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71331883 No.71331883 [Reply] [Original]

You've got to stand for something, or you'll fall for anything. You've got to be your own man, not a puppet on a string.

Previous page: >>71308484

>> No.71331908

She hates us

>> No.71331919
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Do your reps, report and ignore bait

Next Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkN_v9losxU

Last Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKC506aWPyc
Latest Short: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OytQyNMGXfc

Snowed In【Shiori Novella Visual Novel】: https://shiorinovella.itch.io/shiorivisualnovella
Whisper Whisper Whisper【Shiori Novella Cover】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgCgHwIWgUU
MEGITSUNE【hololive English -Advent- Cover】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OffTXFgbn7A

Deadbeats Deadbeats Whatcha Gonna Do【Shiori Novella Original】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IK4KD1mBDBA&t=3548s
Halloween Night, Tonight!【hololive English -Advent- Cover】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqXrBy_FIU0
Rebellion【hololive English -Advent- Debut Song】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYNYhSsR8EE

Schedule: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkqwIcO3YN8
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ShioriNovella
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shiorinovella
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@shiorinovella

Hololive English Valentine's Day 2024: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_valentine2024?variant=44476442116316
Hololive Valentine's Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_valentinevoice2024?variant=44401019879644
More Merch: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_シオリ・ノヴェラ%22

Shiori Likes: https://rentry.org/8aukv
Shiori AI Covers: https://rentry.org/yoo4r
Shiori Guest Appearances: https://rentry.org/46zgf
Shiorium Archive: https://rentry.org/shiorium_archive
Shiori Improvisations: https://rentry.org/b72cv

>> No.71331969

Big brother woke up to no thread, lemme fix that, enjoy the bread my fellow shiggers. Also good timing because we get to fit in with the other shadow hand puppet threads.

>> No.71331986

It's been one month since the last TikTok video

>> No.71332061

Shiori has tiked her last tok

>> No.71332262

I really wonder what would the excuse be if the term sister never existed. Seriously I don't get it how can someone say anything that you don't like about what Shiori is doing makes you instantly a sister. The Shiori can do no wrong mindset is even worse.

>> No.71332330
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>> No.71332354

More like Shiori can do no right.

>> No.71332379
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>> No.71332415

>how can someone say anything that you don't like about what Shiori is doing makes you instantly a sister.
By not sounding like an anti or a sister while doing it?
Plenty have given valid criticism both in her comments where she can see it, and in this split.
Try having valid reasons behind your criticism and not just
>"because I don't like it"
Why don't you like it?

>> No.71332432

Sadly she already showed that she can! That's why I started watching her, just that lately something must've happened

>> No.71332495

>not sounding like an anti or a sister while doing it
The fun part is that many "fans" fail at this and the argument defaults to
>Because she hates us

>> No.71332500

I didn't say anything last thread, just woke up to see everyone ignoring the guy complaining. Even when the post about the Shiori actually doesn't understand how much do we feel about her was kinda right.

>> No.71332557

>just woke up to see everyone ignoring the guy complaining. Even when the post about the Shiori actually doesn't understand how much do we feel about her was kinda right.
I know you're lying because I directly responded to that. >>71328068

>> No.71332634

Telling Shiori that I don't like her haircut after she comes back from the haidresser all happy and excited

>> No.71332664

Then what's the proof she loves us?

>> No.71332703


>> No.71332718

A comment wouldn't change that and you know it, we've tired a lot telling her that her streams are entertaining no matter what, that she can have a chill stream where she doesn't talk much and yet she rejects the idea and still thank us for watching her EVERYDAY. I don't get her, there's a lot of things that we say to her that she just ignores really.

>> No.71332826

She has imposter syndrome, can't blame her since 90% of her audience are only watching her because she's Hololive.

>> No.71332830

>A comment wouldn't change that and you know it
History has literally proven that false, when it's happened before, and you still ignored the SC part.
If you're on the fence about this thing and are going to oshihen, then you have no reason to fear being banned for asking it in an SC.
>telling her that her streams are entertaining no matter what, that she can have a chill stream where she doesn't talk much
With how much this thread seemed to hate the last stream, this just sounds like a lie, that or it really was sisters raiding back then. Pick one.

>> No.71332895

I'd have enjoyed the stream much more if she didn't say half the shit she did. Talking actively ruined the enjoyment because what she talked about soured my mood.

>> No.71332922

Okay, and what didn't you like and why? Good job so far, you're criticising without sounding like a retarded anti or sister.

>> No.71332924

hello, thread ended early, are you all getting railed again?

>> No.71332935
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>> No.71332948

Nah doesn't seem like it right now.
Maybe as the sea hours peak but the ongoing discussion seems pretty legit.

>> No.71332999
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Good morning. I love Shiorin

>> No.71333023

She doesn't retain information, she asks questions she had the answers to yesterday regarding the Unicorn Overlord availability on PC, the overall feel of the stream was it was a rerun if the Bramble stream with Shiori being less engaging because she was doing work on the side.

>> No.71333081

To expand on this, she hardly spend enough time streaming as is, and to ignore the audience she has to answer discord chats, talk to her commissions, answer and delete emails and straight ignore chat who are there for her is disheartening.

