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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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7118684 No.7118684 [Reply] [Original]

I have watched my oshi for more than a year but it wasn’t until recently that intense feelings for her began to develop in my heart and loins. I thought it would go away with time but the reality that I’ll never be with her began to set in and derailed my life a bit. I asked to use my vacation time at work to lay in bed for a few weeks and I stopped going to my night classes. I stopped showering and brushing my teeth. I stopped picking up when my Mom called. And most importantly I stopped watching my oshi because of the pain I would feel when I would see her and hear her voice. I mustered up the will to go back to work but it’s not the same. My life lacks colour and purpose now, and it’s all because I got too attached to my oshi.

>> No.7118713


>> No.7118770

I caught myself getting too attached... fucking sucks

>> No.7118802 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 408x408, —.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your oshi isnt a hag maybe I will take pity on (You).

>> No.7119197

I keep having dreams where Gura and I are either married or dating and everytime I wake up I become depressed to the point I attempt to go back to sleep to have that life instead of the one I currently have.

>> No.7119313

Ha you idiot. You're supposed to go even farther into you're parasocial relationship and use her to help motivate you to live you're life you half assed pussy.

>> No.7119336


I'm a 35 year old kissless, hugless, handholdless virgin and I once had a dream of Towa and I holding hands and laughing before walking into a movie theater. We walked in, sat down, and she put her head on my shoulder. Then I woke up. It was the happiest I felt in the last 20 years, no exaggeration.

>> No.7119446

... dreamt that Ame and I were exploring an old abandoned house during a summer day. Afterwards, we went back to my place and cuddled. Then I woke up.

>> No.7119528

Absolutely this

>> No.7119531
File: 530 KB, 561x542, 162654239588652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parasocial relationships are the purest of poison imaginable. Because of the poisons innocent nature. I allowed this fake connection I had with my oshi to consume me too deeply. Now I can't stop obsessing over her. It's too late for me. I'm too far gone. I love her too much to even try to break free from her clutches. If your reading this. Stop watching vtubers. Now.

>> No.7119602

wash your penis

>> No.7119708

Who's your oshi, anon?

>> No.7119744



>> No.7119941

I had a dream Fyodor Dostoevsky was lying on my bed and I kissed his forehead and told him I thought he was the last good Christian.

>> No.7119958

This happened to me
I was going to be lazy and skip on my drawing rep then I felt unworthy of rushia asmr where she says stuffs like "you worked hard" and shit
Went back to my tablet and did commissions

>> No.7119984

So when you guys dream about vtubers are you guys hanging out with the cartoon as a 3d person like who framed Roger rabbit? Are you picturing their roommates?

>> No.7120069

I'm so sorry

>> No.7120071


Guy who dreamt of Towa here. It was as her vtuber avatar, not her roommate

>> No.7120174

Roger rabbit. Brain doesn't question how out of place it is though.

>> No.7120206

Yeah those kind of dreams are painful regardless of what brings them on.
Welcome to modernity. Most men will never find love and most women don't want anything to do with love.

>> No.7120278

It's like who framed Roger rabbit

>> No.7120280
File: 453 KB, 800x453, 1626542395886634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco(༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ)༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽

>> No.7120370

I had a dream about Suisei, it was Roger Rabbit style. Then again, Suisei's roommate is unknown, so maybe I'd see the roommate if it was a different vtuber.

>> No.7120405


>> No.7120611

Idk if it counts as a parasocial relationship, but I only want happiness for Pekora and would hate to see her ever upset.
I don't try to watch her unless I also like the game, and if she decides its best for her to graduate, I'd be proud of her just like Coco.

>> No.7120790
File: 118 KB, 640x766, 1620138059093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's roommate, but some people I know the model is one of the main reasons for their parasocial schizophrenic-induced delusions.
Like, I like the polka art and model, but I can hear her voice and get the tingles of desire and longing, followed by the pangs of agony when I remind myself that it probably wouldn't work out due to the communication barrier and the nationality/culture differences. As well meaning I may be, I don't think I'm good enough to support her in every way that she would need, and by the time I reach that point some JP gachikoi will be by her side.
But I won't know unless I try, so every day, little by little, I try to improve myself.
The fact that her roommate has glasses similar to these makes this image 1000x more potent for gosling material

>> No.7120974

Hyperrealistic version of her avatar that shares some similarities to her roommate.

>> No.7121162

Can't tell from your post alone but one of the biggest form of parasocial relationship involves living through others
If you want someone that you like to be happy that's normal and decent but some people do it to a crazy degree to cope with their own life, like those celebs worshipers
>I can't be successful but the celeb that I'm rooting for is

>> No.7121408


>> No.7121414

You know, even with an actual girlfriend, you shouldn't be too clingy.

>> No.7121636

This is great advice. To rely on others for your sole happiness is setting yourself up for failure. I learned that the hard way a few times.

