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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 253 KB, 1541x1769, gem girl driving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
70926069 No.70926069 [Reply] [Original]

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou

Next stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AV53gKuwyJA
Previous stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kDkWsg9yR0
Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpAQib0T5v0

>Shorts/music/unarchived streams


>Intro/starter newpebble guide

Do not engage with diggers (trolls, doxxers, holo vs holo baiters). Hide, report and rock on.


>> No.70926088
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>> No.70926237
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>> No.70926244
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My gemwife is special and I love her! And she loves me too!!

>> No.70926246


>> No.70926250

>doing everything a woman driver typically does

>> No.70926253
File: 372 KB, 2048x2048, furuhashikoi_me truck sim debut biboo driving F2cOlHjbkAAOX4n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biboo cute!

>> No.70926260
File: 206 KB, 1280x720, oneechan[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F3ot1h4.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70926263

Biboo being utterly confused by cars will never not be funny kek

>> No.70926335
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>> No.70926390

Holy beep biboo lmao

>> No.70926398

Biboo when she reads my messages

>> No.70926426

Time for tranny shit?

>> No.70926435

>w-wait, how many fingers does a human have
My sides this fucking dork.

>> No.70926439
File: 2.03 MB, 2251x2251, 1708020798810488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Formed from the crystallization of all forms of human emotion, Koseki Bijou is "The Jewel of Emotions." Over years and years, emotions of beauty and filth alike have woven into her under immense pressure, resulting in an unmatched brilliance.

Meet and Greet is at 2:30pm on Saturday March 30th. Apply for Koseki Bijou’s Meet and Greet lottery here https://www.eventeny.com/events/applications/application/?id=2918 The lottery ends March 13th at 11:59pm and winners will be notified prior to the convention.

>> No.70926464

>didn't park the car
It's over.

>> No.70926470

nah it actually takes like 4 hours and you have to look at customization.

>> No.70926516


>> No.70926513

>any hard stuff
Yeah, me

>> No.70926523

biboo is an alcoholic father

>> No.70926528

Can't wait to go and ask her who her oshi was before joining Hololive

>> No.70926538

to get to the tranny decals

>> No.70926539

why is her idea of parents so deadbeat...

>> No.70926549

my daughter is an excellent daughter but a terrible dad

>> No.70926568

>I'm drinking
>biboo is searching for booze

>> No.70926573

oh, they put that in the game? tacky.

>> No.70926632

>I've got 560k kids here

>> No.70926654
File: 1.05 MB, 2048x2048, 1707168477421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you decals on your transmission?

>> No.70926658

Those 500k kids? All mine.

>> No.70926677

All me.

>> No.70926714

What the beep is this dad she's roleplaying? lmaoo

>> No.70926744

The Dad from the Superbugs game she played with Kaela

>> No.70926754

thats a lot of windows sounds

>> No.70926767

To cover them in mud and grime.

>> No.70926769

>he doesn't put flame decals on his tranny to make it go faster

>> No.70926782

>I'm daddy now

>> No.70926811

biboo please stop doing the dumb father voice

>> No.70926816

its international womens day so shes trying on the pants

>> No.70926822

She's doing her best to make this boring game watchable

>> No.70926827

what is this stupid beeping that I hear? are those supposed to be Zone ambient sounds?

>> No.70926828

USB device disconnecting and reconnecting

>> No.70926843

I hate Meet and Greets, mostly because I'll never be able to attend one.

>> No.70926851
File: 366 KB, 1307x1242, deepest and funniest luoohre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's her lore blurb again
Good of them to remind everyone about the magic rock that crowdsourced filthy horny old men desires and spawned a little anime girl
Too high level, she's going to be getting questions about Bloodborne when or jorse still

>> No.70926871

Biboo please ignore this pebble.

>> No.70926883

This guy gets it

>> No.70926967

And she's doing great. I could watch her play anything and be entertained.

>> No.70926988
File: 12 KB, 498x457, koseki-bijou-hololive.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the pebble remind anyone else of Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force?

>> No.70926994

Biboo is the tulpa of humanity's finest aspects.

>> No.70927005

This dumb rock

>> No.70927024


>> No.70927032

Pebbles... Is you dad, you know... A little...

>> No.70927054

Why is that a gif

>> No.70927082

>tfw you dad is a weeb

>> No.70927121


>> No.70927126

She's hungover and needs some hair of the dog, cut her some slack.

>> No.70927134

her dad larp gets more deadbeat by the second

>> No.70927138

Thanks for the trauma, dad!

