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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 455 KB, 1080x1338, 20210217_195101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
708505 No.708505[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This some dumb shit, why can't western indies gain an audience without e-whoring. Use your avatar you paid $3k for. Hiding name because she probably would like the attention.

>> No.708522

im gonna cum

>> No.708615

Disgusting tattoo. 3DPD whore

>> No.708632
File: 50 KB, 536x550, 1602846852193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After a quick google search, it appears she cosplays her avatar, so this doesn't seem out of place

>> No.708677

There are a couple e-whores in holo too but at least they have the decency of separating from the character.

>> No.708679
File: 71 KB, 974x643, 1552883052222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.708756

nope not an avatar cosplay thats a bunny suit and her avatar is for horny baiting anyways

>> No.708803

Yeah man I get you it's so disgusting.What's the name tho (so I can report it)

>> No.708824


>> No.708850

Why do tattoos piss people off so much

>> No.708939

I mean, this one looks like shit. What is that? A teacup?

>> No.709083

Tattoos are for criminals and sailors.

>> No.709097

They look like trash and are often associated with the most degenerate people in society from betas to criminals to fat people to single moms and Karens.

>> No.709168

This particular one looks like dogshit

>> No.709222

It covers up the skin. It's like clothing but you can't remove it. Also it creates asymmetry.

>> No.709251

>noooo don't use your pattern recognition skills to determine anything that can hurt female feelings

>> No.709366


like half of the holojp's have tattoos...

>> No.709415

What does this even mean
Any time I see any picture of someone posted with a tattoo I just see tons of responses that show disdain and disgust towards having one and I just didn't get what the big deal was

>> No.709441

Unless it has meaning, it's sort of like destroying something real expensive or old for no reason

>> No.709512

it's very easy to correlate tattoos on women with degenerate behaviour
you sound underaged frankly, so i understand your ignorance

>> No.709530
File: 2 KB, 240x240, 1612722896089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least post believable rrats

>> No.709544


>> No.709546

half of this board are purityfags so tattoo's symbolize loss of purity.

They are also stuck in the 1950's, see:

>> No.709576

Please tell who this vtuber is so I can make fun of her

>> No.709580

Some people read that tattoos used to be seen as trashy in the 1950s and earlier and decided to adopt that opinion as their own for some reason. See >>709083

>> No.709600

lurk moar newfag

>> No.709685

t. Death the Kid

>> No.709751

tattoos are bad because they indicate poor character. Mentally ok people don't get tattoos
Granted mentally OK people don't generally become chuubas either but we're talking about tats here.

>> No.709781
File: 40 KB, 486x479, lewd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H.Live_En is coming https://twitter.com/HLive_En/status/1349792599373205507

>> No.709795

mentally ok people don't use this site so lets see ur tats

>> No.709869

it's a good gauge to determine if the person is a dumb fucking faggot or not

>> No.709916

urs first

>> No.709956

>all women should be vapid, braindead sluts
>if you disagree with me, you're a chud

>> No.709968

That shit sucks man, give me the source so i can block her, i don't wanna see that stuff in my timeline.

>> No.709995

The source is

>> No.710007

Cope. To any respectable person over 18, they look like trash and everyone with one thinks they're some special snowflake for having one. I'd rather meet a criminal than another degenerate faggot with memes, brands and logos, or pointless garbage inked into your skin.

>> No.710009
File: 510 KB, 860x777, 1591989362182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They look like trash and are often associated with the most degenerate people in society from betas to criminals to fat people
sounds like the average 4chan enjoyer

>> No.710044

this is just embaressing

>> No.710045
File: 54 KB, 489x638, 52331a7c5322c.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they inspire an instinctual revulsion in me. it's like they always come off as degenerate and ugly to me no matter what. I wasn't brought up this way. Usually when I see a person with a lot of tattoos, they 100% fall into the broken person category. Pic related is also something that is a huge red flag you're talking to a mentally ill person.

>> No.710053

guys, tattoos imply instant gratification and a lack of long-term planning.

Some people are fine with em and will still be ok with them decades from now but they are the EXCEPTION to the rule

>> No.710085

4channers aren't criminals, just shut-ins who do absolutely nothing, good or bad

>> No.710086
File: 79 KB, 315x279, 1604250273108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see what you're trying to do anon

>> No.710122

What's anon trying to do?

>> No.710142

I agree, but I know a jp indy that does this too.

>> No.710143

And we hate ourselves more than anyone else.

>> No.710191

Everyone know how Japan feels about tattoos. The only one I could see having one for real is Lamy

>> No.710194

so amelia watson is a criminal then?

