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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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71798864 No.71798864[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

didnt she tried to attempt herself

>> No.71798904

Attempt to lie?


>> No.71798911

with such devote fans, it's enough to occupy Paris if she ask

>> No.71798980

thats still 5x finananas

>> No.71798992

It's cute that she's streaming a game featuring her future job.

>> No.71799191

She's gonna be fine as Vtuber.

>> No.71799614

She uses Nazuna to try and run away from the absolutely crazy mafusisters. She still needs to pay rent after all.

>> No.71799685


>> No.71799797

After you, OP

>> No.71799952

yeah after i done with her you can have a turn anon

>> No.71799953

>borderline 3view
what went wrong bros?

>> No.71800246

Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

>> No.71800571

How much is a Finana? What stream did this joke come from?

>> No.71800616

Actually crazy that she maintains two separate vtuber personas. Does she treat them as separate entities or does she just switch whenever she catches heat?

>> No.71800629
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Do your reps.

>> No.71800665
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>> No.71800677

she's not like you who wallows in their depression anon

>> No.71800697


>> No.71800735

3 personas, even. Mikeneko has a little sister that talks trash about her, as a form of self criticism, I guess

>> No.71800980
File: 388 KB, 638x598, 1710841457148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gonna do WHAT?

>> No.71801026

Anon she only has so many eggs left and clock is ticking.

>> No.71801027

>voluntarily going to the pagpag muncher thread
no thank you

>> No.71801149

It was from a joke thread here and it started taking off after feesh kept obviously posting /here/ and antagonizing everyone. Anyway a Finana is 300 ccv

>> No.71801317

i agree, /#/ is a joke thread

>> No.71801415 [DELETED] 

Then stop asking to be spoonfed on how much is a Finana, you stupid inbred retard.

>> No.71801686

Anon, her eggs already expired

>> No.71801776

It's not that crazy, active Holos do it too. Plus as far as I've always understood, they are on different platforms (youtube vs twitch), so it's pretty easy to separate since the people who consume someone's content on one site or the other is different even for a creator who is the same person on both platforms.

>> No.71801882

have you seen her mikeneko streams? her chat has become radioactive and is a toxic waste dump. she streams on other personas to get away from the mafufags

>> No.71801962
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Not /#/'s fault that your oshi can't pull the numbers, even if to save their life.

>> No.71802089

you're right, i should choose my oshi based on who has the biggest noombers, like a true filipino numberCHAD

>> No.71802112

is this from one of those "where are they now" videos? well at least shes a checkout bitch and not a greeter at a supermarket, checkout bitches i respect slightly more.

>> No.71802162
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>> No.71802169

Is Mike the mick Foley of vtubers

>> No.71802194
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>> No.71802240

Can this bitch just fuck off already? I'm sick of being reminded she exists. How many more times does she have to tell her fans she's a lying manipulative cunt before they stop giving her money?

>> No.71802247
File: 214 KB, 1280x720, 1646864841154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this crazy bitch keeps popping up when I least expect to provide entertainment even years after the fact

>> No.71802272

I don't think I'm underage enough to understand this reference

>> No.71802306

Michael is about as trustworthy and respectable as Mel Nekomata at this point, who cares

>> No.71802341

hey it look like she got a promotion

>> No.71802349

Every vtuber are manipulative whores the difference is Mike is honest about it

>> No.71802378

How the fuck is she honest?

>> No.71802425

She was literally the most deceptive one OF ALL TIME, OF ALL TIME, it's literally, LITERALLY the reason she's going through all this, the fuck are you on with "honest"

>> No.71802459

delusional anti

>> No.71802462

If Mafu never told us he's married with a menhera, she would never confess.

>> No.71802472
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Got ya good didn't I?

>> No.71802479

I'll give her this, women knows how to flip the switch.

>> No.71802502

>I was pretending

>> No.71802534

I was, only retard would believe Mike is an honest woman of moral values. It's not my fault you believed it enough to bite.

>> No.71802579

Considering there are fandead/nekofam who actively believe that, no, you "pretending" to be retarded is not a "gotcha" it's just flat out retarded.

>> No.71802648

Fishman please do the funny thing

>> No.71802661

You bit it because you're a retard that can't tell a troll post from a genuine post due to your history of shit posting on this board I get it you're retarded.

>> No.71802683

You done retard?

