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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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70906088 No.70906088 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you think she hasn't been able to stream for 2 years?

>> No.70906273

My favourite suggestion that I've seen is that Mori accidentally killed her whilst drunk and the few streams she's done since then have actually been Mumei pretending to be Gura.

>> No.70906376

>Gura no stream thread
Nijisanji must had fucked up again.

>> No.70906516

I am the stairs that Mori pushed her down in a drunken rage.
Can confirm, Gura is dead.

>> No.70906533

Because she's made enough money that she doesn't need to work unless she wants to.

>> No.70906560

Not a mystery at all.

She takes a long break, returns and gets truckloads of money, gos away till the money is exhausted, rise and repeat.

Stop giving her money and this behavior stops. Unmember her and do not supa her until she streams at minimum once a week.

>> No.70906563

Holomems don't have to be streamers

>> No.70906572

It's pretty obvious she got married and is busy popping out kids, and I'm happy for her

>> No.70906657

Those kids?
All me.

>> No.70906807

>Free money whenever you want it
>Put in minimal effort otherwise, except for what you actually wanna do or be associated with
It's almost like living on NEETbux, but on steroids. Why would anyone make an effort doing something that has little to no additional payoff? She just ignores the problems her fans bring up until they stop bringing it up anyway, and chumbuds keep coming back for more. Hell, they just save up what they don't donate when she's not streaming and give it all away at once when she comes back 8 weeks later. If there's no penalty for not trying, why try?

>> No.70906896

HolofightZ is real...


>> No.70906959

Pregnancy unironically
Her competency at OPSEC points out to husband

>> No.70907153

I've been pounding her for 2 years now, please send help

>> No.70907178

>Mumei pretending to be Gura

>> No.70908298

her community

>> No.70908422

the bed those kids are conceived on?

>> No.70908457
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>> No.70908869

Like others have said, a kid is the most likely answer

>> No.70908990

it's IRyS's fault. remember that video where she whispered something into her ear. she tricked her into not streaming and ghosting everybody. jk.

>> No.70910370

Gura is NOT ONLY a menhera retard
She is also both lazy and inconsiderate

>> No.70910625

everything points to her finding her own happiness
but it doesn't involve us at all
t. day 1 chumbud

>> No.70910696

The answer for why Gura, Ina, Sana, Ame, Kronii, and Mumei were having so many breaks is contract issues. They literally can't explain their real motives because of the Hololive NDA. That is why the EN branch was having so many problems in 2022. Cover shills will ask for proof but half of Tempus were getting into fights with management over model redesigns and that started only a few months after their debut. Gura has frequently been described for her kindness and wants to help other talents who had bad luck with their designs.

>> No.70911058

>Gura has frequently been described for her kindness
>and wants to help other talents who had bad luck with their designs.

>> No.70911155

Southeast asians are weird for constantly making posts like this in regards to women living in countries where marriage rates and birthrates are low. Your posts just don't make sense on a statistical level.

>> No.70911383

She doesn't sound too happy so it couldn't be the cock carousel
Is that the type of comment you want fatherless brownoid?

>> No.70911573

she hasn't streamed as much because she figured out the code, she gets less income per stream because of comeback stream buffs and such, so it's just a matter of how much she is willing to "sacrifice" to get money.
Lets imagine with fictional numbers:
Streams Q | Amount earned since her return
>1 stream | $2000
>2 streams | $3000
>3 streams | $3500
>4 streams | $3900
lets imagine she thinks a stream is only worth doing if she gets at least $500, so in theory doing the 4th stream wouldn't be worth it, she'd rather take another long break and spend time with ___me

>> No.70911890

>She doesn't sound too happy so it couldn't be the cock carousel
that's a good point, very relieving.

>> No.70913058

Guru got knocked up that time Mori threw that party. Now she's dealing with a mudshark and the drama associated with that. Poor girl

>> No.70913135

The condom Gura poked holes in?
I'm him

>> No.70913977

I am also lazy and inconsiderate. My god, she's perfect.

>> No.70914514

She has given birth to me several times.

>> No.70914695

Its addiction behaviour. Drunks and drug addicts work in hot flashes like this. Go to any roofing crew and you will see the type that work suoer hard for a few months until they save enough to just get drunk and high and barely show up for work. Shes an alcoholic and only works enough to keep up her additive behaviour

>> No.70916929

This is simply not true.

>> No.70917007

She's always been able to stream when HoloEN debuts a new wave

>> No.70917248

>her additive behavior
I thought she was bad at math

>> No.70917275

I belieb...

>> No.70919083

burnout can also work like that, your survival instinct only kicks in when you don't have food for the next month, otherwise you watch youtube/play MMOs 24/7 just to forget you exist

>> No.70919467

You dont get burnout from not working. She hasnt streamed in two fucking years. That excuse has long since lapsed

>> No.70919567

Personal RRat

She told cover when her contract was up that she was going to go back to her PL and dropped the moose question her PL was known for to let fans know who she was. Cover said hold on we'll give you a high base salary just to keep the world's most subbed and biggest Vtuber in holo. Gura said "enough money to live my life and I don't have to do much work. Sure."

>> No.70919610

The reason Ame hasn't been streaming is because she saw it all unfold and is too traumatised. She doesn't leave Holo because she knows Mori will come for her to cut all loose ends, but she can't do it as long as she is in Hololive.

>> No.70919998

>/vt/ somehow doesn't know that vtubing died 2 years ago
excuse me?

