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File: 331 KB, 1080x1940, Screenshot_20240312_202951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
71193830 No.71193830 [Reply] [Original]

Mikenekobros, what do we think about this?

>> No.71193892

If only she had stayed to use that company psychiatrist

>> No.71193949

All i can say i hope she recovers

>> No.71193982

Second verse, same as the first.

>> No.71194017

old news

>> No.71194048

Big whoop.

>> No.71194095

There was an attempt?

>> No.71194105

This woman used to be my oshi, and even at the time, after doing my reps, I knew that something was up with her.
Even with the alien dude out of the equation, you don't scream and act like that with a sane mental state. All I'll say is that she just needs to get the fuck out of the internet, leave all of her old life behind, buy a farm and grow some chickens and vegetables there. Only with that will she find peace.

>> No.71194152

She doesn't want peace, she wants drama. Some people are just like that, they can't function without it.

>> No.71194282

i can fix her

>> No.71194302

Then there's someone to blame in her education, because it is not with a good family that you end up there in your life. She needs a good psychologist, and again, to get the fuck out of the internet (which now seems impossible seeing how no one is lucid enough to tardwrangle her).
Even shitty people don't deserve this many suicide attampts.

>> No.71194367

Chipi chipi chapa chapa

>> No.71194501

You're still assuming that she's not exactly where she wants to be.

>> No.71194535

Bruh what happened to the last thread? Did the retards bringing up somebody else get it deleted?

>> No.71194539

Mikeneko already faked one suicide, so I wouldn't be surprised if she did it again

>> No.71194569

Her trigger this time were literally cat memes.

>> No.71194583

She saw soju clipping Bijou...

>> No.71194642

>Even shitty people don't deserve this many suicide attampts.
These aren't real attempts, this is sympathy baiting after facing the consequences of her own bad behavior. After the 3rd attempt, it's pretty clearly just attention seeking. She only has herself to blame at this point for not getting help or learning to stay off the internet

>> No.71194649

I want to ejaculate on her face

>> No.71194675

I think I could fix her

>> No.71194684


>> No.71194708

chipi chipi chapa chapa

>> No.71194710

>Tried to kill herself and got discharged the same day and then gave permission to whoever that is to tweet that
Wow totally legit suicide attempt lol.

>> No.71194771

>Regarding unauthorized reproduction of memes.

>> No.71194783

People made cat memes with her
She wanted them taken down
People made more cat memes with her
She had a breakdown on stream over it and just cut off her stream while apologizing
Next day the OP was tweeted

>> No.71194787

the japanese go to the hospital for running out of toilet paper, it doesn't mean much coming from that country.

>> No.71194791

to be fair if i saw this made out of me id want to kill myself as well

>> No.71194914

I thought calico cats are supposed to be lucky?

>> No.71194967

I'd say shame she didn't succeed but we all know women only try to suicide for attention and never truly aim to succeed and this is like the fifth time she's totally tried to kill herself so we all know she's just bullshitting.

>> No.71194991
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As an ex-fandead I dont care anymore. The suicidebaiting when all that shit was going down was too much. Surely she's not baiting this time, right? Whatever.

>> No.71195011

This isn't even the 5th time shes done this.

>> No.71195028

Call me when she succeeds.

>> No.71195038

Kinda hard for me to have sympathy after getting baited the first time. Hope she gets the help she desperately needs.

>> No.71195042

NEKO MEMU wwwwwwwwwwwwwww

>> No.71195045

is that audio of her yelling at mfmf

>> No.71195115

This is so fucked up, shes so beautiful and nice, i dont want bad things to happen to her.

>> No.71195151

Not even a fandead but she needs to get off the internet and get therapy.

>> No.71195168

hahaha ohnononon

>> No.71195171

Fuck you

Fuck you

>> No.71195232

Time to go back to your cuckbunker

>> No.71195285

I kind of knew it will happen sooner or later and I do hope she recovers from it. Sadly, she should take a really long break from the Internet, go live on the countryside, do some farming and it will help her a bit.

>> No.71195317

If she's genuinely for real this time trying to kill herself because of a fucking cat meme, she needs to get some help and leave the internet ASAP. As if she didn't need that already.
But since it's Mikeneko it's probably just more pitybait rather than an actual desire for death.

>> No.71195316


>> No.71195344

She had to remind everyone that SHE is the GOAT suicide attempt chuuba.

>> No.71195545

Her fans should get her some therapist man, this is beyond menhera, this is serious mental illness

>> No.71195555
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Her most dedicated clipper oshihened

>> No.71195665


>> No.71195759

damn, maybe next time it will be finally over

>> No.71195819

lmao my sides

>> No.71196092

Wasn’t Aloe kept in hospital for more than a month?

>> No.71196120

First the failed marriage and now failed suicide? At least she never fails to disappoint

>> No.71196252

Aloe jumped off a building.

>> No.71196451

She had it all

>> No.71196482

No, that's China. They go get an IV drip too when they have a cold lmao.

>> No.71196807


>> No.71197083

for fuck's sake her remaining fans cant catch a break

>> No.71197246


>> No.71197248
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>just cat memes
i dont know, there's probably something more behind this than just cat memes.

