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70872518 No.70872518 [Reply] [Original]

Now the dust has settled, do you forgive her?

>> No.70872555

I hope she dies of ass cancer

>> No.70872720

That's cruel.

>> No.70872769


>> No.70872815

there is something off about this picture

>> No.70872827

Let's forgive and forget. Her new audience will support her.

>> No.70872894
File: 15 KB, 112x112, kiraAyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I didn't even notice it.

>> No.70873983


>> No.70874130

Never, I have disowned her and her entire corpo

>> No.70874304

no. the dust will never settle. But she can never take back the semen i spilled for her on that ASMR stream. So it's her loss. I came, I came, I conquered, she betrayed, I left. She is not forgiven, but she is forgotten.

>> No.70874380

the hands

>> No.70874417

The hand on the flowers is a bit awkward but it could just be perspective

>> No.70874446

I always hated the corpo, because of the nation of it's origin and the ethnicity of it's rapist owners and managers.

>> No.70874549

Bladder cancer would be more poetic.

>> No.70874797

Never hated her in the first place. As long as she streams consistently, I'll be happy

>> No.70874837

peak cuck moment

>> No.70874898

if you like your streamers filled with men's dicks, who am i to judge?

>> No.70875153

This picture confuses me. What is her left arm doing that her hands end up where they are?

>> No.70875312

I think she's kinda retarded desu, abandoning one style of content just cuz she thinks she can do better doesn't normally work out well
there's prolly more goin on behind the scenes though, like a stalker tho

>> No.70875742

Boo bros deserve what happened for choosing to watch a Jewish gura knockoff.

>> No.70875752

credit where credit it due, she was good at the GFE stuff, that's why people are mad, cos it was GOOD GFE. Such a silly girl.

>> No.70875844

her left hand is just resting on her tummy holding the flowers, right hand out holding the protag's right hand, her eyes are looking at where the protag's eyes would be. Looks fine to me.

>> No.70875949
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...Are you sure about that?

>> No.70876008

For a brief moment, maybe because my brain just focused on the 'ass' part, I was thinking that would be hot.

>> No.70876070

anon look at entire arm is backwards look at the thumb

>> No.70876198
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If she does interesting streams and drop the cringe coomer content definitively, I'll watch her, now that she got rid of her groomers.
I've never gave her money, so I'm not one of her retarded paypigs that got fucked in the donothon.
I'm very happy that boobros got BTFO, literally the plague of Idol.

>> No.70876383

>I'm very happy that boobros got BTFO, literally the plague of Idol.
All boobros went to Poco now.

>> No.70876523

I will forgive her when she apologizes. So I guess never. She took advantage of people and their feelings. I’m sure there was a couple of weirdos but she didn’t have to be so cruel to everyone who enjoyed her old content. Additionally the PL activity really showed her true colors and sent a message about how she really felt about her fans. She pulled a Nyanners. She doesn’t stick by what she says and has no principles. She is only trying to please those who surround her at a given time. She has a lot of growing to do.

>> No.70876686

>got rid of her groomers
He doesn’t know

>> No.70877071

>got rid of her groomers
She got rid of her coomers, her groomers are still there

>> No.70877115

Nah, she can go fuck herself.

>> No.70877316

She's done that on stream before.

>> No.70877420

I mean fuck herself to death. Use a knife.
Also no she fucking hasn't. She refuses to insert anything.

>> No.70877509

glad I dropped her

>> No.70877598


>> No.70877615

you are deranged

>> No.70877672

Shes an animal abuser so no

>> No.70877876

Cry about it.

>> No.70878133

GFE chuubas are always grifters so im honestly more interested in her now than i was before, I’d rather she drop the grift then keep grifting but people don’t seem to agree

>> No.70878395

we just want to be loved. is that such a fuckin crime? anything to dull the loneliness. but she took that away too.

>> No.70878910

She's still with her /k/ groomers right? What's her donations looking like?

>> No.70879202

Pretty good, on her alt at least

>> No.70879373

gunfaggots are fucking cring. they can orbit her together playing soggy biscuit forever for all i care. i got my cummies out of it, later whore.

>> No.70879404

Who's that?

>> No.70879508

They're going to be seething over her for years to come, I'm going to enjoy watching it.

>> No.70879951

no seethe here. more like discarded like a used cumsock.

>> No.70880388

Get nigger raped

>> No.70880623

Nah. I hope she saves herself from being a lolcow's cumrag someday though.

>> No.70880753

Yes but I also didn't really watch her in the first place

>> No.70880754

Coomers gone, groomers won

>> No.70880812
File: 600 KB, 660x504, yuyudate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you mean op anon ? im still enjoying my date with yuyu <3

>> No.70880825

These are the same thing though

>> No.70881031

the simple truth is you will not truthfully get that from a streamer on the internet.
Nowhere. Never.
Its always nothing but a grift.