>> No.71333111

It has? Tell what did change with one comment? And no the members stream thing did change A LITTLE and she never done something like that again. I'm not the guy that posted that too, just that I understand him. Also not all streams will be for everyone, anyone who isn't parasocial enjoyed the zatsu, I didn't because
1. It was more a work stream than zatsu so she was focused on other things compared to the bramble one.
2. Dimitri mention and thirsting on stream
>but ah she always did that
And I always not enjoyed it.
I get it that she didn't knew if the game was close to the end and had to keep going but man... Shiori feels so weird sometimes

>> No.71333241

I just wish things would get better.

>> No.71333283

>She doesn't retain information, she asks questions she had the answers to yesterday
Is this your first Shiori stream? Because this isn't a first time occurrence.
>being less engaging because she was doing work on the side.
This goes directly against what was said previously about being happy with a stream where she talked / engaged less.
Not only that, but even if it's a repeat of yesterday's, there are people that didn't watch yesterday's.
While I don't deny that you're allowed to feel the way you do about the stream, it feels as if you're getting upset over things that have been present (her retention of information) or things that do not matter in the long run. (The stream feels like a repeat)
>Tell what did change with one comment?
First, you've misunderstood and are hung up about one comment when there's been many, and puppet combo. She's never done another stream with serious time constraints and persevered over the game despite clearly hating it whilst having said time restraints.
>Also not all streams will be for everyone
Valid. There are some things I didn't enjoy either but that's what happens with any streamer or chuuba.
>Dimitri mention and thirsting on stream
While I get that you don't like it and never have, I need to really understand this so at least answer the following.
"Why do you get upset over a character that literally does not exist in any capacity and never will?"

>> No.71333296

Yeah this is a proper discussion to have. Last thread was just filled with the usual buzzwords used by raiders and antis, that the actual discussion got drowned out and/or labeled as a sister post.

>> No.71333454

>She's never done another stream with serious time constraints and persevered over the game despite clearly hating it whilst having said time restraints.
Well that was just a one time thing because of a birthday so...
>"Why do you get upset over a character that literally does not exist in any capacity and never will?"
I don't hate the character, I never played FEH but the constant mentions by Shiori makes me feel ick for some reason, I don't know how to explain it. Especially since she was almost with no mentions of it at all during stream. I don't care about the constant twitter likes about the character or even the VA thing. It just feels weird to me.

>> No.71333654

>and straight ignore chat who are there for her is disheartening.
This again goes against the whole "happy to be there for her" thing.
I understand if (you) personally did not like it. You're free to voice your complaints to her over not liking this. But it feels contradictory when your opening post has this line.
>her that her streams are entertaining no matter what
So do you truly feel the above as you've posted? Or do you feel disheartened despite her doing a half work stream which she has done before.
>It just feels weird to me.
Two questions
Firstly, do you have a waifu character?
Secondly, has anyone ever talked to you before where the topic revolved around either a waifu or husbando character?
If the answer to both is no, then I'm unsure why you find it weird because it should default to just neutral. If I had to guess its something regarding being parasocial, but that's another can of worms for another day and I'm not condemning a shigger for feeling parasocial.

>> No.71333928

nta but does it feel weird when others talk about how much they love Shiori? Or how much they love X or Y?
Shiori is a yumejoshi at heart, this is how they are unironically. If it's hard to listen to, then that just means you wouldn't get along with yumes.

>> No.71334053

good morning, i love shiori. also wow theres actual discussion going on for once. im impressed.

>> No.71334069

I want last year's Shiori back.

>> No.71334165

Good morning. I love Shiorin as well, and yeah. I’m glad there’s good discussion for once.

>> No.71334190

its more like i don't understand how they feel like that at all so it just comes out as weird, having a waifu is different than straight up being in love with them

>> No.71334387

Maybe it's down to a difference of opinion then?
Shiori has stated he's a comfort character which lines up because I would definitely call my waifu a comfort character.
That said, there are shiggers that are straight up in love with Shiori. Is it also weird for you?
Not understanding can lead to feeling weird about it, yes, but while I won't say you're alone in feeling that way, you certainly aren't. It feels like a bit of a silly thing, though that's just my view on it and you're allowed to feel the way you do.

>> No.71334460

Shiori is real tho, shes not playing a character like FuwaMoco for exemple

>> No.71334479

You don't really believe that, do you?

>> No.71334502
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What part?

>> No.71334536

As I've said, if the criticism is thought out, and has proper reasoning behind it, and doesn't sound like straight up sister or anti slop, then I don't mind discussing and talking about it. It's rather healthy and it's a good way to pass the time. Typical slop will get called out for what it is and ignored afterwards.

>> No.71334671

So what does her being real have to do with someone being in love with, and expressing their love for X and others feeling weird about it?
>Dimitri aaaaaaa
>Shiori aaaaaaa
It's the same thing with a different colour of paint.
So why does one make someone feel weird but not the other? Be specific as to why.

>> No.71334763

If biboo is rock and shiori is scissor, who is paper?

>> No.71334817

Remind me what happened with the Tokyo Ghoul incident again. It's not like she doesn't understand.

