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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 670 KB, 682x493, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
71290386 No.71290386 [Reply] [Original]

Green Hair Testoterone Edition

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
VAllure: https://www.vallure-agency.com/auditions (GFE ASMR, Female only.)

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Tierlist: https://tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-16631934

Remember to rise after falling down.

Previous Thread: >>71262247

>> No.71290511 [DELETED] 

im going to kill myself tomorrow

>> No.71290603

I hope you don't

>> No.71290636

Its weird how I am getting more mentions in wasp than here. I don't even collab with girls. Funny that the thread that hates guys so much talks about guys so much. Just randomly slandering guys that you retards don't even watch.

>> No.71290695

But they watch me? :)

>> No.71290814

what do you mean gen 2 i've been here since before the thread was /asp/
i was just on that list since i was active in the /asp/cord at the time that was made

>> No.71290833

I have some of the lowest ccv here at 1.5 average and they can't stop dropping my name. I guess I live rent free in schizo's heads

>> No.71290846

That thread will do anything for a bump so don't be surprised

>> No.71291062
File: 699 KB, 668x772, greenmen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71291071
File: 145 KB, 1500x1000, 1685489371221337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Worms collab with basil, kankuro, shvah, and Haru!!

>> No.71291087

I'd hire them

>> No.71291117

Those guys were crabbing viewers the other day. They're literally obsessed

>> No.71291139

Fuck, I would have used this as OP if I had seen it

>> No.71291181

I just made it now-

>> No.71291259

should everyone from >>71279717 that's not on the tierlist get added?
yeah, I'm pretty sure it was just a random height list that anyone could opt-in to

>> No.71291288
File: 62 KB, 680x383, Yerba Mate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slushy and AcePCaswell are playing AI: The Somnium Files together! Come help them solve some futuristic murders!

>> No.71291325


>> No.71291378

lmao even

>> No.71291489

wasp has no reason to exist. It started as a joke and continues to be a joke. Only the most powerful simps take it seriously.

>> No.71291554

What determines the "gens" of /asp/? Like what's the divide between 3rd and 4th? When would 5th exist?

>> No.71291774

Yes, asp unity (I'll finally be added)

>> No.71291933

Hi babes

>> No.71291937

Who in gen 3 and 4 still streams?

>> No.71291961

>Only ever got mentioned there when I accidentally posted stream link & image, or the big list of names.
I'm ngmi

>> No.71292005

There's not a hard definition it's more a vague grouping. The split between 3 and 4 is about when Digby started self posting and 5 started late summer 2023

>> No.71292244

Why are you gay

>> No.71292317

just because his girlfriend pegs him doesnt make him gay bro

>> No.71292647

That is lance you cocksucker

>> No.71292805

it might as well be every vtuber relationship really

>> No.71292843


God I wish

>> No.71292936


Nice, generational categorization autism is the best.

>> No.71292986


>> No.71293112

I love her so much and she treats me like dirt

>> No.71293185


>> No.71293206


>> No.71293231

it's always been a vibe kind of thing; this was mostly evident between the first three generations
from gen 4 and onwards its been a bit nebulous since thread activity has never slowed down since then but i'd say the split between 4 and 5 would be around summer of 2023 while gen 6 is probably what we got when wasp was created

>> No.71293381

Literally what do I need to do for her to like me. Am I that bad of a guy

>> No.71293630

I’m glad no one has felt like this about me in my 8 months of vtubing Jesus Christ

>> No.71293764
File: 577 KB, 1017x1013, nervous.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.twitch.tv/camuich he's live with subnautica and later he'll play postal 2

>> No.71293777

I used to be desired by women but I'm finding myself much happier by breaking norms and becoming a stupid little trash eater

>> No.71293845

You need help, Cheen...

>> No.71293943

Go get some pussy, pay if you need to and forget about her.

>> No.71294183


>> No.71294249

Are you sure?

>> No.71294310

Why do post this like it's not you posting it?

>> No.71294327

Bussy then

>> No.71294337


>> No.71294347

>I'm going to move to south america and get a cute wife.
You're in for a rude awakening.
SA women smell desperation from a mile away, unless you have money or status, they won't even look your way.
You'll end up like Sheldon, the tripfag from /a/.

>> No.71294395

Fuck off sexpest.

>> No.71294569

Bunkumm is live

>> No.71294798

Your loss, you'll end up being a virgin until the day you die.

>> No.71295122

Isn't that better than being the guy who pays for sex

>> No.71295773

You ultimately pay for sex, there is no such thing as free sex, you either pay for it with money or time.

