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File: 350 KB, 1080x1633, Gaslight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
71490654 No.71490654 [Reply] [Original]

what would the steps she would take to improve her image from a mainhera?

>> No.71490891

play hollow knight

>> No.71491024

she could be dancing and singing right now if she wasn't so menhera.

>> No.71492186


>> No.71492350
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>The Cope is Real

>> No.71492842

Take a serious break from the internet and don't ego search for at least a fucking year. She needs time to cool off away from all the antis and whatever her bizarre triggers are and hopefully recharge. That should probably be the first step.

>> No.71494869

>Attempts to kill herself for the 35th time
>Back to streaming a few days later
She just doesn't learn

>> No.71498432

for goodness sake
just quit being a person on the internet if she wants to not ruin her reputation that she already ruined

>> No.71504089

Mafumafu was gaslighting you when he called himself a virgin.

>> No.71504716

he was using the same "anal doesn't count" cope that religious girls do

>> No.71504827

He got pegged?

>> No.71506436

have you seen the guy? I wouldn't be surprised if one of mike's problems during their marriage was that she had to do the fucking

>> No.71506928

I don't think they ever fucked, anon...
Or rather, she fucked, but not with him.

>> No.71508340


>> No.71508627

She's announcing her new cover: chipi chipi chapa chapa

>> No.71508762

Reminder that all the people in Japan who hate on Mikeneko called Dokibird the "Mikeneko of America." We'll I guess they are right in a way, but I would more call her the "ProJared of Japan."

>> No.71508781
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>> No.71509098

how can you go from unicorn gfe queen to secretly married + NTR + divorced + sued + overdosed

at this point her new demographics would be drama and NTR enjoyers

>> No.71509229

It really sucks that such a good character model (not the pink not Rushia one) is wasted on such a mentally ill person.

>> No.71509310

totally different context, one has serious issues, the other is a champ.

>> No.71509404

>the other is a champ
Yeah, I guess Rushia is still the most superchatted chuuba in history.

>> No.71509473

none of you even watch her in the first place

>> No.71509492

still pulling nearly 10k CCV cucks are overwhelming

>> No.71509536

>99.99% of her streams are paywalled streams
No shit
I am not funding a menhera that shits on her fans

>> No.71509539


>> No.71509551

This cuck her seeing what shit she'll pull, and readying the popcorn for it.

>> No.71509557

I jerk off to her bony thighs whenever she shows them off.

>> No.71509652

You could say the same for some IRL women as well.

>> No.71509728


>> No.71509743

Most dogshit fanbase in vtubing.

>> No.71509751

Hey bro, want to write that in English?

>> No.71509775

so pathetic it's crazy

>> No.71509780

>10k ccv
What the fuck how this possible? What is this power. God imagine if her audience were majority en.

>> No.71509917

real almond activator that

>> No.71509976

seething Mafu simp

>> No.71510019

It's the power of people showing up to throw pity at a woman who 'attempted' suicide.

>> No.71510134

you should attempt to fuck off and be quick about it

>> No.71510144

Drama baiting, her only shtick.

>> No.71510157

Qrd on the lastest drama from Michael Cat, last thing I knew was she was getting sue by the alien say they killed her cat?

>> No.71510232

a "friend" of hers tweeted out the other day that she tried to kill herself again.
She's streaming again today.

>> No.71510449

You really think you're going to get anything accurate? She did an excessive amount of medication after being kick off a project or something like that.

>> No.71510477

didn't she also lose in court or something?

>> No.71510533

Do drama fans superchat this much?

>> No.71510588

>the alien say they killed her cat?
The rumored dead cat left in her old house was actually a tiny urn with the ashes of her hamster in it that she forgot to take with her when she left. The alien refuses to give it back.

>> No.71510600

Yes, there is only 1 court case that she managed to win and it got to her head. She lost all the others and it has really been hitting her psyche

>> No.71510617

what the fuck is she doing for these people? my god

>> No.71510870

she lost 1 case you lying fuck, we don't know the results for the others yet

>> No.71510924

Thank you for correcting the record
I cant believe people still attack her when she did absolutely nothing wrong

>> No.71511089

sunk cost fallacy, and delusion. A deadly mix that parts a fool with his money like butter

>> No.71511122
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I still like her. She's cute, fun, and has a soothing voice.

>> No.71511226

That's her job

>> No.71512848

she's really a necromancer, I kneel

>> No.71512974

Money will fix her issues, right?

