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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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71278307 No.71278307 [Reply] [Original]

Previously, the more cynical anons argued that there could be some desperate 1views and 2views who'd sign up with Niji for one year, then redirect whatever fanbase they collected to their PL.
Except now we know that there's a graduation queue, so "1 year of Niji hell" may translate to 1-and-a-half or even 2 years. And you can't do side content on your non-Niji account because their contract forbids it. AND you can't wipe your ass with the contract because they'll withhold twelve months of pay if you get yourself terminated because of contract violations. AND the fanbase bonus is moot now that NijiEn doesn't even promote their newer waves. So the only people who are willing to apply must be:
>Desperate 1views and 2views
>Willing to slave for a black company for more than year
>Doesn't care about their finances
>Willing to gamble for a fanbase that might not even materialize

>> No.71278383
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I'm joining to wape Wosemi-sama

>> No.71278725

They're still gonna find some dumb fucking whore or aspiring discord groomer to apply, don't worry.
Even WACTOR who are straight-up criminal still managed to find dumbshit shitforbrain sheep to sign their contracts very late into the imposion of their corp.

Never underestimate how absolutely stupid some people are, especially those who have brainrot from "le i wanna be le popular streamer" aspirations (or want to be able to groom girls). And ESPECIALLY if they're a dumb fucking whore who is literally allergic to reading contracts or interacting with lawyers.

And that's assuming they even know what a black corp it is. Between pasty-white normalfag vermin who never watched anime (Kyo) and the ESL la creatura mutt abominations who barely speak English (Kotoka/Meloco), I'd even say the likelihood that one of them just doesn't know about the controversy to begin with is not entirely unlikely.

Also, if all else fail, Elira can just farm some more of her discord friends by bribing them with management perks.

>> No.71278821

They will get the same people they always got:
The desperate and the retarded

>> No.71279017

>who never watched anime
Like something bad

>> No.71279239

If Don King can still sign fighters with all his baggage, people will still sign with NijiEN.

>> No.71281021
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>Like something bad

>> No.71281146

And actual racists, GET DOWN UKI!

>> No.71283250

fuck off phaseshill

>> No.71283558
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You can jump from a no name indie that has been streaming for more than 2 years to an audience of less than 20 people, to an audience between 400-3k depending on if you are actually fun to watch.

I'm sure that most people would jump at the opportunity, even low tier nijiEN vtubers make enough money to be able to live alone in Canada or USA, imagine if you live in some third world country, and you get paid the same as a doctor in your country for acting like an anime girl or boy and just play games and talk about your day, working less than 3 hours a day.

Besides, it doesn't matter how popular you were in NijiEN, once you leave and badmouth them you get more popular, and you can milk the drama for some good money, see Sayu she was a 300-500 CCV vtuber in NijiEN, now she is getting around 1.5-2k CCV

>> No.71283647

Until they eventually figure that out and worsen the contract.
The bad part about contract signing is that what is not enforceable simply leads to termination of it. It's the answer to every problem, to null and void it and then fuck with you in other ways.

>> No.71284124
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Still a good deal for someone that didn't go to college/university, or someone with zero job experience or contacts. There's a reason people apply even for no name companies like idol, EIEN, kawaii, PixelLink, PRISM, V-dere, V4Mirai, Phase Connect and others.

I mean, sure you will never be as rich or popular as some hololive vtuber, but you will be more popular and rich than someone from a small corpo listened before that does vtubing because it is their hobby or working as a wageslave job 8 hours, 6 days a week, if you join NijiEN.

People tend to make the mistake of thinking that NijiEN streamers are poor.

>> No.71284138

This anon understands it. Sometimes lucks fuck you over, sometimes you can skip 10 years worth of grind by doing 2 years of corpo work.
I wonder how viable would it be for a corporation to exists that specifically rotate talent on a five year basis.

>> No.71284467
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>I wonder how viable would it be for a corporation to exists that specifically rotate talent on a five year basis.

100% viable and is the common practice for any corporation, you just keep the key workers by paying them a little more or giving them fake titles or power, like most people working in a fast food franchise don't last longer than a year, there are some industries that don't even do that and just change everyone after a few years like IT, when people with more experience or older people actually are wanted less.

