for JP livers, they can visit the office whenever so why would anyone waste money and time getting two shitty plastic squares? EN seems to have the option to get one sent to them but again who wants that piece of plastic really?

>> No.71831876

All liver organs can ask, but Anycolor will simply refuse.

>> No.71831988

Technically it's wood covered in metal.
The "real" ones are solid, but the spares are cheapy.

>> No.71832047

>option to get one sent to them
Pathetic cope nijisister.
All the ex-livers were very happy when they finally received their playbutton. Why? Because they can't get them even if they ask in Nijisanji.

>> No.71832092

That mask is so stupid. Niji designs are dogshit.

>> No.71832235

>but again who wants that piece of plastic really
Two ex Niji EN talents were recently overjoyed after receiving their buttons. They clearly wanted them.

>> No.71832258

yet kuroe gets praised for her shitty mask. Fuck off holotribalist

>> No.71832273

Oh you mean the drama queens? Yeah I wonder why they went out of their way to mention how much they fr fr wanted a play button all their lives no cap even though they never mentioned it once before.

>> No.71832449

Seethe more, Nijishitter

>> No.71832460

>they never mentioned it once before
You clearly don't watch streams.
Jesus christ.
This is almost as bad as that time you tried to turn /haha/ against doki because she's a male collaber.

>> No.71832485

How long until Nijisisters shift from play buttons don't matter to the company having livers doesn't matter?

>> No.71832508

Wow, you are so far gone, that -700 drop and Vox not streaming must have mindbroken you beyond repair. Keep yelping your whimpers, I guess.

>> No.71832514

dear god that's an ugly model

>> No.71832589

>drama queens
who? that pignoy millie? chink enna? or the clique queen elira?

>> No.71832621

I'm not the one crying because of a piece of plastic lol

>> No.71832644

>How long until Nijisisters shift from play buttons don't matter to the company having livers doesn't matter?
thats why they are called "liver" anon

>> No.71832674

Cool argument bro

>> No.71832689

>I'm not the one crying because of a piece of plastic lol
yeah you are definitely crying here sister,we can see it

>> No.71832727

They already do. They claimed that losing selen and zaion was just cutting the fat and that they were liabilities anyways.

>> No.71832749

well we gotta support uki right sister?

>> No.71835394

Do you even know where you are?

>> No.71836160

Actions speak louder than words. Almost as if certain people are scared of leaking something if they were to stream...

>> No.71836333
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>if they just fucking asked

>> No.71836694

Dramasitters, we won!

>> No.71836972

Anon the talents didn't earn those play buttons. Anykara did. They belong to Anykara of you want one you have to ask Anykara. Anykara probably tells them to fuck off its well within line of how they operate.

>> No.71837573

I hate and love this whore.

Shakamata's mask is so good everyone wanted a mask themselves after seeing it.

>> No.71838312

when I'm finished plaping her cunny, which will be never

>> No.71841238

did he not ask?
the purple text in picrel makes it look like he didn't get his

>> No.71841289

>they COULD ask
Here’s the thing, YouTube will literally send you more if you ask them (see: fuwamoco).
There is no reason for anycolor to only hoard one, or to “lose” any. They can ask YouTube for more than one. They can’t ask them to send another. But they don’t.
It’s not just for money but because they want that control over their talent. They don’t want to actually reward them or make them feel like they contributed. It belongs to the company.
Sure, they *COULD* just fucking ask. Maybe they do fucking ask. Ask doesn’t mean that they can get it.

>> No.71841366

No in fact he says Anycolor deserves to keep it.

>> No.71841369

>>71841289 (me)
*they (anycolor) can just ask them (YouTube) to send another.

>> No.71843110

They're vtubers. If it boosts their egos, why wouldn't they want it?

>> No.71843289

Is that meant to be a play button, or piece of paper with the photo of the play button?

>> No.71844186

Did he private it after he asked?

>> No.71845312

Sister, thank u again for defending me once again. I cannot thank u enough. But u have to stop, I can only coom so much in a day. your words have reverberated my deek so many times today. I might have to log off for today. Tomorrow though. Tomorrow I will cum back to stream. Tomorrow.

>> No.71848672

Are you projecting that you never made your parents proud by never winning any medals/accolades?

Are you gatekeeping your oshi, because you are too bitter you never achieved much in your childhood?

All those subscribers they shed blood, sweat, tears, and maybe cum to earn. And you don't think they deserve a tangible keepsake for nostalgia?

>> No.71853958
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>> No.71854366

Uh, did THEY

>> No.71854474
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>> No.71855563

Anycolor just refusing to give them their buttons or a copy of it is so fucking cartonish evil it's just loops from funny to sad.
Would be funny if someone writes about it to youtube and for some meme magic they do decide to ship out the copies themself with riku crying "MY BUTTONS"

>> No.71856223

still lmaoing

>> No.71857313

Mysta talked about it during his graduation streams that he actually filed his resignation months before Nina but he had to finish all the remaining projects before being allowed to leave.

