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71216167 No.71216167 [Reply] [Original]

You think this bitch actually tried to kill herself? or is just another lie to get sympathy from people, It's hard to believe a compulsive liar, all she does is lie, do you believe her? do you forgive her?

>> No.71216262

Prove she lied

>> No.71216321
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>> No.71216396

Prove she tried

>> No.71216399

I am inclined to think she did something to land herself in the hospital, but yes it is textbook pitybaiting.

>> No.71216424

You better cut of people like her, she's like attempted suicide every 1 months or something, exhausting.

>> No.71216549

>killing yourself over chipi chipi chapa chapa
Damn, and I thought killing yourself over Last Cup of Coffee was stupid...

>> No.71216648

I wish her well but that's as much sympathy as I can spare for her.

>> No.71216954

Don’t trust someone who has lied to you for years

>> No.71217145
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probably just took a few too many of her SSRIs called a friend and said shes scared and her friend called an ambulance and doctors labeled it a suicide attempt. what kind of hospital lets someone go as long as a friend promises to look after them one of my friends said they have suicidal thoughts to a shrink one time and they locked him up for a month kek

>> No.71217295

Boy who cried wolf situation. This is what suicide baiting for years leads to.

>> No.71218167

Prove she (didn’t) died

>> No.71218659

When was it ever confirmed she lied about being suicidal or attempting suicide?>>71217295

>> No.71219007

i have the feeling her current audience is made by feminazis and karens, her subcount is still quite high.

>> No.71219892

If they don't succeed it's for attention. I hope she does it right next time

>> No.71220216
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>If they don't succeed it's for attention.
That's not how it works, dipshit.

>> No.71220536

if they don't succed more then 3 times it is.
How many times did Mike try?

>> No.71220746

Not enough

>> No.71220826

Shortly after the whole GTAV thing, she did an audio stream that she ended by crying and saying "sayonara", then you hear a wooshing sound like she jumped out of her apartment or something.

>> No.71220856

No one can fix her
she should become a public onahole for the good of mankind

>> No.71220953

Nips aren't buying her story at all. Mike streamed mere hours before this random vtuber claiming to be her friend announced that Mike just tried to kill herself. So we are supposed to believe that she attempted suicide, someone found her and took her to the hospital, she got well enough to get discharged and got someone to tweet about it in the span of 6 hours? Even if it is true, the fact that Mike made her attempt public immediately after the fact makes it clear that it's an attention seeking move.
Not to mention that this friend edited out the part about Mikeneko having been discharged because it worked against her story. It's just sus all around.

>> No.71221070

if career suicide count, then more than 3.

>> No.71221094

I thought she was good at lying, what went wrong?

>> No.71221229


>> No.71221465

Dude, doctors don't just let you go home if you show up at the hospital as the result of a suicide attempt.

>> No.71221830

Why didn't you try to save her, anon?

>> No.71221844

If they posted "She's in the hospital" that's prove she didn't die, but can you prove they didn't lie about the attempt?

>> No.71221960

its the 6th time shes claimed to
have done it so far. surely she would never lie to us right mikefags?

>> No.71221990

Can't we just have a sane vtuber acting as a menhera for once? I'm tired of ill girls actually being ill.

>> No.71222004

If she was going to an hero then she'd have done so over the other plethora of far worse things she's endured (which were her own fault of course) rather than over some stupid cat meme making fun of her. She's suicide baited for years now and far too many times so no one's gonna believe her now and there's no reason to. It's just another lie. Most likely for sympathy because she saw how well it worked for Doki.

>> No.71222117

>Psychotic mental case tries to kill herself after her life crumbled around her the third(?) time.
You're going to have to explain what part of this you're doubting anon. You can't just leave out the 'reasonable' part of 'reasonable doubt'.

>> No.71222196

Where the fuck do you live that they actually do that anon? Sounds like a fucking healthcare scam so I'm guessing America.

>> No.71222375

If she had actually made HALF the attempts she claimed, she would be in a fucking psych ward and medicated until she'd be near comatose, so I really doubt it.
at least I hope it's a lie

>> No.71222535

Which hospital let a suicide patient out within few hours? It's JP, not some 3rd world country

>> No.71222610

>6th time
where did you get this number

>> No.71222762

at japan you will be surprised how little they care about their patients

>> No.71222784
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It depends on your definition of "actually tried." I'd say, going by most people's definition, no. But it's hard to tell what a woman intends to do when they do anything because they're incompetent and manipulative, so it's honestly anyone's guess.

I'd say she felt like shit, threw caution to the wind and took too many pills, cried to a friend about it, went to the hospital and now she's fine (for her).

And that's probably what Selen did, too, which is why it was so cringey that people were acting like she "almost died." It's upsetting when anyone is pushed that far, but to say they almost died is a little...you know...

>> No.71222802

Most of the world doesn't really care as much anon, they'll set you up with a therapy appointment if you're lucky because their services are massively overbooked.
>He thinks psych wards have room for every suicidal headcase
I kind of wish I was this naive honestly.

