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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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71549528 No.71549528 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.71550570

Good afternoon, I'm deeply deeply DEEPLY in love with Yamu and can't stop thinking about her...

>> No.71553068

So finally.

>> No.71555362

I love when she's happy

>> No.71555732
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>> No.71558945

I want to hug Yamu.

>> No.71559328
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>> No.71559608
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>> No.71559755
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>> No.71559865
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>> No.71559944
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>> No.71560178
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>> No.71560464
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>> No.71562493
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>> No.71562952
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thanks, anon
ingame it'ld look something like this

>> No.71563552

Looks nice!

>> No.71563669

Btw, did you ask some with her Wonderland dress too or do you need them?

>> No.71563869

yes! if you have some with the wonderland dress, that would be nice

>> No.71564025

>>71563869 (me)
just a 2 with happy and neutral expressions should enough

>> No.71564217

wow thas some lazy OP...

>> No.71566082

Now that you say it I should've put her links there.

>> No.71566336
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/Yamu/ - Yamu Rozenheart General


#YamuRozenheart (General)
#RozenArt (FanArt)
#Yamuhaha (Memes)


Remember to report and ignore schizos and shitters

>> No.71566376
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Yamu, if you're reading I believe this is your PC, at least the power source, MB, graphics card and processor fit with what you showed us and mentioned.

>> No.71566489 [DELETED] 

It's kind of funny that the shitter op from the other thread removed "wactor" from the op to prevent people from find it and then had to spend all night bumping his shit thread. I warned you fags that balkanizing the general was a bad idea. Not that I have anything against you guys, you're the only fandom I respect (apart from my own). Now the other general is dead and hopefully it stays that way, and I wish you guys good luck.

>> No.71566736

From what membership stream was that? I used to have the specs too but I forgot where they are

>> No.71566813

Who's your oshi?

>> No.71567113 [SPOILER] 
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what she meant with this?

>> No.71567229

I completely lost all respect I used to have for anons when I discovered 1/4 of the mosterfuckers posting here right now are just twitter/discord AWs larping as anons to earn her trust and groom her easier.
I no longer feel comfortable being here knowing that double faced motherfucker is here too thinking he's welcomed.

>> No.71567442

You talk as if anons where some kind of cult, your friends or something. How did you find this place?

>> No.71567475

The one after the cricket one.

>> No.71567561 [DELETED] 

you can add gordo pixel's room too

>> No.71567634

Then it's the first official membership stream kek. I almost forgot about that

>> No.71567781

I was here from way before and whiteness a of events these AW tourist probably don't know about. I used to believe I was surrounded with like-minded individuals that shared my same principles, maybe it was like that at some point, but it's clearly not the same anymore.

>> No.71568019

The fuck are you talking about, anon? You sound like a total newfag

>> No.71568039

When we're here we can leave behind the differences we have and just focus on her.

>> No.71568084 [DELETED] 

>muh AWs
>proceed to attention whoring shitting the thread

>> No.71568177

It'll take time to properly heal our community, I don't unwelcome newfags if they make an attempt to adhere to the culture (i.e they aren't here just to shit on us)

>> No.71568187
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Imagine the tulgey bush down there

>> No.71568361

It really used to be like that, now this place got infested with ex-guardiafaggots jumping into the wining side

>> No.71568463

Some anons may have leave but now there are 3 anons making a game, the pixel room anon, the ai anons, the love posting anons. Am I missing something?

>> No.71568579

I can't help but laugh seeing this as some nationalist anon who's complaining about inmigration KEK!

>> No.71568596

That's what I used to believe too, until I realized some fags are just using the anon label for their own selfish purposes.

>> No.71568716

Did you realize, did you dream about it or are you just a falseflagger shitter who's just bored? Name them then

>> No.71569024

It's been more than a year of nonstop fighting, can we please relax for a bit now?
I just want to make stuff for Yamu with other anons, make her happy, get some love too and be at peace.
Guardiafags and discordniggers are no more or are very debilitated, can we put the matter in the past already?

>> No.71569916

I'd ratter not be associated with a turncoat groomer faggot desu.

>> No.71570323

Maybe I'm just too friendly.

>> No.71570809

I can't force you to be here, and I can't force anyone to leave either.
If you don't want to be here anymore then you can leave, but it'll be a great disservice to that anon culture you want to keep, if you want to give up on it then I can't to anything about that.

>> No.71571504

>/xw/ dead in less than a heartbeat

>> No.71571551

>shitter comes here crying and wiping his ass on the thread
>"muh anon culture" while using the thread like a fucking discord
anons, if you want to bump the thread there are better ways than replying to niggers, you know?

>> No.71571799

You know how the wactor general gained so much force at first?
It was because mods like meidofan keep banning people without a sufficient reason, alienating member of the community and pushin them to /here/
The discord menace is dead now, don't be a retard and give it streght again by alienating people and pushing them to discord again. Making the same mistake the original discordfags did to give /wactor/ a lot of steam
If we're to be the "winning side" we have to be willing to accept the new influx of fans that come from other places. And even maybe fully convert them
I won't mention the topic anymore as this anon say. >>71571551

>> No.71572154

>like a fucking discord
And how would that be?
You seems to have a lot more knowledge about how a discord is supposed to look than me.

>> No.71572449
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Have this and stop fucking fighting.

