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71014449 No.71014449 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.71014519

Fucking ew.

>> No.71014623
File: 65 KB, 1170x1390, 1708059918550273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Clique" wins by doing nothing

>> No.71015813

For a second I thought that was Magni, but then I remembered he graduated months ago.

>> No.71015935

is this the new meta for NijiEN by using really cringy thumbnails? Glad they're irrelevant now

>> No.71015978
File: 182 KB, 1170x1170, 1709864874782329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buys two Yuri books
>entire branch goes gay
there was a hostile take over of the branch, say hi to your new leader

>> No.71016068

least horny scarle thumbnail

>> No.71016111
File: 713 KB, 978x1116, 1688998032120441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whining about an obvious joke
Between this and the seething over Claude's 100k tweets, its hilarious mindbroken you people are.

>> No.71017128
File: 130 KB, 463x453, 1641522159884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71017528

fucking sucks that they got away with it.
and everyone thought Scarle wouldnt get involved with the clique after likeing the kurosanji comment

>> No.71017589

I guess this is what happens when Riku course corrects the EN leadership from Elira's clique and the boyz club to Rosemi, Petra and Scarle.

>> No.71017649

Is that Axel?

>> No.71017650

u know damn well she getting dragged by clique .

>> No.71017713

could she be forced to by contract?

>> No.71017867

>Ren confirmed kowtowing the clique
>vivi confirmed kowtowing the clique
>now scarle joins and kowtows the clique
Hopefully people finally shut up about there being innocents left in this shitshow of a corpo.

>> No.71018111

>desperate for even just a sliver of “winning”

>> No.71018296

That's like promoting one of the firemen (coal-shoveler) on the Titanic to captain after the ship hit the iceberg

>> No.71018719

>a group of friends gathered together
>omg, clique

>> No.71018933

Lazy content. Scarle only gets cut some slack because she streams a lot and she's goofy. But "k-kyaaa two girls kissing" has been the fallback content and when Niji talents haven't had many redeeming qualities or content in a while, it's aged like milk left in the sun for months.

>> No.71018940


>> No.71019030

Sure, you can use that word and have it technically be correct. After all you can be friends and in a clique.

>> No.71019498

don't be such a hypocrite, if this was Marine and Choco or something you'd all be creaming your pants. Nothing wrong with a little yuribait. It was a fun moment from the offcollab

>> No.71019614

>but holo tho

>> No.71020109

u know she going back to be close gremlin 24/7 when she back lmao

>> No.71022314

who the hell is she kissing? Is that Millie or what

>> No.71022462

Yes, but holo, because Holo is shit.

>> No.71022537

There is not a single good organ left inside that company, some are worse than others sure, but they all made their choice

>> No.71022666

There are no innocent organs.

>> No.71022722


>> No.71022993

So the clique wrangled Scarle. It's over...

>> No.71023116


>> No.71023269

it's actually really funny seeing all the girls nijifags assured us are good fall one by one

>> No.71023407

None of them were trust worthy since none of them spoke up for Selen and just bent the knee

>> No.71023565

That’s why I never listen to the NDF.

>> No.71023656

i actually believed them about vivi, after that never again

>> No.71023765

>no one spoke up for Selen
yeah that would be a genius move

>> No.71023771

I want to believe there are still good people in the company who are just afraid of being sued.

>> No.71023816

Doesn't that mean that the supposed insider was a fake ass larper and a bunch of retards got tricked

>> No.71023846

Rent free

>> No.71023996

It's why I don't even trust pomu. She hadn't interacted with selen on stream for ages before things went down and didn't say a single thing in support even through mega vague phrasing.
Far as I'm concerned the entire branch is rotten to the core and nobody in it or from it is to be trusted unless they were turfed out.

>> No.71024050

It reeked of faggotry since the first post. I only believe reality, not some misdirection RPshit.

>> No.71024108

Sexual assault sells

>> No.71024163

yeah I'm sure kyo is the good one out of all of them because he left, the harsh truth is nobody who joins niji is a good person, this shit keeps being validated every single time

>> No.71024381

It’s just a festering wound from the top down. I’ll only cut an organ some slack if they choose to grow a pair. Sadly, likely none ever will.

>> No.71024422

Do better bait

>> No.71024532

>turfed out
Pick one because they aren't mutual. Kyo was even running pr smear campaigns against doki the moment he was out for them.

>> No.71024616

Its the opposite, I thought it was Aia for a moment due to her closeness with Scarle but was confused that it didnt match up with any outfits.

>> No.71024623

>Rent free to your head

>> No.71024671

Then where my bro aster?

>> No.71024778


>> No.71024904

Actually true

>> No.71025014

I don't think you know what this phrase means. People paying attention to individuals involved in ongoing drama is just passing interest. Rent free would be you nijiniggers bringing up doki in every conversation unprompted.

>> No.71025086

>She hadn't interacted with selen on stream for ages before things went down
She had 2 collabs with Selen in December, before Pomu went to NijiFes. The fact that you didn't even know this means you didn't even watch Selen.