>> No.70881074

You can actually get it but in that case it'll be a case of menhera with a terrible conception of boundaries, and then you'll wish you were still lonely

>> No.70881104

nope. never giving up. i will hunt pristine cunny until the day i die. in a sea of tattooed hollowed out eggless whores, if there's a chance that even one is pure, then i will hunt.

>> No.70881204

nah, been with manipulative lying menhera's that made me want to end my life,sure it sucked, but still better than being alone by a magnitude of billions. someone to hug, and pussies feel nice, and kisses are nice. it's worth it, all of it, no matter how bad they are.

>> No.70881228

Seeing how much she's been drinking since the day she killed her fanbase, I wonder if even she forgives herself.

>> No.70881447

That's the thing, though.
Actual sex, hugs and kisses are so much stronger and more fulfilling than those empty fantasies a GFE sells you.

>> No.70881462

There's nothing to forgive, if bookeks had done their homework they should've known this tramp was a turboslut and only good for a wank or two

>> No.70881581

when there's not other option, and every bridge is burned within 6 degrees of separation of me, knowing i'll never get to hug another girl for the rest of my life, haven't been able to for 15 years, won't be able to in the next 40, GFE can be enough to turn rope into hope. like if you are strong enough to go it alone, good for you. i'm not.

>> No.70881642

they shouldn't have supported an israeli company to start with. like wtf did they think was gonna happen? Comfy uncle A tried to warn all of us, bookeks and Idol buttgoys didn't listen, and now they pay the price.

>> No.70881895

post skin tone

>> No.70881988

not until she posts feet

>> No.70882005

Just graduate already, cunt.

>> No.70882541

Never held a grudge, but it is still sad to experience as someone who watched her. Schizos went too far and ruined it for everyone, many such cases.

>> No.70882589

she ruined it for US. not the other way around. we were happy, we were cooming, SHE was happy, she was cooming. now there's nothing. bitch taketh away.

>> No.70882796
File: 9 KB, 238x211, yuyutard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nooooo anon you don't understand, she said she was happy and cared a lot about the boo bros, but she was ackshually super uncomfortable and unhappy with her content the entire time. she was a victim of us liking the content she was doing! we held her hostage! she felt like she couldn't stop! so she held on as long as she could until she couldn't take it anymore, disappeared, came back, told us she was changing her content style and would delete the member videos later that week, deleted the videos half an hour later, wiped all negative comments from the most familiar people in her chat, and blocked most of them on twitter. we gave her no other choice. she deserves sympathy

>> No.70882883

it's unironically hard to NOT get angry at that situation, so instead I just laugh. Fuckin women ey... LET'S HAVE SEX... NOW I REGRET IT...FOR NO FUCKING REASON.... SO I'LL 180 AND CALL IT RAPE...
we raped her in that ASMR.. we raped her with that plushie... we are rapists.

>> No.70883052

I had some sympathy for the boobros at first, but purposely false statements like this just make them out to be petty revisionists. Laughably the same thing they are angry about Yuko doing.

>> No.70883073

I see nothing wrong with a vtuber going back to their PL, current fans all know what it is anyways and can just go with it.
Anons in thread got freaked out by her going back to that account and started going full schizo thinking she wanted to abandon them and turned it into a self fulfilling prophecy by scaring her off.

>> No.70883283

you forgot all the shit she posted about "being at a crossroads" and "not sure what the future holds", the multiple vacations she was taking, the decline in quality of her streams, and the renewed communications with her past-life groomers and orbiters. those are necessary to provide a full picture, otherwise it just sounds like boobros randomly 'freaked out' for 'no reason', and at that point you might as well just go full tourist mode and start saying shit like "yeah they thought she was their real life girlfriend and when she said she wasn't, they went into an incel rage".

>> No.70883426

we'll never know what really happened, but what we do know, is that it involved a lot of dicks, going into a small girl that likes guns a lot. and not my dick. so fuck her, i'm out.

>> No.70883538

Have you considered it may be possible that that crossroads was leaving IDOL? Keep in mind this was just after Riro shitstrorm and the P stream which management got mad at her about. From what I saw that's what it sounded like at first.

>> No.70883597

Sure. But then, if she was already planning on leaving, it wouldn't be a 'self-fulfilling prophecy' anymore as anon claimed.

>> No.70883749

the getting rid of gfe/coomer content was the self fulfilling part, my guess is that happened after anons went full schizo and freaked her out, there is little difference between gfe/coomer content on a pl and on her corpo in terms of who would watch it if she left

>> No.70884265

I don't know anything and membershipped yesterday

>> No.70884512
File: 18 KB, 640x480, considerthefollowing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ man do we need a thread on this chick every single day?

