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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 524 KB, 1838x906, Ina How.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7109161 No.7109161 [Reply] [Original]

>As many subs as Kiara
>This many live-views
How does she do it Takos?

>> No.7110136

> actually watchable

>> No.7110268

She has real subs vs Kiara having a bunch of duplicate KFP pitty subs.

>> No.7110290

>actually doesn't use an annoying voice

>> No.7110375
File: 18 KB, 716x481, takoSex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her 14-inch, musky, veiny Ninomae Pe'nis, of course.

>> No.7110445

She is actually cute and has a soothing voice.

>> No.7110482
File: 17 KB, 389x389, Takanashi Kiara sips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rent free

>> No.7110610

Nigger if you're gonna numberfag at least put Kiara's numbers up so others can see. Are you expecting all of us to watch Kiara's streams ourselves to find out or something? Not a chance kek.

>> No.7110684

I love how people actually think Ina uses her real voice

>> No.7110697

I thought RE was a debuff game and this was a debuff time. I legit wonder how she does it.

>> No.7110745

>Playing a buff game with a heartbeat monitor
>hoW doEs sHe dO iT tAkoS?

>> No.7110769

>Kiara leech.jpeg
People who subbed to Ina subbed for her. People who subbed to Kiara probably thought "why the hell not?"

>> No.7110774 [DELETED] 

Cute dorky real voice. Is just herself with an anime avatar. Good sense of humor. Doesn't try too hard. This is the Chad mentality of succeeding while barely trying at all because you already did your reps and got good before the game even started.

Numberfagging is the ultimate low test flag.

>> No.7110797

She's playing a game people actually want to watch

>> No.7110811

They didn't say real, just non-annoying. None of them use their real voice but they develop a character voice that doesn't annoy their audience.

>> No.7110864

Let's be honest Kiara's subs are at least 25% pity subs
But that doesn't stop me from loving her

>> No.7110891

fucking prove it

>> No.7110907

She bots like all Koreans.

>> No.7110942

the KFP long con

>> No.7110984
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The power of FLAT.

>> No.7110986

1 KFP is worth 10 Takos
(In terms of how much money they give)

>> No.7111002

I'd suck it

>> No.7111010

Kiara has a horrible voice and annoying genki energy.

Ina is just comfy.

>> No.7111020

It's Kiara, we know it's sub 10k and probably in the 6-8k range

>> No.7111023

It's amazing to think that 16k people are sleeping to Inas stream right now

>> No.7111034
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>> No.7111063

She's always constant with her timeslots. Kiara changed a few times the timeslots but Ina stuck to one since the beginning. I watched HoloTalk because it was a good time for me but now she changed to morning time and now I don't watch it anymore, for example.

>> No.7111091
File: 21 KB, 400x400, _zU72OLZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This deep Tako knowledge but I'll tell you since you asked nicely: Ina is cute.

>> No.7111141

I membership to Ina but have SC'd Kiara for at least half a year's worth of membershipping.
I watch them both. Reason: I'm an eurofag and the rest of EN don't ever stream when I'm awake and not at work.

>> No.7111200

Ina is very consistent and cool, she silently gonna be No 2 (viewerswise,) of EN, if things keeps going this way

>> No.7111243

>gonna be
anon she already is

>> No.7111247
File: 219 KB, 591x735, 1613431544461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought RE was a debuff game
>and this was a debuff time

What are you on? RE always gets high views. Horror games are a buff and out of all them RE7 is at the very top. Ina's timezone is a perfect balance for English speakers in EU countries and it's the afternoon in NA. Not to mention it's the weekend right now. Ina has a dedicated viewership, but it's for this reason and also because she's extremely consistent with her times. Not some fucking magic.

>> No.7111269

Well no, she's a distant last place when it comes to views.

>> No.7111281

Do you never even try to watch VoDs

>> No.7111309

Kiara got an average of 4,600 and a max of 6,300 in her last stream. She's only just above Roboco tier

>> No.7111331

>music video buff
>ame and kiara who stream frequently and long
Her live viewership is booming

>> No.7111334
File: 57 KB, 350x464, ogey anrufend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well actually Ina gets more quantified subscriber member metrics per fortnight than any of the ENs, plus her strong metrics in cumcounts, Blart-Holmesson differential viewer averages, and pregnancies. Her differential quantum bearish trend is only going to the moon from here. Enjoy your worthless orangecoin

>> No.7111351

I can't really blame Kiara for moving Holotalk, especially after the Suisei episode.
Moving to 7-8 hour different timezone makes things difficult.
Also maybe it's just me but her stream times feel more consistent these days

>> No.7111359
File: 18 KB, 360x256, 1626542395886451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buff game
>Only scrapes 15k

HoloEN is a failure. They can't even reach the same highs as JP.