>> No.71025138

Funny how to you "growing a pair" is akin to social, economical and career suicide, lmao
Selen fucked up and you people are only on her side because it lets you shit talk the retard corpo

>> No.71025213

Mans not allowed in the same state as female nijis

>> No.71025230

>>social, economical and career suicide
>the contracts aren’t real, they said

>> No.71025265

Dont even know who you're quoting but dont worry, im sure selen will put out for you now that shes an indy :)

>> No.71025322

>Rent free to your head
>I didn't even say about the drama LMAOOOO
Just watch the VOD of Doki Flaseyed

>> No.71025490

If guess if you consider not given a sea burial off Riku's yacht in international waters winning.

>> No.71025536

They're trying desperately to keep their only female audience with this fake gay shit

>> No.71025625


I understand where you're coming from but Pomu's the best one out of everyone for mentioning Selen during a period where everyone else refused to even talk about her.

>> No.71025651

That thumbnail art is making my eyes bleed

>> No.71025737

Oh look, hes shilling his click bait channel again

>> No.71025867
File: 214 KB, 1798x844, 1707796542744101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the brown woman like you wound's believe, but my convictions don't allow me to watch nijis.

Is there a way to give her my money directly?

>> No.71025875

Says the retarded nijisister

>> No.71025946

Nah, Scarle's a good egg. She even showed up to say hi to Sayu in her return stream. Doppio too. I don't know about any of the others.

>> No.71025961

Underage and fuckable huh. Gimme yo ass

>> No.71025973

Damn that sucks.
I'm still gonna have impure thoughts about Claire, though.

>> No.71025993

I don't even make content I just know the clip because I've watched it in the past. At least accuse the other fag that's been shilling his BS across threads all week instead of the one clip providing actual context, you brainless troglodyte.

>> No.71026006

She staying out of this because obviously she doesn't want to get herself dragged into a shitty drama by retards like (you). She'd rather just do her own thing in peace.

>> No.71026010

Pussy nigga

>> No.71026062

i hate that i still find this funny

>> No.71026126

What the fuck are you babbling about, retard? Go get your head checked.

>> No.71026181

Those two are clear in my book. This alone speaks volumes about their character, as opposed to their coworkers.

>> No.71026186

I only come to this cesspool when i have literally nothing better to do so i havent been here for a week lmao

>> No.71026199

Hey, hey, hey nigga. You got a nice little ass, nigga. Gimme yo ass, nigga. You see me looking at you. Gimme yo ass.

>> No.71026236

Reminder that the awkward Aster and Scarle get-along collab that came after the Discord screenshot leak didn't happen too long ago.
Whether or not Scarle's friends with Millie, there's always the possiblity that it was a company mandated collab.

>> No.71026257

Stop posting, Vox.

>> No.71026264



>> No.71026284

if millie is involved it's definitely something stinky

>> No.71026317

Hey, hey, hey nigga. You got a nice little underage ass, nigga. Gimme yo ass, nigga. You see me looking at you. Gimme yo ass, nigga.

>> No.71026383

The Niji contract says the company won't get involved if two talents are feuding. Unless of course, one talent is trying to distance herself from her sexual harasser. Then the Nijifamily Protocol must be activated.

>> No.71026631

Desperate. Your turn.

>> No.71026678

Sorry for not recognizing you, Kyo.

>> No.71026747 [DELETED] 

Hey, hey, hey, nigga. You got a nice little underage ass, nigga. Gimme yo ass, nigga. You see me looking at you. Gimme yo ass, nigga.

>> No.71027525
File: 41 KB, 348x522, twitchvtubers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean, dokibird literally collabs with twitch streamers like shylily that do sussy stuff. but yeah, nijisanji is the desperate one as usual in the drama lovers eyes.

>> No.71028759


>> No.71028996

>Some of these comments
You stupid retarded fucking fucks, it's like you don't have a brain

>Maybe I can trust X
>Yes X is not part of it
>X is still a good person
>X is just colateral damamge
>I'll believe in X

It's like you don't know the human nature

>> No.71029052

Yes anon, grace us with your wisdom on how life is actually filled with greys.
Which is true because some people are too poor for membership.

>> No.71029103

welp there goes the last one

>> No.71029486

Seems no matter how both sides are trying to go for their own road, people will throw Doki at every turn. Stop, it’s not funny anymore.
Talking seriously, I see the company is doing a lot to push millie up, if we never heard about Elira I would say substitute her. We will see where it goes.

It’s just human nature indeed, but not stupidity. Real stupidity is how people think “X need to be saved by bad corpo”.
These are adult people and if they decide to stay in, that’s their choice.
I’m more concerned that things stay inside, that those who left, and I mean all of them, can get on with their life without us getting worried they will just do things over and over again.

>> No.71031410

So how many will be left after the contract run out

>> No.71032179

You lost to a piece of paper.
