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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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7110168 No.7110168[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

They are also very self-centered and loud, seems to go hand in hand with extroverts.

>> No.7110188

People dislike Marine?

>> No.7110225

No. OP is a retard.

>> No.7110231

I like all three of them, your point?

>> No.7110233

One schizo poste ron here does, otherwise no people like Marine. She is loud but not self-centered. She is beloved by Hololive members as well.

>> No.7110234

Not even her colleagues can stand her

>> No.7110253

I swear we had this same thread last week.

>> No.7110263

More likely that people like us are inclined to dislike extroverts.
Though Ollie I would say probably doesn't count. Primarily on the basis that she seems to have more in common with us than Kiara.
While yes she's loud. She's not terribly self centred or extroverted. Her primary hobby seems to be watching other vtubers. All of them.
Marine arguably isn't a good fit for the title either as she's pretty fucking maladjusted socially. Hence her being a christmas cake

>> No.7110344

Gotta love how korone just does that complete 180 in her mood at times.

>> No.7110416

Ah the good ol' marine schizo. I see you're still hard at work with your schizoposting so here is a (you). Keep it for a rainy day.

>> No.7110468

No, they're just hoping that if they can drag a jp and id into this they can make the middle one look less awful.
and yeah sure the yubigate is real, but it's honestly nowhere near as bad as kultists

>> No.7110469

I always wondered how many viewers take the chuubas pro-wrestling and banter at face value
This post is bait so it doesn't count but I have to think the number isn't 0

>> No.7110614

Is Marineschizo trying new tricks ?

>> No.7110620

Shit bait thread but just a reminder that the yubigate shit isn't real. Ollie is a massive, massive, MASSIVE vtuber fan, which is obvious. She's smart enough to not risk her dream job like that. But nobody actually parroting that garbage watches her and bets on retards that believe it also not watching her.

>> No.7110621

Replace Marine with Mori even if she isn’t an extrovert
And I don’t exactly dislike Ollie for being an extrovert, her personality is charming but she can’t stop herself from interacting with anyone and everyone

>> No.7110643
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Seems the duck has won yet again

>> No.7110665

Personally. I suspect OIllie is spreading the story herself because it draws attention to her and is an obvious nothingburger.

>> No.7110677

>but she can’t stop herself from interacting with anyone and everyone
this isn't the negative you think it is

>> No.7110687
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>> No.7110738

Most vtuber fans are borderline autistic introverts so yes seeing extroverts can trigger them.

>> No.7110739

Ollie and Kiara I can understand but Marine? Fuck off.

>> No.7110750

It wouldn’t be if she stopped talking about Connor every time

>> No.7110757

I don't know what you mean anon I just hate chicken not the other 2

>> No.7110787

her streams with Conor were great I don't know what you're talking about

>> No.7110791

Yeah she's basically the vtuber megafan and has never seen a vtuber she doesn't like.
Imagine you were absolutely obsessed with boybands and then suddenly found yourself in a job where a good chunk of it was interacting with boybands. Would you not constantly push to interact more with them? To spend more time around the objects of your obsession?

Give it time for the chess tournament arc to die down and she'll move onto other people.

>> No.7110818

Not at all. This is probably just Marine-schizo trying to garner hate for her again.

>> No.7110868

Kill yourself
I used to like her, then the Connor arc happened

>> No.7110872

Is literally this one retard (marine schizo), who makes similar threads everyday.

>> No.7110883

why does Connor make you so insecure?

>> No.7110898

Imagine disliking someone because of someone they mention, talk to, or like, instead of just ignoring/avoiding streams where she interacts with him.

>> No.7110935

>not avoiding her entirely and watching the superior one

>> No.7110997

People who avoid literally any media involving their precious 2d girls interacting with m*ales are unironically bigger faggots than people who watch male vtubers. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if they break down one day and suck a dick out of guilt and shame

>> No.7111035

What are the odds of you ever being in the same room as Ollie?
What are the odds of her ever knowing your name?

>> No.7111053

they literally seethe at the thought of a 2d anime woman interacting with a man
I can't imagine how they live their day to day lives
if they ever left their houses and interacted with a man irl they would probably kill themselves
I almost feel bad for them, almost.

>> No.7111123
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>> No.7111149

Until you believe otherwise, no, I don’t give a fuck about males interacting with the Holos. I just don’t want to hear about some fag anituber when watching vtubers
When it becomes a personality trait of theirs, I think I can dislike that person. She just never can shut up about him
And I already dropped her for other ID members
I’m not an unicorn

>> No.7111191

No, because I like Marine and Ollie, and dislike Kiara.

There's a difference between being extroverted and being an overbearing ass.

>> No.7111242

Marine is universally beloved, she also isnt an extrovert

>> No.7111325

Who the fuck is that? LoL

>> No.7111340

a huge shit

>> No.7111382

A very fucking cool person whom is adored by millions.

>> No.7111420 [DELETED] 

>Replace Marine with Mori
This is the way. People just dislike women being self centered assholes and emulating the shittiest men (ie like the kind you'll find here, myself included).

It's a man's divine right to be an ass to the opposite sex, unless you're looking for a few dozen hurts donuts the moment your government collapses and there's no longer any consequences for violence against women.

In contrast, women only get away with being assholes as a byproduct of the weak men around them not policing their behavior due to being cucked by an authoritarian police state. People are disgusted by this on a visceral, subconscious level because proto humans didn't evolve in a modern high tech surveillance state, and we instinctively scowl at uppity, arrogant women who come off as conceited or selfish. No woman actually retains that attitude once a man raises his hand. In fact, some burst into tears the moment a man raises his voice.

So when ollie prances around like a promiscuous slut whole getting fingers in stream, Kiara incessantly whines about numbers while shooting herself in the foot by trying to emulate pekora in English, Mori phones it in while simps shower her with money and affection, and ayame only streams once a month to collect a paycheck, it's not hard for a person to look at all that and think they're horribly undisciplined. Both they (as equal people with agency) and their managers (who are supposed to be tardwrangling them) get flak for not being able to get them to accomplish the simple task of not grating on people's nerves even if they have to fake it. This is the PR game. If you're sincerely a garbage person, just pretend not to be while people are watching. It's the least you get paid to do.

>> No.7111432

I had to unfollow Ollie on Twitter because she was filling my timeline with shit about Connor

>> No.7111467

There's a big difference between "self-centered and loud" extroverts and "cool and assertive" extroverts. People really like the second type

>> No.7111501

Being discerning in who you interact with is a valuable skill, especially in entertainment where backstabbing is a given. Ollie is a zoomer who desperately seeks validation from e-celebs, she's just begging to get groomed.

>> No.7111532

>Give it time for the chess tournament arc to die down and she'll move onto other people.
She has been drooling over Connor's cock for months, she wants his goatfucker dick.

>> No.7111540

Marine is my Oshi
I dislike Kiara
I can enjoy Ollie
I hate OP

>> No.7111551

its because of fhe. hate that stacies get. theyre dtacids. “stupid stacies and 5hier hypersexuality. hmph.” thats why they hate

>> No.7111563
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>> No.7111571

The correct term is sheepshagger.
If you're gonna go for the common welsh gag you should get it right at least.