>> No.7111370

There's a thousand reasons we could speculate from that, like she bots her views, she isn't effected by the YouTube view bug, but I think it's more likely she has more live viewers since those are her core audience but has no VoD viewers.

>> No.7111372

It's not the same for me and this post was baiting with live viewers not VOD views, that's why I brought up that example

>> No.7111390

Wrong. Lurk numberfag threads. Since debut Ame still, on average, pulls a higher average total viewership, recieves more superchats, more VoD views and data points to having more members too. But at this rate Ina is going to take over the viewership one.

>> No.7111434

>Lurk numberfag threads
Why would anyone willingly do that

>> No.7111441

Yeah, you are right but still. That's a filter for me

>> No.7111552

For the sole reason of shutting claims like >>7111243 down. Everything else is a (even bigger) waste of time.

>> No.7111616

Any horror game is almost always a huge boost.

>> No.7111625

With Minecraft and nothing else

>> No.7111652

I mean understandable, a bit of a shame since genuinely every Holotalk since she moved it has been pretty damn great.

>> No.7111654

She's so flat I often wonder if she's meant to be a trap

>> No.7111670

Right now but that might change in the future. She's catching up to Amelia.

Currently it doesn't look like they are close when you compare the streams they played around the time: Kiara- Skyward Sword $1,879 vs Ina Resident Evil $594. Of course that might change since Ina is still going and playboard does take a while to calculate SCs.

It's also got to be said live viewers doesn't corelate with how much they'll superchat. Just look at Subaru's legendary Ozora Police episode which had over 93,000 live viewers but only raked in $872. Pekora has high live viewers but doesn't get as much in SCs per video. It's made up by the fact that she streams like 3 times within a day that it looks higher than the others when accumulated.

Marine made like about or over $5,000 in a free chat scheduled stream which I don't think she even interacts in. Could be wrong but live viewers don't mean much in the end in my opinion. You can make up the difference in other areas like monetization, membership or sponsorships but those transactions are private or not the accurate as SCs.

>> No.7111732

Organic growth. Doesn't rely on self-pity.

>> No.7111770

>Subaru's legendary Ozora Police episode which had over 93,000 live viewers but only raked in $872.

>> No.7111921
File: 67 KB, 542x537, 1482775416744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina is unironically the best HoloEN.

Gura is great but she's nerfing herself all the fucking time.

Ame is retarded and plays like a fucking monkey.

Mori hates video games except few niche genres.

Kiara is just mediocre all around.

>> No.7111961

Which is fine since Ina is designing merch for all of Hololive and making lots of money from it

>> No.7111970
File: 161 KB, 413x382, 1618843588189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame is retarded and plays like a fucking monkey.
I fail to see the negative.

>> No.7112009

Considering I can count the amount of times i'f heard Ina acknowledge super chats on 1 hand I'm amazed she gets any.

>> No.7112040

You must be a zoomer then.

>> No.7112073

Live viewers does not mean they will dono to you. Ive seen many streamers that have 300-500 viewers live off of streaming cause they just get donoed all the time.

More viewers does increase the likelihood someone will donate tho.

>> No.7112146

>Ame is retarded and plays like a fucking monkey

>> No.7112248

By being better

>> No.7112362

She can be entertaining but 90% of her game streams are rage inducing.

>> No.7112526

>Le kiara
So this is the power of chumkeks?

>> No.7112814

Let's take a non-bias look into what Ina's doing right and Kiara isn't (in the live viewership department). I won't be diving into some aspects such as their voice, or their personalities, they are undeniably major factors yes, but let's just look at them as two streamers with different sets of skills.
> Ina's stream schedule is almost always consistent
Consistent timeslots always bring in the best live viewership, because the fanbase know exactly when they can tune in, and they can always leave that timeslot free for her. Moreover, it helps Ina build up her core fanbase more and more, it might be slow but it sure is steady.
Kiara has been showing to hop her stream timeslots all over the place, one week she seems to favour the yuros, the next week it's better for the SEAnigs. She lost a portion of her live viewership (mostly SEAnigs, and OCE) and her core fanbase as a whole by inevitably shifting her schedule after moving back to her home country.
> Kiara plays long ass JRPGs on stream
Long stream length does affect live viewership because at the end of the day, only her core fanbase will stick from beginning to end.
Not saying debuff games don't affect Ina, but with her consistent timeslot, anything not some jank ass game like Wah-nderful 101 will bring her the views (though we have to admit she has been playing some typical buff games). And we haven't even talked about the art streams yet, which are the ones that can easily pull numbers, because people always hop in to check the progress.
Also a little tiny buff for Ina right now is also the fact that the work for her MV Violet is assumably finished, but that probably doesn't mean much right Takos?