>> No.71197256

She need to get off the internet, calm down and get on with her life. Why she keep walking into fire?

>> No.71197365

Her previous suicide attempts were literally faked for attention, this time won't be any different

>> No.71197376
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That's my menhera idol, I love her so much bros

>> No.71197392

Obviously these nekomemes aren't exactly pro-Michaelcat when they are clips of her screaming and include mfmf, but that's all there was. At first just one, she called them out and requested it to be taken down publicly, then they made more instead.

>> No.71197404


>> No.71197441
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anon her life is in the internet, its her literal life line. but i do agree that she has to take a break, she should pull off a Sio.
so it would seem.

>> No.71197453
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I can't help you out of this one, Mike.

>> No.71197521

>me gusta

>> No.71197543

Holy fucking shit. This girl has balls.

>> No.71197549

Good one.

>> No.71197587

Without the internet she's a nobody.
She will never leave. She can't even stand taking a step back for a few days.
She needs that self affirmation her fans give her.

>> No.71197612

See, I would expect the Rushia of old to lean into the memes because like "loony menhera" has been her gimmick for almost her whole vtuber career. She screams and malds, audience laughs, supachatto. Even reframing her whole marriage fuckup as a big "menhera episode" via memes would be a way to take the edge off and make it seem less serious to her viewers.
I guess the problem is that it was never a gimmick, it was not just for the funnies and I hope she gets the mental help she needs.

>> No.71197633

She definitely aimed for that tree. Any normal (insane) person would aim for pavement

>> No.71197637

Michael shouldn't be allowed to use the internet without supervision. She is unironically crazy.

>> No.71197642

not mine, took it from the mknk server
mknk threads seems to have a high chance of getting removed ever since the last yab

>> No.71197741

Tell her to do a flip

>> No.71197818
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>> No.71197820

The more I actually read into the drama which has happened with Mike the more it seems she's unironically in need of supervision. Like Britney Spears level of incapable of taking care of herself and possibly a danger to more than herself.

>> No.71197821



>> No.71197911

Given how mentally unstable stable she is I’d just say she the type of person to try and kill herself, be ok for a while. Go into another mentally unstable state, try again. These people sadly end up succeeding at some point.

>> No.71197934


>> No.71198003

I pray for her recovery even if it was just popping one too many Zzzquils

>> No.71198084

Fake, as always. She's too hot to do something like that.

>> No.71198227

I'd be sad if she succeeded before she has to start doing JAV

>> No.71198255

Dying by being impaled is not any better, anon.

>> No.71198300

I never realized Mafumafusisters are just as crazy as Miguelgatobrothers just from looking at the qrts.

>> No.71198341

I have no sympathy for the disbabled
They were simply not meant to be

>> No.71198411

They are in love with a grey-looking motherfucker, of course they are crazy.

>> No.71198433

She was exposed as a pathological liar
Never trust a thing she says

>> No.71198448

I need an expert in women attempting an hero, what the hell do they try, they fail all the time? Fucking pills of any kind?

>> No.71198542

Almost always pills, which have a very low success rate. You can also flush a bunch of them down the toilet and say you took the whole bottle.

>> No.71198593

self-deprecating jokes are not good for you anon

>> No.71198608

The trick is to go and have fun at host clubs for a few weeks while your simps start to worry and then return to gather all the pity points and swim in superchats until your next vacation.

>> No.71198664

but enough about you

>> No.71198750

There's even a guide on how to properly do it.

>> No.71198756
File: 230 KB, 884x1006, 512341234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hanging. why do you think most suicide scenes in anime are hanging?

>> No.71198785

Fucking pity she didn't manage to push through and put an end to it once and for all. Total menhera death

>> No.71198805

I can't imagine Mike doing anything but pills.

>> No.71198849

Plenty of ways to do it right. You only fail if you want to.

>> No.71198853

holy fucking based
i'm kneeling

>> No.71198854

Cough medicine.

>> No.71198920

We're talking about the most common attempted method, not the most common successful method

>> No.71198935

Memory serves she baited us once with a "goodbye stream" on a rooftop somewhere with wind blowing. But it was bait not a real attempt.

>> No.71198956

Yeah, she's real crazy, not "cute" crazy.

>> No.71198978

I dont believe it, I just dont, I mean she is clearly menhera enough to try it but I think she somehow heard about the whole Selen situation and all she understood was "She tried to kill herself and now everyone is on her side".

>> No.71199040

That was when she found out Cover was giving her the boot. Fans didn't find out until a few days later. Russia attacked Ukraine the exact same day so Russia and Rushia were both trending at the same time.

>> No.71199093

Finally some good news

>> No.71199095
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>> No.71199111
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the first failed attempt I understand however failing to kill yourself multiple times is a superpower

>> No.71199138

Tl;dr, Mel Nekomata is the same way, she says she'll go away or quit or "disappear", to the point she fakes cancer and even comas and pops up the next day. Menheras are to be ignored.

>> No.71199155

Heh, this bitch could never scam me as I am a greedy fuck.