>> No.71513061

>jap who does not know eng
>acts like your GF in stream
>fucks someone that you don't know off
>lies to you about the situation
>milks your money each stream

yeah that is what you call a cuck

>> No.71513074

Depends what she spends it on.

>> No.71513104

She's dropped to 5k but dear god the supas keep coming. I don't see that even in some 9.5k holos

>> No.71513180

If you think you can be cucked by a vtuber then congrats, you're already a cuck.

>> No.71513728

mike is strong STRONG!!

>> No.71513845

maybe Discord Cock sucking ASMR to keep her viewers

>> No.71513917

All she had to do was not be crazy.

>> No.71513983

If she did lewd asmr her fanbase would increase tenfold
Dont give her ideas

>> No.71514075

>Mike is strong STRONG
at cock sucking right? I can tell with her experience.

>> No.71514493


>> No.71515110

She saw this cat meme

>> No.71515629


Apparently someone saying "innocent until proven guilty" is just cope now. You chuds are fucking subhuman

>> No.71516085

Trannies have never practiced nor believed in the concept of being innocent until proven guilty. KYS Tranny +1

>> No.71516270

But we have all the proof we need to conclude Mikeneko is a piece of shit of a human being
What more do you need?

>> No.71516771
File: 7 KB, 226x223, Rrats are winning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont get those ppl wtf how much cope is enough

>> No.71517528

Interesting to see the not believing victims thing flipped in terms of gender

>> No.71517958


>> No.71518332

Are delusional drones still mad about getting cucked?

>> No.71519715

She was sending secret messages and shit to her whales as Rushia, so god only knows what she's doing here.

>> No.71519934

She could stop attempting and succeed

>> No.71520478

It wasnt instant but a boiling pot of frogs for years. We knew she was in mafu's house for over two years, found them posting pictures of the same furniture, plates cups etc too.

Anyone who got through the many, MANY filters is beyond help. Do not feel sad for them, they are GONE, souls and all

>> No.71520565
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We are hiring.

>> No.71520656

Not even she is that retarded

>> No.71520776

anon it's nijiEN that's on fire, the jp part is fine.

>> No.71520856

bait or retarded
pick one

>> No.71521418

>literally positive growth on jp
just admit it, you have hateboner for niji. Riku could be saving an orphan from fire and you would think he's just pretending or something.

>> No.71521598

Picked retarded then
Impressive choice

>> No.71521840

Mafu lied about being single too btw
that was shown to be fake, keep up

>> No.71521873

Everyone knew she was a piece of shit long before the Mafu drama. And the "but she has mental illness" excuse has limits; at some point you have to be held accountable for your own actions. Unless you're female, anyway.

>> No.71521977

Crazy people don't become sane if given time to "cool off"

>> No.71522072

She an i should get married so we can both leave the internet.

>> No.71522193

dramafaggots schizoposting is not proof

>> No.71522431

She is N E V E R leaving the internet. The reason why she got terminated to begin with was because she couldn't follow this 1 simple step

>> No.71522900

Yeah you're right, all her shitty behavior she's shown in public across the years is proof. And she'll never improve because of all the dumbasses that enable that behavior.

>> No.71522978

That's not it anon, women like Rushia need a dominant man to tard wrangle them into being trad wives. Take a look a mfmf for example dude wears more make up than she does nothing manly about that. Mike needs A MAN. not a grown ass man pretending to be a girl or a little boy like mfmf

>> No.71523166

stop seething about women you don't watch

>> No.71523231

The problem with that is, a man like you describe can get better women that aren't insane...

>> No.71523398

I like crazy bitches so is worth the try

>> No.71523429

Where do you think you are?

>> No.71523464

So are you nerds just going to jerk each other off over how holier you are compared to a retarded woman on the internet or will someone give a rundown on the stream? Fucking star wars tier antis ever only complaining and never doing shit

>> No.71523826

I thought chumbies held that honour?

>> No.71524072

Nah thats the nijien fanbase. Complete subhumans that pretend to like Scarle one day and want her beheaded the next

>> No.71524222

Lately I'm thinking it's male chuuba fanbases. Women are absolutely unhinged.

>> No.71524375

Tags moral degeneration

>> No.71524389

>Complete subhumans that pretend to like Scarle one day and want her beheaded the next

Are they really that titled that she ate some cake from fucking starbucks?

>Women are absolutely unhinged.

Is that how the term "sister" started? because of how batshit insane female fans are towards male vtubers?

