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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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70975834 No.70975834 [Reply] [Original]

I think it's safe to say that its just a matter of when, not if, Nijisanji decides to close down their absolute embarrassment of an EN branch.

>> No.70975909

lmao, no. Talent puts up shit numbers, but it doesn't matter because management spends almost no money on the branch. The overhead is nonexistent.

>> No.70975930

No one watches NijiEN first and foremost for the girls. The ones who did were pomudachi.

>> No.70975976

The whole thing didn't make a ton of sense considering the time zone, EST fans wouldn't have been able to tune in and PST fans would've either slept in or did something else. It seems only aussies or people in Asia could've caught it at a decent time.

>> No.70976093

Stop with the cope

It's clear that the shitshow drove most fans away, especially Millie

>> No.70976110

Please fix your font rendering.

>> No.70976124

the niji numbers were always shit. why is this a surprise?

>> No.70976269

two more week si-
actually two more weeks.

>> No.70976309

Imagine spending zero money on an investment and still coming out losing money. That's basically what happened with this branch. Like air in a vein, it travelled back to the important bits and did damage there.

>> No.70976409

nowhere near this shit, no

>> No.70976496

No way it didn't even made 4k. I get it was JP oriented, totally not meant for EST, but those are numbers one of them should put to call them "low".
If they are planning any relaunch in JP, this is kinda of the answer the fans are giving.

>> No.70976681

7 girls only adding up to 3.6k? There's no way Niji EN's numbers were this shit before.

>> No.70976829

Interesting, is it the same Asia, where Niji is going to have a concert...

>> No.70976865

that's around 1.75 finanas per liver

>> No.70977148

It's actually 2.12 finanas per liver because Enna dipped from the collab after having been found anti-posting /here/

>> No.70977196

I wonder how many of them were forced to do this stream.

>> No.70977318

These 7? yeah, they absolutely were. Probably even lower, since there is a lingering dramabuff of people watching hoping to clip some fodder live in case the VOD gets yoinked

>> No.70977361

Finana just stays winning, she should give up solo streaming and just collab.

>> No.70977412
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here you go good sir

>> No.70977526

the Rosemi Petra collab the other day had more total viewers I think
absolute kek

>> No.70977573

and Dragoon..

>> No.70977619

The only 4views in that collab were Enna and Meloco. Enna bailed, Meloco's audience doens't care about EN collabs.

>> No.70980254


>> No.70980426

the absolute state of the Ethyria golem

>> No.70980761

Are you saying the 3d announcement streams combined had more viewers than 3.6k? it didnt

>> No.70981038

>western audiences
Are you confusing these girls with the ones who quit/got fired?

>> No.70982042

Niji's girls have no fucking audience, especially the new ones. It's so bad.

>> No.70982183

Isn't that basically her before joining Niji?
Only streaming in collabs, and never having a "proper debut"

>> No.70982214

It's like they're trying to avoid a certain audience, shielding the clique with big collabs AND also testing how the asian audience responds.
I don't think they're trying to buff the Finana numbers just testing things and see how it goes.

>> No.70982248

Wasn't each pov around 2k-ish ?

>> No.70983597

>Big collab
Not great, not bad

>> No.70983757

If its existence is suppressing the stock value of the parent company, then it's absolutely not worth keeping the branch alive unless they intend to fix the problems with it, which means investment. If NijiEN gets shut down, NijiJP should start sweating because that means Niji as a whole is only in it for the short term.

>> No.70983854

that's why i think they'll graduate all the girls and merge the boys with the jp branch

>> No.70984069

Enna got suspended or she got cold feet?

>> No.70984153

is enna posting here a rrat or have you got pics

>> No.70984255

This, not sure what their fucking plan with new waves already, combine them with their already small boxes? Insanity.

>> No.70984268

I doubt Niji can allow itself to close down the EN branch, the whole thing they had to show for investors was their growth and they've already closed 2 other branches, Korea and Indonesia. Losing the EN branch in anyway would probably make investors lose trust and make Anycolor stock to take a massive blow. Still, I doubt they'd close the main JP branch.

>> No.70984274

Tummy hort

>> No.70984277
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>> No.70984662
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>> No.70984674

Damn. Weren't sisters shitposting Doki getting "only" 9k?

>> No.70984727

Yes but no. Some of you are expecting a total collapse overnight but that never happens outside a few rare examples. The real death nail would be if Sony decided Anykara wasn't worth their time.