>> No.710196

Sheep confirmed, get back to the_donald

>> No.710302

lack of being able to differentiate the opinions of the self from other people around them is a symptom of severe mental illness

>> No.710342
File: 365 KB, 900x900, 1608636997623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she stole my heart

>> No.710346

they make my pp unhard

>> No.710350
File: 1.92 MB, 1323x1871, 1585973004388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, most are not criminal, but many are fat, ugly and degenerate betas.
grandstanding about degeneracy in this shithole always confuses me, sounds like a huge amount of cognitive dissonance to me.

>> No.710354

>all women should be boring prudes

>> No.710408


>> No.710427

He's just trying to block that shameless slut from his twitter timeline

>> No.710429

I mean vtubers don't tend to have ink on their avatars and that attracts a crowd of purity fags. even though most of them actually have tattoo's in real life.

>> No.710430

>implying there isn't a middle ground

>> No.710487
File: 166 KB, 910x1024, 1603272020279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they should though, we need a few vtubers with womb tattoos because it makes my dick hard

>> No.710505

If you talk about how degenerate something is it makes you feel better about the fact that you will never contribute anything of worth to society, I guess.
>I'm not what's wrong with society, look I'm fighting in the culture war!!!

>> No.710518

>Not having tattoos makes you a boring prude
Or maybe women shouldn't be objectified to the point they feel like they need makeup, jewlry, and tattoos to look interesting when they aren't "conventionally attractive"

>> No.710519

That's because tattoos are ugly, and vtuber avatars are designed to be attractive. You have to be over 18 with the mentality of a 6 year old to permanently draw on your skin.

>> No.710527

the middle ground is a nice girl with some tasteful artwork on her body you drooling retard. the tattoo in the OP is trash though.

>> No.710566

>artwork on your body

>> No.710580
File: 8 KB, 128x128, 1608641057411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

much of this entire website suffers from some form of social anxiety.
this usually involves a sense of worry about "doing the wrong thing" in social situations, which may extend to life in general. 4channers fear behaving wrongly, paralyzing them, and trapping themselves in an endless cycle of self-criticism. they do this because they desperately desire to be accepted by others.
anons apply this need for moral behavior to the rest of society

>> No.710599

>much of this entire website suffers from some form of social anxiety.
Speak for yourself.

>> No.710607

What would she have?
Tramp stamp or womb runes?

>> No.710630

i do. why do you think i didn't say "all of this entire website"

>> No.710639

>Everyone should look and think exactly how I want them to or they're a sheep
This is your brain on reddit

>> No.710648

If they don't come from tradition or having a legitimate meaning, they nearly always signify a moron, a degenerate moron or an impulsive nutcase. It's not just women, either.

>> No.710653

purityfags altho some are objectively aesthetically displeasing

>> No.710654

if they aren't your taste that's your right as a faggot but when me and most men see a girl with nice tattoos... diamonds

>> No.710663

Full back tattoo

>> No.710668
File: 409 KB, 900x894, 1591423544354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you need to perform body modification that the vast majority of the population perceive as trashy to not be a boring prude
you're painfully retarded. i know you think permanently stamping some random bullshit on your skin is edgy and cool because you're in an angsty rebellious phase, but when you grow out of it in your late 20s and need to perform a very painful procedure to get rid of that pickle rick tattoo you'll regret it.

>> No.710681

Double ironic

>> No.710698

They're still trashy. OTOH, I'm cool with body and face piercings since they're removable. Tattoos are for people that can't think long term.

>> No.710728

No Tattoos are just trashy. Several of my cousins have them and I always feel bad for them.

>> No.710747
File: 61 KB, 585x593, excellent-leg-guys-pickle-rick-tattoos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holy shit, she's so fucking interesting

>> No.710753

>when me and most men
Lol, no. Tolerating tattoos is peak white-trash or subhuman behavior.

>> No.710761

>any japanese person
>tattoos in real life
go back. you don't know a single thing about japanese culture. why are you even here?

>> No.710763

most of these girls are social outcasts and rejects. the ones I've seen with tattoos are polka, korone and ame but I assume there are more

>> No.710797

Asymmetry is cool tho

>> No.710838

Left looks like kson.

>> No.710858
File: 210 KB, 362x378, 1613556126513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck am i still here, this board must have one of the highest underage concentrations on the site

>> No.710857

if you think tattoo's are "angsty" or "cool" you are a moron. people just like to have memories of their life to carry with them permanently. nothing edgy about it. get out of the basement and go to the store or something for once

>> No.710863

Projecting is one way tattoofags cope with they're shitty life decisions.

>> No.710875
File: 136 KB, 400x298, 1404456565475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter. None of this matters.