>> No.70927140

I think Papa Biboo's still having some issues with the divorce.

>> No.70927149

Biboo got cucked

>> No.70927155
File: 34 KB, 214x309, 1706619546397328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please bear with it

>> No.70927158

Are pebbles the new deadbeats?

>> No.70927160

>Gets the giant pizza cutter
>Immediately runs off and uses it on her own car
Amazing kek
I guess to be fair you'd technically pop off the old shitty doors first before sticking on the replacements and this game is autistic enough to make you click the ignition and stuff

>> No.70927161

Damn Biboo

>> No.70927187

This is why mom left.

>> No.70927204

Uhh, where's the driving Pebbles?

>> No.70927215

Wait, is this why Biboo wants to collect so many mothers? Lingering trauma from the divorce?

>> No.70927223

I hope her parents aren't divorced irl

>> No.70927233


>> No.70927247

>filthy horny old men desires and spawned a little anime girl
So like Slaanesh, but a cute girl

>> No.70927265
File: 350 KB, 722x658, 1704509538516644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me this is just the tutorial and the game picks up soon

>> No.70927282


>> No.70927297

Stop trying to read too much into a silly larp for a silly game, anonymous-san

>> No.70927301

mine are and I turned out fine

>> No.70927327

this is just the tutorial and the game picks up soon

>> No.70927337


>> No.70927357

That mad max game would probably be better than this kusoge

>> No.70927375

Idk I love cute and comfy Biboo. Her zatsus are great lately. Seems like a chill game we can just go for a ride with her and chat. This loud yelling feels unnecessary for this game. To each their own I guess though.

>> No.70927399
File: 241 KB, 512x512, biboo emote crosseyed inverse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rare "driving" game that doesn't just handle the car engine and shifting automatically
>Makes you craft and repair parts piece by piece
>Also game: magic car repair heal juice

>> No.70927408

do you want a girl to be your mommy or do you have daddy issues

>> No.70927413

If you're not having fun you can just dip out. I'm having a great time and it seems I'm not the only one, so maybe this is a (you) problem?

>> No.70927417

Sure anon...

>> No.70927440

Gta would but she will never play it at this point and if she does it will he gta 6

>> No.70927456

>So like Slaanesh
Don't make me ackchyuallypost anon.

>> No.70927462

>immediate "this is tedious"

>> No.70927469
File: 212 KB, 1000x904, 1697261647548236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70927474

I’m sorry.

>> No.70927475

I want a girl to make a mommy, and be a loving husband.

>> No.70927493

She'll drop the bit later on once she gets an idea of what this game is about.

>> No.70927525
File: 2.95 MB, 508x494, the realization[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9ps9ep.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a good laugh.

>> No.70927526

Biboo isn't having fun either

>> No.70927528

We've been relegated to the back seat, bros...

>> No.70927545

okay so you did turn out alright
now lets check your masculinity.
do you want a "dommy mommy" or do you like actual girls

>> No.70927576

I fucking hate inventory management, this shit is terrible in RE and its terrible here.

>> No.70927596

Watch streams, shitposter.

>> No.70927597

>do you want a "dommy mommy" or do you like actual girls
NTA but fuck you.

>> No.70927604


>> No.70927615

just like she dropped the yelling in hitman

>> No.70927622

its less of an issue if you're willing to manhandle any girl that asks for it

>> No.70927629

Both. Nothin like pinning down a girl and breeding here and also nothing wrong with being ridden.

>> No.70927698
File: 2.65 MB, 498x498, 1707780439225729.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am. Keep seething for me.

>> No.70927699
File: 1021 KB, 500x265, file.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so you still get it

>> No.70927737

"dommy mommies" are built for domination loss and putting them in their place by fucking them into submissiveness

>> No.70927775

tedious inventory management and the actual driving is underbaked

>> No.70927797

I like this voice actress.

>> No.70927815

>instability? sounds like my ex-wife
kek she's killing the "I hate my wife" boomer humor

>> No.70927830


>> No.70927836

also no, fuck you lmfao, at best most girls putting on a mommy act fail heavily at it and can only pull off a poor "mistress" act. Not many girls have it in them to act motherly until they actually become mothers.
To that effect, Biboo actually has the ability to be genuinely stern in the developmental interest of a child, which is why she gets the full "daughtermommywife" title.

>> No.70927839

I could tell you this but I don't want to lie to you

>> No.70927894

Only good part of the stream

>> No.70927911

Sometimes we need to be told a beautiful lie when the truth is too much to bear.