>> No.71524839

>Are they really that titled that she ate some cake from fucking starbucks?
Unfortunately yes. It's pretty similar to the whole Hogwarts Legacy retardation; spending money or speaking positively of <franchise> means you endorse <political headcanon drones attached to said franchise>
I didn't even know about any of that until another vtuber I watch got some flak on twitter about buying some coffee.

>> No.71524879

You know I thinking I can make her worse what do you think it would take to get her addicted to sex and illegal drugs, maybe I can force her into prostitution too.

>> No.71525373

>spending money or speaking positively of <franchise> means you endorse <political headcanon drones attached to said franchise>

Am I wrong to think that people who think like this deserve all sorts of bad karma or bad luck? No one should ever be bullied because god forbid, you do something they don't like (ie: playing HL).

>> No.71525654
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She is doing this completely wrong. Is she not even going to utilize the 1 month streaming cooldown for her supposed suicide?

>> No.71525825

dumbest thing is you can't even feign ignorance because they think the entire world lives on social media like they do and HAS to be up to date on American outrage bait or else you need to "do better"

>> No.71526342

She is retarded, purisu andastand.

>> No.71526426

Guess I need to "do better" then because I sure as hell don't give a rats arse about all the "American outrage" crap is. I'm just here to be entertained by folk I enjoy watching.

Its a fools wish but I genuinely wish the sister's or the other retards that have the sister's hivemind learn to improve themselves. But asking for that is like asking for your favourite chuuba to find eternal happiness.

>> No.71527616
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It came from this

>> No.71527780
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>> No.71528009

She already admitted to lying to you for 2+ years about dating/marrying/fucking mafumafu behind your back while draining your wallet, even if you don't believe a single word mafumafu said that alone should make you realize that she's not someone worth defending, she's a habitual liar.
That's if you just ignore the fact that she did outright admit to some of the stuff he said, like admitting to suspecting him of cheating and harassing/restraining him and, ironically enough, making slanderous posts about him online. She admitted those things herself in her Fanbox statement. Again, you don't have to believe everything mafumafu said to know that she's not someone worth defending.
And that's not even getting into her abusive and manipulative behavior toward her fans which if you've spent time in the discord, you should know all about that. Maybe her nip antis go too far, but honestly if you blindly defend her like that at this point, you're a complete fool.

>> No.71528171

If you believe mike and you shouldn't have legal claim to things you throw away.

>> No.71528405

If mike is a good person why do the people around her keep betraying her?

>> No.71528497

The proof are everywhere.
It's your fault when you refuse to see it.

>> No.71528532

>ugly assed images
Kinda fitting for sisters, don't you think?

>> No.71529052

The irony of saying that in this thread lmao

>> No.71529687

Please enlighten me on how what I said is "ironic".

>> No.71533518

Marry me

>> No.71534511

if you apply this logic consistently and not only when it suits your pre-existing beliefs, sure

>> No.71535258


>> No.71536912

One day for sure. Practice makes perfect.

>> No.71537510

Show her how it's done.

>> No.71538008


>> No.71542546

I 100% believe she has mental illness and that she needs to be disconnected from the internet for a year, at LEAST. This shit she's doing is making her worse and worse. I'd say she needs an intervention but who knows if she has any friends/family left that could plausibly do it.

>> No.71543676

sigh.. who let this bitch out of the hospital.
The doctors should've just fed her ssri/mood stabilizers and her quarantined away from the internet for an entire month

>> No.71543699

There needs to be a worldwide extermination of cucks

>> No.71543748

Just when I thought 'manhera' was funny enough. Oh no, she's turning into a man.. now she's turning into a main..

>> No.71543997

it's called natural selection

>> No.71544878
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and then later she put on another skin and went live on twitch wtf?

>> No.71545688

I was about to ask for a summary of the stream but I guess it was just pity baiting.

>> No.71546601

its very clear she is not well in the head, and her now constant jumping between Mike and Nazuna cant exactly help her mental condition either I feel

>> No.71546678

Please understand today and tomorrow is the worst day of the year for her.
Even Riku suffer less than her.

>> No.71547199

i love her so much. fuck the haters.

>> No.71547265

1. get off the internet

>> No.71547336

This is literally a thread about REEEEing at a crazy cat lady

>> No.71547380

she really needs help, this is why u don't make your job your entire life. what a pitiful woman

>> No.71547503

So its not that you think I'm somehow a sister which is what I was thinking you were accusing me of?