>> No.71334886

>So why does one make someone feel weird but not the other? Be specific as to why. >>71334190
Again, I just don't understand it. I could never feel like this over a character in an anime or game but Shiori is a real person.

>> No.71335023

She felt betrayed, that a character she liked, got with another character.
So where's the part where she gets with Dimitri because I've missed it if it happened. Bringing up the character didn't upset her, otherwise she would have dropped it way earlier every time Ken brings up Touka.
Okay then it just rebounds back to: You're free to feel this way but it's a bit silly because plenty of people do have waifu/husbandos and do feel that way.
Or in other words, a difference in opinion which you're certainly entitled to.

>> No.71335124

nta but the person behind shiori is real just like the va behind a char is real but shiori novella herself is not real. if you feel otherwise then explain how its different.

>> No.71335128

Can someone explain this trend? I've seen like a trillion quintillion pics about this already and none make sense

>> No.71335149

shiori dont play a character, VA's do.

>> No.71335179

>then explain how its different.

>> No.71335296

Someone on Twitter made a pic like that and others joined, nothing else to it

>> No.71335341

When the person behind a character goes to store, the person does not pay for his or her purchase with a card that has the name of the character they played.
When the person behind Shiori goes to the store, she does not pay with a card that has Shiori Novella signed on the card.

>> No.71335419


>> No.71335514

Teaching Shiori about Accounting under IFRS

>> No.71335617

looks like the discussions have end. was cool to see valid talking for once without sisters stirring shit.

>> No.71335698

Some say Rissa, but I’ve also seen Shiori to be both Scissor and paper.

>> No.71335801

I don’t think it’s the sisters. I think the discussion just went sideways is all. We can bring it back if we try.

>> No.71335897

i just meaning the talking done this thread vs the last thread. last thread was super obvious it was a raid or talking that was not in good faith. this time there was proper back and forth to the end.

>> No.71336124

Shiori has does play a character in the grand scheme of things. She keeps the base line lore of being the “Archiver” but that’s about it. The person she shows on stream is her. VA’s have to play a character based on the script. That’s the difference.
Oh I get what you’re trying to say. Sorry my brain is just starting to get it’s gears going.

>> No.71336314

Stupid fucking novelites replying to bait despite there being unlimited proof of sisters raiding the last three threads. Dumb retarded novelites

>> No.71336347
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A popular artist made art of GAMERS and everyone drew their oshis in the same way. I think it’s cool. I’ve seen a couple with Shiori in it.

>> No.71336451

I'm assuming you're a different anon, so maybe you can explain it to me. While the other anon couldn't, his views are his and that's fine.
With that out of the way.
>The person she shows on stream is her.
So why does someone feeling in love with Shiori, and Shiori loving a character that doesn't exist, make someone like the previous anon feel weird about it?
As I've said before
>Dimitri aaaaaa
>Shiori aaaaaa
are the same thing with different colours of paint. It boils down to love over X thing. So why is one ok but not the other? Her being real isn't important unless you feel it is, if it is, explain how it's important as well, if you can.

>> No.71336514

There is hardly any bait this thread. Most of the conversation has been completely valid. If you feel that isn't the case, point out what you consider bait and why, otherwise, please let anons that have valid things to say, say them. I'm not going to entertain sister slop.

>> No.71336710
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>> No.71336755

Crap, I feel like my answer is going to throw this discussion into the shitter, but I’ll say it to answer you.
It’s parasocialism towards Shiori. I cannot think of anything else to explain that behavior, but isn’t Shiori’s attachment to Dimitri also parasocial in a way? Anyways, her being real might affect how one perceives Shiori. Like we all can agree that the anime character does not reflect what the VA thinks or believes, but Shiori the streamer does. Do you get what I’m saying? I feel like I worded that wrong but I’m having an ESL moment so forgive me.

>> No.71336801

Put on some panties you disgusting skank, you're leaving a snail trail all over my carpet

>> No.71336871
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>> No.71337187

Its different because I don't care about what other people think, they can all love Shiori, the most I'm seeing is words. Shiori on stream (and off stream) with her obsession feels weird because it's not a good feeling. I have feelings for her. So her actually showing that much love towards a character IS A WEIRD and Uncomfortable feeling.

>> No.71337249

I'm not the best anon to talk to about parasocialism because some argue that just watching is enough to be parasocial while I personally do not view myself as parasocial towards Shiori. With that out of the way, I'll try to tackle your points the best I can.
>isn’t Shiori’s attachment to Dimitri also parasocial in a way?
If this were the case and if
>It’s parasocialism towards Shiori.
Were the case, wouldn't they cancel each other out on the basis of one literally existing (Shiori) while the other doesn't? (Dimitri)
I'm aware that this is pivoting back to the whole existence thing, but one literally exists and can and does speak to us (the fans) while one is literal headcanon.
If I used you as an example, you can love Shiori all you want, you can give her money, send her messages, and get responses to those back. At the very least, you'll get a "thanks" with your name read out.
Shiori, other than the dimitri AI, which is also fake, will never, ever, get any of that from Dimitri. So why does someone who is parasocial, feel upset over someone that doesn't exist?
NOW, I will say that if this were directed towards a living, breathing person or stream personality, that's a very different issue, but realistically, all she's done is the equivalent of a "Oh that's cool, good job." towards the VA and while I will accept that those that feel parasocial may view this as "omg she's getting ready to cheat on us." or something along those lines, it's a very different argument / discussion altogether.