>> No.71199218
File: 1.66 MB, 1080x1350, 103352648_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Menhera SEX

>> No.71199228

Someone needs to black snake moan this chick.

>> No.71199350

>there's probably something more behind this than just cat memes.
No shit, they're obviously making fun of her. But if you're going to kill yourself because someone made a fucking meme about cats to insult you, you shouldn't still be on the internet.

>> No.71199452

How come not a single vtuber has successfully killed themselves

>> No.71199481

Wasn't there a Chinese one that was successful?

>> No.71199497

survivor bias.

>> No.71199542

>implying she actually tried
Do you not remember the first suicide attempt that hit this board? The one where she just threw her fucking phone off a bridge and went radio-silent for a week? I don't believe her.
That's because some have.

>> No.71199717

>Fatality rate: 83%
I doubt she'd have gotten to her 4th (or was this the 5th?) attempt using such an effective method. Must have been something easily cancelled and / or cured (like pills or horizontal slash)

>> No.71199719

Now i know why so many holos showed only a muted reaction to her termination. Only Marine, Pekora and Kiara cried, with Pekora and Kiara not knowing her that well.

>> No.71199750
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>> No.71199846

>holotrannies harassing an innocent girl into attempting suicide
Jesus that fanbase is a tumor

>> No.71199913

devastating news, i feel for poor mikeneko being hated and harassed by sick haters, i hope she recovers from her attempt. if it wasnt for her, gfe in vtubing would not be as popular as it is now among en vtubers.

>> No.71200149

wow look at this delusional nijifaggot
we are holochads, not nijisisters, don't think all the other fanbases are as stupid as you.

>> No.71200168

what a sucker, lots of vtubers we simp here made more than her and haven't got in trouble with the cops

>> No.71200236

So she's back to doing GFE

>> No.71200426

>scams 2 millon from lonely dudes
>spends it all on host club dudes and is so brokej she can't even pay her fine

>> No.71200641

i miss my girl otogi shikimi ;_; i hope mike doesntr kill herself lol

>> No.71200702

Damn, I thought this shit was bait. Hope she finds the help she desperately needs.

>> No.71200819
File: 498 KB, 653x700, C_s_jTOUQAQSa9v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BPD people are prone to suicide baiting but they can also actually commit suicide if they go far enough.


>> No.71200825

The fuck am I supposed to care about? The more you fags publicise a mentally ill women, the more attention she will get. It's best for those people to die in obscurity, but, noooo, we gotta farm (you)s and clicks.

>> No.71200906

not very convincing considering you are on a drama board looking for those (you)s.

>> No.71200950

Chads don't try to bully people into suicide retard.

>> No.71201046

Exactly, that is why you guys are nijiniggers, not chads.
She hasn't been a holo for 2 years, falseflag better nijinigger.

>> No.71201091
File: 52 KB, 500x333, W1Lo01i-OyaHp9FIdltqaz0JYtqt0VJdjgNg8L3NOQs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She ate a whole bottle.

>> No.71201140


>> No.71201186


>> No.71201223


>> No.71201364

>She hasn't been a holo for 2 years
Yet you trannies still harass her. Deflect harder.

>> No.71201365

they do it for attention compared to men who just want it to end.

yes you. hold it in bro. fight. don't do it.

>> No.71201463

It sucks whether genuine or bait, and what she did sucks, and maladaptive personalities suck, and I hope she gets help. Obviously none of us know fuck all but from an outside perspective it's easy to see that she's her own worst enemy and it gravely affects the lives of the people around her. People aren't born like that. That sucks! This shit sucks! We're all people and that fuckin suuuuuuuuuuuucks.

>> No.71201464

nah those are nijiniggers, they just builled Doki to suicide recently, so now they try mike. you guys have the worst fanbase sister.

>> No.71201538


>> No.71201677

It's only useful if you listen to the recommendations, otherwise even a stranger giving you advice won't be any better save for the meds.

>> No.71201727

I can't believe Aqua did this again...

>> No.71201865

It's so weird how you guys have completely different stances on BPD suicide attempts when it comes to Rushia and Selen

>> No.71201916
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selen is a victim, rushia is a perpetrator

>> No.71201944

?? it all one stance: TOTAL NIJINIGGER DEATH!

>> No.71201964

if you actually follower her you would know why tourist.

>> No.71202050

Cat memes aren’t harassment, sister.

>> No.71202104

for the first time I found a woman which I can gladly say

>> No.71202191

man even a rational liar would know when to let up so people don't think she's faking it
at worst she's malicious but still retarded

>> No.71202440

Anything can be harassment if the other side doesn’t like it. You called Millie’s question (of whether Selen got permission to upload her song) harassment, too, and that was much less malicious than those meme aimed to mock Micheal

>> No.71202522

it's only harassement if you a nijisister,
cut yourself harder sis.

>> No.71202590

>suicide baiting for attention
>only ever mentioning you did it because someone else forced you to talk about it
I wonder what the difference between them is?

>> No.71202598

Because those two are completely different.

>> No.71202695

jp shitposts are something else man

>> No.71202697

is this NDF's new take wtf?