>> No.71802696


>> No.71802783

Even then why can't you allow people to enjoy who they want to enjoy? Imagine being a seething unicorn hating on other unicorns who don't partake in your Mike neko hate train. Faggots like you is what's wrong with the vtuber fanbase. Get fucked retard

>> No.71802805

can nijiniggers stop harassing random people just because their talents are in trouble.
Whatever Michael's problem is, it's private and shouldve never been brought to public. She may be a menhera but the problem she created for herself and her ex-.husband is theirs to tackle, not the publics.
Whereas bullying on a corporate scale does concern the fans of the talents and the hobby in general, a menhera fight between two people is does not concern the fans or public. That's just straight up celeb gossip shit (e.g. Johnny Depp Amber Heard), which shouldnt be part of this hobby.

>> No.71802836

Is that all you can say? crying isn't going to uncuck you, you want to talk about her without someone dissing your bitch fine, take it to /jp/

>> No.71802883

Is it prime time in Jakarta? Is this what you do over there after work? Go home to log on 4chan to spread rumors about people you don't like? What a sad life you live.

>> No.71802945

Your mask is slipping, cuckfami. You were somewhat believable but it's pretty obvious now that you weren't trolling at all.

>> No.71802960

Nijiniggers like this guy need to keep the hate going as long it distracts from Nijisanji being a shithole and hes not even being paid>>71802579

>> No.71802972
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>> No.71803045

Sure, faggot I'm really hurt some Jakartan manlet thinks I'm a rushia fan because I asked a logical question. I'll ask it again why can't you let other enjoy who they want to enjoy? If a bunch of cuck faggots wants to support her who the fuck cares is their fucking money not yours. Worry about why you're in the prime of your life single. Instead of worrying about what anon A and anon B do with their money.

>> No.71803072

one of her biggest gachikoi is one of the mods who is using an alt account to mod for her

>> No.71803080

Why would a SEA care what timezone it is for another SEA? you gave yourself away cuckfam,

>> No.71803082

Just leave her alone already asshole

>> No.71803094

What is the abbreviation?
Fin? Fnn?

>> No.71803106

Her entire life is literally layers upon layers of deception and subterfuge.

>> No.71803121

You're mad because someone insulted your little whore princess and you responded by insulting literally every vtuber while putting your whore above everyone else.
Your alignment is obvious.

>> No.71803190

You guys give nijisanji too much credit by calling everyone you don't like nijiniggers. There's no way there's that many nijiniggers left

>> No.71803218

i think he visits these threads too, keep an eye out for wex something or other

>> No.71803305

I'm mad? You're the one mad I'm not shitting on Mike enough. Get fucked retard and take a fucking shower you fucking Indonesian pig.

>> No.71803357
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The timeline where she stayed in VShojo would have been weird.

>> No.71803356

Yes you are mad that people don't like mikewhore. It's hilarious how you completely stopped pretending that you were trolling.

>> No.71803593

I wipe my ass with what you think. Keep crying about mike. Mike wins she made you seethe via the form of me, pagpagman.

>> No.71803633

But you're the one seething.

>> No.71803700
File: 235 KB, 540x304, cope and seethe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the one who still responding to me like a scorn woman because i didn't shat on another woman enough. I bet you're a fuwamoco fan aren't you? Only a retard would keep up this long.

>> No.71803713

The length of your posts indicates that you're mad as fuck.

>> No.71804098


>> No.71804456

The irony of the Indonesian insults in the thread is she did have one Indonesian fanschizo who owns an account that has one of her old subaccount handles

>> No.71804673

huh whats the point just do it as himself

>> No.71804785

To make it look like she doesn't play favorites.

>> No.71804860

mikey has some dumbass turn around logic when everyone else already sees through her bullshit lmao

>> No.71804916

Anyone who is seething in this thread really has no right to call anyone else a menhera

>> No.71805056

to make it look like she's not just focusing on him i guess? he's one of the guys who spends at least $500 per stream

>> No.71805066

>why are you working? Aren't you supposed to be dying?

You're a bunch of hypocritical faggots. Just because someone attempted suicide doesn't mean they don't need money

>> No.71805134

dying is easy just starve to death

>> No.71805171

why are they giving 500 bucks to a married woman who killed her cat by banging it against a door?

>> No.71805219

like oshi like fanbase, he's as mentally ill as she is