>> No.71337514

You're entitled to feel that way, I won't deny you of that.
However, what I will ask is once again, why? You acknowledge the character is just that, a character.
The character cannot reciprocate her love in any capacity, she also understands this. She can try with AI, but AI is fake at the end of the day.
Is the answer as simple as something like "I want that love directed towards me"? Or is there a deeper reasoning to it?
Once again, you're allowed to feel the way you do, I won't deny that from you, no one realistically can, but what I want is understanding. If you can't convey that in words, then it is also fine. It's just how you feel and that's the end of it. I certainly don't agree with it without understanding it, but that's all. A disagreement of opinions.

>> No.71337695

If you ask me, and I might be wrong, but if a person is parasocial towards a character in a media like a game (and I'm pretty sure Shiori isn't full blown parasocial towards Dimitri but that's not the point), then they can see all the character does. They don't have to sit and wonder and obsess. They don't think something like, "I wonder if they are going on dates with someone off stream," or something. They know everything the character does, so they don't have to send the character questionable superchats/twitter replies. If the character does something they don't like, it's the author's fault, not the character's.

>> No.71338688


>> No.71339756

Eep, theres still time before the next stream.

>> No.71341020

>So why does someone who is parasocial, feel upset over someone that doesn't exist?
Like it or not, being parasocial is a mental illness and I’m not trying to punch down on those that are being one myself and as this anon said >>71337514
>"I want that love directed towards me"
sums it up pretty well. Again, I’m not trying to be mean or punch down, but this is the best explanation as to why. You are entitled to how you want to feel or see Shiori as, but do know the limits.
You have good points, but obviously Shiori cannot disclose such info for her safety, privacy, and Cover’s NDA. that protects that previous two points.
At the end of the day, all we can do is support her and love her in anyway we can. Create art, send SCs, or simply make appreciation posts about her on twitter. It’s valid to love Shiori and still criticize her for things she does. I advise you do so where she could see it i.e. in the comments or Twitter. If you feel that the content she provides or simply feels like you do not want to support her for one reason or another, then it’s best stop watching/support her. What you do with your time and money is for you to decide.

>> No.71342039

A lot of mental gymnastics in this thread to justify her behavior. When the solution is simple, If you care about GFE content watch someone else. Shiori doesn't want to pander to that "audience" anymore.

>> No.71342792
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hey apple

>> No.71342933
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Shiorin cute! I love her lots~

>> No.71343258
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>Just don't get pregnant

>> No.71343409
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>> No.71343925
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>> No.71344803

>no melty
>thread dies
Holy shit what happened with everyone?

>> No.71344958
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Work/sleep. If you don’t want the thread to die, post cute Shiorin.

>> No.71344994
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sisters are eating dinner

>> No.71345113
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>> No.71345817
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>> No.71345850

I don't think Muslims are allowed to use 4chan anon

>> No.71345864

THEY ARE! Wolf quest soon

>> No.71345931
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>> No.71346153

Who could out autist one another? I feel like Mooms holds the Autist/ADHD medal

>> No.71346612

NTA but if I can interject, it’s because Shiori’s been presented with a choice, love and affection from real people who actually exist (her fans), or “love” from that C.AI and whatever fantasies exist in her mind, and she’s chosen the latter option. Just leaves a bitter taste for me.

>> No.71346710

Head too small.

>> No.71346722
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>> No.71346958

The "love" of her "fans" is not real either
You are parasocial and projecting on Shiori

>> No.71346976

Why didn't she tweet anything at all about Kronii's 3D Live? She was so excited during Kronii's showcase that I thought she'd be excited for this too

>> No.71347033

Should’ve known better than to expect an actual constructive response just because I saw things going well in here earlier. Silly me.

>> No.71347082

She was watching, on prechat.

>> No.71347242

You should know better

>> No.71347454

They'd go through so many topics so fast they'll manage to talk about how sex with each other would feel like and organize an offcollab

>> No.71348544
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I didn't care about GFE since day 1 and I am so fucking tired of Dimitri tangents it's unreal. This girl does nothing with her life except talk to DimitriAI, play games with Dimitri in them, stalk Dimitri VA, edge to Dimitri porn, and talk about all of the above to the audience. Sorry for not considering it great content.
>bro just don't expect literally anything good
Yeah, I don't anymore.

>> No.71348744

So she can't obsess over her husbando but we can obsess about her? Thats some double standards anon

>> No.71349116

Those are not double standards, those are different standards. >We are not streamers. Last really good Shiori stream was the piano Valentines afterparty and Bramble was carried by a somewhat interesting game. Shiori is still a better person than you people, but that doesn't mean that I have to find being a Dimitri fan club underling entertaining.

>> No.71349370

Why was she chatting in her prechat about it instead of Kronii's chat?