>> No.71202796

It shows that Hololive kept her sane. Seriously.

>> No.71202852

>bully mikeneko for 2 years
>I-it's nijiniggers!
Nice try

>> No.71202906

>nijinigger strawman tactic
nice try nijikek

>> No.71203050

Disgusting attentionwhore.

>> No.71203166

this strat works only if people like you

>> No.71203277


>> No.71203488

It's fans of the alien-looking fucker, not holo fans.

>> No.71203501

I used to work with people who were suicidal in the hospital, men fail very often too, they just rarely get found because male friends are much less likely to check up on each other. So there are a lot of guys who wake up after a failed overdose and just go on until the next atempt or forget about it. VERY FEW men go on to talk to a therapist after surviving an atempt too, while most women do.

>> No.71203545

If she has any good friends, they need to take her in and make her stay away from the internet while she sees a psychologist.

>> No.71203583

OR actually just mentally ill.
People use that description way too much on slightly weird people.
We had a guy in our clinic who tried to (seriously) kill himself 8 times.
He even shot himself one time.

>> No.71203605

>get called out
>cry strawman

>> No.71203748

That's a big fucking if

>> No.71203790

Rushia has been suicide baiting for years. I feel bad for her, but she needs to stop streaming and get professional help.

>> No.71203792

Kson tried. Not even she could handle her.

>> No.71203957

What a pussy (no pun intended)

>> No.71204076
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Y-Yagoo-sama...please save her...Even if you have to put her in HoloUSA

>> No.71204295

You mean evil woman.

>> No.71204298

No one knows what she gave to Korekore. The other talents will riot if she comes back.

>> No.71204320
File: 128 KB, 1200x1200, 1708274189343265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that fanbase is a tumor
No, Nijifags are
>doxx aloe and harass her to the point of suicide
>issue mass false copyright claims resulting in hundreds of vods from HoloJP being lost forever
>bully Nina (including, once again, doxxing her
>bully and doxx Sayu (including her fucking passport)
>repeatedly attack and defame Doki even now
>repeatedly attack and defame Sayu even now
You are truly awful human beings.

>> No.71204331

An attempt, lmao

>> No.71204398

>fail to kill yourself 8 times
Damn, and I thought I was a failure.

>> No.71204554

I guess the moment she steps away she won't be able to pay her rent though.

>> No.71204687

He had a very alert little sister.
"Had" being the keyword, since he still succeeded in the end.

>> No.71204716

You mean the man she emotionally manipulated, abused and tried to drag through the mud by slandering his character (by saying shit like "he decapitated my cat", for example) so that the public would hate and blame him?

>> No.71204719

that's the point i'm making, men were always taught that feelings are only reserved for girls either suck it up yourself or end it.

>> No.71204749

Hope she's okay, but it doesn't really change anything as far as my thoughts on her.

>> No.71204862
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It’s not slander if it’s true of course Japan disagrees but this is for the public good which they recognize as an exception

>> No.71204887

I'm not defending Mike or attacking the alien, I'm just saying it's his fans who are making fun of her with these cat memes.

>> No.71204898

>Hope she's okay
She was never okay (mentally).
But physically she is not dying.

>> No.71204931

I hope she finally finds success

>> No.71204944

>Loro, Forma de Rojo.

>> No.71204951

I meant physically. I have no hopes for her mind.

>> No.71204975

damn thats fucked up

>> No.71205117

Yes, which leads to them trying until they are dead.
It's a fucked up social norm.

>> No.71205177

Isn't she still part of that Voice-Ore company? Why aren't they commenting on one of their members being hospitalized?

>> No.71205195

>all these people shitting on mike
You do know that you are the reason for her attempt.

>> No.71205196

Just going to mention that Mafu is very well known for being a lying bitch himself in jp circles, so it's really weird to see how many eops are taking his side in this. I'm 99% sure this was two toxic, mentally skewed people destroying each others lifes.

>> No.71205217

I just want to help her succeed.

>> No.71205266

>trusting Mike lies in year 2024

>> No.71205279


>> No.71205330

K-son didn't "make her stay away from the internet" which is the important part, she thrusted her right back into the spotlight which is clearly unhealthy for her.

>> No.71205340

I forgot, how did Cover responds after her last suicide baiting post as Rushia?

>> No.71205431

Im still mad about what happened to Aloe and i will never forgive nijiniggers, everything that has and will happen to them is divine justice for Aloe

>> No.71205490

>Mafu is very well known for being a lying bitch himself in jp circles

>> No.71205549

みけねこ: ヤバい女。まふまふに執着
まふまふ: 歌い手。JK・JCとヤリまくり
さくぱん: みけねこの友人。Vtuber。バカ
からすま: さくぱんの夫。クソゲ配信者。つまらん


>> No.71205614

i'm actually glad i found this site while i was young it helped me desensitized to everything and i can focus on work and afford the things i like.

Watching anime girls express their feelings that i cant afford to have is great too.

>> No.71205624

>She will never leave. She can't even stand taking a step back for a few days.
>She needs that self affirmation her fans give her.