>> No.71284578
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Not exactly.
She actually ended up on par with or lower than her pre-niji numbers due to that scorched earth bullshit. It took over 1000 hours of raw stream time over just two months for her to build up anything resembling a reputation or solid ccv again. (this is actually including the sleep time during subathon. She seriously was going for 14+ hours each day, but they killed her ccv for those months so just look at the follower increase instead)

>> No.71284864

>that spike around Selen drama
She is totally milking it, good for her, like I said it a good strategy and way better than being a wageslave.

>> No.71285115
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Yeah, but compare it to the spike from after her termination. She's actually growing even a month after the drama wore off. And this doesn't even count her youtube viewership, which adds another 2-4 finanas each stream ever since I think december. And you can tell they're active viewers because whenever she does a twitch only stream, they tend to migrate temporarily.

>> No.71285204

Being a streamer sounds like a shit job.

>> No.71285615

It is. If you make it big, you can coast as long as you keep it up, but actually getting to those levels requires an insane amount of work to the point where most people would cringe at even the thought of spending 20 hours a day filming and editing videos and researching content. Even IF you put in the work, you're not guaranteed shit and you have to make the most of any lucky break you might get. SmallAnt is a fun example I like to use because he used to be a 2view streamer for over 5 years until he spent a month or two diving into nothing but how to grow his channel and went on an insane campaign to make the most viral video game content he can just out of super mario odyssey. Now he regularly streams fucking speedrunning bullshit for 10+ hours to over 6k people and all of his uploads have the potential to hit a million views. His roommates have come in basically saying how no human being should ever have to be forced to put in the insane fucking hours he did to force his way into the algorithm.

>> No.71287412


>> No.71288275

>Now he regularly streams fucking speedrunning bullshit for 10+ hours
Sounds like it's shitty even if you make it.

>> No.71288389

Cuz it is. Now imagine doing everything I said, only you're still a 2view because the algorithm never picked you up. You just lost 2 months of your life with absolutely no revenue gain and you're still wasting 10+ hours a day losing money that you could've used looking for another job.

>> No.71289195

fujos, i guess

>> No.71289412

You make 12-15 dollars an hour doing fast food in america.

>> No.71289437

Niji’s last yab really helped her.

>> No.71291304

Niji being so shit that they boosted Sayu and vindicated her will always be nice to see

>> No.71291900

No other choices.
Blackest corpo to ever corpo
Nepotism hires only
Already falling apart
Maybe V&U? The jews? Who knows at this point.
And shes still a sad little bitter bitch, at least everyone else that left had a nice little nest egg, she made 0 dollars and is upset that Doki got so much attention and the only reason pay attention to her now is because she's a useful idiot for the dramafags, when people stop caring they'll drop her ass again.

>> No.71292427

Actually its worse than Sayu's case. Doki said her thing and she's done, enjoying her high CCV streams and thousands upon thousands of dollars, people only started caring about Sayu again because she actually feeds into them, playing the victim perfectly.
>Sign contract
>Fuck it all up
But you know, women and accountability is like oil and water.

>> No.71292663

Phasefag stop shilling your Oshi.

>> No.71299086

>I'm sure that most people would jump at the opportunity, even low tier nijiEN vtubers make enough money to be able to live alone in Canada or USA
Fuck no they don't. The earlier waves did, but in the latest wave we have one girl who's made a grand total of ~$5.5k for SC in total in 3 months (less than $2k of which she actually gets) and another ~$4.2k ($1.5k likewise). That is, once again, over THREE MONTHS and counting. I don't know about you but that doesn't sound to me like a decent wage for NA standards. And with their SL similarly barren, their memberships paltry, and their general merch drops nonexistent, I doubt they actually end up with much more in the end.

>> No.71299319

These posts reek of nijiseethe

>> No.71299589

I just mute the stream when she starts going about niji, it's usually 5 minutes at most.
I enjoyed her gaming yaps as Zaion, I enjoy her gaming yaps as Sayu, simple as that.