>> No.71295815

Because i'm not him (I wish) he's streaming and forgot to selfpost

>> No.71295870

Whatever you tell yourself

>> No.71295995

You with money and time, or just with time. There is no sex without the process of sex or presex (get undressed, get hard, put protection and put it in) you fucking retard.

>> No.71296029

i'm bi...

>> No.71296107



>> No.71296465


>> No.71296678

It's not about pussy its about being loved by someone you love

>> No.71297269

Who has a pussy

>> No.71297323

ignore this homo, its definitely about pussy

>> No.71297413
File: 68 KB, 617x101, 1707670636043281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need more girls in glasses

>> No.71297432
File: 417 KB, 871x817, even more nervous.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71297462

it's a spammer that arrived earlier in the day.
The thread is slower so it usually lasts a day or two and it ran two threads row in a single day so far
This is why i'm taking refuge in here today
How have you been guys?

>> No.71297554

Go back to containment schizo

>> No.71297596

im eating ice cream and watching Vinesauce

>> No.71297614
File: 208 KB, 428x512, cry mad layer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do an earlier / longer stream this week but my sleep has been all over the place this week and every time I have tried to wake up I just want to sleep more.

Also wanted to do some collabs but not been able to get them organised yet either, at least we got the new PNG!

What do you think about the new scissors holder? I think kyu9800 did a great job and I'm glad someone was able to make this come true!

>> No.71298164

Scissors is trans now. Its so over

>> No.71298395

Watching my bros and loving the aspiring vtuber life

>> No.71298424

Not him but I actually did try to cut my balls off with scissors

>> No.71298507

Were you going to cook them afterwards?

>> No.71298520
File: 215 KB, 1321x1440, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is mutton's model so ugly? Her loli design looked good

>> No.71298601

How did that go and why?

>> No.71298616

This is pure sex eyes

>> No.71298628

It doesn't look THAT bad. Are you one of those 'new model bad' types?

>> No.71298652

I like it, it looks good

>> No.71298865

Pic unrelated

>> No.71298981

Stopped cause it hurt and scissors not sharp. Did it because I was bored

>> No.71299052

Female schizo hands wrote this trash bait

>> No.71299312

I've been lurking in this thread for the last month, and you are all insane

>> No.71299361

It looks fine to me

>> No.71299554

I'm male

>> No.71299651
File: 182 KB, 680x1175, ZBrush_s1nkzNrx7I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My rough body sculpts keep getting more and more ridiculous.

>> No.71299689

who? never seen her posted here before

>> No.71299777

Let me marry your daughter

>> No.71299869

>Did it because I was bored
Based? I can't imagine being that bored though

>> No.71299886

Live now playing Mahjong. Yes, I have a dunce cap. It's a joke.


>> No.71299972
File: 389 KB, 624x1162, ZBrush_6AZFyE77tf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She hasn't even been born yet...

>> No.71300911

You get discouraged to chat because somebody swings the sword, I get discouraged to chat when somebody holds the crown, has the battery or uses the "ULTRA RARE TIME LIMITED" ones, We are different.

>> No.71300982

I'm discouraged to chat when there are other chatters. I like being the center of attention.

>> No.71301057

Watch my stream later I will give you 1 on 1 attention if you want

>> No.71301078

I start to chat when i see someone else to just shun those who are shy and only chat while there is nobody else, like you :)

>> No.71301191

Is the holder the reason we should watch your streams?

>> No.71301436

>half of /wasp/ is shitting on men and starts on how to steal views from men
I am no longer ever raiding into women

>> No.71301519

As if any of them could even do it when our content couldn't be more different, rumao.
Let the girls have some fun anon.

>> No.71301541

You're finally understanding

>> No.71301626

This is a group of men who are collectively responsible to trolling threads I’ve seen the discord leak

>> No.71301683

Cool. Make sure you don’t raid into the troons though.

>> No.71301706

As if a single person in that thread is a girl. It's all schizo larpers lmao

>> No.71301710

You should watch scissors because he says based stuff about minorities during stream

>> No.71301836

There's only one way to find out. Maybe I will stream tomorrow if I actually have the energy. Even a no-mic stream is out of bounds right now because I feel so lethargic.

Juggling around what games to play tomorrow. Tempted to restart Minecraft again, after all that was my very first stream only for the VOD to not get recorded.

>> No.71301846

Maybe we should make a third split to dodge the schizos...

