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7122093 No.7122093 [Reply] [Original]

Pomu has apologized for the collab and said she'd be uploading a highlight reel later. No more rrats please.

>> No.7122257

Zen should unironically retire or at least apologize to everyone involved. Pomu did nothing wrong.

>> No.7122303

Pomu and Elira apologized when they didn't have to.

>> No.7122304

Oh great, now on top of all the shit that went down in that collab they also made pomu feel guilty for it

>> No.7122638

I joined the stream late, I believe at the last hour and they were having fun, but I've been reading that the first hour was a massive clusterfuck. What even happened?

I have never watched Zentraya but I found it weird that she was using text to speech. Are all of her streams like that?

>> No.7122714

How much did vshojo pay her to say this?

>> No.7122791

I missed the stream too. I was really confused to see it privated, so I'm not sure of what happened either. Zentreya uses text to speech because it's a guy.

>> No.7122792

Why a highlight real and not the whole VOD with a warning in the title? Just seems like you're hiding something if you have to edit the entire version because any more would make you look bad.

>> No.7122807

Elira was being kind of a bitch. At least the others pretended to be engaged and have fun despite the trainwreck, elira just checked out completely and ragequit.

>> No.7122829

Why are you just making shit up?

>> No.7122855

Because there was a metric fuckton of DMCA music and shit in the VOD, it's unironically less work for them to make highlight reels than attempt to salvage the full vod

>> No.7122856

Some of the maps had copyrighted stuff in them.

>> No.7122949

I have no idea why they thought it would be a good idea to play an asset dump game in the age of DMCA and permissions. They could have gone with fucking Among Us and it would have been a massive success.

>> No.7122979

Pomu is one of the last people who should be apologizing for that collab. I actually feel kind of sad listening to this because she's too nice

>> No.7123004

>elira just checked out completely
That's just Elira in big collabs.

>> No.7123118

Works fine on twitch. Blame jewtube.

>> No.7123452

Fuck off, Elira did nothing wrong
The game kept shitting itself and nobody explained how to play the games to them

>> No.7124216

>I have never watched Zentraya but I found it weird that she was using text to speech. Are all of her streams like that?
Yes, because "she" is a troon.

>> No.7124463

I blame those who unironically watch TTS streamers

>> No.7124492

why should she apologized? the stream was already awful after Vshojo make ara ara and hi honey jokes. It should be Vshojo that needs to apologize

>> No.7124555

The last 1-2 hours have some pretty fun content, at least on Pomu's Pov don't know about the other two. Zentreya apologized to Pomu off stream because they basically put Pomu on the spot with the surgery so we got that at least, don't know if Haruka (the person who put Pomu on the spot) apologized off stream.

>> No.7124610

>why should she apologized?
For being terrible in general

>> No.7124629

Oh yes, what even was that? Did Pomu even talk about that on her own streams?

>> No.7124776

She did, only to say that it's a preventative surgery very likely for breast or ovarian cancer, and she's taking a break until the middle of next month. She also said she didn't want people speculating or talking about it too much so the deer bringing it up was a major dick move

>> No.7124859

>didn't want people speculating or talking about it
Then don't post it on social media?

>> No.7125183

Because if she only said she was going on hiatus for a while, people would speculate even worse things.
"Is she about to graduate?" "Is she dying?" "Is she in trouble with management?" "Family issues?"
Saying that it's just a preventative surgery, for a cancer she doesn't have, at least alleviates fears and quells most crazy speculation.

>> No.7125302

You gather shit around and wish someone who has common sense to pretend to enjoy your shit?

>> No.7125346

Poor Pomu. She's too nice

>> No.7125428

Pomu apologizing only makes the situation worse god damn she needs to stop taking the blame for others' mistakes. Has fucking Haruka said shit since? I'm not even going to touch anything related to her.

>> No.7125518

I mean you never were to begin with so what difference does it make, nijinigger?

>> No.7125572

I mean I'm not going to comb through her socials to see if she did. I swear it's the same Anon that defends Haruka so adamantly across the entire board, I'd almost believe it was Haruka herself.