>> No.71548144

Shut up yadon

>> No.71549169

Mike and Mafu are link at the ankle. You can't, in good faith, tear down one without tearing down the other. So why are there so many more people attacking Mikeneko? As a man, the answers obvious. Mafu's fans are all women. There are a bunch of men out there who will always side with the side with more women, in hopes of eventually having sex.

>> No.71549542

this post is so stupid it has to be bait
either way, you're a disappointment

>> No.71550310

>rumoured dead cat
Her cat and hamster died around the same time. She has the dead cat's urn. The hamster's urn is with the faggot.

>> No.71550330

No, I only call other people sisters when inquiring about stuff on facebook

>> No.71550465

They're desperately hoping she'll get their dick wet. Honestly i'd back her up too if she promised me some action. Fuck if I care if she cheated or whatever, I just want to fuck her.

>> No.71550785

Oh, I see. Thanks for clearing that misunderstanding up for me, anon.

>> No.71550835

These threads never even end up contributing to anything
You have a bunch of people trying to defend her for everything, to the point that they sound like falseflaggers. They have nothing in common with how her fans on here used to talk
You get the same few actually autistic antis who shit on her, but they'll also slip in a few lies in order to shit on her further.
You get that one fag who tries to namedrop fans hoping to bait out an argument.
You get people without any common sense throwing their shit opinions around (anyone who honestly think she's been following the Dokibird stuff closely despite the language barrier is demented) or people who dont understand a single word of Japanese.
There's a reason her general has been gone for months: the majority of her fanbase has moved on. The majority of "fans" you're going to argue with here are either falseflaggers or they just do not care about her beyond the superficial (voice, Tweets)

>> No.71551415

Her core CCV is like 1.5k. So that's 8.5k tourists, a lot of them just looking for an excuse to shit on her.
Check out her CCV when she decides to actually start playing games again on YouTube and you'll see her actual fanbase numbers

>> No.71551476

her gachi core ccv is 1.5k but her average ccv is like 3.5k

>> No.71551563

No, it isn't. Her core core (Twitcast) is 700. Her normal numbers are 1500.
She gets botted constantly which pushes her numbers up, but it's harder to track after she got herself taken off of vstats. Her CCV sometimes drops below 1k while doing Superchat readings

>> No.71551650

About to say for an over 900k sub channel with only 1.5k CCV, it is a lot of dead subs

>> No.71551742

but her average ccv on yt is actually like 3.5k. it often goes over 4k-5k on her webcamera live streams and down to 2k on her boring game streams.

>> No.71551853

dramamonkeys really don't send their best

>> No.71551905

I still can't get over how fucking huge her tits are when she breaks out the camera.
My god, she's an incredible actor for all the rushia pettan reactions. As someone who never looked further, I thought she might've actually been flat for years.

>> No.71551977

What part of "her CCV is botted" do you not get? Go do your archive reps, it's been done to death. There are graphs and everythign
>boring game streams
Her sponsored stream for that shitty mobile game barely broke 1k. You are completely overestimating her viewership. A 3.5k stream with 1.5k-2k bots watching is what her actually viewership is.

>> No.71552276

The thing that gets me is if that really is her ccv, then the superchats are even MORE insane. There's more money given than people at each stream by a ridiculous amount.

>> No.71552368

That's the type of environment her streams are.
Well, the people who are still following her at this point are obsessed enough that they probably won't leave. Frankly, anyone sane should be long gone after the Mafu news dropped and it was effectively confirmed that she doesn't actually love her fans.

>> No.71552421

That's always been a thing, she's the queen of superchats for a reason. Now even without unicorns around, she still has a handful of blind paypig simps who will defend her until the day they die throwing their entire paycheck at her because they feel "sorry" for her dealing with the consequences of her own actions. I'm sure I don't need to name names, everyone who's been following her story knows who they are.

>> No.71552455

They usually do become less stressed and potentially weaken their internet addiction

>> No.71552582

The thing with suggesting that she take a break is that, by her own logic, she can't take a break because of the lawsuit with Mafumafu/whoever else she's got on the list right now. Even without her poor spending habits, she's blowing all her money on lawyer fees too, so she "needs" to keep streaming to keep the money coming in.

>> No.71552606

>I'm sure I don't need to name names, everyone who's been following her story knows who they are.
I don't like the bitch, but you have to know how deranged you sound for admitting that you keep track of her fans, right?