>> No.71222848

NTA, but from Mike (streams, tweet, messages), I'm pretty sure. IDK about 6th, though, I thought this is just the 5th, but maybe I forgot / missed one.

>> No.71222929

>He thinks every country's healthcare is a mess like the US
No naivete here

>> No.71223246

>He thinks I was talking about the US
Nope but I'm not surprised to hear it's just as bad in the US. Mental health crisis is an epidemic all over the world and services aren't keeping up. Shrinking and often negative population growth is putting a huge strain on services and younger generations, and the whole damn world is entering a vicious cycle.

>> No.71223320

>And that's probably what Selen did, too
If they put a psychiatrist in charge of Selen, it's already not the same situation, also Mikeneko couldn't prove she attempted, she always claimed to do it, on the other hand Selen has medical prove.

>> No.71223683

so you’re just going off by hearsay then
>you MUST post your medical records online to prove you’re not lying!
ESL retard

>> No.71224501

>life crumbled around her the third(?) time
QRD? I thought she had finally landed a job she liked or something. I heard about the divorce and her court case against haters falling through but I thought that was a while ago.

>> No.71224674

Selen has no medical proof she attempted suicide. Even if she got the wristband from the psych ward, the psych ward takes people in for many reasons, including saying "I feel suicidal" (sometimes).

>> No.71224954

Can someone post that meme that offended her? It sounds like it's nothing honestly.

>> No.71225257

Yeah lemme just go and pull up her full medical record for the whole internet to see. Retard. If even Nijisanji and her lawyers thought it was real, it's real.
I saw it and clicked off of it after a few seconds. It's some niconico levels of insanity and screeching.

>> No.71225325

She got proof, niji organs confirmed it.

>> No.71225510


>> No.71225579

i wish she'd stop this, she's gone through a lot and i really expected she would grow mentally strong after all that.

>> No.71226302

I'm having suicidal thoughts every day for the last 14 years, I should apply for a Phase Connect audition

>> No.71226354

>offensive memes
>chipi chipi chapa *slaps mafumafu*

>> No.71227561

>strong 4view numbers
>gets 4k dollars in superchats per week
>still moderately attractive
>manages to get VA jobs
So she is just menhera and cannot stop herself.

>> No.71228114

congrats you have a functioning and regulated brain, hers' is psychologically misfiring from years of body dysmorphic depression and mental breakdowns, she needs to see a reputable psychologic to restore what remains of her psyche.

>> No.71229032

>good at lying

This is the same woman who said AQUA bullied her

>> No.71229251

Story is corroborated by her openly married friend's husband, which are two public persons more than the usual attempts. The unedited original post also mentioned putting her under supervision by police and hospitalization (to avoid more attempts) and only convinced otherwise by her friend who is probably taking care of her at the moment.

>> No.71229330

prove she (didn't) ride my dick

>> No.71231572

They said she was in the hospital, never said they had confirmation she actually attempted. She could have very well have just said she was suicidal to the hospital and got put in a psych ward

>> No.71235981

Pretty much this

>> No.71235999

she deserves so much better than being bullied like this, the antis are sick and disgraceful. i hope she recovers soon enough, but please stay away from the internet.

>> No.71236135

Honestly, i hope she recovers and never comes back, that's best for her and us.

>> No.71236153

What on earth are you talking about? She's not here. She can't read English. She's not being bullied.

>> No.71236212

>she deserves so much better than being bullied like this
No she doesn't
>i hope she recovers soon enough, but please stay away from the internet
I can agree with this

>> No.71237259

Picks or it did not happen. She has sudoku baited before.

>> No.71237392

>so I'm guessing America.
Lmao. if you tell a shrink you have suicidal thoughts in america they do a brain scan, bill your insurance, kick you out of the hospital, and two to fifteen weeks later an ATF agent shows up at your door and asks if you can help him build a bomb.

>> No.71237533

It's a framing tactic to try and own the ex, no doubt.

>> No.71239257

>he doesn't know

>> No.71239334

crazy menhera moment indeed

>> No.71239406
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man.. shes already in a good spot, all she has to do is to ignore the antis. her fans the faminekos are loyal to her amd her main support line, why wont she look for them instead of anheroing herself, even if its baiting. I cant imagine having your oshi attempting suicide and (you) being powerless as a fan to have prevented it.

>> No.71239442

No, ever since the Reagan administration they're legally no longer able to institutionalize someone against their will. It's a very long and complicated story but to shorten it as much as possible, there's an distrust of mental health in the US mostly for the reason in this link considering who our ideological rival was for 50 years

>> No.71239531

psychosis is a scary thing, her ego won't allow her to stop because the internet is a drug, she cannot remove herself from it.

>> No.71242401

She should've tried harder
Next time's the charm

>> No.71242723

Hearty kek

>> No.71243822

Then just like with real drugs, someone needs to be there to stop her from consuming it for her own good.