>> No.70927922

>built for domination loss and putting them in their place by fucking them into submissiveness
Same reason I like mesugakis.

>> No.70927928

Stop hatewatching, Juan
Get some help

>> No.70927939

pebbles… your oshi…

>> No.70927960

She's my dad! Very cool, isn't it?

>> No.70928000

das mah pops

>> No.70928043


>> No.70928057

t. never met a girl with sexual drive
or rather never met a girl ever.

>> No.70928076

Does momseki want Biboo to play more driving games because she thinks it'll be a step toward biboo learning how to actually fucking drive herself?

>> No.70928082

>go left
>turns right

>> No.70928098

Cry more troon

>> No.70928156

Is Oppy our new mom, dad?

>> No.70928161

It won't happen

>> No.70928188

Oh I get it, shes emulating early Bill Burr

>> No.70928201

>never met a girl with sexual drive
this is correct actually
doesn't change the fact that the dommy mommy act is a poor imitation
I'd be willing to chalk it up to people also being pretty bad actors too

>> No.70928225

Her mom is a boomer, she wants to watch her daughter but can't follow complex games like what she usually plays

>> No.70928345

>sasquatch incident
The Biboo cinematic universe keeps expanding. Is Dad the Grampa from bigfoot game? Both were unmarried too...

>> No.70928423

Dad's stripping copper wire from public utilities for beer money again.

>> No.70928464

This is just an episode of F is for Family

>> No.70928487

biboo just reusing dadbyuu...

>> No.70928537

The lore in this game is wilf

>> No.70928561

Thanks Karen

>> No.70928563

This stream is hitting too close to home

>> No.70928575

>Shut the fuck up and just go in the trees
>This is the only bathroom for the next 3 hrs get the fuck in there
This brat is really awakening some old wild road trip memories

>> No.70928632


>> No.70928639

>I le have le sekrit knowledge xD
Fuck off

>> No.70928660

Reminds me of the one time that a guy in a nearby town broke into a transformer station thinking he could steal the copper wire from inside there.
He blew up, literally. Back of his skull blew off.

>> No.70928661

I remember taking a shit in the woods

>> No.70928718


>> No.70928722

Like the objects tethering themselves to your soul and slowly mindjacking you

>> No.70928787

t. bear

>> No.70928793

Dang, what a way to go

>> No.70928799

>didn't even die touching the magic sky fruit rollups

>> No.70928816

She wants to fuck the car

>> No.70928828

>I wanna fuck that car

>> No.70928836

biboo is that dragon in that one gif that fucks cars

>> No.70928843

I remember that movie.

>> No.70928852

>So desperate to collect moms she'll even pretend her car is one

>> No.70928870

lmao she's unhinged today

>> No.70928916

Reminds me of a webm of someone that did the same thing. Guy was still walking with a hole just beneath his ribcage that had smoke trailing out of it. Doubt he survived more than a few minutes after that.

>> No.70928925

>I wipe my ass and slap my nuts
>I'm breathing in, my genitals HHHAAAAAAAAHHHHHH

>> No.70928931
File: 76 KB, 765x395, cat doujin uh what im saved that works a cat is fine too.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biboo, a car is not fine too...

>> No.70928960

JGH, what have I missed?

>> No.70928984

Never gone camping anon?

>> No.70928995

the exhaust pipe is there for a reason pebble, for your stalagmite

>> No.70929007


>> No.70929049

Biboo's your new dad. Mom is gone, she has a new family and new kids (and she likes the new kids more than you)
We're on a road trip with Dad through a weird forest.

>> No.70929071

Papa Biboo is really struggling emotionally from the divorce, is taking the pebbles on a road trip to bond, and is possibly falling in love with our new beat-up old stationwagon. Hope you don't mind having a car for a stepmom.

>> No.70929074

it was a joke

>> No.70929078

Dad's been ransacking private property while searching for beer and falling in love with a car.

>> No.70929126


>> No.70929143

>left the car in drive
This woman.

>> No.70929159


>> No.70929161

Yeah, me.

>> No.70929212

female driver RP is going sicko mode.

>> No.70929229
File: 213 KB, 332x398, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her little brain is going on overdrive

>> No.70929301


>> No.70929313

>healing item just gets you 8% HP
That's terrible.

>> No.70929326

Hey, if you're going to jump out of the car to piss off a flying UMA creature thing, best to leave the engine running so you can get the hell outta there asap once you aggro it

>> No.70929367

not a single coherent thought inside her brain

>> No.70929388

It's RP because a female driver is one step above the level Biboo is at right now.

