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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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7098378 No.7098378 [Reply] [Original]

what's the appeal of watching the actual streams? vtubers are absolutely horrible at video games. and I don't just mean gamer girl tier bad, they are all exclusively second-hand embarrassment tier bad, while playing on journalist difficulty no less. even fucking dsp does a better job and he is infamous for being shit at vidya.
also, why are people watching three hour talking streams where the only thing that happens is tens of thousands of simps just desperately vying for their attention?

>> No.7098517

Become Japanese and watch Nijis

>> No.7098656

>implying I watch someone else playing video games
Just go back to /v/ with the rest of your kind

>> No.7099010

>vtubers are absolutely horrible at video games
the ones you're watchng, faggot

>> No.7099033

God why can't anyone draw feet as good as this man.

>> No.7099285

>muh vidyer
/v/tards consider suicide

>> No.7099303

retard take
most streams are about vidya and they get a fair amount of views

>can't name even one
i rest my case

>> No.7099381

Congratulations, you're good at video games. How many bitches did you fuck?

>> No.7099470

You. I hope you enjoyed.

>> No.7099569

Kiara is pretty good at anything that doesn't have platforming.

>> No.7099862


This isn't a "bad take," it's just an instance of you asking stupid fucking questions. Back to /v/ with you, zoomer.

>> No.7100217
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What's the appeal of watching any streamer? Just because I watch PlagueOfGripes do an entire Dark Souls playthrough doesn't mean I'm simping for him does it? Some of them are just fucking fun to watch. For example, I enjoyed watching Suou Patra git gud at the Souls games. I just really like the Souls series and watching people play/discuss it.

>> No.7100938

This, why the fuck would I watch for games. Not everyone cares about them, /v/tard. I watch zatsudans because it's fun to listen to these girls talking about how their day went, things they enjoy etc. Thousands of simps vying for attention? Man, just don't read the chat if you're watching chuubas with horrible fanbases which I assume you are looking at your OP pic. Utawaku and 3D lives, because I like people singing/dancing or trying to get better at it, simple as. As for the games, I watch them if the girl is cute and her commentary is entertaining enough. It might as well be another zatsudan for me, I don't follow the gameplay at all.

>> No.7101122
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>> No.7101240

not everyone watches for the vidya, but if you watch for both like me, it kind of sucks sometimes.

>> No.7101260

Just imagine playing bidiya gaemz in 2021, much less watching streams for them. Unironically neck yourself, scum.

>> No.7101312

Imagine enjoying stuff in the year 2021, wtf bros

>> No.7102198

If they're entertaining I like watching them play games regardless of how good they are at them. I think it's strange how many people there are here who talk about how much they don't give a fuck about the game when it's a very large portion of most vtubers streams.

>> No.7102344
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Just watch vtubers that are good at games and don't have the personality and sense of humor of a bowl of Kellogs for +80's.

>> No.7102364
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>I think it's strange how many people there are here who talk about how much they don't give a fuck about the game when it's a very large portion of most vtubers streams.
I don't think many people actually think like that. most of the people in this thread are just trying REALLY hard to fit in.

>> No.7102639

You may be right. Though I've seen people spam that shit about how they hate video games for months. It's fine if you don't like games but it always feels like they're saying it as a way of defending their oshi for being horrible at them instead of just saying they enjoy watching her regardless.
Anyway I love video game streams they have consistently provided a lot of my favorite moments so I'm glad it's not the common sentiment. Plus a lot of vtubers genuinely enjoy playing.

>> No.7102658

Tell that to the paypigs.

I grew up playing videogames, but they aren't the main attraction in relation to chuuba streaming. Would I like it if Miko completed a playthrough of the Mount&Blade Warband single player? Yes. Would it be cool if chuubas started streaming fighting games? Yes, that'd be pretty sweet. But it's not the main attraction. The personalities are, how they interact with the game, with the audience, etc. And gaming isn't all they do.

If I want to game, I'll go game. If I want to watch chuubas, I'll keep my gaming itch separate. It's not that outlandish.

>> No.7102788

Well, yeah. Going balls deep into fitting in is the only way to keep people from screeching "go back" to you ad nauseam. Why else would people tell newbies to lurk for years before daring to say their opinion.

>> No.7102812
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>The personalities are, how they interact with the game, with the audience, etc.
Well no shit you fucking retard, that's the case for 90% of streamers male or female. OP posted horrible bait and you're still here coping. It may be a crazy concept but some people really enjoy video game streams, it's the gateway to how many began watching vtubers.

