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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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71104693 No.71104693 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.71104877

She's in labor (I'm the baby)

>> No.71104935

she lost the culture war for holoEN's direction and is a bitter sore loser for it. she was already a bitter loser before that but now it's been amplified several times.

>> No.71104975

can't collab with homos because her audience hates it, hates her audience for it, stuck between a rock and a hard place

>> No.71104989

Funny because I thought her streams with Vesper were great, but if she's gonna act like a petty bitch she can get bent.

>> No.71105009

Scarle deflection thread

>> No.71105308

Bait thread or not she’s given more graduation flags than gura and it’s scary

>> No.71105390

gura is at least successful, ame threw away her fanbase for 2 traitors

>> No.71105728

anon they’re all holo they’re gonna be successful either way

>> No.71105987

Agghhhhhh! Get out of my head! Get out of my head! Get out of my head! Get out of my head! Get out of my head! Get out of my head! Get out of my head! Get out of my head! Get out of my head! Get out of my head! Get out of my head! Get out of my head! Get out of my head! Get out of my head! Get out of my head! Get out of my head! Get out of my head!

>> No.71106313

This thread is reflecting this new nijiyab
And now the real response, she got tired of twitter drama and now she just use it to announce streams or like things. She was just active on twitter for like a year, but since then she started hating it because the vtuber dramas, cancellations and that shit started. And the last nail in the coffin was when the AI art dramas started and she made a tweet about a hashtag for AI so the fanarts from real people would stay in her other hashtag and also because she thought it was interesting, and some retards replied to her with death threats in literally seconds after putting the tweet, then she deleted it, made a stream about how AI art is not just BAD BAD BAD I'M GONNA LOSE MY JOB THAT I ALREADY LOSE BY BEING A MENHERA ARTIST AND DELETING EVERYTHING AT THE FIRST PROBLEM THAT I HAVE IN MY LIFE and that it can be useful for people who don't know how to draw, she showed an AI that improved your own drawings without stealing from other artists, and after that she quit twitter forever

>> No.71109134

Twitter isnt safe

>> No.71111269

Gura is probably just severely depressed and blackpilled but I have no clue what's up with Ame

>> No.71111597

Because she hates twitter, she posts on youtube.
Oh wait, you're not a member, you are jus ta shitposter, you wouldn't know.

>> No.71111716
File: 33 KB, 882x256, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her last member post was 3 weeks ago.

>> No.71111881

Did you want daily updates?

>> No.71113291 [DELETED] 

Kek, pretending that fes prep for her is a multiple month ordeal. Instead of just showing up in Japan for a few days, recording a few well known songs with basic choreography and flying home like everyone else in EN/ID who is also in fes and has still been streaming these past months.

>> No.71114156

I'm pretty sure she never tweeted to begin with

>> No.71114690

>as well
As well as who?

>> No.71114751


>> No.71115097

I don't think they ever collabed discordchama

>> No.71115131

probably potato mode again, She'll come back when she feels like it lol

>> No.71115849

Jamal said she can't stream anymore.

>> No.71116924

Both Ame and Gura are suffering postpartum depression. They just need a little more time to get back to normal. You just wait.

>> No.71117043

She has been penis pilled by me. You should see how rabid she becomes when she doesn't have a dick in her ass for more then 5 minutes

>> No.71117117

>Vepser and Fagni graduated a year ago
>schizos are STILL malding and seething daily
truly hilarious

>> No.71117122

rent free, Palestinefag

>> No.71117146

she hates her fans, simple as that

>> No.71117197

Oh no the Jews are playing the game by the rules the Arabs set, how horrible.

>> No.71117277

actually yes, she used to member post 3-4 times a week. just little daily life anecdotes, pictures of her aquariums, what she was eating, stuff she was watching. It was really kino 2am girlfriend text message type stuff. Those were the good old days. Before the homo arc ruined her.

>> No.71117319


>> No.71117576

woops didn't mean to reply to you anon!

>> No.71117593

desu I couldn't give a rats ass about them but I shill them every chance I get because it makes the Sisters seethe uncontrollably

>> No.71117608
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>> No.71119211

She is with me sry

>> No.71119256

>Gura stopped streaming
>Ame stopped streaming

>> No.71119283

If a vtuber disappears, you should automatically just assume she's dead until proof of life is confirmed.

>> No.71119375
File: 334 KB, 529x468, 1710085273450211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame please, she's pulling me away. Just give me anything. I don't think I can hold on after another ASMR

>> No.71119458

nijisisters and homosisters both want to destroy hololive, you really think that's gonna work

>> No.71120114

You joke but most likely they are together everyday talking (and fucking)

>> No.71122312


>> No.71122357

As if Tempus's goal wasn't to turn HoloEN into NijiEN lite

>> No.71122360

she's really cute. im glad i found her.

>> No.71122397

did you also think her streams with Vesper were great?

>> No.71124673

Are what? Roommates? Oh my god!

>> No.71127819

she showed up in Zeta's stream a few days ago IIRC? seems unplanned but didn't sound like anything's wrong with her

>> No.71127913

Cuz I said so white boi

>> No.71131037

Because she hates (you).

>> No.71132155

she's just burnt out and vibing in the background
honestly, most teamates have accepted that she's basically mia for a good chunk of the year.
she'll return to streaming for a bit after holofes. if we're lucky, she'll regain some of her stride and get back into a consistent schedule. but most likely two weeks of streams, a month of mia, and another two weeks, vice versa.

>> No.71132257

she'd better because there's a new ame in town and she's slowly winning my heart.

>> No.71135641

buy an ad

>> No.71135705

What does that even mean? They no longer use GOXLRs?

>> No.71135818

her ethnic roots won't allow her to enoy prosperity, she needs resistance to struggle against in order to be happy.

>> No.71137103

She gave a community post this morning
and she's still om break
also niji deflection thread

>> No.71137140

Cheat on your oshi, homie.

>> No.71139813

That's wholesome.

>> No.71140206

Who? I want to be pulled too

>> No.71140996

>i just believe any post i read at face value

>> No.71141025

Yeah. Because she can get away with it.

>> No.71141068

I can't believe she got away with not posting on twitter. Diabolical

>> No.71141200
File: 2.01 MB, 652x720, hmph.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kohaku Yumekui, new kawaii girl. Her ASMR was a little scuffed because of equipment trouble but there's a lot of potential and she's cute besides.

>> No.71141463

Worms tournament and that Monopoly collab where she filled in for Kroni.

>> No.71141520

She can't stand her incel unicorn fans anymore. I don't blame her I wouldn't want to put up with insane schizos either.

>> No.71141544

they were on different days during the worms tournaments, and they barely spoke during the monopoly collab

>> No.71141551

You faggots think about cock more than actual faggots.

>> No.71141629

Does anybody really care? Once she got enough money from teakeks she started doing love ballads with the homos

>> No.71141681

Yes, when she was active and not busy.
She still posts now more than almost every active chubba.

>> No.71141698

I was just pointing out that they have in fact been in collabs together, contrary to the claim that they haven't collabed.

>> No.71141733

ESLs do not have the right to post.

>> No.71141785

>supports AI
she should be killed, simple as. You will not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind.

>> No.71141788

only one of those was a collab tho, and the original post claimed that they were great in collabs together, clearly confusing her for someone else he read about in his notes

>> No.71141878

Praise the Omnissiah.

>> No.71142232

Do you also rage at everyone using code editors and yearn for the time we only wrote in machine code?

>> No.71142896

Anon the notes are "X and Y were in a collab, claim they had much better chemistry than any girl she collabed with and she must obviously want his dick"
There was no mixup.

>> No.71143820

Happy birthday