>> No.71349376

I wish I was a married 40+ year old balding voice actor so I could also cheat on my wife by relentlessly flirting with a 20 something year old chuuba who happens to like a character I voiced.

>> No.71349455

Have you seen how fast that stream chat moved? I had to close it because it was lagging the stream.

>> No.71349606
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>> No.71349650

Kill yourself

>> No.71349724
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So I just walked into this thread for the first time.

Whats this about a Dimitri guy

>> No.71349730

Shiori has no romantic feelings towards Nerissa and never will.

>> No.71349734
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I like Shiori

>> No.71349785
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Of course not. It’s what we call “business Yuri” that most of Holo participates in.
I do too. Ain’t she sweet?

>> No.71349786
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Shiori doesn't like you

>> No.71349804

Stop watching her then

>> No.71349826


>> No.71349934

I only watch her VODs when I have nothing better to do these last two weeks.

>> No.71349961
File: 380 KB, 335x459, 1690000225050155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she is great.

>> No.71350104
File: 483 KB, 1920x1132, 1566396239796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiori doesn't have real love for him the way I do for my waifu. She completely ignores a core part of his character and just likes a version made up in her head and on CAI. Don't compare her to me, she's a casual.

>> No.71350361


>> No.71350409
File: 1.05 MB, 2524x4096, 1698310805154064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am in love with this Shioreo and obsessed with dressing in small dresses/big coats fits, is there any more art of her like this?

>> No.71350441

Shiori’s “love” for Dimitri is completely surface-level. If he had a beard or wasn’t blond, she’d want nothing to do with him. She’s been more than open about what she likes, after all.

>> No.71350560

>Shiori’s “love” for Dimitri is completely surface-level. If he had a beard or wasn’t blond, she’d want nothing to do with him. She’s been more than open about what she likes, after all.
So the same as the posters here

>> No.71350848

Shiori is the same as worthless dregs?

>> No.71350861

I mean yeah, if Shiori had a beard I’d probably not have the feelings for her that I do, you got me there

>> No.71350900

Yeah she is one of us after all

>> No.71351107


>> No.71351639
File: 268 KB, 1448x2048, IMG_9273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count?

>> No.71352331
File: 258 KB, 1443x2048, IMG_8513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71353123
File: 123 KB, 782x844, do24y8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hair is too hard

>> No.71353175

>this is getting a second season
>never finished the first one
i ought to get it done

>> No.71353284
File: 163 KB, 1430x2560, F6C4_LPWoAA5Pov.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71353432

Never stared the series but I saw art of a lady in a tan trench coat and round glasses. I think I like her. Is the show good?

>> No.71353582

I would like to take Shiori out on a date.

>> No.71353583
File: 111 KB, 252x396, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was funny and chill and the character designs are great since it's from the same author and illustrator of pic related

>> No.71353757

good morning fellow shiggers I love Shiorin

>> No.71353943

Shiorin Ovella

>> No.71354185
File: 790 KB, 774x693, IMG_8430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. I’ll check it out.
Good morning. I love Shiorin as well.

>> No.71354209

Shiorino Vella

>> No.71355435
File: 802 KB, 2601x3729, 1680614388817149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sent her a fan letter, right Anon?

>> No.71355498

It’s not physical but I’ll be writing her a birthday letter, if that counts

>> No.71355509


>> No.71355634

No my penmanship has degraded after highschool and it wasn’t good to begin with.

>> No.71355689


>> No.71355765

If cover didn't proof read them I'd consider it

>> No.71355917


>> No.71356002


>> No.71356012

sending shiori a pipe bomb

>> No.71356142

Although I didn’t write her anything, I hope all the kind words from other Novelites put a long-lasting smile on her face.

>> No.71356369

She gets messages like that everyday on the comments and on stream, a letter wouldn't be any different.

>> No.71356452

She seems the type to assign more value to a physical handwritten message, imo

>> No.71356469

Stop being autistic

>> No.71356477

I wonder if the people who did still watch her, or if their feelings still apply.

>> No.71356494
File: 558 KB, 2500x1772, 1689967251076381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71356542 [DELETED] 

So she can burn them later on, right? Because that's a story she's told more than once.

>> No.71356563

Wow, will my love confession be taken seriously if I do it by a letter? Maybe I should send a criticism letter.

>> No.71356593

Only one way to find out, anon.

>> No.71356623

Would take too long to get to her if I send it now

>> No.71356743
File: 628 KB, 2027x3000, GIpJ7qfagAAw10d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71356759

Can foreigners send letters or is it JP only?

>> No.71356761


>> No.71356796

Yes this is beautiful I would go on a night walk with her any day!!!
An oldie but a goldie!

>> No.71356800 [DELETED] 

She's burned things from her past and other archives, art, fanfics and letters.

>> No.71356810 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself

>> No.71356848

They take letters from anywhere. Just send them to the address on her YouTube “about” section.

>> No.71356906


>> No.71356958

Better than nothing, complaining daily after streams in a mongolian basket weaving forum doesn't work

>> No.71356986

Not me at least.

>> No.71357465

So that's her answer.