>> No.7112879

Non bias view?!? You dont belong here. Why are you here

>> No.7112914

Too long didn't read

>> No.7112951

She sounds like every Korean girl I’ve ever spoken to. Go outside

>> No.7112981

Also I should have added the fact that if their gaming skills were to put on a scale, Ina would knock Kiara out of the water. Therefore, if they happen to play the same stuffs, Ina would beat the fuck out of Kiara because not everyone wants to suffer through horrible plays.

>> No.7113264

>Ina would knock Kiara out of the water
No she really wouldn't, Kiara is actually suprisingly good unless she starts panicking, but gaming skill doesn't matter in the first place unless you play competitive FPS.
>but with her consistent timeslot, anything not some jank ass game like Wah-nderful 101 will bring her the views
>Paper Mario: 6.7k peak
>PSO2 : 7.6k peak

>> No.7113323
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>Which is fine since Ina is designing merch for all of Hololive and making lots of money from it
never thought about his before

>> No.7113381

>As many subs as Kiara
lol, nice way to dance around saying "over 1 million". Can't give Kiara any credit, right?
The reason is: Ina is more popular. Wow, that was easy, I figured it out already!
In the meantime, Kiara is in the top 20 most superchatted people on the planet.
They're popular in different ways.
So question is, what do you value more as a measure of success? Live viewers vs. superchats?
I'd say "who gives a fuck", but I know how much this place loves their numbers

>> No.7113625

Pretty much the only times Ina does unusual timeslots is when she's collabing with any non-EN Holos.

>> No.7113648

Better question: who cares?

>> No.7113659

I just took Wonderful 101 as an example because it was the first thing that popped into my head, please don't tell me you assumed a goddamn mediocre mmo like PSO2 and one of the most boring Mario titles are anything but jank ass.
And gaming skills do matter even it's not competitive, you would be surprised at how many game autists would drop the stream after one dumb decision in Minecraft, or RPG. I'm not saying those views are worth keeping, but they still represent numbers.

>> No.7113816

I'll be straight with you.
Hololive wouldn't be big if gaming skill mattered.
>I just took Wonderful 101 as an example because it was the first thing that popped into my head
I mean the thing is that Ina basically didn't anything besides those, Night Delivery and Minecraft in the last 2 months or so.

>> No.7113853

Nobody else was streaming at the time

>> No.7113879

Kiara lives rent free in your putrid brain and that is pretty funny

>> No.7113885

ina love!

>> No.7113917

Numberfags are ALWAYS talking about live viewers unless it's the Gura vs Pekora shitpost war.

>> No.7114056

The more yamato nadeshiko the vtuber, the more scarily dedicated her viewers are.

Hence the billboard in Times Square, and the incident where west taiwan antis got doxxed and signed up for a religious cult.

>> No.7114197

How come they don't give her money though?

>> No.7114199

Ina taking advantage of her gook genes

>> No.7114211
File: 303 KB, 504x395, 1626659020569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame is retarded and plays like a fucking monkey.
A monkey I'd like to fuck

>> No.7114274

Because she has a job and doesn't need it, and they respect her wishes.

>> No.7114398

She explicitly told them not to. The last thing she needs to worry about is money. She has other priorities.

>> No.7114722

The only thing that matters in this business is money, and Kiara is by far the best at drawing money

>> No.7114953

This kfp cope is just depressing honestly.
If the only thing that matters is money, Ina and Gura would read their SCs and bait SC trains like Kiara does constantly.

>> No.7115419

She grants tako cult with cookies in Thursday (maybe)

>> No.7115441

ngl, ina is the most boring one to watch out of EN

>> No.7115477
File: 44 KB, 488x271, 9DAC0F93-52B6-430F-8774-577646DE4E68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get on your hands and knees and thank Kiara for drawing the house, pinhead

>> No.7115565
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>> No.7115566

One man's boring is another man's chilled out and relaxed.