>> No.7102877
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>Watch the streams?
>I just watch the translated cute and funny clips and highlights after the fact
>How could you tell?

>> No.7102898

Nowadays, background noises.

>> No.7102913

You watch your tone with me, boy.

>> No.7102919

I don't watch them for their skills in the game. I watch them for the personality that they bring as the character while playing the game. Normal streamers lacks the zing from a normal vtuber from a weeb's standpoint.

>> No.7103008


>> No.7103782

The exact same appeal was watching any other streamer you like. It's not that complex.

>> No.7104358

Plague's Dark Souls LP was really good. I miss coming home to a new episode.

>> No.7105278

>giving a shit about muh go back spam
>when most of it is from newfags fresh off reddit trying to fit in
this site attracts more and more redditors by the year, go back has lost all of its meaning.

>> No.7105407

my god, you're supposed to grow out of retarded videogames after your teens
/v/irgins are truly subhuman

>> No.7105464

have a pity (you), this isn't going to work anywhere but /v/.

>> No.7106006

but it just worked
it's also true, btw

>> No.7106050

wow you're desperate, have another one anon. don't spend it all in one place.

>> No.7106263

Because i am a lonely antisocial officeworker who was sent to work from home when covid struck and i havent talked to a woman in a year

Covid killed my social life and now the idea of trying to go out, talk to girls, and have a life makes me sick with anxiety

Since i am going to die alone i might as well spend the rest of my feeble life listening to cute anime girls before i an-hero or heart disease kills my fat ass

>> No.7107755 [DELETED] 

I see you're on my level, OP. Once the novelty wears off, the vods actually serve no purpose. They're just there to draw in new viewers. The real attraction is watching, interacting and gaming with minor ecelebs in real time. Once the vods no longer entertain you, it's LIVE or bust.

>> No.7107768

you'll grow up eventually

>> No.7107829

It's not about watching someone beat a game, retard, I could beat whatever game they play, it's about the experience, the conversation....and actually some of them are pretty pro.

>> No.7108132

VTubers (the good ones at least) are cute and have charming personalities. That's why I watch. In that sense they're the opposite of DSP. If you want to see pure skill, there are a lot of streamers you can get that from.

Also, asks the fucking guy posting Gura feet, I think you already know the answer to your own question.

>> No.7108502

His DS1 LP is probably the one of the few I've watched from start to finish.

>> No.7109587

Because I don't like to be a conformist and watch some normie. Although often times they would be a better gamer. The fact that its a normie behind the camera is still a normie. Just look at the Dream 'cult' that was assaulting twitter or whatever Pewdeepie is doing.

>> No.7109733

The /v/edditor is immunized against all dangers. One may call him a zoomer, retard, shitposter, faggot, or shill, and it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call him /v/ and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."

>> No.7109892

I was like you but cheering someone on as they grow and improve is great. She might not read my comments all the time but just knowing we're all behind her is something that I never knew I would enjoy so much.

>> No.7109987
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>> No.7110579

no one plays video games on /v/, retard.

>> No.7116606

I just like to watch chuubas react to games i like, sometimes them being bad even makes it funnier like how Korone kept dying at Mario and making funny noises. Sadly most play Apex and other games i don't care.

>> No.7116748

Good at video games =\= entertaining

Theres a lot of incels that are good gamers but such a shitstain entertainer. And most of all, majority of games arent competitive.

>> No.7116861

Mario frustration is always a good time.

>> No.7116978

it's hard for some people to understand that most people don't seethe like they do when they see someone be worse at a video game than they are

>> No.7117074

You're a good man and have good taste
Also your pic related was very fun to watch playing ds, rip

>> No.7117143

This post reads "lonely as fuck"

>> No.7117238

Watch good ones you fucking beta male. There's literally thousands of vtubers out there. Some are good at games. Some are dog shit tier. You only have yourself to blame if you don't like what you're watching. Do your fucking homework or shut the fuck up.

>> No.7117241
File: 607 KB, 696x582, 00EE7DAC-4D2C-4E2B-8EF7-981ECBFE284B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wathing streamers for gameplay is like watching your wife get fucked. You play games yourself and watch chuubas act cute and funny.

>> No.7117255


>> No.7117328

Why did you copy paste the post I made on /lit/?
Make your own content, low tier thief

>> No.7117761

I do this for normal streamers too, I dont have time to watch someone play a game for 5 hours,at best i use them as backround noise.