>> No.71205630

This board in general was fairly sympathetic when she first started this shit shortly before termination. If Selen suicide bates a 2nd (or 3rd, 4th is this the 5th time now?) her reception will be much worse.

>> No.71205663

nice dokes

>> No.71205688

So much for "she won"
Now how will this board spin it in her favor this time?

>> No.71205711

Mostly he has a habit of clinging to a "female friend" they get harassed, he starts ghosting them in public, they make a statement that they aren't dating mafu, then they go radio silent. Happened to a utaite he was "friends" with.

He also hardcore tried pandering to jp trans, constantly saying the song he did about wanting to be a girl is his true feelings, doing really fake positive streams like "teehee love yourself!".

>> No.71205725

Is this one of her friend like Kirschtorte?
Why is this woman (derogatory) tweet about Miguel?

>> No.71205753

Selen didn't blatantly lie and make some guys life hell on earth because she's so crazy and doesn't trust him. Meanwhile SHE was the one cheating. Just a shit show all around with Mineko.

>> No.71205823

She took her in so mike could leave the hospital, according to her tweets she would have had to stay hospitalized or do suprise police visits otherwise.

>> No.71205854

I will literally never believe a "suicide attempt" from a women without seeing signs of physical injury from them

So long as hospitals can count ODing on melatonin as a suicide attempt they will always be a meme when they come from the gender that somehow attempts more but succeeds less.

>> No.71205912

How could anyone say "she won"
She larps as a pink Rushia because she cant let it go

>> No.71206003

She switched to Biboo? Massive W

>> No.71206070

Why do women seem to be so incompetent at killing themselves? How do you fuck up jumping in front of a train of hanging yourself? Dumb menheras probably just down a bunch of Tylenol and call the cops.

>> No.71206130

I'm glad she managed to move on.

>> No.71206146

i think she needs help and intervention and i think you dramafag anti's are no better than nijisisters.

>> No.71206215

>harass Rushia to the point of suicide
>harass Kronii for having friends
>harass Raden for having friends
>harass Ironmouse for winning an award
>harass Vei for thinking corporates shouldn't own talents' works
>harass Kson for enjoying talent freedom
>harass Holostars for existing
>doxx Axel's mother
>harass Enna and Millie over 4chan rrats
And two years later you still try to get Mike to kill herself. Seems pretty cancerous to me idk

>> No.71206236

Hanging the way most retards do is a shit way to off yourself.
Pet abusers have no human rights.

>> No.71206485

Frankly she probably should stay hospitalized, she needs psychiatric help.

>> No.71206561

I like how every time I see a screencap of this tweet it has a different avatar.

>> No.71206661

no way....

>> No.71206663

it's the same shit with every one of these celebrities that are "mentally ill" nobody takes em seriously until they overdose on crack, jump off a bridge or churn out one of the biggest marriage scandals of the entire history of their sector

>> No.71206825

>nijinigger try straw man
>get called a retard
>i-i-i am not!
classic dumb nijinigger, falseflag harder nijibrony.

>> No.71206828

/jp/ lost

>> No.71206951

Least impressionable ENShart

>> No.71207120
File: 80 KB, 566x522, meds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>innocent girl

>> No.71207140

Nice story, sister.
Now go back to your wattpad to finish it with cover being a black company all along

>> No.71207237

you didn't need to out yourself that hard, aloucuck

>> No.71207271


>> No.71207428

You literally just listed all the things you nijinigges did, rumao

You even forgot one of the biggest thing you retards did. Harassing Aloe to the point where she jumped off a bulding

>> No.71207271,1 [INTERNAL] 

>"Please stop talking shit about other corpos and indies."
>"Holoboard! Holochads! What do you mean we're bullies? We're not bullying anyone! You're making shit up!"

>> No.71207553

we should do something to make her feel better does anyone know where she's staying what if we all pooled out money together and get a giant billboard with rushia on it saying we love her?

>> No.71207585
File: 190 KB, 600x900, neck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes. The Selen special.
Try to off yourself once and then you're an internet saint.

>> No.71207649

You will never kill yourself. You have no courage, you have no intent, you have no convictions. You are a beautiful woman twisted by fame and fortune into a crude mockery of death's release.

>> No.71207668

The key difference being that Selen was beloved in the community and company before the attempt.

>> No.71207681

>It was nijiniggers! We totally love vshojo, nijis, males, and male collabors! We'd never do anything bad to them!
Your larp needs work sis

>> No.71207798

>That wasn't us! That was Nijisisters! They love to attack people in Niji

The classic blame shift to avoid responsibility. Childish but not unexpected

>> No.71207814

mike needs to say she attempted a second time as well to make it even more convincing

>> No.71207860

>harass Raden for having friends
That was you actually but OK

>> No.71207939

/jp/ lost
Korekore doesn't care about her at all
Now go fuck another dog

>> No.71207993

Fancucks are the QAnon supporters of the VTuber fandom

>> No.71208218

Shouldn't you be at your not so secret doxxsite to formulate another asinine plan your Milord sister?

>> No.71208250

We believe you anon. Holofriends love men and collabs with men.