>> No.71301910

Great idea. You can call it beginning vtuber general or BVG

>> No.71301988

/tvg/ Trans Vtuber General, femboys allowed

>> No.71302063

I'm going to turn /jong/ into /asp/ again. Wish me luck

>> No.71302154

Beryl can be the OP image and thread darling

>> No.71302253

Make it and I will post my tits in it

>> No.71302508

Good luck driving out the /pcg/ jongers

>> No.71302569

>/wasp/ shitting on girls again

Mutton is cute

>> No.71302784

The fuck is wrong with her face and head

>> No.71302858

the lineweights are awful

>> No.71302869

They're not leaned against my shoulder

>> No.71303007

Why does she hate me /asp/

>> No.71303045

This is the real answer. Feels like the face was made first and the art style shifted from there. Thinning out the line weight around the jaw would fix almost everything.

>> No.71303098

Trans tits or no?

>> No.71303117

looks fine.
the vtuber curse is that you have the urge to change models every few weeks so maybe you shouldn't add to that urge.

>> No.71303242

What can I do to make things better with her

>> No.71303246

Just get 7 models made and you can use a different one every day of the week

>> No.71303299


>> No.71303656

Sorry guys. I'm back to /asp/. They're over there talking about how having a female model makes you a female vtuber and that pointing out that an obvious tranny is invading a female space is "doxxing". I'm not going to be at ground zero for whatever sexpest disaster they have brewing.

>> No.71303744

nah I'm cool you can stay out of here too worrying about stupid shit like that.

>> No.71303763

>I'm not going to be at ground zero for whatever sexpest disaster they have brewing.
creating /wasp/ was the ground zero already
unfortunately it's very difficult for women to have a truly exclusive space these days

>> No.71303832

It's a discord false flagging both threads but they deserve it because they actually come here to falseflag every time a girl post here

>> No.71303878

So the active male hate didn't drive you away but trannies invading your space did...
huh, I think you should go back :]

>> No.71303952 [SPOILER] 
File: 179 KB, 845x675, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71304040

Andy...I love you...please...please...I'm not just a chatter. I truly want to be with you and make you happy...Andy...please.........please........please...

>> No.71304063

>It's a discord false flagging both threads
I believe you but seeing none of the girls push back on something so fucking absurd has me literally seething.

>> No.71304146

Go complain about your schizo thread to them not us

>> No.71304216

This is my schizo thread now.

>> No.71304395

>seeing none of the girls push back on something
There are no girls there to push back on anything. That's a unicorn thread and they're not pushing back on anything.

>> No.71304505

I said this before, the girls are not dumb, if they go with it it's because they like the attention and since they like the attention then they can stay there.
Wanting more attention is fine and if they can get it there good for them.
If they go even further and actually take the retarded advice given there like banning all male vtubers it would be even better because it would mean they no longer need the support from people from here.

>> No.71304562

i fixed my audio today you guys can hear me now...

>> No.71304726

I hear absolutely nothing...

>> No.71304734

Haha thats fucking great can i post this on twitter?

>> No.71304763

No :)

>> No.71304969

You forfeit exclusivity when you want equality.
There's nothing special about women, they're put upon a pedastal because ignorant men can't properly sort their feelings and think every woman on planet earth is some magical being that can fix everything wrong with them.

Some women might not like being treated no differently than anyone else, some trans people might also be in that boat as well.
But there's nothing inherently special about any human being.
We're all creatures of bone, muscle, blood and skin.
We can all learn to do anything, there's nothing anyone can do that someone else couldn't learn to do.
Modesty is lost upon the common people as they've deluded themselves into thinking they serve some greater purpose or provide something that cannot be replicated.
It might feel good to feel like you do something special but it's a fleeting feeling that you'll chase after until you're caught in a spiral of depression.

But what do I know I'm just some guy on 4chan.

>> No.71305010

>patchie finally learned how to move his mic 6 inches away from his jet turbine PC
Proud of you bro.

>> No.71305471

good job fwofie ily

>> No.71305484

But there are males here, isn't that the #1 to #10 rule of /wasp/? Don't interact with men? (Despite all your viewers being men and 90% being /asp/ies)

>> No.71305554

Ok :(

>> No.71305576

Men don't make me uncomfortable. Trannies do.

>> No.71305778

Cats disavows this thread and panders to the other one with her alter ego. What did she mean by this?

>> No.71305900

Yeah I guess the other rules are about trying to steal views from men, or leeching of men and blocking them once that's done, you didn't have a problem with any of that until the trannies pulled the mask off.

>> No.71306322

not menhera behaviour.