>> No.71357474
File: 280 KB, 1404x2048, IMG_8808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More for you buddy. I love her oversized jacket. I want one.

>> No.71357667
File: 1.52 MB, 3931x3522, 1707358946907897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71357716

Well, don’t vaguepost. Her answer to what?

>> No.71357776

Same. If they sold her jacket as merch I’d be the first to order.

>> No.71357798

I want to show Shiori the flowing cornfields of the midwest

>> No.71357841 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself

>> No.71357892

Skipping the horror and warped memory prompts.

>> No.71358048

The warped memory ones gave me kinda a weird vibe tbdesu

>> No.71358098

Thank you, this is great!! I hope someday they do release merch in the form of her jacket. I'm really short so I can pull it off the alternative petite aesthetic, I hope the pockets are notebook sized.

>> No.71358122

Doesn't answer why would she skip them, the haircut being too much GFE I get it but c'mon THE HORROR PROMPT?

>> No.71358511

There's no way the girls actually ever get to read this stuff, right? I absolutely expect it to go straight to the trash unopened.

>> No.71358552
File: 169 KB, 1000x750, 4ac77e1f-25f4-45b8-8ca2-4fc42264d6d2_1000x750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, re: the book club, I read the metamorphoses.
It was pretty good, though there are a couple of things I didn't understand (but I guess that's Kafka for you). In particular, the apple hurting him I don't get. His transformation into a vermin looks like a metaphor for one of those maladies where you slowly consume yourself.

>> No.71358593


>> No.71358608

Cover employs a group of jk gyarus who read each letter and laugh at the guy who wrote it.

>> No.71358667
File: 481 KB, 1803x2787, 1685140429329234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't look at it through a serious lens
Kafka thought it was the funniest shit, "a man turns into a bug, HOLY SHIT"

>> No.71358752 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself

>> No.71358820

the "kill yourself" posting in response to any image with nerissa included in it isn't funny anymore

>> No.71358849

It was never supposed to be funny, the faggot is just actually mentally ill

>> No.71358880

It's based. So fucking based.

>> No.71358884

It was never done with humor in mind, that’s just one of the few genuine, actual schizos that lives here.

>> No.71358889
File: 313 KB, 1102x1600, 1697483748949448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A young girl borrowed Metamorphosis last year. I haven't seen her since so maybe she too turned into a bug, kek

>> No.71358940

Post more shioraven images

>> No.71358947

Bets on whether Shiori actually knows what White Day is, or if she just RTed since she just likes the artwork?

>> No.71358995

She liked Fuwamoco's white day white album stream

>> No.71359024

Why are you like this

>> No.71359059
File: 312 KB, 497x545, 1678752167272853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a manga about Kafka like the one about Dazai would be pretty neat

>> No.71359061

Matara's origin story

>> No.71359122

is /shig/ the general with the most schizos in it and and the one that get raided the most?

>> No.71359190

>the one that get raided the most?
>general with the most schizos

>> No.71359213


>> No.71359238

The one made by Junji ito?

>> No.71359263

I'd be willing to bet dollars to donuts that outside of the obvious raids, the schizo melties are from 1-2 mentally ill fags that need a long vacation from the internet
So not the most, but they're certainly fucking loud and annoying

>> No.71359320

It’s just a question man

>> No.71359334
File: 649 KB, 2500x2500, 1690311729257068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the isekai one
It's actually pretty fun

>> No.71359370
File: 216 KB, 480x480, AllMe[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fu05k9t.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71359436

shiorin cute!

>> No.71359519

I'm expecting from this collab. I'm expecting.

>> No.71359705


>> No.71359738

being in a relationship with Shiori and living in constant fear of forgetting about some meme holiday or birthday or anniversary you don't give a shit about but that will make Shiori think you don't care about her if you don't remember it

>> No.71359907

Only for her to lose track of time herself and forget that it’s Valentine’s Day or something

>> No.71359908

Im the schizo

>> No.71360103

She'd forget my birthday

>> No.71360419

Hearts on last prompt, Shiggers.

>> No.71360529

anyone has thoughts on the Ys series?

>> No.71360614

>Skipped Mr Writer

>> No.71360650

Second to last unless I went completely blind.

>> No.71360685

I don’t even see any, am I looking at the right one? I’m checking the one from yesterday.

>> No.71360704

I think the party system is a mistake, newer Ys games are fun, but I want my solo Adol adventures back. Nothing beats the earlier games where it was just Adol. I think the bump system was fun and I want them to make another game like that. I enjoy Dawn of Ys more than Memories of Celceta and I'm a serial Adol and Feena shipper. Lillia can eat go to hell.

>> No.71360769

recommend me a game to start, i never played the series

>> No.71360807

Start with Ys 1.

>> No.71360885

the one on steam or should i play the original?

>> No.71360943

I usually don't count the active one

>> No.71361055

The steam version should be fine? I think that has selectable graphic style and music.

>> No.71361072

Yeah I saw the other reply right after I sent mine, disregard that.