>> No.71208274

You're replying to Ricardo the AIfag from /vyt/ lmao

>> No.71208292

Nice, hope my comments are the final straw

>> No.71208325

Why does every time I hear about a suicide after a drama it always ends up failing?

>> No.71208414

>Hololive member attempts suicide
>"LMAO what a dumb bitch. Everyone knows she's faking it, she lies all the time
>Nijisanji member attempts suicide
>"Fuck that black company! Let's believe everything she says despite her record of lying

I hate this community like you wouldn't believe

>> No.71208529

Just two things rly
1.If you fail at off'ing urself once then just try it till u succeed
and 2. "Posted with permission," that bitch actually just wanted to gain pity points, she ain't insane enough to forget twitter lol

>Ex-holomem that even the current members treat like "the one who shall not be named"
C'mon sister, go suck a vox

>> No.71208531

You have to be 18 to post here, SEAshitter

>> No.71208572

>I acted like a piece of shit and now people hate me for it, how could this happen to me??
what a retard

>> No.71208641

>Ex-holomem that even the current members treat like "the one who shall not be named

Please stop trying to act like Selen is any different

>> No.71208649

attempted suicide (real) or attempted suicide (threw her phone off a building)?

>> No.71208687

Nigga who?

>> No.71208876 [DELETED] 


Holy kek the fancuck are all redditor

>> No.71208898

This. I was never a fandead but I liked Rushia and watched a few of her streams. I feel terrible about how things turned out for her and I've felt for a long time she desperately needs to get off the web and get the help she needs. When she got the voice acting job I thought maybe she could quit vTubing finally and clean up her life. And now here we are.

>> No.71208969

What do I think about a crazy lying whore trying desperately to garner sympathy and attention after being outted as a lying grifting whore? I don't think much at all.

>> No.71209093

She did the same sort of insane stuff as mikeneko before her holo time

>> No.71209141

>she will never manipulate you

>> No.71209178

She isn't in Hololive though

>> No.71209179

Sure, but can u read Rosemi's stream description for me rq? Any of them is fine, take ur pick.

>> No.71209219

Mikeneko suicide baited on stream shortly after termination with wind blowing effects just like artia did before she got canned too.

>> No.71209217

Is she still super rich or did she blow all her money?

>> No.71209247

It's sad. She clearly damaged beyond belief and I hope she somehow gets the help she needs, whatever that may be.

Also even Soju moved on to Bijou so she should just hang it up.

>> No.71209394

>whatever that may be
cat correction is needed

>> No.71209397

so she was scamming people to help herself getting scamed ? what are women endgame ?

>> No.71209440

keep baiting sister i'm sure the response will change

>> No.71209460

Goal post shifting. Tell me when anyone talked about Selen

>> No.71209633

It's just a matter of trust, she suicide baited so many times that people don believe her anymore. If selen did the same multiple times on stream, people would be skeptical too.

>> No.71209931

Wait, (You) comparing Selen's attemp when she was still with the company, with trashneko's attempt yearsa after leaving the company is fair.
But me pointing out that Selen is still vaguely mentioned in one of their streamer's description is goal post shifting?
Sure, let's go with that, I like this.

>> No.71209947

t. threadreader
when exactly and how do you know

>> No.71210060

>Ex-holomem that even the current members treat like "the one who shall not be named"
Rushia is still on Marine and Noel’s Twitter banners, retard

>> No.71210241

It's honestly also just how fucking calculating Rushia's attempts seemed.
Like the one where she went on a rooftop and made sure you could hear the wind in her phone on the twitcast and shit. Maybe she really did want to, maybe she did not and it was all just an act, we don't know, but it was so fucking dramatic, almost like something you'd see in a TV drama, it just leaves that taste of doubt in your mouth.

This is unironically the 4th time she has threatened/ attempted suicide anon. Every time was very public and she came back to seas of akasupas as a changed woman with a wholly new outlook on life.

>> No.71210419

Why does when matter? They both attempted and both were supposedly because of the company they were working for. And yes, you saying the Niji members name her and your example is a copy and pasted description is goal post shifting

>> No.71210429

Liking menhera is your own fault. There is no barrier between a vtuber and their menhera actions. If you follow a menhera tuber then they are damaged goods in real life as well and if you get fucked over because of that as a fan, that's on you.

>> No.71210490

honestly, anyone who knew her saw this coming a mile away. that bitch needed to be observed 24/7 literally weeks ago

>> No.71210514

>both were supposedly because of the company they were working for.
Mike hasn't worked at Hololive for two years.

>> No.71210553

selen did it twice actually

>> No.71210663

>Why does when matter?
"When" matters cuz it's been two fucking years, get a move on bitch!
She and this situation got nothing to do with holo, as funny as it'd be if it had.

>> No.71210785

Can't anyone just tardwrangle her off the internet?
Take her for a run every few days and a walk every day or something. Humans are meant to run. It makes your brain better in every way.
Move away from Tokyo, maybe into the countryside with a garden or something.

>> No.71210943

She wouldn't be able to feed herself without Uber out in the sticks.

>> No.71210954
File: 104 KB, 640x796, 20231231_024412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your meds

>> No.71211034

Don't get me wrong anon, I'm right there with you. She's pretty damn fuckable. But if there was ever a time "don't stick your dick in crazy" applied, it would be here.