>> No.71306651

Let her do what she wants, not our problem

>> No.71306702

anya coded post

>> No.71306741
File: 41 KB, 744x682, wave2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, first time shilling here, streaming some Sonic Heroes rn, wanted /asp/'s opinion


>> No.71306788

anyain't me

>> No.71306824

two tone white and black hair is such a popular design

>> No.71306950

who has unique gimmicks/avatars while still retaining a human form?

>> No.71307181


>> No.71307205
File: 82 KB, 387x327, 1000083339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome! now tell him to either play until puro or give me back my precious euros. HE QUIT AT ROOM TWO!!! SCAAAAAAAMMMMED!!

>> No.71307293

Only holofags get hung up on the concept of "Don't interact with men" idol larp. Successful indies interact with all sorts of content creators of both sexes because the point is to make content and reach as many people as possible. If you section yourself off from half of the planet by default you've already cut yourself off at the knees and if you make a point of shouting from the rooftops that you hate men or that you hate women, sane people will look at you like a lunatic who cannot function in society.

>> No.71307360

You question is so vague it could apply to anyone who isn't aggressively generic.

>> No.71307861

MY NOISE SUPPRESSION WAS TURNED OFF. IT WAS OBS'S FAULT NOT MEEEEEE!! but thank you! audio is much much better ^^

>> No.71307931

NO, you tell him >:(
at least now he's playing something good looking

>> No.71307992

I'm sad
because I can't fuck an older Asian woman who is straight
because none of them would be interested in me

>> No.71308132

show gumpai your money, she will happily do it if it's a good day on the menhera calendar.

>> No.71308140

I want to make a design inspired by a rich young romantic 1800s Gothic baroque person

>> No.71308216

The question is: are they crane type psycho or iriya type psycho?

>> No.71308316


Pick a fucking period

>> No.71308480

Baroque period is from 1600 to 1750 anon..

>> No.71309163

I didn't finish middle school please understand

>> No.71309206

i only know im on the split tierlist because it was posted here and that is a little unsettling. wasp scares the shit out of me

>> No.71309406

Right? I want off Immediately!

>> No.71309556

Wasp has every female on their tierlist even if they never posted there, these are the same people that had as thread mascot two aspies who never posted there until mutton, bonni and pittie became their new thread mascot

>> No.71309726

its the same retard that has been spamming the thead for hours now

>> No.71309841

Gothic is late middle ages. Think plate armour, knights, castles.

Baroque is after gothic. Think canons, muskets, pirates, men in tights and fancy coats.

Romantic is much later. Think classic style suits, top hats, industry, steam engines, revolutions.

>> No.71310081

isn't that what scissors is doing now?

>> No.71310088 [DELETED] 

what is a cross between alcard from castlevania and some sad 1800s russian boy

>> No.71310282 [DELETED] 

>>7130what is a cross between alcard from castlevania and some sad 1800s russian boy
messed up the reeeeply

>> No.71310320

is this a stroke?

>> No.71310362 [DELETED] 

i dont know what happened there i messed it up afain
what is a cross between alcard from castlevania and some sad 1800s russian boy

>> No.71310428


>> No.71310435 [DELETED] 

what is a cross between alcard from castlevania and some sad 1800s russian boy

>> No.71310499

I just want to hug a wholesome vampire femboy with wide hips

>> No.71310511

Shut the fuck up

>> No.71310663
File: 85 KB, 1171x530, image_2024-03-13_234523676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted it on twitter but I'll put here too for any of you aspies that don't follow me
I'll have quite a few days off coming up next week because I requested em off so I'd like to collab with people if they're free!
I'd prefer individual collabs but we could do group ones too if the activity allows for it.

>> No.71310707
File: 788 KB, 3277x4096, FseOC-haYAAOdLz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VAllure. Adult vtuber corpo, focusing on lewd audio.

>> No.71310811

None exist

>> No.71310870

Stop spamming this shit here, the only female chuubas here are seiso.
Go to /wasp/ and you might have better luck

>> No.71310898

Pick one

>> No.71311164

His avatar is the same, he just changes the female he uses as crutch

>> No.71311193

Haru is both.

>> No.71311205

I just want to keep the illusion and fall in love, I don't want to be reminded about sex

>> No.71311684


>> No.71312063

buy a fucking ad

>> No.71312134

Does anyone know if you can tie the Display Lighting feature in Vtube Studio to a hotkey?

>> No.71312768

Just create a hotkey with the type "Screen Overlay" and click "Record Settings" to record the current display color overlay settings into a hotkey.