>> No.7121717

You talk like fags here actually have a chance. How terribly naive.

>> No.7122040

Look like you have a stable job, that's good. You are welcome to try anon.
Brace yourself for rejection though.

>> No.7122087

If you stopped brushing your teeth and showering then it is time to go. If you can't manage doing that then you are hopeless.

>> No.7122524

Your among brothers in /vt/

>> No.7122681

Not OP but during part of my time working from home, it got a lot easier to slip into this

>> No.7123135

>The first step is to recognize that a parasocial relationship with a facerig (and or her roommate) is nothing but a illusion that will never be real.
>The second step is to accept that while you can cherish and support your oshi, neither of you will cross paths in life, let alone meet as nothing more than fan and entertainer.
>The third and final step is to accept things as they are and hope that someday your oshi will find somebody that gives her the love, care, and passion she deserves. As a bonus, is not that bad, so carry on with life and maybe you can meet a girl that is similar to your oshi and you can get her to be your gf, who knows. Just keep moving forward.

Don't give up hope bros. I was deep in that rabbit hole too with everything that is Marine.

>> No.7123205
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>I have watched my oshi for more than a year but it wasn’t until recently that intense feelings for her began to develop in my heart and loins. I thought it would go away with time but the reality that I’ll never be with her began to set in and derailed my life a bit. I asked to use my vacation time at work to lay in bed for a few weeks and I stopped going to my night classes. I stopped showering and brushing my teeth. I stopped picking up when my Mom called. And most importantly I stopped watching my oshi because of the pain I would feel when I would see her and hear her voice. I mustered up the will to go back to work but it’s not the same. My life lacks colour and purpose now, and it’s all because I got too attached to my oshi.

>> No.7123241

I just like hearing people talk not about the inane bullshit my coworkers talk about even if it's just background noise while I do other things.

Helps keep me awake. It's like anti-white noise and helps keep me from nodding off.

Is that parasocial or not? I just don't even know what's what.

>> No.7126859

i've struggled with pretty severe depression and during bouts where i was contemplating death daily i wouldn't brush my teeth
i still showered because it felt nice

>> No.7127066
File: 48 KB, 720x720, 2a44f4ae2b0157aaf1af20f39b454633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you fags actually do to even attempt to reach the level of your oshi? Or hell, a girl similar to that of your oshi? What do you losers bring to the table that's worthwhile in any way? Where's your drive? Your determination? Some men can reach the moon but you faggots can't even reach some dumb bitch sitting in her room?
It's pathetic how you all get attached and then complain about it after doing nothing about it, as if it's some woeful occurrence instead of just a natural result of being and doing nothing. At least be an entertaining fuck up of an autistic spurg for your oshi's attention instead of just some boring sad sack.

>> No.7127232

Good shit. Reminds me of the anon who said the only way to impress your oshi (or any girl) is to make it so that testing the competition is too risky. Offer something nobody else can

>> No.7127291

shhh, let them wallow, those of us with a plan will head to the goal
I know I can make my oshi's dreams come true

>> No.7127643
File: 72 KB, 300x577, 1622683181274.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah well, I got a job with because I wanted to donate to my favorite vtubers. Either way you look at it, I'm not a neet anymore so something good came out of this parasocial relationship.

>> No.7127832

complete and utter dependence

>> No.7127852

go cold turkey. they're just streamers, a bit of outside perspective will help you realize that.

>> No.7127929

I kneel

>> No.7128001

I dreamed of me and Pekora going shopping together today and it was fucking great.

>> No.7128067


what did you guys buy?

>> No.7128113

She didn't seem really interested in anything. I just bought a coke or something.

>> No.7128160

How can you even tolerate her deep voice?
When she sings she sounds like a man.

>> No.7128210

Towa has a beautiful contralto voice and your first comparison was men because you are gay.

>> No.7128455

A few months ago I was laying in bed depressed because I could never have my oshi (flare) or any girlfriend for that matter. Today I flirted with a cute girl at my job and planned a date. The way to overcome these unhealthy parasocial relationships is to just start doing shit. I rode my bike, exercised, got back in contact with old friends and hung out again, started baking and cooking more, got a job at a cool place, etc. It gave me perspective which helped me heal and move on. I still watch flare's stuff but I don't feel any weird connection to her anymore, and I feel happy and confident. You're all retards but if you try you can make it, take it from this one.

>> No.7128515


that means she was just happy to be there with you :)

>> No.7128605

ITT what no sex does to a mf

>> No.7128680

You guys know these are just girls playing a character to sucker an audience into buying their merch, right? They don't look or act like cutesy anime waifus irl. They're putting on a show because it gets them money and fame

>> No.7128728

Congrats, hope the first breakup doesn't make you kys.

>> No.7132738

