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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 24 KB, 611x481, 1648111197342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
71113543 No.71113543 [Reply] [Original]

This brown vtuber offers you Starbucks™.
What would you do?

>> No.71113562

Is it regular coffee or their diabetes cup?

>> No.71113590

Cancel her on twitter like what sisters do

>> No.71113610


>> No.71113624

I embrace her as a fellow and join her in a chant of "death to Palestine"

>> No.71114155


>> No.71114224

I would shred her clothes, put her upside down, pour all of the Starbucks in her pussy and drink it from the source.

>> No.71114265

Babybird it or not thanks

>> No.71114289

Refuse because I don't drink Starbucks.

I also tell her that she'll never, EVER be cute and she should just embrace being "cool".

>> No.71114434

You can't fool me, that's chocy milk so I take it

>> No.71114467

Gulp it down and then continue beheading Palestinian children.

>> No.71114471
File: 17 KB, 433x407, 1646296275176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the color and the thickness, anon.
Now, imagine the smell.

>> No.71114532

Why does the world care so much about this when everyone has much more pressing local issues, generally, rather than a war in a desert involving culturally alien people. I have disconnected from everything because everyone is going full retard over this. The world has a weird misery fetish.

>> No.71114589


>> No.71114596

Ok let me be real here, Starbucks coffee is still shit. /pol/ or not. Drink something better.

>> No.71114666

think carefully about who benefits from these kinds of attacks. these things don't just randomly happen. none of the things that make the world seem so terrible are there for no reason. there is strategy and intent

>> No.71114747

People don't but people FUCKING LOVE any excuse to be assholes to others and the best excuse is the one of moral crusade. You can paint the other side as literally evil (genociding children) and therefore any and all actions against them is allowed. People love having a free ticket to abuse others and feel good about it.

Nobody actually cares otherwise they would be getting on a plane to Israel to start bombing government buildings and assassinating politicians.

>> No.71114796

I don't see what that has to do with random people in my bumfuck middle of nowhere northern hemisphere town though, people are just taking that mantle upon themselves for no discernible reason. A bunch of trees have fallen down and our town could definitely use more shops.
>People love having a free ticket
Yeah it's sort of fucked. I feel like saying "I want people to stop killing one another" is somehow a controversial statement lol

>> No.71114966

>people are just taking that mantle upon themselves for no discernible reason
because people are easy to instrumentalize when they have been programmed more or less from birth

>> No.71114981

Thanks, internet!

>> No.71115100
File: 111 KB, 325x189, SCHLOP SCHLOP SCHLOP SCHLOP SCHLOP SCHLOP [sound=https%3a%2f%2ffiles.catbox.moe%2fpjf04p.webm%0a].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This brown vtuber offers you Starbucks™.
>What would you do?

>> No.71115195

before the internet it was TV and radio, before that it was church. I would more blame the Stasi for developing social manipulation techniques at a scientific level, and the proliferation of those techniques

>> No.71115372 [DELETED] 

Because letting the jews get away with doing this is dangerous. First it's some random sand country no one really cares about, but the steins always end up having loftier goals.

>> No.71115425
File: 120 KB, 282x316, 1622142013400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as long as it's not aqua, I can trust it to be drinkable
hopefully its just plain coffee without too much shit in it

>> No.71116102
File: 148 KB, 850x1133, __shiranui_flare_hololive_drawn_by_monokawa_iurl1z__-6ea5394975998de4c9c5fb092f7d73e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flare you can keep the coffee. Can we have sex instead? Will pay you of course.

>> No.71116513

I accept it. Death to all the Pakistanis

>> No.71116909
File: 569 KB, 827x1169, 1622061205472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehh, I prefer shakes over coffee

>> No.71117031

I wouldn't accept anything that's come into contact with a filthy dark elf.

>> No.71118983

fuck elves

>> No.71120166

If rejecting the coffee helps destroy the sneaky grabbling Jews faster I'll have to refuse

>> No.71120678 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 1280x1600, F8zorxTXkAAgDjY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why does the world care so much about this when everyone has much more pressing local issues, generally, rather than a war in a desert involving culturally alien people.
I'm wondering too

>> No.71121607 [DELETED] 
File: 139 KB, 941x1187, Israel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are so far away you, you shouldn't even think about them. Don't try to look beyond the curtain Goy.

>> No.71121726

If this will help to bomb Palestine "children" - drink .

>> No.71125109

>Oh god it even has Oreos

>> No.71125160

I don't drink coffee but I'll make an exception just to piss people off

>> No.71125257
File: 69 KB, 666x666, 1708036277887896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me, except I don't have income either

>> No.71125751
File: 330 KB, 530x528, 1700928808702163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, coffee yo

>> No.71125802

That's not coffee that's dark elf milk.

>> No.71125845


>> No.71125959

stop dragging hololive into your shitty dramawars

>> No.71126216
File: 586 KB, 680x497, 1308014952001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I revel in its majesty

>> No.71126376

is it made with dark elf milk?

>> No.71129672

Of course.

>> No.71131251

>Thanks for the gesture, but I don't hate coffee. Want to go to Costa, instead?

>> No.71131604

Why are you giving me coffee in glass?

>> No.71131757

Drink it because it's coming from Flare. She could shit in a cup and I'd take it. Since this is Starbucks, that's pretty close to real.

>> No.71134109

Flare piss

>> No.71134438

I think it's pretty obvious that people get hung up on the morality of it and not the financial burden on their own tax money, especially considering not everyone's american.

>> No.71135867
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>> No.71137006
File: 465 KB, 542x750, cheers m8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers, sis.

>> No.71138377

Did you mean wife?

>> No.71140240


>> No.71140460
File: 300 KB, 687x1024, c42f5f11e9e74866b4b2cb3ec12fc71e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i accept the coffee. as a sign of appreciatrion i gift the elf my finest bow in return

>> No.71143608


>> No.71143760
File: 694 KB, 800x1000, 248fea1433a3b534aa3758fa17cae0aaf691a836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lose my mind, start foaming at the mouth and start screeching about how much I hate jews, whites and Hololive.

>> No.71143846

>Thank you for that coffee, Furea-san.

>> No.71143865

Why would I drink starbucks when there’s a million better choices out there for coffee?

>> No.71144141

I don't like American coffee, they feel weak as fuck for some reason - probably to help sell more cups since I've to take 2 large cups to fulfill my normal caffeine needs

>> No.71144192

we splat all night long, obviously

>> No.71144372

Wow, for me? Thank you!

>> No.71148603


>> No.71151267

Is there any confirmation of their relationship?

>> No.71154709

Is it hot choco?

>> No.71154822
File: 221 KB, 417x371, 1622037294151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