>> No.71313158

you have to set a hotkey to disable it too though, that's something to keep in mind

>> No.71313373

Well, if I can set it for one state I can set it for two. I just need to be able to send two different settings sets to a loop in SAMMI. I've never used a Screen Overlay hotkey before so I'll need to play around with it.

>> No.71313466

Wait, Ria is a randonnite? I lied about her being my oshi if I didn't even knew that

>> No.71314052

can any cute girls give me a kiss goodnight

>> No.71314091

Looks like a certain femboy

>> No.71314088

Yeah she was pretty forward about it during that "rate male vtubers" chart stream.

>> No.71314094
File: 48 KB, 240x277, 1707882222989829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get any goodnight kisses from some cute boys

>> No.71314180
File: 3 KB, 151x248, 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

//asp// this feel

>> No.71314204

hey can you wait 10 minutes please I want a kiss from a cute girl first

>> No.71314234

Akashi quit long ago

>> No.71314240

I'm saving my kisses for other anon so I will give you this type of kiss *mwah*

>> No.71314286

i want to prepare a bath for him and massage his back and legs

>> No.71314347

That might be Skaab depending on the game

>> No.71314430

Andy just made it.

>> No.71314472

who raided?

>> No.71314489

I'm happy for her

>> No.71314568

Femboy arc on wvt was insufferable, don't start it here too

>> No.71314625

Pippa, Marimari, and Rezuul's mahjong collab raided

>> No.71314635

Marimari and Tileman(Rezuul)

>> No.71314649

This, I don't want to feel gay, I don't want to fall in love with my bros.

>> No.71314670

oh that's based, happy for her.

>> No.71314770

I hate jongers so much it's unreal

>> No.71314844

enjoy being an ngmi then

>> No.71314925


>> No.71315008

Jongers are whatever. I have Javascript with the force of a thousand suns.

>> No.71315087

Why do you have Java that is that big? Where are you housing it

>> No.71315105

That arc was completely pushed by a couple wvt femboys trying to make themselves popular, they aren't here, so it'll be fine.

>> No.71315172

I don't enjoy it but I take comfort in the fact that I don't play mahjong

>> No.71315372


>> No.71315619

nta but I love you gclef

>> No.71315978

not this anon but I dreamed about a giant gClef who allowed me to sleep on his fluffy ears...

>> No.71316191

oh man a giant Gclef would be scary! Wouldn't it be so scary if giant Gclef tried to step on me and with his big feet and then rolled me around between his toes that would be so bad haha. Do you think he would cover me in maple syrup too before he rolled me under his feet? That would be even worse lol

>> No.71316272
File: 40 KB, 631x631, IMG_9188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71316422

Probably too gay though
But maybe I will go this mode if someone destroyed my mental during stream

>> No.71316466

She's done with us

>> No.71316643

With me.

>> No.71316909

Imagine the sweet and sour smell of the syrup on his feet, snnf snf

>> No.71317015
File: 25 KB, 367x564, scoutwat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71317146

I'm sorry...

>> No.71317474
File: 47 KB, 748x975, 20240314144033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you defeat me...

>> No.71317539

I want you to love me...

>> No.71317605


>> No.71317899

I'm sorry I'm completely sure I can pick you up, throw you into the bed and pin you down.
You stand no chance.

>> No.71317971

Thanks for hanging out with me again :] had a lot of fun and made some good progress, I think! I hope you all have a good day or evening or whenever you find yourselves. Take care.

>> No.71318681
File: 3.53 MB, 3045x4069, 1880621-1d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it then...

>> No.71318762

I'm looking for rigger recommendations, can you guys help me, please?

>> No.71319058

I know a guy
Shit, nevermind.

>> No.71319215

thanks for stopping by those who did, I was kinda nervous about posting here but I had a lot of fun!

>> No.71319836


>> No.71320007


>> No.71320634

I want sentry though...

>> No.71320637

>male gets huge raid
>female gets huge raid
she's going to make it!

>> No.71320653

He only knows niggas

>> No.71320763


>> No.71321321

anon discovers that shitposters post what gets the most reactions, news at 11

>> No.71321501

I'm old enough to communicate properly but haha whats up my niggers, sure hope you're avoiding the trannies otherwise you're not gonna make it and make sure that you also say nigger faggot tranny schizo astroturfer leech slut whore cunnie leaker to anyone who shows up to ensure that they feel welcome in our sekrit club

>> No.71321527

Are you two going to team up like this hentai

>> No.71321850

I sure am glad Heraherachan is gone. Somehow, everything has just seemed better since it quit.

>> No.71321896

He's been back twice in the last couple months begging for attention and being ignored.