>> No.70929408

>tranny colors

>> No.70929430

the door feel off...

>> No.70929446

English, please

>> No.70929455

you can leave a car on and not have it in drive anon, do you know how cars work?

>> No.70929460
File: 79 KB, 1200x675, Regis_Altare_Ch._HOLOSTARS-EN_2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biboos for the cause

>> No.70929475

>a female driver is one step above the level Biboo is at right now.
Kek, good one

>> No.70929497

Leaving the engine running is fine anon, the issue is that she left it in fucking gear. Makes for great content at least.

>> No.70929513
File: 173 KB, 335x377, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love when she does this stupid-looking face.

>> No.70929533

don't forget she has the asian debuff which means she should never get the wheels ever.

>> No.70929556

Theres not a single thought behind that expression.

>> No.70929568

its like when an old person puts on their reading glasses and looks at a screen or book

>> No.70929621

>"should we stop and get stuff?.." asked the loot-goblin
Decided to stop in the same breath.

>> No.70929640

how long will this stream be

>> No.70929670

fifteen hours (11+4)

>> No.70929676

DD2 might take a month to finish

>> No.70929728

four thousand years

>> No.70929735

Maybe 3 hours before she gets too bored

>> No.70929737

Sajam mentioned Biboo's Isshin clip where she "gamer leans" on stream in his tekken tournament. It was pretty funny.

>> No.70929741


>> No.70929804

holy damn biboo kek

>> No.70929825

>you take after her
Who is Mom?

>> No.70929838

I'd appreciate this outcome
thats nice

>> No.70929844

This stream is getting too personal

>> No.70929865

shit's getting heavy

>> No.70929869

That's it, this is my favorite Biboo stream.

>> No.70929875

improv queen biboo

>> No.70929892

God damn dad biboo is savage.

>> No.70929922

how does she do the single divorced father rp so well bros

>> No.70929925

Idea for a light novel: "I Can't Believe My Oshi Is Actually My Estranged Dad!"

>> No.70929961

The engine has to turnover before you let go of the key biboo..

>> No.70929974

lmao this whole segment is great

>> No.70930193

Probably watched Bill Burr like other anon said

>> No.70930197

when you think dad is just talking out of his shitfaced mind and then he drives you to the haunted mannekin gas station with flying rocks around

>> No.70930348

Glad she likes it even if just a little, it's funny so far and I got some good biboo screams

>> No.70930372

Dadseki is so silly, haha

>> No.70930375

Just got back from Dune 2, what's this game even about? Navigating the post apocalypse?

>> No.70930405

I'm sure all of us ruralanons have been there.

>> No.70930408
File: 56 KB, 500x500, damson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biboo whenever pebbles manage to actually impress her.

>> No.70930478

Punching machines for car parts
Also trans rights

>> No.70930481

Ew. Thought this looked like the NW.

>> No.70930528

Kinda, you got succed into a weird dimension and now you're doing fetch quests for npcs that found you

>> No.70930618

still just mashing buttons until the car somehow starts moving

>> No.70930662

If my dad was like biboo things would be different around here

>> No.70930768
File: 178 KB, 266x455, protection compromised.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70930784

Fences are no match for dadseki.

>> No.70930852

I get the distinct feeling that all the interesting stuff leads to fuck all in the end just like firewatch

>> No.70930860


>> No.70930868

literally who?

>> No.70930881

Seems closer to Picnic/Stalker than post-apocalypse, you're in some fucky isekai zone dodging cryptids and patches of radiation and stuff

>> No.70930893

it's basically STALKER but in Twilight land with a carwaifu

>> No.70930898

Oppy's VA is pretty good.

>> No.70930914
File: 3.41 MB, 1280x720, woman is driving[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F4syhhd.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the mouse shaking that gets me.

>> No.70930962

I love the mouse shaking, it really adds to the experience lmao

>> No.70930997

>I'm an autistic shy hiki like Kaela
I guess dad biboo is right..

>> No.70931002

the fucking :D

>> No.70931034

fun stream but people are going to be insufferable with the whole dad thing

>> No.70931073

you're already being insufferable about it

>> No.70931122

Stalker mixed with death stranding

>> No.70931198

Just like my fortnite games!

>> No.70931491

this is interesting but I can see why it would get repetitive after a while.