She pulled a really fucking bitch move, an lost a large chunk of her viewership and superchats as a result. Is it really worth your time repeating the same betrayal thread over and over? Just find someone else in the ocean of GFEtubers who actually care about their audience, and let her enjoy her 2view future.

You guys are just acting like women at this point, bitching about the same shit over and over again when it's long dead.

>> No.70884573

if she expected anything less she's fucking retarded. you build your brand on providing level 100 maximum strength gfe and then disappear - except popping up now and again on your PL openly hanging out with her old groomers with twitter handles like "oshi killer" who publicly talk shit about you and your fellow community members with no reaction whatsoever from her - then you better be ready for the fans you cultivated to have strong reactions. "If the boo bros hadn't reacted so poorly to her disappearance and PL groomer bullshit arc, she'd still be doing gfe" is a stupid take. No gfe streamer's audience would ever see that shit happening and just shrug it off with no reaction. It's an impossibility. So why bother pretending it was ever even a possible outcome.

>> No.70884611

I can forgive I just can't forget. You're on your own lil' man don't ask me for shit.

>> No.70885160

My rrat is that it's a LARP to try and get the boobros to feel bad because
>Oh no she is destroying her life I love her too much to let her do that

>> No.70885392
File: 70 KB, 764x1002, 1687668599849054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only one way I'll forgive her. If she were to openly go back to doing GFE content, apologize, and find regular ways to humiliate and degrade herself for her viewer's pleasure, I'll come back. I want her confidence to break as she realizes she needs to be loyal and lewd to survive in content creation.

>> No.70885463

is this the pissgirl that cucked her fans?

>> No.70886523

>t. groomer

>> No.70886730

Didn't someone die of that after wishing it on someone on twitter a couple of years back?

>> No.70886859


>> No.70886901

I think most vtuber audiences would be concerned if the content creator was associating with people who shit on their own fans. Makes me wonder if Yuko was actually retarded enough to think people couldn’t see her likes and follows.

>> No.70887064

Impressive. I didn't expect anyone on /vt/ to know about someone that was mostly known on /v/.

Regardless. I mentioned it because I genuinely don't want karma giving you ass cancer, anon.

>> No.70887135

I distinctly remember him apologizing for that.(before he found out he had ass cancer)

>> No.70887171

Even more money than before.

>> No.70887202

Yeah just not from streaming

>> No.70888650


>> No.70888765

No, maybe when she stops being corporate property.

>> No.70888832

The piss stream was months before anything that happened and she barely got in any trouble for it, she was never close with Riro, and that post about being at a crossroads came literally a week after she posted publicly that Idol was "so back" from whatever contract renegotiation arc they went through.

>> No.70891336

I wanted to watch her because anons here told me had some good asmrs but this bitch deleted them all.

>> No.70891413

She’s getting it from somewhere lol. How is she gonna afford to do all these vlogs especially in Japan? Is it all on the company credit card? She’s not getting money from donos and a couple hundred 5$ memberships aren’t gonna pay the bills alone. Add revenue isn’t gonna be high either with how little views she gets.

>> No.70891547

She had like 5 of them. They were good but people mostly liked her because she was very interactive with community and reciprocated feelings of love towards parasocial fans. She deleted any evidence of that too.

>> No.70892328

Yeah you are just getting emotionally manipulated and abused. All GFE is a scam.

>> No.70892546

What compels a vtuber to drop good money because of groomers? How retarded can you be that you're gonna listen to the worst possible kind of viewer, that probably doesn't even support you financially? Those niggers always want to keep the chuuba for themselves and will rejoice in your career crashing and burning if that means you'll need their validation

>> No.70892934

absolutely nothing to forgive. I applaud her actually, it takes guts to want to better yourself and your content from mindless coomer schlock into more pg-13 stuff. She seems happy and excited and is streaming more than she used to, good for her. I'm enjoying watching her a lot.

>> No.70892975

Really it’s a service for people who are lonely and struggling. It can be unhealthy if the person starts to avoid real relationships for GFE and doesn’t make any effort to better their situation. It’s a service that has to be handled with care as it has a lot of strings attached. Yuko is an example of what is not acceptable for GFE imo

>> No.70893142

What are you talking about? She does not live in Japan

>> No.70893201

See this is why what she did is so awful. The gaslighting is fucked. You have no idea why people are upset with her. She completely deflected the issue. The content change is the tip of the iceberg.

>> No.70893241

Glad she managed to shed the incels. We need more people like her in the industry to clean house.
>Are you going to watch her now?

>> No.70893244

No she’s gonna travel there. Not cheap.

>> No.70893303

Do people even watch her?

>> No.70893673

>owning le incels
Go back

>> No.70893819

I just listen to Nene Amano for that, I'm aware that it's all bullshit but when she mentions the lovey lovey shit it makes me feel something. I definitely feel more outgoing and positive since I started falling asleep to her streams, even if she sometimes destroys my eardrums trying to kiss the mic

>> No.70893966

> She refuses to insert anything.
Not if it's dark enough KWAB!