>> No.71322132

What? When?

>> No.71322562

I just want to cuddle with my wife(male)

>> No.71323917

How do you do?

>> No.71325133


>> No.71325355

He is talking about doctor frankey and nemcrodeer

>> No.71327092
File: 91 KB, 640x640, happy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listening to beryl while i grind super credits, aww yeah it's gonna be a comfy morning

>> No.71327139

Filthy euro

>> No.71329764
File: 377 KB, 612x502, Screenshot 2024-03-11 232306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this goat like you wouldn't believe

>> No.71331284


>> No.71331551

hey I'm gump

>> No.71331630
File: 1.88 MB, 2665x3910, 1058029-forrest-gump-1994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71331914


>> No.71332496


>> No.71332510

Hey chat, how the fuck do I stop procrastinating? I legitimately might have to cancel tonight's stream because I procrastinated on a big assignment for one of my classes & I'm still nowhere close to finishing it by the 11:30 pm EST deadline tonight.

>> No.71332891 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.62 MB, 1920x1080, VRChat_2024-03-14_05-27-15.782_1920x1080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71332989

why do you look like a sickly lesbian

>> No.71332995

How do you decide which content is more fitting for youtube video or shorts?

>> No.71333001

You're doing this wrong. Instead of worrying about procrastinating, don't schedule any streams for a particular day if you know there's going to be deadlines. Doesn't matter if that deadline is on COB, there's always a possibility it's going to EOD

>> No.71333007

This is so homosexual coded, thank you.

>> No.71333069

>is it less than a minute and has a strong first 3 seconds?
>everything else?

>> No.71333618

Nice editing

>> No.71334158

I don't think that's his editing anon, I think it's just something anon can throw their 3d model into.

>> No.71334244

woah you sound so much better now

>> No.71334455
File: 66 KB, 497x529, Unity_VDsPAP1An5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Vroid men look like lesbians.
Okami(theHunter, NotOlga) told me today she was glad Edgeworth is gay so that when she wears that avatar she can virtually cuddle/be affectionate with me and it still feel right.
The choreography and visuals were provided for me via VRChat, but I had to purchase, edit, assemble the avatar assets myself. I'm still considering recoloring the blue robes into black ones to get at least a step away from that off-the-shelf look.

I'm also not a big fan of the default gesture controlled facial presets, so editing those scripts and adjusting the blendshapes is another bit of labor I'll have the pleasure of doing.

Don't even get me started on trying to get an android/mobile port or any of the PC optimization I need to do. Pic related.

TL;DR 3D A fuck.

>> No.71335158

Gumpai stop humble bragging on X no one said you’re wasted potential you just think you’re hot shit

>> No.71335531

thank you for gracing me with this schizopost on this wonderful morning

>> No.71335921

but enough about keitaro

>> No.71336111

Is it weird that I want a parasocial fanbase like Shondo's? I just want to be able to love my viewers and for them to love me and we exist inside our little circle.

>> No.71336139

Just type boring messages in her chat

>> No.71336162

just start a cult, fag

>> No.71336187

How the fuck do I start a cult?

>> No.71336633

Groom couple people

>> No.71336705

This and you can't really buy it. Not as directly as the hole at least but you can invest in things that makes you more desirable to the consumerist brain that most people on the planet are

>> No.71336922

Girls are naturally submissive. They will not have a healthy community if left on their own like that

>> No.71337370

Most that try just get fucked over because they don't know how to manage it all and are deep down disgusted by it all

>> No.71338709
File: 29 KB, 236x261, brat think.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't think I know who you're talking about.

>> No.71338856

That's the most on-topic of a content post this thread has seen in months.

>> No.71338865

>See Yuko and her boobros
GFE is a scam but most don’t have the stomach for it or the head to keep on top of things.

>> No.71338971

What's a good live2D tutorial?
I have an idea I'd like to explore which is simple enough that even I could roughly draw it and I imagine that without polish or bells-and-whistles it shouldn't be TOO hard to rig.

>> No.71339170

>What's a good live2D tutorial?
They're all pretty situational so it depends on what you're trying to do, you'll find them on the Live2D discord easily. The best way to learn how to use Live2D in a broad sense is to just download it yourself and mess around with the example models and controls to see how it ticks.

>> No.71339178

I was wondering last night when I went to bed. I imagine clothing rigging is not much more simple than rigging the character "under" the clothing layers, but is that accurate? If I decided to draw an outfit to go over my model and rig it would I basically have to re-rig the entire model or is it possible that the rigging on my model would transfer easily to move the new clothing layers?

