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71759173 No.71759173 [Reply] [Original]

Help me /vt/, Lumi is not really gay right? It's all a bit for stream, she isn't really confused about her own sexuality when she's talking to other women. Isn't she supposed to be a good Christian girl? Were we deceived? Please help me.



>> No.71759518

she seems like an awful person IRL and not even in an attractive way

>> No.71759762

you already posted this, kill yourself

>> No.71760602

Seriously, how powerful is her gfe to have people act like this?

>> No.71761736

I just think she’s bisexual but her Baptist upbringing refuses to acknowledge it.

>> No.71762023

I don't think braindamaged leftists like yourself can coherently define what is attractive.

>> No.71763468

>Please help me
Lumi is a mental case because of her childhood abuse. She wants intimacy, but is too broken to ever have it, so she substitutes it with being yuri even though she loathes it.

>> No.71763475

kill your self

ofc not

but kill your self

>> No.71763680

New rrat: Cyberlive imploded due to a lover's quarrel between Lumi and Dora.

>> No.71763842

>she seems unpleasant
>only because you aren't a /pol/faggot like me seething roastie
kinda proving the point aren't you retard

>> No.71763922

she seems like the best, most cutest and awesome person IRL, and in a VERY attractive way, but ok

>> No.71764112

then why does she attract niggers like this so regularly >>71762023

>> No.71764121

>Don't appreciate femininity
>You have to love ugliness like I do
Fuck off mate.

>> No.71764422
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I choose to believe that.

>> No.71765478

I thought it imploded due to Lumi trying to sabotage the other women's careers.

>> No.71765955

"Encouraging competition" is not "Sabotage" no matter how salty ungrateful bitches get about it.

>> No.71767239

She pushed for her own ideas at the expense of others.

>> No.71768089

She was left holding the bag for an absent management. She had to try and motivate the others, but they were cunts about it.

>> No.71768326

Coni won

>> No.71770411


>> No.71772889

An idol gfe

>> No.71776278

Kaneko “I’m not gay I just enjoy women” Lumi

>> No.71779367


>> No.71781195

Watch her stream

>> No.71783479
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just going by demographic data on political affiliations, that anon, based on what they said, is extremely likely to be white or Asian. and if you're a liberal, it's most likely you're black. not saying there isn't outliers and exceptions, but that is what the data reflects.

>> No.71784260

This is what I heard. Is there somewhere to get the deeplore on all of this shit or do I need to quit my job and spend a year reimersing myself ito the imageboards to learn through osmosis? It was really hard to crawl out but I was dumb enough to do it at the start of 2021 so I didnt get to keep up with the relatively wholesome shit like vtubing

>> No.71785634

>Cyberlive CEO doesn't give a fuck, has his underage GF as manager
>She's a terrible despot and tyrant when she's around, usually absent
>The situation develops to the point that Lumi is made a manager
>However, Lumi is a bitch AND has a schizo doxxer as her head mod, thus everyone else doesn't really like her
>She convinces Yuri to leave with her, they're indie for a short time, around their one year anniversary of streaming, before entering Phase

>> No.71786050

You forgot the most important parts where the other girls try to save the company but Lumi stonewalls them

>> No.71786744

>Is there somewhere to get the deeplore on all of this shit or do I need to quit my job and spend a year reimersing myself ito the imageboards to learn through osmosis?
the latter. If we told you it wouldn't be fun to lord it over you as secret forbidden knowledge

>> No.71787556

Pippa groomed all the phase-connect girls into being dykes for views

both pippa and Shiina are dykes so I wouldn't be surprised if Lumi was one also

>> No.71787815
File: 1.03 MB, 835x789, Selen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71788405

Shiina has talked about fucking an anime girl body pillow and has talked about wanting to fuck other girls sorry your gfe is a dyke

also, Selen Tatsuki should have killed herself

>> No.71790492

NTA but spoil me how bad her lore is please. I was starting to get interested in watching her and I don't want to feel dirty afterwards.

