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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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70990838 No.70990838 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on kawaii's newest gen?

>> No.70991028

Some are boring. Some are good.

>> No.70991248

Too soon to say but as far as first impressions I liked wolf girl the best.

>> No.70991301

Kohaku is literally my wife
Nano can be my side bitch I guess

>> No.70991429

They’re all cute but Kohaku is adorable

>> No.70991520

You mean Gen 4?

>> No.70991661

Meimi cute but boring, Nano hot but boring, I refuse to watch offbrand Amelia or the boring esl cook.
Tomoe good, Tomoe hot, Tomoe love

>> No.70991754

>I refuse to watch offbrand Amelia
she is the best in the gen bro
tomoe good too

>> No.70991951
File: 309 KB, 438x684, 1709362783554182.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these dorks

>> No.70991962

Is this better than the last girls? I heard those had a yab right at the start

>> No.70992420

They are all high quality girls and you will get high quality CGDCT and idol contents.
Don't dig too deep or you'll get burned BUT that goes for all vtubers.

>> No.70992434
File: 273 KB, 1366x768, kohak....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70992497

if you care about yabs you're in the wrong hobby lil bro

>> No.70992764

>Steamboat Willy

>> No.70992976

Kohaku and Nano are the best.
Meimi and Tomoe are alright.
Don't really care about the other two.

Kohaku is HoloEN material. She would be competing with Gura and Mumei for the cutest girl there.

>> No.70993439

She should join and actually replace Ame

>> No.70993590

more like theyre in the wrong career, once they go corpo people will have some expectations

>> No.70993736
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Koha-chan is mine, I don't want her in HoloEN

>> No.70993760

Not like on-brand Ame is giving you much to watch. You might as well. You won't regret it anon.

>> No.70993973

Is everyone comparing her to Ame because of her appearance or her personality?

>> No.70994073

She has a detective theme and uses it. Personalitywise I've never watched Watson. I have no idea. kek.

>> No.70995270
File: 206 KB, 1112x637, 1710026429752614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit
Here's your Hololive tier "ame-replacement" chuubah, bruh

>> No.70996063

the US is not important

>> No.70997584
File: 181 KB, 1168x418, CGDCT lineup[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fcg79ru.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70997605

I like all of them. But how long until Nene gets them booted? Remember Kawaii is the Nene show.

>> No.70998188

no such thing

>> No.70998746

They did a group cover too

>> No.70998781

>cute girlS doing cute things
Nene never collabs, it's "cute girl doing cute things" if anything

>> No.70999060


>> No.71000290


>> No.71000587


>> No.71001497


>> No.71001563

This was the ad
It's expired now though, see you next time

>> No.71001883

>Kohaku is HoloEN material

>> No.71004502
File: 290 KB, 230x523, 1686979241997946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, what the fuck are these bright colors?

>> No.71004720

It's symbolic

>> No.71007943

models look kind of mid, not gonna lie.

>> No.71010096

Tomoe was the biggest surprise to me considering that she wasn't a streamer at all. She is a natural talent I guess.
Hiyori is mature and professional. Good catch.
Meimi is insanely talented but needs time to carve out her niche in kawaii.
Don't know much about the other 3 because I barely watched them.

>> No.71012497

Meimi just needs to tardwrangle the attention fag Prof.Jamal.

>> No.71012510

Who is playing up the gfe angle the hardest?

>> No.71013045

Currently no one. Girls didn't even get out of their shells yet. Unless you are like some mentally ill fags who think that ASMR = GFE.

>> No.71013576

Nano (the blonde one)

>> No.71016795

too early to tell but Nano was the only one who said anything close to it
don't expect another Nene or another Oceane though

>> No.71017104

Which ones do earlicking?

>> No.71017373

none, against the company's rules

>> No.71017376
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>> No.71017467

Thanks, I won't waste my time then.

>> No.71017990

>Lethe is the most boring hire imaginable. You would think with all her experience she'd be decent, but no.
>Kohaku is a cute and comfy esl. Boring but her cuteness makes up for it.
>Nano has an ugly model with an abysmal colour scheme. Voice is okay, but again, she's boring.
>Hiyori has the best energy, a cute (but basic) model, and a nice voice. Only good girl and far better than majority of Kawaii
>Meimei has a cute voice and model, but she just feels boring for me. Others may like her more
>Tomoe has one of the ugliest designs and models I have ever seen and I can't stand her voice either. Not sure why Kawaii is obsessed with hiring a bunch of boring hags who slur their words. She would've fit better in Hanamori

>> No.71018615

>Oh the new Kawaiis have debued lets see how long ago…
>7 days ago!
>this is the first time I’ve heard of them

>> No.71018812

>You mean Gen 4?
People lost track of which gen this black company puts out.

>> No.71019152

people have been spamming threads the whole week, do you never check the catalog? or do you mean why there were no ads? if it's the latter it's because management is still dumb when it comes to ads, but they're learning

>> No.71019895

>they're learning
This is the last gen bro. If Kawaii doesn’t make it by Q4 it’s over. What do you mean learning? This is the moment of truth. It’s sink or swim.

>> No.71020664

It's been "over" for kawaii for like a year now, meanwhile they've already had two concerts under their belt.

>> No.71020821

The chef is a little bit too bright and looks washed out because of it.

>> No.71021566

Do you not get how expensive debuting a new gen is? How much work goes into interviewing, scouting, design, marketing? The way the previous 2 gens cratered momentum was horrid. This is a dire situation. Pretending it doesn’t exist won’t make it go away, it just makes you look delusional.

>> No.71022747

They have ramped monetization and even previously notoriously tight-fisted fanbases like Isla's are spending big at times now. Safe to say the fans know what is at stake while other small corpos are collapsing left and right.

>> No.71026434

>this is the first time I’ve heard of them
It took me multiple months to find out that Holo had a new gen of homos and that Niji is still spamming 3 views.

>> No.71028243

yeah....... see you for the graduation threads in a year those are gonna be fucking kino bro

>> No.71030179

Nano is making you her side bitch instead

>> No.71030224

Gen 5, even they admitted themselves to being gen 5

>> No.71030504 [DELETED] 

newfag here, full name? Boorus are failing me

>> No.71030561

Their cover song got reupped

>> No.71030605

Navina Nova

>> No.71030761

Two more weeks, sister

>> No.71030951

i like the red one
