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File: 1.46 MB, 1043x828, selen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
71341264 No.71341264 [Reply] [Original]

>be selen
>joined a non-idol company
>made an idol song anyways
>it flopped hard
>tried to off herself, ofc she failed
>blame it all on her coworkers
She's such a try hard loser.
Her failing at Apex tournies used to be funny, but now I just find her disgusting.

>> No.71341386

She genuinely has no self worth, presumably BPD and Autism. She's obviously insecure, even without the apex autism she has an extremely obnoxious constant awkward laugh she cant survive without.

>> No.71341443

>destroys the black company
Heh, nothing personel.

>> No.71341452

take your meds millie

>> No.71341601
File: 170 KB, 800x1363, 1709470233765924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least she didn't lose to a piece of paper

>> No.71341623

I refuse to believe doxxsite sisters are still trying to smear Selen and it's just falseflaggers failing hard with their bait at this point.

>> No.71341853

Accept the L and move on already Millie

>> No.71342431

probably just a spoiled rich bitch with daddy issues

>> No.71342565

Seems like Niji finances bombing mindbroke sisters

>> No.71343041

I swear at this point these are not even nijisister posts but elaborate bait threads fishing for (you)s

>> No.71343374

Hi millie!

>> No.71343531


>> No.71343682

This thread has saved Nijisanji's reputation!

>> No.71343723

You are on the worst board on the site, expect anything!

>> No.71346871

How does it feel to get BTFO by Gura nijisisters?

>> No.71347073

Imagine missing your projections by 3 billion yen.

>> No.71347544

hi millie, how's the taste of shitjisanji's cock

>> No.71348426

Sister, you're definitely not getting a steam giftcard for this one. Do better next time, or just go back to Holo vs Holo bait.

>> No.71350235

I do think she's stupid and has no self-worth. But that makes her try harder to entertain us. While that's bad for her, it's good value for her fans who keep getting ever bigger events and products.

>> No.71350335

Millie's special, PagPag flavored

>> No.71350408

Sister, let it go. It's been a month. Nijisanji's reputation is in the toilet. There's nothing you can do to change that.

>> No.71350554

That's literally Elira you imbecile.

>> No.71350831

Bait harder Anon, this is lame.

>> No.71354353

What happened, sisters? You used to put much more effort in your smear campaigns. This is just pathetic now.

>> No.71354355

It's 100% the Sisters and you know it. They literally don't know how to do anything else.

>> No.71356064

millie maybe a bit slow and naive but she was never malicious