>> No.71790625


>> No.71790925

>the other girls try to save the company but Lumi stonewalls them
You got that ass backwards. Lumi was doing her damnedest to encourage the other girls to give streaming their all and keep the company afloat, but when she tried to act like a leader they told her to fuck off because she had the best numbers and they were jealous bitches.

>> No.71792833

I said the pertinent parts. >>71785634

>> No.71793390

jesus dude I'm that tourist in the Hawaiian shirt with white stuff on his nose and even I've seen the catbox video of her PL

>> No.71795467

>white stuff on his nose
Semen, cocaine or sunscreen?

>> No.71797773

Neither of those things.

>> No.71799715

Surgery can fix that

>> No.71800360

You just can't handle her because she is too Stacy for you

>> No.71801673

That sucks. Is that why there is this bizzare hate boner some anons have for her? And is the whole le childhood abuse thing real or is the grooming thing just a fetish from back in ye good olde days of the late 2000s when we were 14 and everyone was handing out pics like candy

>> No.71801728

>And is the whole le childhood abuse thing real
Her mother was verbally and emotionally abusive towards her and her father neglected her emotionally.

>> No.71802173

What catbox vid?

>> No.71802277

Ofcourse the uber faggot is a Nijisister.

>> No.71803314

>bizzare hate boner some anons have for her
As one of the anons who has a hate boner for her, it's mostly because she became way sluttier after she got into phase and started sucking chinese cock for money.

>> No.71803543

No she isn't gay.
Just modern brainwashing forcing her to persuade herself she is. Forever girls have been talking to each other in lovey ways that would be gay for guys to do. Now with gay conditioning, people want to make that gay for women.

The gay agenda has been targeting 12 year olds and younger for a reason, because they're impressionable (countless studies on this). After a whole childhood of hearing about gay people, it becomes a rhetorical weapon that causes kids to wonder if they actually are--which creates an identity crisis. This why the gay community pushes so hard to expose children to their ideas, to confuse them before they know who they are.
Yes, gay people exist. But many more people are being *persuaded* that they're gay and start internalizing it because of the logical traps they fall into.

>> No.71803805
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Yeah, it's messed up. A lot of liberal women and all feminine men's favorite thing to say is "well everyone is a little" but that's another damn trap. They make it where kids can't avoid LGBT shit for their whole childhood and then when someone says they're not gay BOOM they try gaslighting them by saying that even ONE intrusive thought someone ever had is grounds for someone to be "part gay" and they try forcing people to accept that. I've seen it first hand. But they want people to make that concession because they want people to associate with their shit.

>> No.71803905

>They make it where kids can't avoid LGBT shit for their whole childhood and then when someone says they're not gay BOOM they try gaslighting them by saying that even ONE intrusive thought someone ever had is grounds for someone to be "part gay" and they try forcing people to accept that.
Disgusting. It's brainwashing.

>> No.71805281


>> No.71805792

>How is indoctrinating children disgusting?
Gee anon you tell me

>> No.71807572

Can you post proof

>> No.71809424

He doesn't have it

>> No.71809592

Go back you ban baiting tranny.

>> No.71810874 [DELETED] 

Kill her

>> No.71811417

Groomers like yourself are disgusting freaks of nature and deserve to be strung up from lamp posts.

>> No.71814129

im not a fucking Nijisister, I'm homophobic.
why the fuck would I support Niijisanji when 80% of talents are gay?

>> No.71814345

Anon, homophobes wouldn't call themselves homophobes

>> No.71814572

yes, they would

>> No.71814754
File: 782 KB, 2894x4093, kaneko lumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lumi owes me paizuri.

>> No.71817742

I'll fix her

>> No.71818325

>phase nazis cancelling one of their top talents for the crime of... not being straight
say it ain't so!

>> No.71818892

if only that was true