>> No.71572464

now imagine the smell

>> No.71573291

do you that think she..

post more

>> No.71574038

Anyway in other news:
Shura's extensible got financed to at least a week long at a exchange of 1 USD to 2 minutes
Axtre may be an actual succubus

>> No.71574808

The only reason I was interested in being the "wining" side was because I don't want discordfags and other groomers having any influence into her. I tough she would be safer with anons because I tough the possibility of a groomer with bad intentions taking advantage of her was none among this group, but it seems they managed to find a way to manipulate us to achieve their selfish goals somehow. Now she's not safe here either.
This an instance where the saying "you either die as a hero or live enough to become a villain" applies.

>> No.71574906

You could have posted that in the /xw/ thread instead of letting it die like a bitch

>> No.71575120

I was kinda out, also the board is going kinda fast

>> No.71575235

>this group
>manipulate us
You are really talking as if this were your friends group, nigga I don't know you, novody know nobody /here/. If you were imagining this was your personal group of friends, you are just a delusional, lonely faggot. Now stop shitting the place and gtfu

>> No.71575364

Anon... she knows how to take care of herself...

>> No.71575381

Just keep being yourself here and they won't be able to influence her, and now more than ever since we have less external forces falseflagging and interfering with everything, if you throw in the towel you're just giving them free reign.

>> No.71575402 [DELETED] 

you and your nigger shit threads can fuck off shitter.
i'm tired of pretended that i give a flying fuck about other girls

>> No.71575468

It's yamu general

>> No.71575482

Calm down Yamusita ;... ;

>> No.71575572

You are teplying to a shitter...

>> No.71575720

Of course you wouldn't understand because tourist newfags like you have the same value in the general as falseflagging shitters.

>> No.71575815 [DELETED] 

just report the retard

>> No.71575873

You are really treating this place as if it were your discord server...

>> No.71576074

Anon please take a step back, breathe, calm down and reconsider your strategy because you're doing more harm than good to your cause right now.

>> No.71576268

Why do you waste your time in this thread where only 2 yamufags and the yamuschizo keep bumping it

>> No.71576480

How do you deal with the feeling of seeing a fag with bad intentions using and taking advantage of other fans with good intentions for his own selfish goals in front of your own eyes? The more influence the "anon" label has the closer he can get. I see no other solution than just burning the whole bridge before he can reach the goal.

>> No.71576671

dunno, you tell me. After all you cared enough to post on it.

>> No.71576818

I know what you mean and don't worry that won't happen.

>> No.71577798

and thats what happen when you make a thread on weekend when the shitters are more active and anons are touching grass.
and Yamu can't stream atm

>> No.71578521

This tread lasted way longer than I expected

>> No.71579123

It should have been created when she started the goal tho

>> No.71579747 [DELETED] 

dump all you got

>> No.71579829

I don't know on what kin of pills you are anon but aren't you overreacting? If you have some kind of proof of anything bad, you can throw them, otherwise you are just behaving like an AW over nothing

>> No.71580161

reminder that Yamu canonically hates bathing

>> No.71581195

the good stuff

>> No.71582214

so it was the retard crying like a bitch cause no one posted on his thread and shit died, LMAO

>> No.71582448

Hope Yamu knows this exist and doesn't think anons don't care about her anymore...

>> No.71582587

>faggot think she is a newfag
also if you worry that much just send her a maro.

>> No.71582992

That would be the only reason for this general to exist at this moment.

>> No.71584707

She ego searches, she doesn't put wactor in the catalog.
She was aware of the /himea/ threads from the very first one that

>> No.71586336

and the only reason that the other cancerous general lasted so long.

>> No.71587154 [DELETED] 


>> No.71589463 [DELETED] 

>some fag makes this thread when there is not nothing going on since she can't stream
>shitter shows and half of the thread is that niggers boring baits
>faggot gets told and the nigger made the other shitty thread and samefag to shit on the other girls and beg for replies
what kind of mental illness is that?

>> No.71593381

It happened just as I predicted.
Fags can only moan and complain instead of starting and maintaining discussions.

>> No.71593487

is weekend idiot, most people are touching grass and there are not Yamu streams, what the fuck you were expecting

>> No.71593732 [DELETED] 

i can't belive that Yamu didn't had a good support on White day... anons are such a liars ;_;

>> No.71594660
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>> No.71594756
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>> No.71594841
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>> No.71594937
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>> No.71595026
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>> No.71595110
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>> No.71595199
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>> No.71595284
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>> No.71595419
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little fix

>> No.71595588
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>> No.71595673
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>> No.71595782
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>> No.71595879
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>> No.71595886

good job bro!!!

>> No.71595967
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>> No.71596057
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>> No.71596140
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>> No.71596217
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>> No.71596722

Thank you, any updates btw? how is it going?

>> No.71596861

sorry, not game anon, just another yamuchad :)

>> No.71599864

Time without her is really driving me insane, I have this continuous unpleasant sensation inside my head. Is this withdrawal syndrome?

>> No.71600149


>> No.71600621

I fucking need Yamu FFFUUUUCCCCKKKK

>> No.71606389 [DELETED] 


>> No.71609238 [DELETED] 


>> No.71610730

Love Yamu

>> No.71613021 [DELETED] 


>> No.71617631 [DELETED] 