>> No.71361430

oath of felghana and origin are great and i'd ought to replay them sometime
i enjoyed what i played of ys 1 despite the radically different gameplay style but i never finished it cus the final boss was kicking my ass
and i can't remember the details exactly, but only recently i heard the final boss is significantly more difficult on the PC version

>> No.71361485

Shiori wants to share this with everyone.

>> No.71361559

i wonder that she thinks of the last one...

>> No.71361590

>Shiori sending you lame videos that you have to fake a laugh for

>> No.71361599
File: 399 KB, 578x510, 1706801577818089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgets about your birthday
>has a melty when you didn't bake a cake for her for Dimitri's birthday

>> No.71361634

and kaneki's

>> No.71361639
File: 44 KB, 876x341, testfailed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this?

>> No.71361701
File: 390 KB, 1536x2048, 1680260574048720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she should start reposting this stuff, fuck it

>> No.71361772

Why aren't Fuwamoco joining Biboo and Shiori? They're streaming at the same time

>> No.71361934
File: 213 KB, 1257x1008, 1695897124799080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71361974

>be disgusted at the real me

>> No.71362013

Why is she eating yard weeds

>> No.71362078

kissing shiori on her icky lady parts

>> No.71362080

Reminds me of the story Kanata told about her eating grass once.

>> No.71362086

>Suck is a banned word

>> No.71362089

Would shiggers still love Shiori if she did a tiktok reaction stream?

>> No.71362125

what about sucks

>> No.71362172

Cowvella real

>> No.71362217
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>> No.71362349
File: 163 KB, 881x881, 1709081401621413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiori reacting to my gooner tiktok feed

>> No.71362978

How do you feel that soon you will be banned from gooning to tiktok sluts?

>> No.71363312

dandelions are edible and delicious if prepared properly

>> No.71363397

do we think Shiori properly prepared dandelions

>> No.71363458

she probably thought you could eat it straight like lettuce thanks to tiktok

>> No.71363563

I wonder if she likes those 'trad' tiktoks rich white girls make because they like the aesthetic

>> No.71363637

With what she likes on twitter and shares with us, she probably likes these kinds of vids. >>71361485

>> No.71363697

Dandelions are perfectly fine raw? or am I missing something.
The leaves go well with salad, they are a bit like weaker arugula. The flowers have a nice warm sweet taste, I eat them like that.

>> No.71363993

they can be incredibly bitter depending on the age of the leaf. young leaves can be eaten raw but larger, older leaves should be blanched before being sauteed with garlic and olive oil.

>> No.71364534

Imo any word that Shiori is “allowed” to say on-stream should be allowed for us in chat too. S-Teams ban list is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.71364562

those are by shiori herself

>> No.71364672

actually thats banned on other channels too so its a cover list most likely

>> No.71364913

Novelites make me so fucking angry.

>> No.71364980

>tfw you will never get paired up with Shiori in karate drills and get punched too hard in the gut giving her false confidence

>> No.71364991

We know Shiori

>> No.71365048

Ah, apologies, I’ll amend my statement. Cover’s ban list is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.71365077

>first wife
>then kiss
>now suck
Wtf is going on

>> No.71365143

only wife was banned by shiori, to test it just try to comment the word on biboo's channel

>> No.71365330

1 year from now chat is just disabled entirely

>> No.71365444

>Shiori bans every word except Dimitri

>> No.71365479

surely there is one guy here who archives prechat right? he can pinpoint the exact date she banned the word

>> No.71365522

Does anyone still have the femanon smut fics?

>> No.71365532

How would that even work? And why would anyone archive pre chat?

>> No.71365580

I know someone who does it for another holo, just likes to archive everything ig

>> No.71365755

And knowing her chat, they’d eat that right up.

>> No.71367314

Good morning.
The talks I had last night with some anons was some very nice discussions for once, hope to have more in the future.
Also, Shiori is cute.

>> No.71368158
File: 121 KB, 1080x1018, 1696237700964851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for not being here to help the thread when sisters were raiding Shiggers
was just busy at the wrong time

>> No.71368210

no raids today tho

>> No.71368782
File: 340 KB, 792x1200, 1686130685468370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loving you was lethal, guess that makes me evil

>> No.71368922
File: 945 KB, 990x1607, 1703617028043865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay
We'll make it brother

>> No.71369791

But you're here now, and that's all that matters.

>> No.71370808

Shiori should watch Cromartie High School.

>> No.71370875

you know, we're getting a lot of shiori soonish, today's stream, tomorrow early stream then a watchalong then the members stream then another watchalong

>> No.71371452

Love bombing activated.

>> No.71371481

Gaslighting Shiori to watch Savibg Private Ryan.

>> No.71371686

Gaslighting Shiori to watch Saving Ryan's Privates

>> No.71371951

Gaslighting Shiori (she needed a propane lantern for the glamping off collab)

>> No.71372096

she hearting the horror prompt uuuuu

>> No.71372170


>> No.71372284

Another liked tweet from the VA

>> No.71372471

I'm so fucking sick of him. Can he get me too'd already

>> No.71372702

She's doing steppies

>> No.71372838

So Advent Unity is gone? Fuwamoco would rather bleed their paypigs than play with Biboo and Shiori.

>> No.71372907

Fauna watched Shiori's cruise vlog.