>> No.71858116

Get fucked niji

>> No.71862298


>> No.71862643
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>> No.71865939


>> No.71868248
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>> No.71869066
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I like how he manages to stop himself from asking why no other company does this.

Save maybe Wactor - making sure the talent feels worthless without the company was kind of their MO too.

>> No.71869306

Are those buttons actually made of silver?
Who is to say Riku aint melting them down and taking it to someone to make something fancy out of it?
Some gold and silver decorations for his Yacht.

>> No.71869844
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>immediate NDF seethe
You love to see it.

>> No.71870263


>> No.71872739


>> No.71872915

According to Clod Cumsuck, Mysta just didn't "fucking ask" hard enough clearly :^)

>> No.71873047

Don't know about the silver ones, but I saw a video of a guy cutting his gold play button in half, buying another one, then cutting it in half too. Apparently the first one is solid gold, but all replacements are plywood coated in gold.

>> No.71873197

Am I retarded or is Kunai SunnySplosion

>> No.71873452

qrd on the vox stream? wtf did he do?

>> No.71873487

Look at the dates. Vox has been gone longer than Gura.

>> No.71873685

Yep, that's her.

>> No.71873794
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>Why is water wet? Why is fire hot?

>> No.71873861

>Haha, just ask.
>Its ok, none of the nearly 200 people thought about asking. Not a single one really wanted the play button, you know, streamers are totally not ego driven, so having a button like this at home would be just a hassle, its why nobody asks...
Holy sour grapes man. This is on a whole new level.

>> No.71873998

Lmao, welcome to corpo culture. The worker clearly does not own anything, its not their talent that brings in the views/money, its the grace of the company that allowed them to work. So ofc its the company that will get the plaques, they own the talents and the IPs after all!

>> No.71874912

Niji found the perfect hire with Claude. A cog in the machine that will accept the bare minimum treatment, and even less, and just chug along working for the top brass

>> No.71874983

you dun goofed. use catbox or pomf2 next time.

>> No.71875882
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>> No.71876170


>> No.71876354


>> No.71878175


>> No.71878360

qrd on streamable yab?

>> No.71880854

They keep taking down videos for no reason.

>> No.71881011

>I'd never get 100k subs on myown
>meanwhile hit TTT wavemate Kunai who got 100k on her own but will never reach 100k in nijisanji

>> No.71881358

Even dexerto is making fun of u... why even life...

>> No.71881476

Anon, just ouf curiosity what do you think
>> Ibrahim: Well wasn't there a way you could get another one if you lose it?
>> Kazaki: No

>> No.71881879

Guess it wasn't written by Ducky then

>> No.71882717
File: 145 KB, 356x256, [laughter stops].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait what the fuck, THAT's what happened to Sunny? Damn. I guess that explains why she privated all her shit...
I'd only just started getting into her content right before she left, too. You're telling me I have to wait like 2 years for her contract to expire until I can watch her old Skarner gameplay again? This fucking sucks man

>> No.71882870

Enjoy Niji experience anon. I'm sorry.

>> No.71883116

It's an obvious and extremely flimsy lie directly contradicting countless testimonies from people with bigger channels that were in the company longer.
In other words, it's an obvious attempt at shilling on behalf of nijisanji. Why is he shilling on behalf of nijisanji, and why did he choose to shill by picking this petty gripe specifically and with such a bad lie? There's really no good answer.

But since WE know he's lying, HE must also know that he's lying, so that makes the emphatic and impassioned delivery of the lie stand out even more. He wasn't just lying, he was putting a lot of effort into performing emotions he did not feel just to try and make his lie seem more convincing. Like what the fuck is any of this for?

>> No.71883541

Nice, Jill got the tail

>> No.71884032

1 year plus however long it takes her to finish any ongoing projects at the time. assuming she won't get mindbroken by the "YOU'RE OUR WORTHLESS FUCKING SLAVE, YOU'RE NOTHING WITHOUT US" work environment and actually decides to leave ASAP.

>> No.71885905

I don't think she'd fold over that. Her previous channel has more than double of her actual subs.

>> No.71889261

>no reason
You know why

>> No.71890714
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You can make excuses all you want, but you are still NOT getting your play button.

>> No.71890988
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Top kek

>> No.71894285

>click streamable link
>This video is not available

>> No.71894448


>> No.71894534
File: 366 KB, 1300x1700, GArLqCqa8AAiPrG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just noticed the streamable link is dead now too, what the fuck?