>> No.71211064

No one is that retarded, just give her a sack of rice, a carton of eggs and a box of instant noodles She will figure herself out.

>> No.71211066

not gonna lie bros I would gladly let her completely ruin me and my life

>> No.71211089

>I tried to kill myself ;-;
woman after taking three Tylenol and a swig of diet coke

>> No.71211128

>n-no u

>> No.71211335

Imagine, just as cover was actually tardwrangling the menhera into behaving, they could've helped aloe into filing a legal case against her father or gotten her and her mother somewhere comfortable where her dad couldnt reach

>> No.71211600

are you sure you want to do that? because the niji one can be a lot longer if you include all the jp shit

>> No.71211822

Doesn't Japan have terrible mental health care? My sister has bpd and was like mike when she was younger. She attempted suicide once and ended up in the hospital.
The difference was that after she was discharged from the hospital she went to stay at another facility for a week. There she could talk to therapists and psychiatrists, who were able to prescribe her medicine. But staying in the facility also isolated her from everything for a while.

>> No.71211853

It's honestly amazing how they managed to contain Rushia so long and so well
Like yeah in retrospect it was pretty obvious that many of the girls didn't like her, but back then she just seemed like anyone else, if a bit awkward and more of a loner

>> No.71211970

Company involving themselves in employee's private family matters is a big red flag.

>> No.71212115

>She wanted them taken down
Is this like her first day on the internet? was she born yesterday?

>> No.71212184

She's severely mentally disabled anon

>> No.71212275

People blaming Cover for this are insane
She joined 2 different companies since getting fired from Cover, she's not their responsibility anymore.

>> No.71212285
File: 49 KB, 500x500, 1685634273038501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is healthcare so expensive in land of burger?

>> No.71212294

>morning aloe, you gotta give the studio crew 20 more minu- wait what's with the cotton eye what happened?
>You okay there? Need help? If you need a lawyer or a bodyguard just tell us
It's called being humane, just as there are cases of companies being massive dicks and treating employees like slaves, there are cases where people geneuinely want to help, but these dont make as many headlines

>> No.71212392

She's been a a public internet person for almost 15 years now...
After she got fired she just completely lost it and, supposedly, according to mfmf, started spending absurd amounts of money to try and sue any and everyone who talked badly about her. This is just the next step of that. They used her voice to make cat memes, those cat memes belong to her, ergo they need to take them down or get sued too. She's absolutely delirious.

>> No.71212409

Consider that after 1 or 2 trips to the hospital you start to have people in your life checking up on you, which makes you less likely to succeed.
There are many ways to kill yourself, but a person in a depressive state isn't planning or weighing their options. They just want to end it.
We don't even know her full history, it's quite possible that she's been doing this from well before anyone was following her.

>> No.71212517

That's the operative word here not succeeded, so Idgaf MarisakuPanda

>> No.71212638

That's Mikecucks, unicorns, and /jp/ in general for you. They're literally QAnon tier insane

>> No.71212658

>After she got fired she just completely lost it
I bet she did, losing all that free income by just being a menhera all day is a huge hit to your ego and finances.

>> No.71212709

I wouldn't trust this bitch to even order my pizza. She probably just say people's reaction to Doki and thought people would react the same way

>> No.71212728

Yeah burnt through almost all her savings by hiring a whole team of lawyers and sic'ing them on random Twitter and 2ch guys that shitposted about her.
Court kept stonewalling and throwing out her suits because they were retarded so she added more lawyers because maybe the ones she had just weren't good enough.
Until she eventually couldn't pay her part of the rent anymore and mfmf realized she had just burnt through all her "biggest revenue vTuber to exist to this day" Holo savings within barely 2 months lmao

>> No.71212741

Didn’t she throw her phone?

>> No.71212763

>started spending absurd amounts of money to try and sue any and everyone who talked badly about her.
She failed the most basic of rules:
>Rule 14: Do not argue with trolls—it means they win.
No wonder people just keep doing it.

>> No.71212866

no one knows what happened, but the "check your smartphone" thing might've been directed at ayy lmao, so i wouldn't count it as an actual bait (or at least not directed at her fans, maybe at the alien)

>> No.71212936
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>> No.71213052

you should dig a bit deeper into mafu instead of taking everything one side says as fact you fucking mongoloid retard.

>> No.71213098

Freedom isn't free.

>> No.71213111

A woman typed this post.

>> No.71213144

>another retard who takes everything from a single side a fact
kill yourself fucking 39IQ retard

>> No.71213219

Do you also believe any of those twitter screenshots as fact? You're legit fucking retarded dude. But keep embarrassing yourself mafusister

>> No.71213293

fake drama

>> No.71213341

The US pretty much pays for the world healthcare and then people turn around and make fun of the US for paying for them. If you have free healthcare chances are the American taxpayer payed for it in some way or all the developments come from American institutions (universities, companies, etc)

>> No.71213449

What the fuck, is there an archive of this. Man i need to learn Japanese, the scene over there seems way more interesting than ENs boring shitshow.