I also like easy listening city pop and bossanova now though so I might just be getting old.

>> No.7115576

It was a collab. They rarely get a lot of superchats, unless they're a 3D live or some kind of anniversary.

>> No.7115613

stop shitposting with my tako

>> No.7117182

>She's catching up to Amelia.
Amelia turned off her superchat more than 50% of the time & Ina still struggle to catch up even with multiple events.

>> No.7117314

Ah yes, a clip tako.

>> No.7118831

She definitely puts on a voice.
next your going to say ame is using her real voice lmao

>> No.7119112

This is true also.
Say what you want about Kiara, those motherfuckers that watch her love to spend.

>> No.7119805

>he doesnt know

>> No.7120734

If you ever find you self hating Kiara for simply existing just remember, Nijisanji has 12 threads at the moment. (according to my filter)

>> No.7120789


>> No.7120817


>> No.7120896

I'd be curious to see how many viewers Ina would have in a JP primetime slot.

>> No.7120930

>nasally voice

>> No.7121042


>> No.7121176

As a numberfag, you’re wrong. Ame is currently under Ina for the average live viewership. This has also happened on and off, repeatedly. Currently, Ina is supreme in live viewers when compared to Ame. Maybe that will change again, but currently Ame is behind.

>> No.7121185
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>tfw a fan song is better than any of her official songs

>> No.7121654
File: 194 KB, 750x1753, hours viewed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina is barely above in average concurrent viewership & that is with almost consistent watchalong & Supa Sunday.

>> No.7121915

poor dagger, she's the lowest on HoloID

>> No.7124004

>She bots her live you gotta believe me!!!
It's hilarious to see the KFPs finding new ways to cope each time we prove their oshi is shit. The fact is that Kiara is the least popular of HoloEN, which is proved by the fact that Sparks still doesn't have a million views.

>> No.7127557

Have you actually seen a single KFP outside of /here saying that who didn't basically get ignored?

>> No.7128736
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>ngl, ina is the most boring one to watch out of EN
nah, it's irys now, i have very shit tastes and consume everything with anime avatar, but she's filtred me hard

>> No.7128791

RE7 is a good game

I rarely watch Ina
But i had nothing to do atm and saw her live streaming a RE game
Of course imma watch it

>> No.7128909

>Ina is barely above in average concurrent viewership
She's 30% higher according to your own source.

>> No.7128954

Her and Kiara are both consistency queens. They also built up much more organic fanbases then Gura and Mori with Chumbuds only really developing an identity over the last few months.

>> No.7131373

Next week is very important; if anya still couldn't beat a hospitalized iofi then there is no hope

>> No.7135062

But what if I like both Ina and Kiara?

>> No.7135763

go touch grass

>> No.7135850

>next your going to say ame is using her real voice lmao

>> No.7135967
File: 2 KB, 749x33, 1607362406964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion bros?????????????????

>> No.7136099

but Ina's voice is the worst of EN

>> No.7136170

well that's just you

>> No.7138884

bad bait get lost fag

>> No.7138951

>curry meshi no ouch

>> No.7138952
File: 189 KB, 286x261, 1597264373768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina is actually cute when she is scared
Kiara is annoying no matter what game she is playing thanks to her voice.

>> No.7138973

top twitch streamers are monke


>> No.7139012

You forgot Kiara's annoying voice and abrasive personality

>> No.7143314

>How does she do it Takos?
She cute. That's literally it.

>> No.7145020
File: 2.93 MB, 1080x1080, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fyx6zrh.m4a][sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5gg3m2.m4a][sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fiw44vm.m4a][sound=files.catbox.moe%2F4lkwyi.opus][sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ffzhb0k.m4a].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7146967

Ina mogs Ame and Mori too.

>> No.7152548

Ame got 13.700 viewers playing Deadspace 1, anon.

>> No.7154693

New age of ina supremacy?

>> No.7157146

So? If Ina played it, she would get better numbers.

>> No.7158540

Reading comprehension went out the window with you, huh? They're not saying it's a real voice. They're saying it's not annoying.

>> No.7158676

she isn't annoying, not everyone wants a loud person.

>> No.7158862
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>> No.7172673

>a 2008 horror game.
>a 2017 horror game.
Doubt it, or even if she will play it.