>> No.7125648

There was a good 4 minute round where it looked like she straight up left after hiding. She was silent and the avatar didnt even move

>> No.7125722

>Spend the first 50 mintues on the main menu doing "ara ara' and "Hi honey" memes.
>The server host starts a game of Trouble in Terrorist Town, despite the nijisanji girls clearly having Hide and seek in their titles and wanting to play that.
>Then never explains how Terrorist Town works.
>All the girls are confused, thinking it's just deathmatch.
>Switch the map to a spongebob map, nijisanji girls refuse to play for copyright issues, other girls play the through match anyways. While nijisanji just waits.
>Finally start prop hunt "hide and seek", forget to invite Pika and Pomu.
>Both girls sit on the main menu for like fucking 10 mintues by themselves because they aren't even in a voice chat together.
>Elira clearly being done with this shit, doesn't even say a word, just sits in silence not playing.
>A hour and half in, realise this collab is shit, finally joins a discord all together, think about just quiting, tries to play prop hunt again.
>Pika has lag issuses and doesn't understand how to play.
>Pika, Nyanners, and Elira eventually just check out and go silent.
A massive clusterfuck is honestly an understatement, this is the kind of collab nightmares are made out of.

>> No.7125930

This isn't even accurate. Elira was playing the prop hunt part of the collab completely normally once the issues were sorted out, laughing and joking and having fun with the people on her team.

>> No.7125941

Lmao based Elira, fuck Vshojo and fuck Indies.

>> No.7125945

Is this normal for .... these non agency vtubers?

>> No.7126055

Last hour was pretty good except for the Pomu part, Nyanners was the only one that barely talked, was surprised she was in Pomu's team at one point since she didn't talk for the past couple of rounds.

>> No.7126084

I remember a couple of rounds near the start of prop hunt where she didn't say much but her avatar was definitely moving. She kept looking at chat when people came near with worried looks like 'oh no theyre going to find me". I assumed she wasn't sure if it was still a proximity chat thing or not like the previous mode.

>> No.7126095

Pomu cries or acts sad more then Watame at this point. And of course people donate. I hope she isn’t doing this on purpose.

>> No.7126149

Pomu has always been very emotional though,

>> No.7126218

think she left to go to the bathroom or get water or something; her reaction after coming back and seeing she lived was cute

>> No.7126219

this is unforgivable. fault and blame falls entirety on the organizers not pomu of all people

>> No.7126411

Hey, got to milk the paypigs somehow!

>> No.7126428

>she’s not as up front and doesn’t have a cock in her mouth at all times like everyone else, she’s not committing to it!

>> No.7126645

Donations were disabled that stream

>> No.7127495

Imagine running your mouth about something you don't know. Dumb people are always the best at flexing their ignorance

>> No.7127556

Donations were off and she's having fucking surgery

>> No.7127624

Neither girls deserve such slander. Repent for your shitpost.

>> No.7127663

After like 2 hours yeah

>> No.7128118

Well yeah, the first hour everyone was doing intros and then forced memes in turn. Then the second hour if she wasn't having technical difficulties she was being made to play a game mode nobody explained the rules for or busy trying to highlight all the copyright shit in the maps that could get them demonetised or banned from youtube.

>> No.7129690

this is what happened when you associate yourself with western whores of vhsitjo

>> No.7129913

Holy shit I hate Vshojo soo much

>> No.7129957

I hate NijiEN for making Vshojo look bad.

>> No.7130033

Nijibros…Why is the elf apologising? Isn’t the fault lied with organiser who didn’t take into consideration regarding those issues?

>> No.7130345

There's no blame for anyone as a group.
The hi honey shit was shitty but ok I'll take it as an icebreaker.

The main issues were:
>lack of organization pre-stream
They should have checked all have the games and can connect (they did some of this before stream but seemingly not enough)
Also talking and sorting out DMCA issues. And explain how TTT works beforehand.
I'd blame Zen if anything as an organizer
>focus on pomu's private issues
that's entirely to blame on Haruka

>> No.7130364

Give me the quick rundown on why this was such a desaster? And why are Nijis fucking apologizing?

>> No.7130458

How the fuck does this even happen? What the fuck? Did nobody fucking stop for 1 second and think "this is the wrong game" or "why are we literally excluding some participants from playing"? What the actual fuck is wrong with them? Who organized this? I hope they face Chumkaren-level backlash

>> No.7130559

>vshojo does a meme
>pomu does a meme until its dead and buried and is a complete ironic weeb slut
>haha I'm pomu XD

>> No.7130639

It's crazy how some jokes are funny while others are not
>personal preference
The majority of the board prefers the latter over the former. Not that it's an indication of what's actually better, but maybe you should start using a different website if the opinions of the users here infuriated you so much.