>> No.71300854

They're losing their favorite punching bag and can't cope with it

>> No.71301211

They're desperate at this point. Realized that Doki is too strong and can't be handled. Switched to Sayu smear. Tried to pit dragoons against sayufags with the textbook psyops strats in the past few days. And nothing works, goons and sayufags still want to see niji burn and both streamers keep doing well - Doki cements her success and Sayu keeps growing day by day.

>> No.71301799

Yeah, like, just look at kunai's PL and it's looking like niji was a legit debuff for her.

>> No.71301864

Doesn't kunai make half her ccv and donations now? before AC's cut?

>> No.71302668

just use SEA people.

>> No.71302875

Don't forget they're banned from side gigs. So if they don't make enough money from Niji, tough shit.

>> No.71303011

Just like the good old days of serfdom in Europe, or company-towns in the early US. The employer essentially owns you, and your kids. You cannot move, you cannot work multiple jobs, they pay you in their currency, and you do not have permission to travel. Archaic shit to keep control of your workforce.

>> No.71303555

Because it was, objectively speaking. That's why I'm of the firm belief that if NijiEN DOES get more applicants eventually it'll ONLY be desperate 1 and 2 views, and it's why I'm pretty much positive Kunai will be ditching Niji at the first opportunity possible so she can actually actively make money instead of getting fucked by Niji's complete lack of advertisement combined with all of the drama.

>> No.71303577
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I unironically might, It's the only way I can get my name out there and hololive isn't signing anyone any time soon.

>> No.71303678

Bullies and woke racists who want to be free to act shitty and still have corpo backing
all the 39daph wannabes and similar scum of the earth

>> No.71303688

Anon, please be smart. Don't join a company that's likely to die within the year, especially not one that might end up giving you an actual black mark on your record. Even if all the current bullies leave, it's never going to lose the stain of "that company that had those problems."

>> No.71303792

Chinese communists, same as most of those before

>> No.71303820

Don't do it, buddy, your soul is worth more than that.

>> No.71303869

Some people might be desperate enough to put up with it. We've heard a lot of horror stories about Niji recently, but out of the two hundred something people in the corpo, most of them probably haven't had any really awful experiences. However, that might also mean that you're not getting much out of the slave contract. NijiJP has more 2views than success stories, and I doubt ANYCOLOR is giving them managers and ad opportunities.

>> No.71303942

my dad died and we don't have stable income, I've been doing asmr and barely getting by. it's worth a shot if I can make at least 1.5x of what I'm currently making. It is what it is sadly...

>> No.71303966

Even if they were, what are the odds that you would get in? Niji will hire any old dipshit; hololive has thousands of people lining up to get in, and some of them try multiple times.

>> No.71304082

I met hololive's credentials and they just rejected me because I didn't have a PC strong enough for streaming some game they really wanted me to stream

>> No.71304161

Put the work in to get your name out there yourself, joining niji will get you blacklisted from so many things now

>> No.71304309

Ask me how I know you're lying. Plenty of mems start out with potato PCs. If you can run the model, you qualify. You'll earn enough money to buy a better computer later.

>> No.71304751

My dad died too. He taught me that integrity and relationships matter more than money or fame. And considering his life story (survived through a war, immigrated to a foreign country with no money and six family members to take care of, grinded his way to a stable career), I'm inclined to believe he's right.
So don't give up.

>> No.71305171

If you need a stable income urgently then Nijisanji is one of the worst employers you could be applying for right now.
>Several month gap between when you are accepted and when you can start working
>Several month gap between when you can start working and when your first paycheck will come in
>Will be forced to put your indie career on hiatus during that time
>No guarantee the company will still exist in the same form it does today between now and then
>No guarantee the company's brand appeal will be enough to get you any meaningful audience or income anymore
>Even if you endure all of this and last long enough to get paid out, Anycolor takes one of the largest cuts in the industry out of whatever you made
I'm not even saying this to shitpost or whatever. Please for your sake don't fall into a predatory trap like this.

>> No.71306549

Small corpos get a lot of whales, and their 3 views pull in akas every single stream. Sistas, despite their rabid devotion to the corp, have shown fuck all interest in Niji's smaller, newer talents and opportunities like sponsorships and merch royalties that are the main incentive for joining a corp in the first place are non-existent.