>> No.71213479

Lol, lmao even.

>> No.71213523

/jp/ lost

>> No.71213536

She needs to fucking log off the internet. Being surrounded by enablers is clearly not doing her any favors, and her falling numbers are not making her any favors mentally. I'm genuinely surprised she's not dead by now

>> No.71213580

US is the most medically advance in the world anon.

>> No.71213585


>> No.71213748


>> No.71213795

She apparently attempted suicide after being fired from Holo and you're saying it had nothing to do with Cover despite her and saviorfag Kson shitting on Holo nonstop

>> No.71213826

/jp/ was laughing against her, too. Pretty much everyone but her ardent fans was
IDK why some Michealfags suddenly try to pretend that she did nothing wrong now

>> No.71213839

Marineschizo please this is embarrassing. It's been 2 years of you seething

>> No.71213888

gdi I kek'd

>> No.71213893

>Kson shitting on Holo nonstop
In your head, schizo?

>> No.71213898

>he doesn't know

>> No.71213972

After the amount of previous gaslighting and lies it’s a case of the girl who cried wolf. I don’t believe it at all

>> No.71214007

>After being fired
Yes, it had nothing to do with Cover

>> No.71214045

Holy shit she finally do it for real? That woman should spend a few year in psych ward

>> No.71214214

She supposedly went through suicide -> discovered-> hospitalized (with police involved) -> discharged, all within just 6 hours.
Either JP hospitals are irresponsible AF or the attempt wasn’t anything serious. Even leaving mental issues aside, the hospital’d have kept her there to make sure she was physically fine first

>> No.71214252

She's had 5 suicide attempts after getting fired from Holo, not one before and an attempt happened shortly after she was fired. And you're saying Cover had nothing to do with it

>> No.71214273

It's never too late to start over Mike

Begin again

>> No.71214288

I don't know if this post is pro-trump, anti-trump or has no political context at all.

>> No.71214397

>if you get fired from your job for breaking le contract, then you threaten suicide to get your job back your company is le bad
Not how it works nijisister, selen was put on watch because she was bullied while inside the company. Rushia broke her contract even after the company was willing to look the other way on everything.

>> No.71214495

And you're laughing. You're laughing. Mikeneko is in the hospital because of what Cover did.

>> No.71214523

I love jp shitposting

>> No.71214564
File: 377 KB, 729x438, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about another joke, Fancuck?

>> No.71214569

The moment she was fired, it wasn’t Cover’s issue anymore (in fact, I’m pretty sure that they fired her partly because they saw her death switch message to Korekore and decided to dump her before she did it publicly while still in company)

>> No.71214595

>She's had 5 suicide attempts after getting fired from Holo, not one before
>not one before
Huh? She had at least three before Hololive and apparently a couple during.

>> No.71214603

It has some of the worst health outcomes in the developed world on average though. And to claim it pays for the rest of the world's healthcare systems is lunacy; they're paid for through taxation (usually), something the US could do easily by reducing funding in other bloated areas of the budget like military spending.

>> No.71214716

She knew that would happen lol

>> No.71214783

Why tweet about it tho? Suicide as attention bait? If so that's REALLY messed up.

>> No.71214866

If they caused her attempt, it is Cover's issue. Why the fuck wouldn't it be?

>> No.71214917

First time anon?
Mike is a veteran among veteran when it comes to doing dumb shit for attention

>> No.71214931

Not only is that a lie see: >>71214595 as can be fact checked by her own statements and mfmf but also Mel got fired too and you don't see her suicide baiting, Cover isn't Niji they haven't bullied her this is basically Mike's own undoing for lying to her fans, Mf2 fans and basically anyone else that trusted her.

>> No.71214959


>> No.71215086

Actually she was put on suspension after breaking the rules and only after did she start crying about bullies. Nijisanji also were willing to look the other way if she just admitted to fucking up and she didn't then chose to continue crying about imaginary bullying. Said bullying was just other members telling her to calm down.

>> No.71215092

/jp/ lost
Korekore ghosted your wife AGAIN
See you on her next yab thread

>> No.71215179

She'll leak stuff which caused someone get raped again

>> No.71215303

>It's different because I fully believe this person saying bad shit about a company I don't like and I fully disbelieve what this person is saying because it's bad shit about a company I like
You faggots might actually be the most hypocritical people alive. Just admit it

>> No.71215375

I don’t believe it. She has destroyed any ability to trust a single word that comes out of her mouth

>> No.71215413

/jp/ lost

>> No.71215789

>No other ex-Hololive members had shat on the company yet.
>Many ex-Niji had
That’s why reputation matters.

>> No.71215937

/jp/ won because they have FWMC now

>> No.71216146

Just continue memoryholing Kson snidely insulting Holo while refusing to acknowledge that Selen was the only ex-Niji who accused anybody of harassment

>> No.71216196

I can’t imagine being a mikecuck when there’s a thousand other soft voiced chuubas out there and I’m sure a large amount are gfe too. And imagine thinking she’ll know you when she has dedicated jp paypigs that donate way more than you.

>> No.71216371

Luna did too.