>> No.710880

I highly doubt that most of any group save Amerimutt millennials are tattooed.

>> No.710916

>every single tattoo is of pickle rick

>> No.710917

shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up

>> No.710928

I think tattoos can look good, but only if they are substantial. Like a sleeve, full back or full body. Small tattoos look trashy. Maybe its only because the people who get these small tattoos are mostly trashy degenerates who can't afford real art, but I'm not sure.

>> No.710964

Might as well be

>> No.710970


Do you have a cuck fetish or something?

>> No.711008

>people just like to have memories of their life to carry with them permanently. nothing edgy about it.
It literally is though
You can remember stuff through other ways, you know

>> No.711053

You don't know a single thing about it. We aren't in feudal japan anymore. Weebs who haven't grown up in Japan are the equivalent of wiggers. Actual waste of resources

>> No.711059

I can count the number of tattoos that aren't pop culture references or art pieces on one hand. How are these memories of their life? I played Mega Man a lot as a kid, it was one of my first games. I never felt the need to ink an energy tank on my arm to "carry the memory with me."

>> No.711108

Do you have a molestation fetish?

>> No.711177


>> No.711180

>Doubling down
Anyone who talks about degeneracy unironically on this website is an election tourist, and you didn't lurk enough to belong here

>> No.711217

Everyone's too busy being mad about the ugly tattoo and not the e-whoring damn

>> No.711226
File: 443 KB, 1899x1967, angry-watame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonchama.. Only boomer nips actually care these days and you'd know that if you know a single japanese person under the age of 40

>> No.711292

Tats are fine, but this one is horrible.

>> No.711305

bro you're gonna get killed in the racewar epic fail

>> No.711308

Have you ever actually been to japan? or are you just going by twitter cosplayers that use temporary tattoos for shoots and reddit hearsay? It's not even close to socially acceptable to have tattoos in modern japan, even to young japanese people. They still force you to wear suits and be cleanshaven in 99% of professions.

>> No.711352

e-whores are a diamond dozen, the name is censored so who even knows if this is actually a vtuber

>> No.711371

>Tats are fine

>> No.711433

that tummy is so sexy. what's her name?

>> No.711493

Found your problem.

>> No.711509

mori has the dumbest tattoo I’ve ever seen like at least make that shit more subtle

>> No.711511

Many professions in america they get you to wear suits and be clean shaven. Japan is more traditionalist but as the years go by things get more lax. Young people in japan have better things to worry about than people with tattoos. Most people here would prefer someone with a tattoo over a NEET who doesn't contribute

>> No.711533

fuck off chud

>> No.711635


>> No.711804

They look like injuries or disease in your peripheral vision, then when you look at them because that's an unconscious reaction to sickies they're usually retarded bull crap like a tea cup with a flower on it. So it's kind of like that game people do where they make the okay sign on their leg and punch you for looking at it, except instead of getting punched you see something ugly and lose 0.1 seconds of your life.

>> No.711827
File: 433 KB, 1536x2048, 1601288253205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vgh, my body, a canvas

>> No.711865

It's self mutilation.

>> No.712050

Cause the shits fucking ugly. And there's no meaning outside of 'I'm stupid and this shits gonna look great when my skin starts sagging or I get fat from pregnancy or whatever'

>> No.712069
File: 167 KB, 757x1253, 1611961458951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Derailed thread but tattoos are sexy and if you think otherwise you're outing yourself as a massive faggot.

>> No.712095
File: 459 KB, 1080x1338, 20210217_211128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes it's a vtuber

>> No.712107

>people like to attention whore
Yes and fat people love to eat. Any other copes?

>> No.712148

Yeah anon, you're literally the gold standard for actual literal faggot. You'd rather look at ink than a womans skin. Top flaming homo.

>> No.712172
File: 1.22 MB, 1344x1946, 1611797977985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe harder purityfag.

>> No.712179

just look up the words in the tweet. honestly kinda hot ngl desu

>> No.712214


>> No.712227

No one's seething but you hoto. Thankfully the majority of folks hate the shit and appropriately shun you fucks.

>> No.712230

just ask a girl to wear a zentai suit for chrissakes

>> No.712235

He's right though, and no amount of buzzwords you use will change the fact these tattoos will start to look more and more like shit with each passing year due to age.

>> No.712243

it's usually of something equally vapid like chinese characters said person can't understand or a rose or unicorn. the real dumb ones get people's names. i'm glad tattoos are a thing though because it's an immediate red flag you can see at a glance.

people like this however are coping with the fact that they probably have one themselves or a fetish for them

>> No.712260
File: 3.88 MB, 2332x3144, nakiriayame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must not leave the house if you think you're in the majority here.