>> No.70920076

She doesn't need to, she knows the cash will keep flowing.

>> No.70920077

She's been constantly pregnant with my children

>> No.70920237

Honestly she could never stream again and I'd keep my membership just because it's funny seeing sisters scramble like this when Kurosanji is burning.

>> No.70921862

shai hulud

>> No.70921887

She's based. All vtubers should graduate.

>> No.70924154
File: 204 KB, 512x512, gura retard helmet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has to wear a retard helmet because she can fall at random
shes sick, retard

>> No.70924964

She basically quit a year ago, but her IP is valuable to the company, so they don't want to graduate her. She collects royalties on merch and still gets contracted in for special events that she's a part of. She comes back every few months to do a stream or two whenever too many people cancel their memberships.

I would do the same in her position. You would too, anon.

>> No.70927459

She's realizing how stupid she is and can't get out of the persona built around her in jp

>> No.70929702

That just means she never had passion for vtubing. Not everyone is like that.

>> No.70929819

She was raped and can’t get over it.

>> No.70930245


>> No.70931032

She probably just got sick of the job but doesn't have the guts to quit because it would be such a huge deal if she did. Or maybe Yagoo begged her not to quit so they can still parade her face around even if she doesn't stream at all.

>> No.70931276

Gura probably tried to quit and was murdered by Yagoo's assassins and replaced with an advanced AI derived from military intelligence.

>> No.70931338

>guts to quit
She gets free money. Literally free money for doing nothing. Why the FUCK would she quit?

>> No.70931839

O no she has passion. She's just max level method actress becoming the anime girl in real life and using alcohol to curb reality. Also doesn't she have some greek heritage? Wasn't Atlantis and Reflect a dead give away? She'd be raising a family by now family would of made sure of that.

>> No.70931907

She's either raising a family or an alcoholic, pick one

>> No.70932212
File: 399 KB, 750x729, 1704092472372065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever the case is she doesn't respect the people who made her what she is today. It is quite deplorable. I was never a chumbud. I only subscribed a few months before Advent and wondered why the fuck she was never online until I learned that she abandoned vtubing. If there isn't a good reason for abandoning chumkeks, she is an awful person. Even being a mother wouldn't be an excuse to not do a few streams here and there. It's not like she has to wage cage. 24 hours a day 7 days a week are all hers.

>> No.70932266

PTSD from being raped and struggles every day of her life

>> No.70932498

She doesn’t care about you fucks and is living comfortably with her children [mine] in our home paid for by Chum cucks.,.

>> No.70932989

something absolutely 100% happened at the meet and greet with the rest of myth. you could maybe attribute it to the stars, which i know unicorn, but you can actually see that she stopped streaming the moment they appeared.
she's still obviously friends with ame, i guess, but gura has always been so fucking weird, hasn't she? like it took her how long to have a fucking collab one on one outside of myth, and then it was with anya?
she got along with council but then fucking just stopped collabing with them also, around the same time as that myth meet. someone had a chart. it was like nothing for months. snot. nothing. snots dead now. what happened, man. what happened?!
also why arent people allowed to be friends with roboco. i have so many questions and so few rrats

>> No.70941243

>Why do you think she hasn't been surpassed in 2 years?
Come on ENs, step it up

>> No.70941496

Heavy is the head that wears the crown

>> No.70941661

The sperm shot inside Gura's womb?

>> No.70941738

>Calvin Morrison

>> No.70943943

It was never a mystery at all, but peoples here are just ignorant retards. It has been explained on her membership streams and from another member that Gura had serious health issues last year, lots of fainting and low stamina, to the point that she was constantly accompanied by staff while in Japan. Yet despite the health issues, she continued to fly in and out of Japan to fulfill behind-the-scenes obligations - recordings and events. Last summer when Myth was all in Japan, I remember other members saying that they barely saw how due to how busy she was. This all got her burned out, and once her obligations were fulfilled, she took time off, to take care of her health and personal life. Now she returned, but she returned right before Holo Expo, so that will take her focus. After Holo Expo, she will likely return to a more stable streaming schedule. But you guys need to understand that those girls are no longer just streamers. Gura is a full-on Idol, and she is the Hololive mascot, their most valuable IP. She will always have offline obligations to fulfill, and it's unlikely that she will ever go back to the old daily schedule, of up to 12 hours long streams. So this 'Where is Gura... all she cares about is money' is getting old really fast.

>> No.70945424

She's terrified of her success. She has always been a shut in weirdo who's scared of her own shadow, anyone's who's watched her over the years has heard countless stories of how much anxiety and stress even the tiniest thing gives her. She's like Monk. The weight of having to come up with new things to talk about, to force herself to do stuff to have topics of conversation, is utterly draining and kills her motivation. She has no more childhood anecdotes or interesting stories at this point, so she fucks off for awhile until she's collected some new topics to go over with chat again. Until there's a few new games she hasn't played that she's excited to play on stream again. Then comes back, unloads her new stories, has fun with a few games, and the cycle repeats. It's been the same thing the last few times, I'm convinced this is pretty much all there is to it, there's no deep meaning, there's no fan hate, she's not lazy, she loves hololive.

>> No.70947730

the Vesper that sperm came from?

>> No.70949177

Sorry it's because I keep getting her pregnant. I just can't stop doing inside her raw.

>> No.70950197

Diapers those kids were put in?
God I wish that were me.

>> No.70953588

Anon Mumei's karaoke game is not that great

>> No.70957947

the most logical rrat