I'm pretty sure everyone in Phase Euphoria is outearning everyone from Krisis and TTT.

>> No.71306859

Wait, wait, are you serious? Krisis is Niji? Wasn't that part of stars?
I legit thought Krisis was after armis and tempus or some shit because of the name.

>> No.71307416 [DELETED] 

Kyle Kulinsky is a grifter and a simp! wont support JB for "not being left enough" but marries a shitlib

>> No.71307909

If I were an indie I'd still consider it just to gain some numbers then quit back to being indie lol.

>> No.71310506
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>And ESPECIALLY if they're a dumb fucking whore who is literally allergic to reading contracts or interacting with lawyers.
If only there was a based boomer grifter lawyer giving them advices for months now.

>> No.71310660

>see Sayu she was a 300-500 CCV vtuber in NijiEN, now she is getting around 1.5-2k CCV
From 1 Finana to 6.6 Finanas not bad but we have to be honest that it was with the "fuck kurosanji" buff.

>> No.71310864
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>Niji being so shit that they boosted Sayu and vindicated her will always be nice to see
Some dipshits are just ignoring that her low numbers were thanks to kurosanji defamation debuff + sisters doxxing her, not giving up after everyone shitted on her is admirable regardless of your opinion of her.
I can imagine her getting aroused watching the yacht going down in flames after everything they did to her.

>> No.71311017

Hello Riku, shouldn't be you getting ready for the meeting?

>> No.71311095

And now you know first hand how poorly Niji has advertised their livers.

>> No.71311133

My only worry right now is that Kyo is VERY friendly with big /lig/s so there can be some defamation campaign going right now (and honestly it could've begun much earlier) internally. But there's enough good beans there so hopefully they'll tell him to fuck off.

>> No.71311250

Bao immediately had a short published with him and some others in it. So he's found his way to the upper ligs.

>> No.71311402

If he's smart or at least self-aware enough to know where public opinion is blowing, he'd present himself as a victim of clique coercion. "They made me do it! They told me to doxx Zaion! They threatened to doxx me if I didn't!"

>> No.71311452

>And now you know first hand how poorly Niji has advertised their livers.
Quite insulting to pretend they're Cover rivals when they invest fucking nothing for years and now we know they don't even hire the most basic assistant for their livers, total niggersanji death.

>> No.71311570

He was there much earlier, even since pre-niji. If not for corporate rules he'd have many more collabs with them as Kyo but he was only able to only organize a few (like The Button collab)

>> No.71311626

Disgusting. God, I hope he gets unearthed at some point and properly excommunicated.

>> No.71311802

He's self aware but he's also a mad bitchy faggot, a fairly large indie I'm friends with was in contact with him when he spilled his spaghet over Sayu being included in a collab

>> No.71311946

You could not pay me to join up with a corpo let alone nijisanji if i were a Vtuber especially one starting out in todays world. I would shoot for large indie status on twitch the freedom to do whatever i want and play whatever i want is worth the potential financial loss in return alone.

>> No.71312138

I wouldn't doubt it for a second after all the shitfits he kept throwing onscreen at Niji. I don't know how the fuck he has any friends left, let alone big ones.

>> No.71312232

He's a part of 'we (think we) look good and we hang out irl sometimes to have fun' /lig/ group and its members won't go on any crusade against him, trust me. But at the same time I also don't think they'll organize a public smear campaign.

>> No.71312376

It doesn't need to be public. All it takes is one person throwing a shitfit about another one being around for you to want to avoid them being together, prioritizing whichever one you're closer with. It could fuck over Sayu or Doki as long as they prefer him over her and force them to choose.

>> No.71312421

Just look at the amount of defenders they still have, and despite being mogged by a piece of paper they still get a decent amount of views. Surely there's still some dummy teenage girl who will join just to meet her idols, just to get bossed around from the girls and sexually harassed by the men. And she would probably enjoy it, I mean just look at Scarle.

>> No.71312698

It's still a good deal for unknown chuubas in SEA, LATAM, or any other shitty economy countries.