>> No.70931524

I'm surprised she even cared about potentially running some random NPC over instead of just flooring it, all the "this is technically a horror game maybe" teasing (or just stupidity) from chat last time she asked had her really on edge about the mannequins suddenly jumpscaring her or something

>> No.70931535


>> No.70931564


>> No.70931576

>"Biboo 100%'d Baba Is You in an hour"
- Fauna's stream right now
Biboo Tensai

>> No.70931608

inb4 tantrum

>> No.70931620

It is repetitive but I think it's in an enjoyable way. Kind of meditative. With the occasional few minutes of sheer fucking panic

>> No.70931646


>> No.70931737


>> No.70931736

Tensai means she's really smart. It's a japanese word.

>> No.70931822

Not even impressed, she's too good.

>> No.70931825

It's not, tranny

>> No.70931855

Fauna had a dream that Biboo got all achievements in Baba is You in under an hour and it made her self-conscious

>> No.70931862
File: 245 KB, 720x720, mococo peropero slurp.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When the kusogaki brings the condoms

>> No.70931892


>> No.70931957
File: 204 KB, 378x463, 1709949170480519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on pebblebro... I meant the context for your post. What is Fauna streaming? What is Baba is You?
Ah, I see. Biboo is taxing people's dreams now

>> No.70931977

Fauna is shit at games so who cares

>> No.70931988

>faufau getting competitive with Biboo
I like this development.

>> No.70931990

>Fauna dreams about Biboo

>> No.70932059

I asked. I care.

>> No.70932081

Disappointed abusive dad Biboo was real along...

>> No.70932082

Go ask in the fauna thread, retard

>> No.70932180

Cry louder, schizo.

>> No.70932227

Fauna is streaming that roguelike poker game, baba is you iirc is a puzzle game, i've never played it tho

>> No.70932268

Wrong thread, fuck off

>> No.70932285

She's one of the better EN gamers, as low a bar as that is. Biboo was encouraging her to play soulslikes in the tree bday stream because she has faith in her.

>> No.70932328

This goofy-ass magic healing car bukkake

>> No.70932348


>> No.70932375

No she isn't, fuck off

>> No.70932435

>he's still crying

>> No.70932468

uh oh he's mad

>> No.70932481

why the fuck does it sound like that

>> No.70932510

>stuck with a station wagon
We're in the PNW and this piece of shit doesn't even have 4WD.

>> No.70932532

Keep trying sis. Janny will surely defend you.

>> No.70932577


>> No.70932596
File: 813 KB, 700x1000, 1703047144988512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best text representation of how biboo laughs?

>> No.70932600

Biboo asking me to fill her up when she's hungry

>> No.70932635

window wiper

>> No.70932665
File: 219 KB, 1000x1000, MadEvilRat pixar cars F-BraSAXUAAfhmr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70932668

window wipers, fuhahaHAHAHA ahhhh

>> No.70932673

But she is tho? It's not even debatable.

>> No.70932696

>station wagon
Don't talk that way about your mother! She's very sensitive about her size.

>> No.70932709
File: 145 KB, 1920x1080, GIMINeqawAAQQK1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to lock in

>> No.70932743

I encourage everyone to play soulslikes because they are easy, and if you beat them yourself it shows that you can push through your fear and do things

>> No.70932748

stop replying to yourself, juan, it's just sad at this point.

>> No.70932823 [DELETED] 

Fuck off back to /#/ already you stupid troon. Stop shitting up my thread with your numberwhore.

>> No.70932857

Friendly reminder:
>Do not engage with diggers (trolls, doxxers, holo vs holo baiters). Hide, report and rock on.

>> No.70932877 [DELETED] 

this thread isn't even yours, i believe you don't even watch biboo, juan

>> No.70932972

>I don't like Fauna so she's a shittier gamer than the other girls
Biboo/Fauna Elden Ring coaching stream would be fun.

>> No.70932979

Dad!Biboo destroyed my PC full of cute Biboo fanart. I'm a phoneposter now, my sad reality

>> No.70933033 [DELETED] 

>numberlings came to shit up /gem/ again because their whore is getting shit numbers

>> No.70933070
File: 1.96 MB, 528x524, kusogaki laugh[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F4rrfl7.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahahaha haaaaahhhh....
optional FUHAHAHA/MUAHAHAHA at the start if it's especially kusogaki mode

>> No.70933118

>schizophrenic numbermonkey is talking to himself while playing both sides of the same argument, again

>> No.70933269

They have tons of stuff in this garage but they don't have paint, what the beep

>> No.70933320 [DELETED] 

>no you're the schizo!!!!
Go back cuckling

>> No.70933369

Would you let Beeb drive your car?

>> No.70933375

She ALMOST did it, dang...