>> No.71894587

Why are all the comments on the stream just
Do femcels really type like this lmao

>> No.71894620

Okay okay so OP was a retard.
The OG clip was privated, not the stream.
Still, can we briefly laugh at how that clipper believed they were doing a good job defending Niji?
They watched the same thing as we did and actually thought "HELL YEAH, HE OWNED THE HATERS".

>> No.71894746

>The OG clip was privated, not the stream.
that's even worse

>> No.71894838

Why do Nijis even make retarded comments like this. They know they’ll get the vod taken down or stealth suspended. And don’t they have to pay or something when they get suspended? You’d think that’d be a good incentive to stop fueling the fire with this shit.

>> No.71894865

>clips are being deleted
will they attack false again

>> No.71894919

There are no tard wranglers. It's just a bunch of indies under a banner.

>> No.71894924

i love how literally ALL their attempts at damage control backfire and turn into memes

>> No.71895009
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What is even the point of deleting clips that're in-line with your rules? Is Niji a black company or something?

>> No.71895043
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>clips are getting deleted
>the mods are back at the subreddit

>> No.71895106

Intern is working overtime.

>> No.71895173

Didn't the leaked niji contract literally say that all awards to the talent would be kept by the company?

>> No.71895184

>This video isn't available anymore

>> No.71895189

Wait a fucking minute. Is his name really Claude Clawmark?

>> No.71895258

They named a nigga Bandage, what do you think

>> No.71895448

Rent free holocuck

>> No.71895490

Spread the word:

>> No.71895522

Except we also know that's not entirely true, as people who've won some things (namely Apex tourneys) have gotten their prizes. Eternal Second Placer Lightning Gae Bolg Revolver "Revolver" Kanae has shown off a few over the years.

That's what makes the whole thing so confusing.

>> No.71895582
File: 95 KB, 268x252, 1697552092236938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're all so stupid lmao

>> No.71895873

>implying manesans wont delete this too
Bigger retard, you should know better as a Pomudachi.

>> No.71895986

Elira pushed Selen to suicide and still didn't get hers.
Kotoka pushed Zaion under the bus and didn't get hers either.

>> No.71896340

Its a Sister, they are basically just skinwalking Pomu to give themselves a more appealing face.

>> No.71896437

Imagine if he gets stealth suspended for "spreading lies about nijisanji"

>> No.71896707

I shouldve noticed by the 169, my apologies to all 'dachis.

>> No.71896987

Kanae is very big as a talent though. I'm sure he could negotiate whatever contract he wanted. Kuzuha as well. English are second class citizens in niji though so it seems unlikely they could negotiate that. If also it is true why havent any Japanese talents shown their play buttons at home?

>> No.71897353

The only way I can see things making sense is that prizes have to be given out, but commendations don't. Which makes some degree of sense but is still insane to me.

>> No.71897539

weakest comeback ever

>> No.71899110

this. All pomudachi left to greener pastures. Lazu thread, holo threads, lig, haha. All the "pomudachi" in /nijien/ are larping sisters.

>> No.71899433

*yt-dlp's behind you*
nothing personell kid

>> No.71900295

He didn't say anything wrong. If all female vtuber watching trannies like you died tomorrow this hobby would be so drastically improved overnight it's not even funny.

>> No.71900702

Talents can always ask for their play buttons.
And if they can't, it's not that bad.
And if it is, then they're just worthless plaques they wouldn't want anyway.
And if they do want those plaques, that's not our fault.
And if it was, we didn't mean it.
And if we did, they don't deserve them.

>> No.71900812

So this guy didn't like Selen then

>> No.71901016

of course not
he's a hanamori clique member

>> No.71902158

>mayor of Taipei
Is it still the based surgeon dude?

>> No.71902497

japs love sucking riku's dick so much

>> No.71902776

the sudden "hmmm" comments... but damn is he that brainwashed or did they put a gun to his head to say that

>> No.71903321

can confirm, left that dumpsterfire and moved on to enjoying some small vtubers instead

>> No.71903722

>but damn is he that brainwashed
He had 20 viewers.

>> No.71903814

They've been doing that with Vivi lately too.

>> No.71904335

he basically sold his soul to the company

>> No.71908217
File: 98 KB, 256x350, 1704449500600820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>VOD privated
did he finally figure out that he was talking out of his ass kek

>> No.71912341

4 days ago

>> No.71912895


>> No.71917758

Management did

>> No.71917863

Proof that Nijis have asked if they can keep the play button but was rejected by Niji.
Supposedly Niji say that it's a group achievement that's why it belongs in the office.
These are NijiJP saying that. Chaika and Tsukino Mito.

Claude is lying of his rocker.

>> No.71919895

Why are nijiniggers always full of shit?

>> No.71919961
File: 2.90 MB, 252x261, 1661784453130594.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice that coping anon hasn't responded to this post? He doesn't want the receipts pulled up and show how fucking retarded he is.

>> No.71921128

Sounds cool in Chinese.