>> No.71339451

For the sake of argument let's say "minimum possible necessary to go from 0 to making a very simple drawing come to life".
It's a simple thing, no mouth, no clothing, pretty much just a shape with eyes I'm hoping would follow my movement.
I already found at least one tutorial that seems to do the job done, I'm just wondering if there's some sort of consensus about a "go-to" tutorial.

>> No.71339647

>I'm just wondering if there's some sort of consensus about a "go-to" tutorial.
Not really. Most tutorials are made by low-middling skill riggers because all the better riggers want exclusivity for their methods so you just have to find what works for you and go from there, maybe expand on it yourself once you get enough practice.

As for what you're looking for, I think most Head XY tutorials will go through the basics that'll eventually fit into everything else, but I haven't needed to watch a tutorial in ages.

>> No.71340067
File: 309 KB, 498x498, 1709232537389372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schizos are spamming wasp so i guess i will stay here for a while

>> No.71340200

You all are the worst. You really are the worst. I've been using this site for more than half of the time I've been alive and you people are some of the most consistently actively malicious, baselessly self-aggrandizing warbling excuses for idiots I've seen on a hobby board since the site switched hands. What is wrong with you? I have to assume it's some form of continents-wide carbon monoxide leak or widespread lead poisoning, maybe at a stretch an aftereffect of some airborne illness or another, because there's no other excuse for a collection of adults to simultaneously want to participate in a hobby as meaningless and fun as fucking vtubing while simultaneously hating eachother so deeply as to become obsessed with eachother, spend significant amounts of your free time posting bitchy and targeted comments, and constantly bicker and whine. You are all so self-involved that I will not be surprised by the day one of you drowns while trying to fuck your own reflection. You can't even exist in a thread without trying to announce yourself and your presence, because even if you're horrible to others you still think you deserve attention and praise. You are all the worst.

>> No.71340258

Its a thread full of seething individuals who are upset that they cant make it or had one bad experience now its their life goal to make others feel bad.

>> No.71340381

When will you dorks learn to not say shit like that out loud?

>> No.71340642
File: 175 KB, 407x485, 1704165132332832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71340644

Looks like an average day of the anti-male vast majority shitting its pants over men again.

>> No.71340681


>> No.71340720

Whose fanbase is on some sort of list?

>> No.71340721

Don't get me wrong, the split was, is and always will be bullshit, but schizos NOT spamming a thread in /vt/ is the exception.

>> No.71340900

I didn't say it was off-topic anon

>> No.71340988

Actually in female segment of vtubing the boiling frog experience is the most common and consistent. At least males have the balls to make it known to you from the start if you are one of them or not

>> No.71341028

You are overestimating the type of men that post here

>> No.71341058
File: 783 KB, 731x1300, 1710087622581063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to attempt and play the entirety of Sonic Adventure DX today (perhaps over two streams in one day)!
Why? Because I feel like it. Also it was one of the first games I had on my first laptop back in the day.

>> No.71341147

Scissors being sexpested by fland when I can't even get him to notice me. Guess today is the day

>> No.71341752

>followers only chat
isn't this a male too? hard to debuff yourself much harder

>> No.71341891

it's off now, turned on by mistake

>> No.71342163

the game can also be practically inaudible

>> No.71342286

>being surprised a thread made in bad faith just to try and groom impressionable retards eventually blew up and imploded upon itself

>> No.71342612

You fags sure aren't suble.

>> No.71342720

my ex keeps throwing rocks at my new house so best just move in with him again

>> No.71342770

Women unironically think like this

>> No.71342962

All the women brain dead enough to associate with that schizo thread were doomed to never make it

>> No.71343002

is it any better now?

>> No.71343084

so like all aspies?
crabs do not want to see other crabs make it

>> No.71343140

i dont know, im not watching anymore
if you're using OBS, typically you want to have the volume set so that your speech will just barely reach into the red area and that game audio hits the top of the green area/peaks into yellow

>> No.71343169

NTA but he's right. The thread was made in bad faith, populated majority by male-feminist grade wolves in sheep's clothing, and attracted a few tourists from /jong/ /vrt/ /wvt/ and /fig/ (the latter known for schizoing very hard about males from its first thread).

To their credit, the thread is at least (when they're not shitting their diapers about men) fairly upbeat and positive about streams going on and vtubers doing vtuber things instead of the usual signal-to-noise ratio here. We get what? 3 linkposts and 3 posts about actually doing vtubing in this thread in a sea of 300+ gossip/blog/erp/shitposts? We (as a thread) can do better but most of the time we don't.