>> No.70933490

Of course not. I love my rock but I wouldn't trust her near a car, ever. Unless I'm teaching her.

>> No.70933506

The inside of the car reminds me of Knight Rider

>> No.70933526

fuck no lol

>> No.70933555

Unsupervised? Absolutely fucking not. I value her safety.

>> No.70933607

She finally learned how to turn on the car properly, I'm so proud

>> No.70933628

>doesn't know what road flares are
She's a bit special

>> No.70933659

It only took her over two hours! I'm so proud of her too...

>> No.70933772
File: 62 KB, 440x575, truck kun 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure but that 400kg of cunny and ass is sitting in my lap while I teach her and I'm not accepting any weirder controls than Mario Karty joysticks
If it's WASD like this game or truck sim I'm not getting in anyone's backseat, Biboo or otherwise

>> No.70933822

my only gripe with this game is how long text is, look at that

>> No.70933873

For those not from the NW: That was a porcupine, not hedgehog.

>> No.70933882

I love this gem, but no. Absolutely not.

>> No.70933940

biboomom, I'm starting to think this isn't a racing game

>> No.70933946

do, my insurance premiums are high enough as it is, not because I'm a bad driver but for some reason my area has the rates jacked up.

>> No.70933951

Redditfags think more words=smart
like you

>> No.70933972

>You're listening to.....
>*Sound of car crash*
>*Sound of dead children*

>> No.70934008
File: 441 KB, 751x516, maybe1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe like this?

>> No.70934017

>even gives the car a name that sounds like "Kaela"
dadseki just can't let her go..

>> No.70934019


>> No.70934093

If Kaela was my wife and then we divorced, I wouldn't either...

>> No.70934105

Holy damn lmao

>> No.70934167


>> No.70934227

I see the death stranding inspiration now.

>> No.70934281

It all started with a nice bonding car drive with our dad, but look what we've gotten into

>> No.70934286

>skips most of the driving so you can get back to fetch questing

>> No.70934370

A FUCKING LEAF racial profiling.

>> No.70934398
File: 261 KB, 322x479, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70934415


>> No.70934451

Quebec natives do speak French biboo..
I think the rest speak Chinook Jargon.

>> No.70934493

Biboo is my favorite VA.

>> No.70934514

>so one day you can grow big and strong and GET OUT OF MY HOUSE
right through the heart, biboo...

>> No.70934512

I'm impressed by he voice acting skills

>> No.70934520

The rest speak pajeet English or Chinese

>> No.70934595

She did good during that personality game too, I liked it. Her VPs are always cute, too.

>> No.70934600

this road trip ends with a murder suicide at a cliffside overlook, and the last thing on her mind is not us, but her ex-wife who started the downward spiral.

>> No.70934788

>car-ela... will you finally love me now?..

>> No.70934818

She wouldnt even be able to start my car let alone drive it.

>> No.70934895


>> No.70934939

>Biboo is our dad
>Fauna is Mother Nature

>> No.70934984

>murder suicide
>game made by troons

>> No.70935080


>> No.70935116


>> No.70935125


>> No.70935126

wtf was that scripted

>> No.70935145

instant correction

>> No.70935191

Pure kino

>> No.70935207

Biboo's comedic timing is always impeccable

>> No.70935212

the brat energy on all those STOP, STOP IT, LET GOs...

>> No.70935218

My sides lmao

>> No.70935388

Why the fuck was Bijou getting botted? What, just because FWMC aren't around they need another target?

>> No.70935424

no one cares, go back

>> No.70935432
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>> No.70935476

Plenty of people care. Worthless people need not question. The curious demand answers.

>> No.70935511


>> No.70935569

Shove it up your ass, I never go there. You are an embarrassment of a human being.

>> No.70935608

You seem lost. Now go the fuck back.

>> No.70935652

Deal with it snowflake

>> No.70935702

foreigners manipulate images...

>> No.70935741

>this changes stuff into stuff

>> No.70935755
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>> No.70935765

Fuck off numberling

>> No.70935824
File: 1.36 MB, 1024x1024, numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70935829


>> No.70935877

I made this.

>> No.70935978

dang the mannequins are pretty scary

>> No.70936003

what the beep the mannikins actually chase you

>> No.70936275


>> No.70936386

so is this game better or worse than starfield in your opinion?

>> No.70936468

Better. Still makes it kinda meh. But Biboo is having fun joking around with us so this is fine.

>> No.70936568

The same

>> No.70936599

It's more inspired than Starslop.

