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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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71290625 No.71290625 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously though. Why does Kiara like Ame so much?

>> No.71290896

Everyone wants a piece of ame sweet ass. Kiara Gura and even Miko.

>> No.71290977
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>> No.71291030

she's like this with everyone, especially people too nice to tell her to fuck off

>> No.71291136

Kiara likes anyone she can leech better ccv off of.

>> No.71291326
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This was Mori in 2020 and 2021 before she couldn’t take it anymore

>> No.71291400

idk when kiara said watson was cute on the twitter space, i just burst out laughing.
she seems mentally unhinged i cant even imagine being nerissa, i hope nerissa actually likes her and isnt like wtf deep down and just hiding it for the sake of her job

>> No.71291459
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Ame is a comfort woman

>> No.71291790

The same reasons any other teamate does. She's said before if she wasn't in HoloEN and was a viewer like us she would oshi her
Nerissa thought Kiara would be the one freaked out of her and mentally prepared herself for that scenario so it's the other way really

>> No.71291916

If you don't like ame there's a problem with you

>> No.71292760

she likes losers

>> No.71292824

Ame has been doing background support for Myth since day 0 and multiple talents have said she's very pleasant to be around behind the scenes. IIRC Kiara has brought up during peak Takamori that if she wasn't crazy for Mori, she'd be all over Ame. What's weird to me is Ame unintentionally inflicts brainrot on people who admire/oshi her and both talents and fans are afflicted by it.

>> No.71292833

She likes anyone who's nice to her. Kiara is extremely insecure so anyone who is at least a little nice to her makes her happy. Just listen to the way she talks about trying to set up collabs, feeling isolated, etc. She's just really insecure.
She was talking about an interaction at a Maccy's where some guy sat at her table with her and said hi. She was weirded out because the guy was homeless, but admitted she doesn't mind guys trying to hit on her lightly. Her eggs are starting to cry and her extreme disposition to men is starting to change.

>> No.71292837

Because Ame has had one foot out the door for a while now, and Kiara’s desperate to keep her in for anything unity

>> No.71293137

Ame is Kiara's bitch and the only Myth member willing to kiss her ass, this is a known fact
Mori? Gura? they hate Kiara
Ina? she snapped at Kiara before

>> No.71293242

kiara fucking LOVES yuribaiting but gets mad when you say "OMG THEYRE FUCKING" yet keeps up the facade.
of course ame doesnt care, and just goes "uh yeah mhm" to everything.

>> No.71293330

for a long time kiara and watson were the only two that tried to organize things for en

>> No.71293335

Insecure women are high maintenance.

The sad but most likely truth

Yas girl spill the tea!

>> No.71293551

Shitposters have to rotate these names around every few months it's so fucking funny. She just stayed at Ina's house

>> No.71293713
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>High maintenance
Depends on the woman. Some are, some aren't. Kiara is 100% this though.

>> No.71293994

Ame contributed to making Kiara's 3D performance dreams come true

>> No.71294153

>Why does Kiara like Ame so much?
She was nice to her

>> No.71294250

Kiara is a leech
First off Mori but got hard rejected
Gura is retired
Ina is too frigid
So the only one left is ame

>> No.71296741

I thought she threw a fit on twitter about people hitting on her in public?

>> No.71296820

It's literally the same way with religious people and God, yet you don't see me crying

>> No.71302328