>> No.71343277

I just stopped posting my link because I am afraid of people actually watching me since I will end up letting them down with my inconsistent schedule due to life

>> No.71343295

Made by everyones favorite schizo and aspcord owner

>> No.71343328

Thats because probably some very loud and obnoxious people heavily discourage linkposting. I too would like to know about the streams that are happening but you all would rather go on about some nonsense than promote yourselves

>> No.71343467

so much male hating on wasp, I can't... i will collab with who I want and when I want if I'm NGMI it for that reason then at least im boosting my collab partner and helping them

>> No.71343515

That's the real reason anyone moved to wasp. It's because this thread became a crabbing hell and almost no one has enough courage to post. Posting here asking for help or advice is mostly like talking to the void and if you link post or self posts you will get crabbed until you leave.

>> No.71343676

Came to the right place for ngmi and cocks galore

>> No.71343675

You can do that but yeah the i just want to make some friends types are the most NGMI of all. You provide no entertainment for the viewer and viewers are the people that decide if you make it or not

>> No.71343684

I stopped link posting because I would get hated on every single time

>> No.71343768

unicorn the corpos if you want but its kinda sickening to see it happen to indies because unicorns think they only have six other people to compete with for the woman's attention instead of a hundred

>> No.71343819

The trick is to ignore them and just post anyway

>> No.71343902

Abigail made wasp??

>> No.71343944

No, the trick is to move to a healthier thread. If you want people to post here, make the thread better. Report your schizos and start defending crabbed targets and attacking crabs instead of letting them roam free and blaming others for "biting bait". We are not here to be your martyrs.

>> No.71344019
File: 835 KB, 1112x627, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep telling you guys. You get the thread you want. If you want a thread that is (probably not free, lets not get crazy) mostly free of "crabs" (this is just a cute name for shitposters since most of them have zero impact on anyone's success or failure, they're not "pulling you down" they're saying mean words into the void) and other gossipy garbage, YOU have to be the one to change that.

You have to post streams and screenshots of streams.
You have to post clips and art.
You have to post ideas and workshop content.
You have to ask for resources and ideas.

If you're not going to do it and kick the can to somebody else, the schizos win because they don't need to wait for somebody else to do the job.

>> No.71344048

Good one. There is no such thing as healthier thread. As it catches on you will have the same problems again its just how a community like this works

>> No.71344070

I can't believe a gay nigger like E Embers made wasp

>> No.71344142

>and start defending crabbed targets and attacking crabs instead of letting them roam free and blaming others for "biting bait"
Out of curiosity. Do you think you're going to own a schizo with facts and logic and that doing so with 300 posts in every thread will defeat them and cast them back into the pits of Hell? You don't defeat somebody looking for attention by giving them lots of it.

>> No.71344255

Ok, then just keep doing what you are doing. Clearly it's working...

>> No.71344324

Or we could keep crabbing people we hate and blocked us

>> No.71344535

That's probably why you got blocked. Hope that helps.

You didn't answer the question. "What (you, meaning the thread I assume) are doing *is* endlessly arguing with schizos. That's why we end up with forever timeloops about the same bait post every single thread. The more you respond to it the more they'll post it. Schizos who are frustrated at not getting replies resort to self-replying which can also be reported just like the bait itself and is way more annoying for the troll than just replying to others to farm more (You)s.

>> No.71344633

What if my viewers feel bad for me and just want me to make friends and are happy I have friends?

>> No.71344635

What healthier thread? You move to a new one and you think the schizos magically won't follow?
There's a reason the golden rule of the internet is "don't feed the trolls"

>> No.71344636
File: 57 KB, 567x567, 1707456806755950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not reaching enlightenment like me

>> No.71344743

>bread politics
kill me

>> No.71344840

fresh bake

>> No.71344852

just a crumb of old man yaoi I'm begging you

>> No.71344863

Not really politics. I'd bet most /asp/ies aren't dyed in the wool 4channel.org posters and most come from places that have much more active and aggressive moderation. Its good to remind them of how to navigate threads when jannies don't care.

>> No.71344911

What you call viewers are in fact other vtubers

>> No.71345037

E Embers?

>> No.71345141

i want to learn more about him and have long rambles while being spooned

>> No.71345247
File: 616 KB, 1044x1078, Nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71345251


>> No.71345331

my victim

>> No.71345360

cute and autistic

>> No.71345470

Name him sis

>> No.71345619


>> No.71345632


>> No.71345639

This one has the discord link so get in this instead >>71345575