>> No.7130670

I don't care if this is bait. Pomu's power level is higher than 99% of the posters on this website, let alone this board.

>> No.7130672

I don't like vshojo or Nijisanji at all but here is some advice.
Kill yourself.

>> No.7130683

No because when pomu does the stupid Ara Ara bullshit everyone laughs and thinks its funny.
Let's be honest, you faggots just hate vshojo because theyre vshojo and never bother to give them a chance.

>> No.7130706

This is the level of professionalism you can generally expect from western streamers.

>> No.7130719
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VShit should be doing it and submitting drafts for approval to Pomu et al.

>> No.7130721

Wow vshojo making the cancer chuuba from niji apologize for their shit show. Imagine if niji en was the one who organized and iron Mouse came out apologizing afterwards.

>> No.7130726

She did it one time because of a superchat

>> No.7130854

Not him, but I have watched them and I got filtered by fucking Ironmouse
The guy is right, go back to your containment thread

>> No.7130903

Where are all the Nijicucks claiming this was actually really good once it got rolling lmao?

>> No.7131101

Would be funny if the highlight reel was just all the shit that went wrong.

>> No.7131176
File: 251 KB, 683x439, 23892108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was weird how some of the Vshojo girls weren't even streaming. Turns out they were literally hard muted while everyone was getting to know each other. At this point it almost feels like they were just out to sabotage the collab intentionally.
When Ironmouse had to talk, she suddenly had "mic issues," when Vei had to talk it was "oh I have to pee!" Nyanners was Nyanners about it, but that's pretty much her schtick at this point.

And the cancer girl is the one that has to apologize for the shitshow.

>> No.7131205

What part of vshitshow is hard to understand?

>> No.7131217
File: 1.13 MB, 656x758, PomuAkibaQueen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The elf apologised because she has a heart of gold. That's why she's my wife

>> No.7131510

This is why no one wants people to collab with V-Shojo.
Japan hates them because they break so much copyright with music and playing anime on twitch.

>> No.7131576

Not only are you talking shit about Pomu but now you're bring Watame into!?

>> No.7131600

What ?!? Pomu did nothing wrong and is on of the victims here, and she's the one apologizing ??? Zen should be fucking crawling and kneeling for what she has done. Fuck vshojo.

>> No.7131619

I'll be so fucking upset if they collab with this group again. It shouldn't have even happened after the first one with Finana.

>> No.7131690

Ironmouse should apologise for existing

>> No.7131730 [DELETED] 

You managed to passed the niji fandoms and now you seriously wanted to add us into the mix as well?

>> No.7132017

apologizing for the errors of others, literally retarded

>> No.7132084

Remember when she was gonna die in 3 months? And before that when she was gonna die in 3 months? And before that when she was gonna die in 3 months? And before that when she was gonna die in 3 months? And before that when she was gonna die in 3 months? And before that when she was gonna die in 3 months?

>> No.7132161

Unfortunately NijiEN isn't big enough to create the king of backlash that the TTS tranny deserves. Imagine they had made a fool out of Gura like they did with Pomu

>> No.7132449
File: 178 KB, 1080x545, Screenshot_20210727-073959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon I just wanted to point out how nice this post looks on mobile

>> No.7132701

Iron mouse doesn't have a death date persay.
She has self-inflicted genetic AIDS
She dies the next time she catches a cold. Until then the mouse lives

>> No.7132987

The mouse lives until she doesn't.

>> No.7133027

Who is this deer and why does she have the discord out in the open for everyone to see? Isn't that bad?

>> No.7133048

A retard

>> No.7133385

Pomu is apologizing to her fans for A) being part of a scuffed collab, and B) for people who missed it being able to watch the VOD. It's part of being a professional entertainer. Someone came to watch you and they didn't have a good time, you make them feel better about it so they'll come back again rather than just saying "tough shit, not my fault."

>> No.7136398

It's the nijis' fault for refusing to play the spongebob map to be honest, nobody else had any trouble with it

>> No.7137163

Because copyright holders aren't going to bother wasting time going after small western independents who don't have much money.
They WILL go after a large corporation with significant financial backing, especially one in Japan where they have much stricter copyright rules/enforcement.

>> No.7137608

New or bait. Either way neck yourself

>> No.7138431

>Niji fault
No it's not, blame VShojo because they were the one voting the map without knowing it can fucking DMCA other livers

>> No.7138525

What was the bad news?