>> No.70984778

>they've already closed 2 other branches, Korea and Indonesia
So what's stopping them from closing the EN branch too? The investors wouldn't like it? Well the investors probably didn't like the other branches getting axed either but Kurosanji did it anyway.

>> No.70984845

It drove a lot of fans away yeah, but they were doing that well before this. Like with their "GIRLS NIGHT VALORANT" stream that ended up having Uki in it. What was Millie thinking, having a Girls Off Collab stream when they chased away their audience over the years, held it during an impossible to watch time, and as the final nail in the coffin including Ethyria?

>> No.70984927

The difference is that Anycolor closed NijiID, NijiKR, and NijiIndia plus Yumenografia well before they went public on the stock market. Plus Riku publicly stated to investors that NijiEN will be the branch's major source of external growth before that all went up in flames this year. The company is between a rock and a hard place due to NijiJP being stagnant.

>> No.70984987

It was probably a LARPer but it’s amusing to think it was really her. Given that she was “too sick” to attend, it may have been the case that she was malding the entire night with no sleep and stomach issues brought on by the stress. It even lines up with the self reporting too because of the lack of sleep lmao

>> No.70984992

They could fold the branch and spin it as a good thing. I could spin it as a good thing and I can't stand Anykara.

>> No.70985098
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>it may have been the case that she was malding the entire night with no sleep
That's what actually happened, she tried to deflect in two threads after self-report one.

>> No.70985137

They weren't publicly traded back then or at least they were expected to be cut loose around that time. KR & ID don't really have the earnings potential of the English speaking world, which Cover and various Western agencies have shown have very strong earning potential.

>> No.70985227

>What was Millie thinking
As someone that used to watch Millie a lot I can tell you that she is legit retarded. Like Honma Himawari level mentally deficient.
I would be surprised if she even understands what is going on and why people don't like her anymore.

>> No.70985392
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>Boot the female
>Rebrand Nijisanji English as ANYCOLOR Luxiem
Riku, I have a cunning plan...

>> No.70985573

They are probably testing the waters for when they fold NijiEN into the JP branch.

>> No.70985672
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on one hand that seems more likely

on the other hand she literally can't keep a foot out of her mouth

>> No.70985760

Damn dude, elira really is dead huh.

>> No.70985848
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>> No.70985858

>enna and millie get away free
>elira, vox and ike all vanished
>elira really was the queen bee all along
It's weird how the only successful millennials all seem to be involved in organized crime/shady shit somehow. Like there aren't enough decently paying normal jobs for people to just "be a lawyer" so instead they're "a person with a law degree who sells porn" or some shit and makes 200k a year doing it. Not a single person I've heard of makes a lot of money in a non-meme, 100% sustainable and real job.

>> No.70986232

She retweeted that concernt and there was only a single sperg in her comments. I think she's now at the point where she can get back to streaming with minimal haters in her section.
I expect her to start streaming by the end of March.
Unless you're at the right place, at the right time (California in the 70s, California in the 90-00s), being rich under 50 is not happening. It takes decades to accumulate capital or climb the ladder.

>> No.70986470

>Honma Himawari level mentally deficient.
That was just a burikko act which she gave up after almost dying from covid, you can watch her recent streams and she's super sharp in understanding story beats in games, how they work, and the meta behind them.

>> No.70986490

no this is true of all rich people, the older bastards just didn't have the internet to catch them

>> No.70986795

So basically on par with Finana in terms of intelligence or self-awareness?

>> No.70988639

Question about collabs: If they all happen in one person's channel, what's the benefit to the others participating? Are they literally paid in exposure?

>> No.70988808

We don't know, I don't think anyone - indie or corpo has ever come out to explain it.

>> No.70988921

I only vaguely remember Bae being cute and pretending to be angry when people were superchatting her stream during a Kronii collab, and then in the following stream, Bae had to explicitly tell her viewers that superchat money on her channel goes to her.

>> No.70989509

>Let it be known that Millie's all-girl off-collab comeback stream only hit 3600 at one point on a Saturday in SEAtime

>> No.70990199

The current reputational damage to the niji brand is potentially lethal. JP is reclining and they've already expressed to investors that they're banking on expanding into EN as part of their corporate strategy.

>> No.70990327

Community building is the benefit of collabs. Not that it'll help Niji EN at this point kek