>> No.71922938


>> No.71925988

jesus anykuro really trying to nuke the truth

archive >>71876170

>> No.71930293


>> No.71930676

Anycolor stocks still going up, cope and seethe.

>> No.71930986

>But look at how much money our ceo is making

>> No.71931066

Still needs to break 3000 ceiling. If they don't break it before the Q4 reports that's terrible.
Stock bros if you're going to buy and play Anycolor stocks, play it now but cautiously. Check 5 minute interval for quick plays.
Mid-long term bros not really recommended to buy for now.

>> No.71935227

By the way they're going they'll break it by the end of next week. Can't believe he got bailed out. They're gonna fold in Q4 but I wanted this collapse to last longer

>> No.71936122

They got bailed out by multiple factors
>Halted sales
>Collapse just before weekend to give time for investors to calm down
>Buy ins are "cheap" so new investors who have not seen yabs will buy the dip and ride
The people that sold all of their stocks and caused it to hit the breakers are gone and won't come back so all they have are new rubes to fleece while the getting is good... atleast till the next major YAB

>> No.71936192

>CCV is down
>Supas nonexistent
>Chuubas insufferable and constantly memed on by the majority of the vtuber fandom
> "Look at our stocks LOL"
Go back to /Biz/ faggot

>> No.71937939

They closed at 3140 last Thursday, right before the Q3 results were published. 7 calendar days and 4 business days later, the close is 2700.

They've only recovered just over a third of what they lost in the first five minutes of Friday trading, and they need to get to at least 2940 just to be high enough not to drop below that nadir again. Today's close was +70 over yesterday's close, but only +6 over today's open, which is probably not good news for the traders not in the "buy during after hours trading and then sell around 10am the next business day" crowd.
I'm not a stonks expert, but I do not expect tomorrow to be significantly better for Anycolor than today was.

>> No.71940094

Censorship-keks, what is our response?

>> No.71940388
File: 35 KB, 875x783, Tulip Moment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijisanji fans and their tulips

>> No.71940632

Vezalius my beloved. The only French being I like.

>> No.71942463
File: 1.20 MB, 1440x4069, Screenshot_20240321-172034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71942649

>0.5 Finanas for the Bandaid man
>beneath even Aia
I get that it’s a guerilla, but holy fuck. Also, Luca not being terminated really gets the cogs a turnin’

>> No.71942742

>others wonder if Iwanaga-san took some with him when he left
Glad that his idol shit and Blast Project flopped hard. Fuck that guy.

>> No.71944375

That one nigga really love streaming huh

>> No.71944553

Not a single one pulling 10 Fnn.
That is grim indeed

>> No.71946473

Management had to tard wrangle, at this stage...

>> No.71946517

Which small corpo is this?

>> No.71946800

What are you gonna do, cry to the Jannies about it?

>> No.71946983
File: 510 KB, 1080x2073, Screenshot_20240313_181651_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't this the report made by the Nijibootlicker-in-chief?

>> No.71947201
File: 974 KB, 1592x771, FZG1zI7WYAIDfYP.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck. I never made the connection. What a colossal downgrade in every sense if the word. She threw away a terrific model and indie career for this dogshit company. And now Doki is quintessentially taking up the mantle she burned as a bootstrap go-getting indie 4view with a dedicated following. What tragicomedic pottery.

>> No.71948811

I haven't followed, any livers asked and received since he said that?

>> No.71949104

New wave soon

>> No.71950992

Kotoka got a popular Hololive talent fired. And she's stuck in NijiEn. They didn't even give her a reward for ma84R8GTking Yagoo sad.

>> No.71951559

anon the author's name is in the screenshot

>> No.71951796

Luxim owns a board member, who happens to be head of AnyColors vtuber division. MPJA

>> No.71951849

Gura has streamed more in two months than vox and elira combined

>> No.71952402

There's no way he wanted one when he was 8, the play button didn't exist until 12 years ago.

>> No.71953802

He wants us to take him seriously when his name is Claude Clawmark?

>> No.71954298
File: 532 KB, 1280x720, image_2024-03-21_154846868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71954564

I have a vewy gweat fwiend in Nijisanji called 'Claude Clawmark'

>> No.71954932

why can't nijiniggers ever shut up?

>> No.71954974

What is his wife's name?

>> No.71955480

Elira Pendora

>> No.71958126


>> No.71958983

because the prizes he recieved comes from other vtubers name hal in this case
nijis can technically get those since anycolor doesnt consider those real awards

>> No.71962056

Better question is why so many Nijiniggers talk like actual niggers, Kyo being the worst example obviously but others do it too.

It's not charming, it makes you sound like a retard.

>> No.71962878

I'm pretty sure when your boss takes YOUR trophy that YOU earned and displays it in HIS office, that asking is way off the table.