>> No.712289
File: 91 KB, 600x850, 1612550930877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women in general look like shit with each passing year due to age. Non argument.

>> No.712317

but what about womb tattoos?
like in the doujin

>> No.712389

thoughts on these kind of american tattoos?

>> No.712498

This board should be age restricted

>> No.712516 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 476x717, 1611588336523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw older brother has giant tattoos of a bulbasaur and a full body picture of a random anime girl
>only started watching said anime a month before he got it and doesn't even play pokemon
>Hasn't even been into anime for a year yet
>wears singlets and shorts all the time so they're constantly in full view
>tfw he wants to get OC's of his tattooed onto him next
The pickle rick isn't looking too bad in comparision, as horrible as it sounds

>> No.712546

4chan is age restricted, not that the teens browsing this shithole care.

>> No.712556

I know anonchamas have never touched a woman before but can you make it a little less obvious?

>> No.712608

I was going to wish you luck and that their autism wasn't genetic, but then I realized your posting on a bulletin board made for simping over anime girls

>> No.712615

Body is a temple.

>> No.712655

I like them,but tatting a cup of tea is kinda stupid

>> No.712733

ITT: Fags who don’t even have the option to choose between tattoo’d and untattoo’d women thinking anyone cares

>> No.712976

your taste reps anon...

>> No.713038

It shows a lack of restraint and lack of long term thinking. Its a lack of respect for oneself. It is a call for attention and a stupid attempt to stand out from the masses.

>> No.713097

>Western whores
>not being disgusting trash
They're westerner for a reason anon. Most of western women, especially those who have a twitter account are whores.

>> No.713099

post sauce or fuck off

>> No.713132

Beating your meat everyday shows a lack of restraint and lack of long term thinking. It’s a lack of respect for oneself.

>> No.713139

You can't be cucked if said girl doesn't even know about you,faggot.How could she if you never go outside anyways?

>> No.713145

ironically not having a tattoo is the new having a tattoo in western culture. Their desperate attempt to be unique has made them the same as everyone else.

>> No.713258

well made tattoos look pretty cool. this one looks like fucking shit with awful fading

>> No.713292

This is true, it's getting harder to find people who are not tattooed here.

>> No.713298

This tattoo actually looks halfway through the removal process

>> No.713331

imagine having a nice building and someone sprayed graffiti all over it

>> No.713378

You ever find some of your online posts you made a few years ago and cringe hard?
And then there are people doing this to their own body and wearing those posts in public, in real life.

>> No.713445

Jerking off doesn't have permanent effects and its a natural human urge that has zero consequences. Deciding to pierce your skin to form a pretty picture is retarded.

>> No.713447
File: 94 KB, 827x996, image0 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is meant to be a joke, but there's nothing more sexually arousing than a woman with an actual personality and sense of humour. I have a charisma fetish.
Maybe its just scarcity artificially inflating value, but the few women I've met who've been able to hold an interesting conversation are the ones I end up lusting for hardest.

>> No.713550

By your logic you are literally preferring to watch pixels than real human women. You are the king of all faggots

>> No.713579

>Jerking off doesn’t have permanent effects

>> No.713613

>interesting personality
>literally the same "uniqueness" as the rest of the girl that look alike
also woman don't have any sense of humour at all besides "dank memes xd" or reaction images of trans/gay people

>> No.713675
File: 435 KB, 680x581, E703359F-72FF-4D56-9D09-F796E9E8121D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impulsive women = Diamonds

>> No.713687

you haven't spoken to enough women. I swear they do exist, they're just exceptionally rare.

>> No.713918

just the fact that you speak of it like something rare, makes me think you are the one that didn't talk to a lot of women, there's no such a thing as a sign that mades you realize who is interesting, the only way to find out is to talk to them but danger signs are true, just like how you wouldn't want to deal with people with divorced parents

>> No.713955


Quoted directly from wiki:

>Masturbation among adolescents contributes to their developing a sense of mastery over sexual impulses, and it has a role in the physical and emotional development of prepubescents and pubescents.
>The American Medical Association declared masturbation as normal by consensus in 1972.[55] It does not deplete one's body of energy[56] or produce premature ejaculation.[57] The medical consensus is that masturbation is a medically healthy and psychologically normal habit.

I'd love to hear where any established medical associations mention that jerking off has adverse long term effects. Do you just mindlessly repeat whatever the No Fap gods tell you? Seethe harder.

>> No.714122

I've seen a lot of pictures and video's of Ame's room mate but never saw a tattoo. Is it one of those little stars on the top of her foot or something? Daddy's little princess on her wrist?