>> No.70936607

Starfield was too janky for me to like it. This one is enjoyable as a comfy, mindless game. I just wish she didn't get "spoiled"? convinced? this was a horror game so she's approaching exploration too cautiously sometimes. The game also allowed her to ramp up her RP dad acting so it's good.

>> No.70936649


>> No.70936672

okay troon

>> No.70936690

I'm drifting off while watching so its boring as hell. I just hope I have some sweet Biboo dreams sleeping with her voice in the background.

>> No.70936704


>> No.70936727

It isn't plagued with loading screens and meaninglessly convoluted fast travel so better I guess. "Better than Starfield" is a really low bar to be fair.

>> No.70936790

>defending starslop
of course Juan, the king of shit taste.

>> No.70936866

>imblying Bethesda isn't plagued with troons at this point

>> No.70936883


>> No.70936909


>> No.70936916

>"dang it! why did I miss out on such great thing?"
Cute... So cute... My heart...
>biboo later!

>> No.70937002

Yes that's the point

>> No.70937010

I don't think it's particularly engaging personally, but it's less janky and the little Stalker-like blurbs about the cryptids are more interesting than whatever Starfield had that passed for a plot
Also a tiny fraction of the time/resource investment and expectations

>> No.70937042

>dad!biboo singing the nerizzler

>> No.70937050

honestly, though. skyrim with guns in space is just skyrim
this game at least tries something new, even if it's bad at it.

>> No.70937169

No it doesn't. It's shitty stalker mixed with death stranding.

>> No.70937186

dang it I can't afford tickets

>> No.70937191

how many times have you seen that.

>> No.70937246

Todd calm down

>> No.70937261

Okay you got me there

>> No.70937320
File: 240 KB, 348x474, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao biboo

>> No.70937439

>Cute Biboo talking reasonably for a semi-professional announcement in one ear
>Stream Biboo (live) gremlin yelling and reading the lore in her goofy voice and then yelling more in her dad act in the other
The duality of rockunny...

>> No.70937639


>> No.70937674

I don't think this is how drunk people type Beebs

>> No.70937830


>> No.70937950

>went to piss
>missed it
Dang it

>> No.70937976

Famous last words right there.

>> No.70937982

So wait, this is a roguelike? If you die... you start over? This game's way too slow for that...

>> No.70938001

Biboo did a Biboo thing

>> No.70938039

nah you can save

>> No.70938093

>you start over
I don't think so, I saw her game autosaving a lot of times so there should be checkpoints here and there

>> No.70938300

Biboo please, we already lost one mom.

>> No.70938427

Those are the best things...

>> No.70938429


>> No.70938491
File: 893 KB, 1924x928, big :3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nyo. What are you gonna do about it, big boy?

>> No.70938538

>Somehow ended up driving through the middle of the fucking storm anyways
>Still reading shit about McDonalds or whatever in chat all the while
>Actually makes it through with a half-dead Carla

>> No.70938571

Has the cutest "yayyy" in Hololive. Also has the cutest "ehe" in Hololive. It's unfair for one rock to have this much power.

>> No.70938611

The game is too damn dark all the time, I can't see shit

>> No.70938881

Dark is good because that's how it would be IRL

>> No.70938893

She made a good call bumping brightness
People are complaining but could barely see any of the stuff she was reading off the walls, don't think that's intended atmosphere

>> No.70938962

Agreed, she's quite stacked (not her chest)

>> No.70938988

>more story

>> No.70939035

It suddenly got deep as beep

>> No.70939042

>am I happy with the current state of my life?
No, Biboo. I am not...

>> No.70939051

>find yourselves!
I'm worried I'm gonna find myself in a ditch dad..

>> No.70939081

Not even remotely Biboo, but at least I get to watch you and finally play DD2

>> No.70939094

Is there actual danger in this game?
Like mutant bears or some shit

>> No.70939113

I am. I finally found Biboo, and every day is great.

>> No.70939180
File: 293 KB, 362x484, 1695942705320888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pebbles, this thing is pretty fucking funny

>> No.70939191

This game is boring as sin but Biboos voice makes it comfy, while I hope she doesnt play it again, if she does I will continue to just keep her on for comfy biboo voices.

>> No.70939225

And cute

>> No.70939229

don't call her a thing

>> No.70939328


>> No.70939363

Don't let The Man tell you how to raise your chickens biboo.

>> No.70939389

I assume the living beyblade enemy will beeping kill you or the car if you touch it

>> No.70939505

That's a porcupine.