>> No.71312728

Basically joins if you're a 1-2 view, keep as is if you got lucky to enough to become a 3 view or higher

>> No.71312945

>Just look at the amount of defenders they still have
Honestly not that many, they're just terminally online and tweet 4000 times a day

>> No.71313042

The thing about being an internet personality is that you truly need something to put you on the map, then you'll actually start growing with your normal content. But without a breakthrough you could unironically upload/stream for over a decade of normal content and still never going past 1k subs. You really need that one thing that makes people look at you in the first place, sure some people get lucky and said thing is a video on itself, but something.

>> No.71313256

If he does anything that remotely resembles sabotaging Sayu he better hope she doesn't ever find out, because with her upward momentum and her rep as the person who called out the billion dollar company's bullshit if he gets on her shitlist there's a good chance his career is over

>> No.71313344

>I don't know how the fuck he has any friends left, let alone big ones
It is honestly baffling as well to me how he still has big ligger friends, perhaps they are just as shitty as he is

>> No.71313484

>but out of the two hundred something people in the corpo

In fact, most people probably don't know anyone other than the big 3 in jp, and those involved in drama in both branches.

>> No.71313560


>> No.71313576

Maybe, but she had receipts for the Niji thing. I don't think there's much that's uncontested proof in the Kyo shit other than him liking dox tweets as Bennet.

>> No.71313595

Might as well become an AVtuber if you have a model for it, and/or starting an OF and linking it under your ASMR vids. You'll catch some horny degens for sure, who will give you some bonus stable income, and you won't even have to reveal your face if you do it right. Yeah it's embarrassing but if you really need money, this is a quick solution.

>> No.71313720

True, but Sayu wouldn't risk her reputation on a lie at this point

>> No.71313861

They can withhold 12 months of pay but that just means that when you quit you're giving up any revenue that hasn't yet been paid out. They can invoice you for whatever number their $8/hr intern comes up with but you can use the bill to wipe your ass for as much as it matters. If you're living in a first world country outside of Japan, the court in your country would laugh at them if they tried to sue.
If you're an intelligent actor looking at all this and wanted to figure out how to get the most benefit out of this stygian black company, you go in with the full intention of breaking contract. Don't rock the boat with your local clique, don't give ANYONE there actionable info against you (not even over voice chat), follow the directives given to you. Downplay your intelligence or you might get filtered on auditions. When you're satisfied with the views and fanbase you've developed or just can't stand the shit org anymore, ghost them. Maybe if you're feeling extra generous, let them know you're done before you stop logging in to your Niji accounts.
Come back as a new vtuber, vaguepost about how you saw things that made you realize you HAD to leave, get free publicity, laugh at the ESL staffers sending you angry emails. Bonus points if you screenshot everything you have access to for potential leaks later.
This is still only worth it to someone languishing as a 1-2view and has been for awhile. If you can't foresee yourself boosting past your current numbers within a year and a half, this seems like an option if you have the balls to do it.

>> No.71313981

Right now to outsiders it'd be easy to paint her as a slandering menhera who broke down after being called out for a rape joke or whatever. It wouldn't hold up to any kind of proof, but PR isn't always about who's right most of the time, just who's louder.

>> No.71314295

From the many hundreds of hours I've spent on watching /lig/s some things that can be said for sure are:
- they like to 'vibe', 'feel good', etc, understandable
- if they're vibing with the person they don't really care how controversial or shitty the person is
- they're more drama-resilient than corpos
- as long as something doesn't kill the vibe they don't care about it
- the cliques are real, some are way more open-minded than others

It is a two-way road:
1. Some of them won't care about nijidrama and WILL hang out with Kyo
2. Some of them won't care about nijidrama and WILL hang out with Sayu/Doki

>> No.71316145

So are you saying if you're a vtuber pulling 1 Finana joining can be profitable?, it seems too risky if the corpo mandates you to collab with the clique your rep can be damaged forever even after leaving.

>> No.71316262

Just ask Kunai if she's profitable. She's doing more than 1 Finana every stream despite having the fastest record for 3view any% speedrun

>> No.71317489

I dunno man, how are people still supporting them as fans? People are stupid and do stupid things, and then they get all butthurt and weepy when it bites them in the ass.

>> No.71317555

Didn't some members start with actual laptops? Hell, Polka's infamous poltato PC is also a popular meme among the fandom