>> No.7138585

I've watched a decent amount of vshoujo and actually like a couple of the girls to some extent, the issue is that they're fucking incompetent and continuously cater to retarded shit in an attempt to grab a "western" audience (see: nyanner's new 3d model, which looks more "western" at the cost of looking like shit and not at all being reliable to her actual design). People are allowed to disagree with the culture propagated by vshoujo. Furthermore, this further cements zen as a fucking imbecile who doesn't deserve the audience he got by clinging on to vshoujo girls

>> No.7138622

Her old pup had to be out down

>> No.7138656
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How to show that you didn't watch the collab without saying you skipped it. Elira got involved after the two hour mark when they finally got more prop-hunt working. She had some fun gunning down some props and using her pro skills to hide as a bottle.

>> No.7138686

Pomu mentioned it during the collab, but it was her mom calling to tell her that their dog passed away (old age).

>> No.7138687

>I've watched a decent amount of vshoujo
I'm calling bullshit on that one

>> No.7138807

I consider myself a fan of melody, and was excited about her 1-on-1 collab with pomu, I've also been watching nyanners since before she even joined the fucking group (something I was somewhat disappointed to see). Furthermore I've seen at least a few streams from froot and ironmouse, although I was only able to sit through one from zen and admittedly haven't really bothered with the other few members. I would say I've seen enough to have an understanding of which ones I like and the culture of the group as a whole.

>> No.7138893

Not enough to learn how the group spell their name though?

>> No.7138937

>I've watched a decent amount of vshoujo
Watching clips doesn't count, anonchama

>> No.7138988

if you couldn't tell I care about a couple members significantly more than the group as a whole. You have the right to like all of them but there are valid reasons not to.

>> No.7139062

>I've also been watching nyanners since before she even joined the fucking group
I'm sorry to hear that. I hope it's terminal.

>> No.7139788

You are responsible for the content on your channel. She agreed to participate knowing the character of the individuals involved, and therefore shares some responsibility. Hopefully Niji keeps their distance from the twtich crowd in the future.

>> No.7139823

Froot seemed decent, seems like she wanted to talk to Pomu a lot and is one of the few in the collab that apologized to Lazulight afterwards. Is there anything i should know about her?

>> No.7140134

Froot was the one that pushed for that Ara Ara / Hi Honey cringe
This was so awful to watch from Pomu's POV
>Pomu was really nervous and anxious because 1st new people 2nd many people
>her chat knew that these forced memes are cringe because...
>when some people asked her to do this in her very 1st streams, she didn't want to do this at first
>then did, giving it a twist, beeping it out etc
>someone asked her again in the following stream, she outright refused
>have never seen Pomu THIS annoyed before
>now Froot + Vshojo peer pressure force her to do shit she really doesn't want to do

>> No.7140212

Pomu knows it's cringe, which is why she did it with a gremlin/grandma voice in the collab.

>> No.7140213

What a weird way to use greentext go back newfag.

Also based they need to put restrictions on them so that shit doesn't happen.

>> No.7140397

Who are you quoting?

>> No.7140440

>now Froot + Vshojo peer pressure force her to do shit she really doesn't want to do
Froot pressured everyone including VShojo
Nobody else wanted to do that cringey bullshit
Vei even pretended she needed to piss just to try and get out of it

>> No.7140487

Gee thanks way to make Pomu feel guilty before her surgery, cunts.

>> No.7140489

yeah Pomu might not have belonged there, but neither did Nyanners for example

>> No.7142699

>Pomu has apologized
for what? she didn't do anything bad

>> No.7142735

I'm really glad that our united hate of vshojo what's going to bring our two communities together. I feel your pain nijibros.

>> No.7143153

>works fine on twitch
>where the demand is to mute all your games for fear of dmca
>where they muted metallica playing their own music for fear of dmca

>> No.7143204

>shittalking jesussheep

>> No.7143231

and now you understand why cover is so cagey about external western collabs

>> No.7145838

Is it any good?

>> No.7146861

t. murrican
that sure worked great for coco and cover huh?

>> No.7146926
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>Pomu apologizing for getting shit from a whore deer
My anger is palatable. Out of all things, Pomu DIDN'T deserve this

>> No.7147003
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bug is spotted

>> No.7147499
File: 103 KB, 1125x241, 2DE54230-5219-4EA8-BDEA-82C95A5B0E89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

veibased but only sometimes.