>> No.70894300

oh I know why, boobros won't shut up about it. "She told us to love her! She whispered sweet nothings in our ear then threw us away like trash for her boyfriend!" I simply never look behind the curtain myself, I don't care about forbidden knowledge and never seek it. Because the fact is, 95% of chuubas are married or have a boyfriend, despite what they say. And all asmr/cutesy member posts are just to milk cash, none of them "care" about the faceless mob throwing money at them beyond that fact: they are just an aggregate entity feeding them cash that they feel grateful toward and rely on. Like a queen bed and her thousands of drones. No more no less.

TKDR: I know I don't personally matter to my oshi, if I delude myself into thinking I do that path only ever leads to heartbreak and sadness.

>> No.70895000

The BF shit is speculation. I believe it because of the strong circumstantial evidence but again the main reasons people are pissed is: associating with people who openly shit on her community, lying about her not getting support for her skit content, lying about wanting to be honest with her fans, deleting evidence of her her interactions so she doesn’t look bad, lying about never ghosting, ghosting other idol talents, deleting donothon goals and rewards after people have paid for, force unfollowing a bunch of her ex fans from her pl, deleting comments that are critical of her, not taking people’s feeling seriously and giggling during her announcement… the list goes on

>> No.70895229

like I said, I don't follow PL stuff, I don't look for RM stuff, I don't stalk her discords, I don't care what she does with her free time. That goes for all chuubas I watch. Nothing good ever comes of that. Obviously they care more about their real friends and family and people they've known forever more than YouTube chat randos. That should be a given. I know that, and most boobros know that. So don't look into that shit when you know it's just going to make you feel bad. Watch streams, follow only Yuko idol twitter and you'll enjoy yourself in blissful ignorance. It's like being pissed off at an actress because the character they play on a show isn't the same in real life, it's stupid and unproductive.

>> No.70895371

nope, her groomers were very anti-GFE

>> No.70895609

I didn’t look very hard. She wanted people to find it and that’s pretty clear. Also a bunch of boo bros were also fans of her PL so they found out when she reactivated posted on her old youtube channel. I wish I could have stayed ignorant of what happened but the info spread like wild fire /here/ and on the discord.

>> No.70895664

The official discord that is

>> No.70897052

she has made searching the archive really obnoxious so no.

>> No.70897671

It is like a drug dealer and an addict. It isn’t healthy.

>> No.70897992

I dont think anyone thinks gfe is like gfs, its just lonely dudes using it to cope. Peopple that use gfe are probably not gonna get a real gf anytime soon anon.

Tbf its more like dont waste your time on EN gfes, just learn JP. EN gfe doesn't work out.

>> No.70898838

I'll forgive her when she fucks herself with a dildo in ASMR\.

>> No.70898851

So how is her superchat situation going right now, has her new and "improved" content brought some good return back?

>> No.70899205

Of course it has friend! The Yas queen slay fatherless tranigger crowd surely will stick around and support her in her current and future endeavors! Not sure how you thought they were just here to own le unichuds.........

>> No.70899228

At the end of the day I'm also sad that she sacrificed everything for vlog content, next to react streams that shit is the most normie content out of there and not something I want to see vtubers doing

>> No.70901806

No, that's mozzu

>> No.70902152

>Cucked her fans
Never happened.
These two qualifiers are for yuko, maybe fuyo if you reach enough.

>> No.70903608

What she did was the textbook definition of a woman moment. Got enough money and disowned the fanbase she cultivated with no remorse. Once she goes broke I hope none of you get deceived again.

>> No.70904205

This. People are too worked up shitting on GFEfags that it's become a smokescreen for her suicidal choice in channel direction. It's an area that she can't make engaging by the merit of being a vtuber and doing something she just isn't entertaining at. I've seen her room tour, her commentary was point at furniture and say "This is a thing."
Didn't she do an explanation video the other day about why she's doing vlogs? Anybody got a tl;dw of her points?

>> No.70904707

anon, you should know that rationality and intelligence is not welcome on /vt/

>> No.70905021

I think he was well known in general, especially among pc gamers since he kinda focused on shitting on bad ports and such

>> No.70905335

Fuyo cucked them day 1. But since she handled matters apropiately it didn't matter

>> No.70905418

I can't belive he actually died of ass cancer.
What a legend

>> No.70905642
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>> No.70905998

She literally got rid of the boobroos to stay with her groomers.
This is not even a joke or hyperbole

>> No.70907754

Hey you can't just show up and post unspoken truths. You might break the fantasy for people.

>> No.70907825

fippy bippy

>> No.70910592

>nobody posted the member post collage
It's no wonder femanons showed up to defend what she did.