>> No.70939508

Biboo being constantly at <40% health triggers my autism

>> No.70939552

Healing is for chumps

>> No.70939574

I menat to say <40% health

>> No.70939644

"I love trash."
~Koseki Bijou

>> No.70939654


>> No.70939670

I'm in!

>> No.70939678


>> No.70939691
File: 2 KB, 250x158, fuwawawaaae4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70939770

>Riding in the backseat while Dadseki belts out Bury the Light at full volume with the windows down.

>> No.70939789

biboo dad hits me when biboo mom isn't looking

>> No.70939808

Biboo would be a good dad...
mom is gone

>> No.70939868

yea, because of biboo's dad drinking problem and his obsession with DMC

>> No.70939902

How are perms with cap on? Could she play dd2 when it comes out?

>> No.70939932

This right here is why you need 4WD.

>> No.70939944

When this baby hits 88 miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious shit.

>> No.70939963

Look at her go. We won't get out alive from this bonding car drive but it's gonna be worth it.

>> No.70939971

>what do you do?
>I drive

>> No.70939992

Can have some retarded restrictions sometimes

>> No.70940014
File: 244 KB, 1500x1500, 1693251721419605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are frendry

>> No.70940017

she's doing a really good job of making this kusoge entertaining

>1% HP

>> No.70940057

Only during sex

>> No.70940062

>cap on
no cap fr fr ong

>> No.70940133

The universe attempted to correct her for this in real time and she actually slipped out of it somehow, this fucking kusogaki

>> No.70940192

She keeps getting away with it... Damn brat...

>> No.70940236

Woke games are extremely easy

>> No.70940287

there has nothing "woke" until now, retard

>> No.70940299

>I can fix her!
You couldn't fix your marriage biboo.

>> No.70940337

thats not how that one works

>> No.70940367


>> No.70940382


>> No.70940403

It's smug aura mocks me

>> No.70940412

: )

>> No.70940425

It’s what I get for phoneposting.

>> No.70940441


>> No.70940461

Do you expect me to know how to use zoomerisms?

>> No.70940544

It just doesn't go the other way, gramps

>> No.70940598

stop being obsessed with trannies, juan, for the love of god
Was someone in your family a fucking tranny that 41%?

>> No.70940599

but the skibidi toilet...

>> No.70940635

No one cares zoomzoom. Same way no one say "da bomb" anymore.

>> No.70940664

I do...

>> No.70940673

tons of people say "da bomb", what?

>> No.70940693

I asked, I care.

>> No.70940727

Yeah but you're samefagging

>> No.70940761

Imagine coming across someone alone in a garage shouting that he has a chainsaw and that "they won't notice if one of you is missing" to the empty air.

>> No.70940794

>your dad has social anxiety

>> No.70940807

Yes yes, everyone is the same person. Everyone is also out there to get you. I am also living inside your walls.

>> No.70940832
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>> No.70940846

I used to live in the south that's quite normal.

>> No.70940856

mom's back

>> No.70940883

Just like my dad!

>> No.70940938

Kaela's one of the kids, huh...

>> No.70940951

>kaela, as a pebble, is also one of biboo's kids
we are so doomed

>> No.70940952
File: 792 KB, 1376x768, halloween impending knife murder arisu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be moe

>> No.70940980 [DELETED] 

>troons think cars get fixed by putting puddy and goo on them

>> No.70941004
File: 10 KB, 572x51, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kaela elp

>> No.70941053

why does the goo sound so lewd

>> No.70941077

Can I buy this magic goo at walmart?

>> No.70941103

The sound effects for the garage bukkake bits are kinda intense.

>> No.70941118

your brain is consumed by porn. that sounds like the most cartoonish goo sound ever.

>> No.70941142

The car is your mom, you wouldn't goo your mom

>> No.70941171

Come on guys, there's nothing wrong with the goo sounds. It literally sounds like goo

>> No.70941177

yeah thats what you think until biboo is gargling your semen as you lay paralyzed in your bed that she steals too later on

>> No.70941191

They could at least make it believable and use duct tape.

>> No.70941259

>spray foam on your broken windows until they blast and repair themselves to 100% health
The goo was something else, but this is too much for me.

>> No.70941303

The bungee cords are on point at least.

>> No.70941351

That's a very good thing

>> No.70941376

>"I'm never getting a car. This stream has taught me that I never want a car"
>momseki weeps internally

>> No.70941427

New bread:

>> No.70941447

This car is getting hit by giant buzzsaws and ufos and other magic shit, think it's a bit less believable that tape will cut it

>> No.70941452

At least she won't kill anyone

>> No.70941657