>> No.71552702

I'm reminded suddenly of that japanese gfe streamer who got interviewed and told that she might actually be a horrible person for outright scamming people so much and she acted like it was the first time anyone ever told her she might have been wrong.
Man, these days my thoughts are so muddled about what actually makes a streamer good or bad, or what is a niche that I can't even tell if it's a good thing that these guys have something to believe in in their life, or just a terrible thing that she's being predatory against so many people.

>> No.71552834

I don't "keep track of" her fans, I used to watch her so I know who they are.

>> No.71552977

I miss the rushia poster... That anon was cool.

>> No.71553010

If you're doing the rounds to see who still does or doesn't watch her after you've already stopped watching her, that is "keeping track"

>> No.71553063

So what am I supposed to do if I glance in this thread and I see a screenshot full of names I recognize? Pretend I don't know them?

>> No.71553101

You do know how often some of her paypigs are mentioned on here right? Or rather, they were. When her thread was consistent there was always someone bringing up her higher paying fans.

>> No.71553339

Why not move on instead of reading threads about a woman you stopped watching?
The majority of those mentions are from people stirring up shit. I'd wager a good proportion of mentions are one or two guys doing it each thread.

>> No.71553614

I dunno, I'm bored. Do I need a good reason to participate in a thread on here? Especially one where I can use my knowledge as a former fan to inform others in it? Not that I needed that to say something like "It's the same few simps who donate the big bucks and if you've spent any amount of time in her chat, you'd recognize them", that should just be common sense.

>> No.71553766

There is pretty much no information in this thread, whether it be information that makes her look better or worse, so you're doing a rather shit job of it
You can waste your life however you see fit, but it's worthwhile mentioning that you can't even do that properly. Were you one of those former fans who never actually put the effort into even knowing Japanese?

>> No.71553822

Because I'm spending the whole thread spreading info, I said one thing then you got extremely defensive about it for "some" reason.

>> No.71553908

Not spending*

>> No.71553926

If you're trying to save your reputation on an anonymous imageboard, your life must have gone off the rails long ago

>> No.71553957

It's almost like you are talking to one of the big boys.

>> No.71554039

You're half right at least, trying to reason with an idiot like you is clearly a waste of time.

>> No.71554356

I don't support or like the bitch. But I also hate former fans who bitch about current fans on anonymous imageboards where nobody can see them
I remember one former fan from South America mocking and telling her fans to kill themselves in DMs. The man must have been only a few levels evolved from a hairy chimp. Those fags are nearly as bad as her.

>> No.71554652

Suicide attempts seem to be really trending for chubbas nowadays. Who's going to try next?

>> No.71554678

Oh innocent anon ... you've never met a real menhera (and it's better that way, consider yourself lucky)

>> No.71554721

If one of them was here, you'd at least get parts of the stream quoted because most of her tiny remaining regulars who might post here actually know Japanese.

>> No.71554900

We won't, because they refuse to translate anymore. Anything of major importance now comes from her mengen content and they don't share anymore unlike the anon who did around February-August of 2022.

>> No.71555283

Well I hope knowing Japanese was worthwhile for them now that they get to act exactly the same as the people they hate AND live in complete denial about what she's said and admitted to doing while knowing the truth.

>> No.71555380

A bunch of lines from her first big stream after the reveal were TLd in the threads and I've seen a few people defending her who were actually quoting shit she must have said on stream, because it was too detailed not to have been
I was actually hoping to see some people try the same in this thread but apparently nobody here bothered watching the stream. In fairness, neither did I. She's not worth the time waste.
>the anon who did around February-August of 2022.
I believe one of the reasons that stopped was that she started actually reading her general after August 2022. That being said, I remember that really shit stream she did on Nazuna at the start of April 2023 and pretty much the entire situation was TLed and conveyed to the general at that time

>> No.71555455

You'll have to ask them that, not me. But if you're unironically proud not to know any Japanese despite having apparently been watching Japanese Vtubers, then you're more smoothbrained that they are

>> No.71555596

One of them who does understand Japanese donates 100's of dollars per stream.

Probably because they get chased out of here. I doubt anyone wants a mikeneko fan around. If you want a translation, you might be able to ask or look in the discord server her fans set up.

>> No.71555639

>You'll have to ask them that
I am, they're all /here/.

>> No.71555789

Once upon a time, maybe

>> No.71555823

They're still /here/, circlejerking in their discord server.

>> No.71555983

Discord isn't /here/

>> No.71557089

So what happened here? Anything interesting?

>> No.71559690