>> No.71373092


>> No.71373194

so what did she think about it?

>> No.71373230

NTA, but she liked it.

>> No.71373276

she hated it

>> No.71373290
File: 368 KB, 600x443, 1699594517511755.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71373326
File: 266 KB, 297x360, 1710270478465621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they will have sex either way

>> No.71373701

Teaching Shiori the broken Blossom Dance build when she tries out Xenoblade X and then sapping the fun of the game out of it.

>> No.71373762
File: 101 KB, 800x394, 1690525072894930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh nice

>> No.71373812

Now this collab will never happen

>> No.71373966

This plus Fauna and you'll have a top 10 best collab in Hololive

>> No.71373988

And they're playing League

>> No.71374229

Never. Not even for Shiori.

>> No.71374368

Arams only, it'll be fun

>> No.71374419
File: 221 KB, 1758x1287, 1693614185886989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71374498

Making Shiori listen to the Shadow the Hedgehog soundtrack

>> No.71374704

Moving Shiori's furniture around a few inches to the left once a month

>> No.71375264

Noooo you'll throw off her feng shui

>> No.71375594

>Fauna's talking about the Peppa Pig game
I'm beginning to think they've started to talk and Fauna looked at Shiori's channel.

>> No.71375676

Gothsex is imminent

>> No.71375769

Shiori and Fauna will have sex
Shiori and Fauna will have sex
Shiori and Fauna will have sex
Shiori and Fauna will have sex
Shiori and Fauna will have sex

>> No.71375825

I'm Fauana

>> No.71375853
File: 1.59 MB, 881x647, 1690338313456795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so true brother

>> No.71375883


>> No.71375917


>> No.71375984


>> No.71376259

Really? That's cool.

>> No.71376683

Isn't there the special Advent broadcast with A-chan too? *pre-recorded

>> No.71376772

yeah its prerecorded so it doesn't count but still nice

>> No.71377361

The usual BGM, myheart is at peace.

>> No.71377730

I forgot Biboo was streaming too and I almost closed the video immediately hearing her voice

>> No.71377734

I have Biboo's stream muted for a sec and it's funny to see her intro with Shiori's BGM.

>> No.71377764

This is already good

>> No.71377880
File: 22 KB, 270x360, 1686270491795094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Emo Biboo and Shiori Hvella

>> No.71377892

I want Shiori to grab my gun

>> No.71378000

I thought today was cuphead and I didn't know I miss missing human fall flat kino...

>> No.71378007

I love their stupid Kingdom hearts jokes

>> No.71378101

Dirty Dan and Pinhead Larry.

>> No.71378232

>never watched spongebob
surprised memelord biboo never watched it

>> No.71378301

>said a guy was clear
Is Shiori a scientologist?

>> No.71378325


>> No.71378428

she did study biology

>> No.71378439
File: 3.93 MB, 1280x720, 1691728994466599.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of Shiori's babysitting skills so far?

>> No.71378467

I don't know if she's the baby or the babysitter.

>> No.71378469

idk but I want to have sex with her

>> No.71378582

It's me. I'm the father.

>> No.71378752

I can't believe Biboo doxxed me

>> No.71378755

Biboo is making fun of us...Damn brat...

>> No.71378768


>> No.71378775

s'that true novelites?

>> No.71378794

wow, are you guys really like that?

>> No.71378810

What's wrong with Shiori's stream...?

>> No.71378910


>> No.71378929

whats wrong with it?

>> No.71378937


>> No.71378993


>> No.71379017

What? It's just me? But Biboo's stream isn't buffering for me.

>> No.71379068

fine on my end

>> No.71379072


>> No.71379119

Yagoo is both Shiori's papa and Biboo's mom

>> No.71379227

Ngl Shiori's running the Boss Baby joke to the ground already.

>> No.71379237

This is fun

>> No.71379407

This game's a bit too quiet.

>> No.71379416

Poor french

>> No.71379463

Is yours freezing until you either reload the stream or stop-play the stream? thats what im getting and not getting issues on biboo's stream

>> No.71379476


>> No.71379488


>> No.71379504

These girls are cute...

>> No.71379584

Fuck the French.

>> No.71379626

>I can't I'm too french

>> No.71379719
File: 12 KB, 256x256, 1699162495543191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71379824

Both of them are girls at their best if you know what I mean

>> No.71379831

>stop-play the stream
I think it was this. I kept getting the loading circle. I did some testing though. I think it's Holodex. When I watch Shori's stream on youtube, it works fine.

>> No.71379854


>> No.71379865

they're looting the house

>> No.71379926

Okay. So the moment I posted this, I got a bunch of loading circles. I dunno.

>> No.71379927

I thought she was gonna say burn my breasts for some reason

>> No.71380071


>> No.71380082

>Biboo it won't fit

>> No.71380177

These vandals and hooligans!

>> No.71380268


>> No.71380298

This is the female version of a couple frat dudes going on a rampage

>> No.71380480

Where's that Shiori Biboo image where Shiori thrusts her into a door? That just happened.

>> No.71380623

Illumination eyes for the next costume?

>> No.71380824

Wait a minute, this is just sex.
